still being charged for CGP Composer 2 after deletion - google-cloud-platform

I had Composer 2 instance and deleted it, but for some reason still being charged a few bucks for Cloud Composer Compute mCPUs and Cloud Composer Compute Memory. Could those be delayed charges or something? I thought it might be, but it has been a couple of days and i am still seeing charges. Cloud Composer Environment Fee is not being charged after deletion, it is only CPU and Memory.
Tried contacting support but no reply yet.
Anyone had the same situation?

I forgot to delete the persistent disk. Deleting the Cloud Composer environment does not delete its persistent disk.


how to mitigate storage has grown to 10TB in GCP instance

I have GCP instance.
My Database size was 300GB.
but the instance size was growing to 10TB.
where my remaining size going?
I have running ongoing replication from AWS DMS to GCP .
Please help me.
Probably your bin logs/wal logs have grown a lot without you noticing it, you can check for this at metrics explorer and check for the detailed storage of your instance. There is no way in GCP to shrink the disk on your own so you will have to either migrate your instance into a new one with an smaller disk or open a ticket to Cloud Support and ask them to shrink your disk once you configure your instance properly

How to delete EBS volume before or after free trail ends?

I once tried to study AWS in free-trial months. After I stopped accessing this account, I noticed that I was billed for AWS. The billing management console says that I was billed for using "EBS". How can I delete these services?
I searched in a search box "EBS" but didn't find any.
I thought it might be these two and deleted all the volumes in the region, but I am not sure.
Yes. Those are the only 2 you could be paying up for, assuming you had not performed any fast restores or used the EBS direct APIs.
Volumes and their snapshot, even if not in use, still incur storage costs.
Your free trial probably ended or you were using more than what the free tier allowed.
If you have deleted all volumes and snapshots, you will not incur any more costs.
Volumes and Snapshots are under the EBS section on the EC2 Page -

How often does AWS refresh billing regarding EC2 instances?

About 10h-18h ago I lauched several spot instances and used them for some time before I terminated them.
The AWS "Billing & Cost Management Dashboard" keeps showing me zeroes...
How do I track my expenses?
Do I need to enable something?
P.S. It's an old account and as I understand there is no free tier here
It refreshed almost at 24h mark...
aws billing refresh speed is remarkably slow

GCP - Cluster and database are turned off, but I am still charged

Please, I have a problem, that I have turned off my database and cluster, but I am still charged with only small price difference.
Commnand for turning off Cluster:
gcloud container clusters resize dev-cluster --num-nodes=0
For database:
gcloud sql instances patch app-dataase-dev --activation-policy NEVER
The one cluster and Sql database is only one and one. Yesterday 7th Jan., it was whole day turned off and I am still charged for almost same price, like it was not. I am sure that pool was empty and database was turned off. Also check the days before. At 3 - 5. Jan it was running like 5 hours per day and price difference is almost nothing.
I am not able to reach GCP support, because I am not on paid program.
Please could anyone help me find solution for this?
From Pricing:
GKE clusters accrue a management fee of $0.10 per cluster per hour, irrespective of cluster size or topology
This is probably the cause of the continued charges you are seeing for your cluster. Although one zonal cluster per billing account should be free according to the same documentation.
I would suggest contacting Billing Support, which is available for all Google Cloud accounts irrespective of any Technical Support plan you may or may not have.
If you are not using your Cluster you can delete it to avoid future charges:
gcloud container clusters delete
gcloud container clusters delete NAME [NAME …] [--async] [--region=REGION | --zone=ZONE, -z ZONE] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG …]
Same thing for your sql instance, you can delete your instance:
gcloud sql instances delete [INSTANCE_NAME]
Even though your Cluster has 0 nodes and your instance is not receiving data, they are still using resources that is why you see that charge.
Additionally, Keep in mind that your Billing report is associated with your Billing Account, and if this Billing Account is linked to other projects that are generating costs, those costs will be reflected in the Billing Report.
To confirm if billing is enabled on a project you could consult the following documentation
Its long responses. I will add only results:
Its true, that you are billed $0.10 per cluster hour. #Nahuel.
To disable all paid features you need to disable billing for a project:
disable billing
enable billing, but After 30 days with disabled billing, all resources will be destroyed.
Also they said, that if you want to keep your project running, and fully turn off, you need to destroy it all.
I will go with turning off whole project, which is ok now for me. I have there only dev things. I hope this could be helpful for others, who would like to save some money.
Thanks to responders for help! :)

GCP billing support needed - services stopped and yet still get charge

i am a bronze GCP user who ended the trial. I need guide on why i still get charges when my VM are not running, disable google cloud SQL service.
Screenshot here
Thank you for your input
I can't say for sure because your Google Drive link isn't publicly shared, but your charges could be due to the resources attached to your VM. From GCP's documentation on stopping an instance:
Your instances are not charged for per-second usage charges in TERMINATED state but any resources attached to the virtual machine will be charged until they are deleted, such as static IPs and persistent disks.
GCP billing support will likely be of more help to you in this case than Stack Overflow. Even if you don't have a premium support package you can still request a chat to resolve billing issues.