How do i test a function which uses filepath.walk - unit-testing

I have a function which gets all PDF files in a directory and returns the files if there are some.
func GetPdfFiles(path string) ([]string, error) {
var files []string
err := filepath.Walk(path, func(path string, info fs.FileInfo, err error) error {
if strings.HasSuffix(path, ".pdf") {
files = append(files, path)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if files == nil {
return nil, errors.New("No PdfFiles found.")
return files, nil
My Test function gets the error: nil, from the filepath.Walk function which requires a anonymous function that returns an error, but it should get the error from the if statements like in the case of the second testcase with no files it should return errors.New("No PdfFiles found.").
How can i test it correctly.
func TestGetPdfFiles(t *testing.T) {
type args struct {
path string
cwd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
want []string
wantErr bool
{name: "2PdfFiles", args: args{path: fmt.Sprintf("%s/testData/", cwd)}, want: []string{fmt.Sprintf("%s/testData/test-1.pdf", cwd), fmt.Sprintf("%s/testData/test-2.pdf", cwd)}, wantErr: false},
{name: "noPdfFiles", args: args{path: fmt.Sprintf("%s", cwd)}, want: nil, wantErr: true},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
got, err := GetPdfFiles(tt.args.path)
if (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
t.Errorf("GetPdfFiles() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tt.want) {
t.Errorf("GetPdfFiles() got = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)

You use dependency injection, and modify your function to accept an implementation of fs.FS. That lets your tests pass it a mock file system.
Or, perhaps simpler for your use case, modify your GetPdfFiles() to accept a directory walker function with the same signature as path.WalkDir():
package main
import (
func GetPdfFiles(root string) ([]string, error) {
return GetPdfFilesWithWalker(root, filepath.WalkDir)
type DirectoryWalker = func(string, fs.WalkDirFunc) error
func GetPdfFilesWithWalker(root string, walk DirectoryWalker) (fns []string, err error) {
collectPdfFiles := func(fn string, info fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
if ext := strings.ToLower(path.Ext(fn)); ext == ".pdf" {
fns = append(fns, fn)
return nil
err = walk(root, collectPdfFiles)
return fns, err
Now your GetPdfFiles() is a do-nothing wrapper that injects the default implementation (from path/filepath), and the core is in GetPdfFilesWithWalker(), against which you write your tests, passing in a suitable mock.
you can even construct a mock that will return errors, so you can test your error handling.
Your mock directory walker can be as simple as something like this (especially since you only use the path passed to the callback:
func MockDirectoryWalker(root string, visit fs.WalkDirFunc) (err error) {
paths := [][]string{
{root, "a"},
{root, "a", "a.pdf"},
{root, "a", "b.txt"},
{root,"a", "b"},
{root, "a", "b", "c.pdf"},
{root, "a", "b", "d.txt"},
for _, p := range paths {
fqn := path.Join(p...)
var di fs.DirEntry
visit(fqn, di, nil)
return err

How about using T.TempDir() for a unique empty directory every time. This will guarantee repeatable results. The testing package will also take care of cleaning that:
func TestGetPdfFiles(t *testing.T) {
type args struct {
path string
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
want []string
wantErr bool
{name: "noPdfFiles", args: args{path: t.TempDir()}, want: nil, wantErr: true},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
got, err := GetPdfFiles(tt.args.path)
if (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
t.Errorf("GetPdfFiles() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tt.want) {
t.Errorf("GetPdfFiles() got = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)

I guess, there isn't really a good way to do it.
so i removed the error checks and just return an empty array, it would've been too messy.
Also thanks to #Qasim Sarfraz for the T.TempDir idea.
func GetPdfFiles(path string) []string {
var files []string
filepath.Walk(path, func(path string, info fs.FileInfo, err error) error {
if strings.HasSuffix(path, ".pdf") {
files = append(files, path)
return nil
return files
func TestGetPdfFiles(t *testing.T) {
type args struct {
path string
cwd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
want []string
wantErr bool
{name: "2PdfFiles", args: args{path: fmt.Sprintf("%s/testData/", cwd)}, want: []string{fmt.Sprintf("%s/testData/test-1.pdf", cwd), fmt.Sprintf("%s/testData/test-2.pdf", cwd)}},
{name: "noPdfFiles", args: args{path: t.TempDir()}, want: nil},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
got := GetPdfFiles(tt.args.path)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tt.want) {
t.Errorf("GetPdfFiles() got = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)


Golang how to test function that return channel type?

I try to test function StartP,
Expect that Start() should be called 1 times, Done() should be called 1 times
but I have trouble that test will block when run this step <-ps.Done()
I expect <-ps.Done() return nil
How can I test function that return chan type?
// production code
func (s *vService) StartP(ctx context.Context, reason string) error {
ps, err := s.factory.CreateVService(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
err = <-ps.Done() // code stop here to wait ? how can i test ?
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// test code
func Test_StartP(t *testing.T) {
mockCtrl := gomock.NewController(t)
defer mockCtrl.Finish()
mockPService := mockpservice.NewMockPInterface(mockCtrl)
vService := &vService {
factory: &servicefactory.FakeServiceFactory{
MockPService: mockPService
mockPService.EXPECT().Done().Times(1).DoAndReturn(func() chan error {
return nil
err := vService.StartP(context.Background(), "reason")
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
I use gomock to mock the PServiceInterface
// interface
type PServiceInterface interface {
Start(reason string)
Done() <-chan error
gomock gen this function
func (m *MockProvisionServiceInterface) Done() <-chan error {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "Done")
ret0, _ := ret[0].(<-chan error)
fmt.Println(ret0,".....mock Done()")
return ret0
// I also try this
mockProvisionService.EXPECT().Done().Times(1).DoAndReturn( func() chan error {
fmt.Println("DoAndReturn...err nil")
ch := make(chan error, 1)
ch <- nil
return ch
The following shows, I think, the minimum code to implement your test goals.
It does not use any mocking framework because in my experience they tend to obfuscate the test intent, require everybody in the team to learn how to use them and are not needed, at least in Go. One could also wonder what the test is actually testing...
First, let's add some missing production code:
type factoryInterface interface {
CreateVService(ctx context.Context) (PServiceInterface, error)
type vService struct {
factory factoryInterface
And now the test code, in three parts: the factory, the mock, and the test.
The test factory:
type testFactory struct {
mock PServiceInterface
func (f *testFactory) CreateVService(ctx context.Context) (PServiceInterface, error) {
return f.mock, nil
The mock:
type ServiceMock struct {
records []string
func (sm *ServiceMock) Start(reason string) {
sm.records = append(sm.records, "start")
func (sm *ServiceMock) Done() <-chan error {
sm.records = append(sm.records, "done")
ch := make(chan error)
return ch
And finally the test:
func TestWithMock(t *testing.T) {
mock := ServiceMock{}
sut := &vService{factory: &testFactory{&mock}}
err := sut.StartP(context.Background(), "banana")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("StartP: have: %s; want: no error", err)
if have, want := len(mock.records), 2; have != want {
t.Fatalf("number of mock calls: have: %v; want: %v", have, want)
if have, want := mock.records[0], "start"; have != want {
t.Fatalf("mock call 1: have: %v; want: %v", have, want)
if have, want := mock.records[1], "done"; have != want {
t.Fatalf("mock call 2: have: %v; want: %v", have, want)
The three assertions on the mock call sequence can be collapsed into one, comparing directly the slice []string{"start", "done"}, if one is using a test library such as the excellent assert package of
I found the answer, root cause is DoAndReturn something wrong.
Func type should be <-chan error, not chan error
mockProvisionService.EXPECT().Done().Times(1).DoAndReturn( func() <-chan error{
fmt.Println("DoAndReturn...err nil")
ch := make(chan error, 1)
ch <- nil
return ch

How to write an unit test for a handler that invokes a function that interacts with db in Golang using pgx driver?

I've been trying to write unit tests for my http handler. The code segment is as below:
func (s *Server) handleCreateTicketOption(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var t ticket.Ticket
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, er.ErrInternal.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &t)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, er.ErrInvalidData.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
ticket, err := s.TicketService.CreateTicketOption(r.Context(), t)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, er.ErrInternal.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
res, err := json.Marshal(ticket)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, er.ErrInternal.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
log.Printf("%v tickets allocated with name %v\n", t.Allocation, t.Name)
s.sendResponse(w, res, http.StatusOK)
Actual logic that interacts with DB. This code segment is invoked by the handler as you can see in the code above. ticket, err := s.TicketService.CreateTicketOption(r.Context(), t)
func (t *TicketService) CreateTicketOption(ctx context.Context, ticket ticket.Ticket) (*ticket.Ticket, error) {
tx, err := t.db.dbPool.Begin(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, er.ErrInternal
defer tx.Rollback(ctx)
var id int
err = tx.QueryRow(ctx, `INSERT INTO ticket (name, description, allocation) VALUES ($1, $2, $3) RETURNING id`, ticket.Name, ticket.Description, ticket.Allocation).Scan(&id)
if err != nil {
return nil, er.ErrInternal
ticket.Id = id
return &ticket, tx.Commit(ctx)
And that is my unit test for the handler.
func TestCreateTicketOptionHandler(t *testing.T) {
caseExpected, _ := json.Marshal(&ticket.Ticket{Id: 1, Name: "baris", Description: "test-desc", Allocation: 10})
srv := NewServer()
// expected := [][]byte{
// _, _ = json.Marshal(&ticket.Ticket{Id: 1, Name: "baris", Description: "test-desc", Allocation: 20}),
// // json.Marshal(&ticket.Ticket{Id: 1, Name: "baris", Description: "test-desc", Allocation: 20})
// }
tt := []struct {
name string
entry *ticket.Ticket
want []byte
code int
&ticket.Ticket{Name: "baris", Description: "test-desc", Allocation: 10},
var buf bytes.Buffer
for _, tc := range tt {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "/ticket_options", &buf)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("could not create request: %v", err)
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
srv.handleCreateTicketOption(rec, req)
if rec.Code != tc.code {
t.Fatalf("got status %d, want %v", rec.Code, tc.code)
if reflect.DeepEqual(rec.Body.Bytes(), tc.want) {
t.Fatalf("NAME:%v, got %v, want %v",, rec.Body.Bytes(), tc.want)
I did research about mocking pgx about most of them were testing the logic part not through the handler. I want to write unit test for both handler and logic itself seperately. However, the unit test I've written for the handler panics as below*TicketService).CreateTicketOption(0xc000061348, {0x1485058, 0xc0000260c0}, {0x0, {0xc000026dd0, 0x5}, {0xc000026dd5, 0x9}, 0xa})
/Users/barisertas/workspace/gowit-case-study/psql/ticket.go:24 +0x125*Server).handleCreateTicketOption(0xc000061340, {0x1484bf0, 0xc000153280}, 0xc00018e000)
/Users/barisertas/workspace/gowit-case-study/http/ticket.go:77 +0x10b
/Users/barisertas/workspace/gowit-case-study/http/ticket_test.go:80 +0x305
psql/ticket.go:24: tx, err := t.db.dbPool.Begin(ctx)
http/ticket.go:77: ticket, err := s.TicketService.CreateTicketOption(r.Context(), t)
http/ticket_test.go:80: srv.handleCreateTicketOption(rec, req)
How can I mock this type of code?
Create an interface which has the required DB functions
Your DB handler implements this interface. You use the handler in actual execution
Create a mock handler using testify/mock and use this in place of DB handler in test cases
From what I can read, you have the following structure:
type Server struct {
TicketService ticket.Service
type TicketService struct {
db *sql.Db // ..or similar
func (ts *TicketService) CreateTicketOption(...)
The trick to mock this is by ensuring ticket.Service is an interface instead of a struct.
Like this:
type TicketService interface {
CreateTicketOption(ctx context.Context, ticket ticket.Ticket) (*ticket.Ticket, error) {
By doing this, your Server expects a TicketService interface.
Then you could do this:
type postgresTicketService struct {
db *sql.Db
func (pst *postgresTicketService) CreateTicketOption(...)...
Which means that the postgresTicketService satisfies the requirements to be passed as a ticket.Service to the Server.
This also means that you can do this:
type mockTicketService struct {
func (mts *mockTicketService) CreateTicketOption(...)...
This way you decouple the Server from the actual implementation, and you could just init the Server with the mockTicketService when testing and postgresTicketService when deploying.

Toggle Test Coverage with os.Getenv

I'm making a simple test, and test using Go: Toggle Test Coverage In Current Package in Visual Studio Code like this
In my code is using os.Getenv to read a variable from my own env.
It get FAIL when using os.Getenv, but SUCCESS when hardcoded
How to get SUCCESS even get data from env using Go: Toggle Test Coverage In Current Package?
Here is my code:
type MyStruct struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
func MyFunc() ([]MyStruct, error) {
str := os.Getenv("MyStruct") // Fail
// str := `[{"name": "one"}, {"name": "two"}]` // Success
var myData []MyStruct
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(str), &myData)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return myData, nil
My test code:
func TestMyFunc(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
want []MyStruct
wantErr error
name: "success",
want: []MyStruct{
Name: "one",
Name: "two",
wantErr: nil,
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
got, err := MyFunc()
assert.Equal(t, err, tt.wantErr)
assert.Equal(t, got, tt.want)
My env:
export MyStruct='[{"name": "one"}, {"name": "two"}]'
I found the solution
Just add this code to test code:
strEnv := `[{"name": "one"}, {"name": "two"}]`
err := os.Setenv("MyStruct", strEnv)
if err != nil {

How to mock a nested client in test

I am building a simple function that calls an API that returns a Post using GraphQL ( I wrapped the logic in a service that looks like this:
type Client struct {
gcl graphqlClient
type graphqlClient interface {
Run(ctx context.Context, req *graphql.Request, resp interface{}) error
func (c *Client) GetPost(id string) (*Post, error) {
req := graphql.NewRequest(`
query($id: String!) {
getPost(id: $id) {
req.Var("id", id)
var resp getPostResponse
if err := c.gcl.Run(ctx, req, &resp); err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp.Post, nil
Now I'd like to add test tables for the GetPost function with a fail case when id is set to empty string which causes an error in the downstream call c.gcl.Run.
What I am struggling with is the way the gcl client can be mocked and forced to return the error (when no real API call happens).
My test so far:
package apiClient
import (
type graphqlClientMock struct {
HasError bool
Response interface{}
func (g graphqlClientMock) Run(_ context.Context, _ *graphql.Request, response interface{}) error {
if g.HasError {
return errors.New("")
response = g.Response
return nil
func newTestClient(hasError bool, response interface{}) *Client {
return &Client{
gcl: graphqlClientMock{
HasError: hasError,
Response: response,
func TestClient_GetPost(t *testing.T) {
tt := []struct{
name string
id string
post *Post
hasError bool
response getPostResponse
name: "empty id",
id: "",
post: nil,
hasError: true,
name: "existing post",
id: "123",
post: &Post{id: aws.String("123")},
response: getPostResponse{
Post: &Post{id: aws.String("123")},
for _, tc := range tt {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
client := newTestClient(tc.hasError, tc.response)
post, err := client.GetPost(
if err != nil {
if tc.hasError == false {
t.Error("unexpected error")
} else {
if tc.hasError == true {
t.Error("expected error")
if cmp.Equal(post, & == false {
t.Errorf("Response data do not match: %s", cmp.Diff(post,
I am not sure if passing the response to the mock like this is the right way to do it. Also, I'm struggling to set the right value to the response, since an interface{} type is passed and I don't know how to convert it to the getPostResponse and set the value to Post there.
Your test cases should not go beyond the implementation. I'm specifically referring to the empty-vs-nonempty input or any kind of input really.
Let's take a look at the code you want to test:
func (c *Client) GetPost(id string) (*Post, error) {
req := graphql.NewRequest(`
query($id: String!) {
getPost(id: $id) {
req.Var("id", id)
var resp getPostResponse
if err := c.gcl.Run(ctx, req, &resp); err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp.Post, nil
Nothing in the implementation above is doing anything based on the id parameter value and therefore nothing in your tests for this piece of code should really care about what input is passed in, if it is irrelevant to the implementation it should also be irrelevant to the tests.
Your GetPost has basically two code branches that are taken based on a single factor, i.e. the "nilness" of the returned err variable. This means that as far as your implementation is concerned there are only two possible outcomes, based on what err value Run returns, and therefore there should only be two test cases, a 3rd or 4th test case would be just a variation, if not an outright copy, of the first two.
Your test client is also doing some unnecessary stuff, the main one being its name, i.e. what you have there is not a mock so calling it that is not helpful. Mocks usually do a lot more than just return predefined values, they ensure that methods are called, in the expected order and with the expected arguments, etc. And actually you don't need a mock here at all so it's a good thing it isn't one.
With that in mind, here's what I would suggest you do with your test client.
type testGraphqlClient struct {
resp interface{} // non-pointer value of the desired response, or nil
err error // the error to be returned by Run, or nil
func (g testGraphqlClient) Run(_ context.Context, _ *graphql.Request, resp interface{}) error {
if g.err != nil {
return g.err
if g.resp != nil {
// use reflection to set the passed in response value
// (i haven't tested this so there may be a bug or two)
return nil
... and here are the necessary test cases, all two of them:
func TestClient_GetPost(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
post *Post
err error
client testGraphqlClient
name: "return error from client",
err: errors.New("bad input"),
client: testGraphqlClient{err: errors.New("bad input")},
}, {
name: "return post from client",
post: &Post{id: aws.String("123")},
client: testGraphqlClient{resp: getPostResponse{Post: &Post{id: aws.String("123")}}},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
client := Client{gql: tt.client}
post, err := client.GetPost("whatever")
if !cmp.Equal(err, tt.err) {
t.Errorf("got error=%v want error=%v", err, tt.err)
if !cmp.Equal(post, {
t.Errorf("got post=%v want post=%v", post,
... there's a bit of repetition going on here, the need to spell out the post and err twice but that's a small price to pay when compared to a more sophisticated/complicated test setup that would populate the test client from the test case's expected output fields.
If you were to update GetPost in such a way that it checks for the empty id and returns an error before it sends a request to graphql then your initial setup would make much more sense:
func (c *Client) GetPost(id string) (*Post, error) {
if id == "" {
return nil, errors.New("empty id")
req := graphql.NewRequest(`
query($id: String!) {
getPost(id: $id) {
req.Var("id", id)
var resp getPostResponse
if err := c.gcl.Run(ctx, req, &resp); err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp.Post, nil
... and updating the test cases accordingly:
func TestClient_GetPost(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
id string
post *Post
err error
client testGraphqlClient
name: "return empty id error",
id: "",
err: errors.New("empty id"),
client: testGraphqlClient{},
}, {
name: "return error from client",
id: "nonemptyid",
err: errors.New("bad input"),
client: testGraphqlClient{err: errors.New("bad input")},
}, {
name: "return post from client",
id: "nonemptyid",
post: &Post{id: aws.String("123")},
client: testGraphqlClient{resp: getPostResponse{Post: &Post{id: aws.String("123")}}},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
client := Client{gql: tt.client}
post, err := client.GetPost(
if !cmp.Equal(err, tt.err) {
t.Errorf("got error=%v want error=%v", err, tt.err)
if !cmp.Equal(post, {
t.Errorf("got post=%v want post=%v", post,

How to test a Go function which runs a command?

Following the example at, suppose I have a function getPerson() defined like so:
package stdoutexample
import (
// Person represents a person
type Person struct {
Name string
Age int
func getPerson() (Person, error) {
person := Person{}
cmd := exec.Command("echo", "-n", `{"Name": "Bob", "Age": 32}`)
stdout, err := cmd.StdoutPipe()
if err != nil {
return person, err
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
return person, err
if err := json.NewDecoder(stdout).Decode(&person); err != nil {
return person, err
if err := cmd.Wait(); err != nil {
return person, err
return person, nil
In my 'real' application, the command run can have different outputs, I'd like to write test cases for each of these scenarios. However, I'm not sure how to go about this.
So far all I have is a test case for one case:
package stdoutexample
import (
func TestGetPerson(t *testing.T) {
person, err := getPerson()
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, person.Name, "Bob")
assert.Equal(t, person.Age, 32)
Perhaps the way to go about this is to split this function into two parts, one which writes the output of the command to a string, and another which decodes the output of a string?
adding to,
Instead of writing separate Test functions for every test, I suggest you use a Table Driven Test approach instead.
Here is an example,
func Test_getPerson(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
commandOutput []byte
want Person
name: "Get Bob",
commandOutput: []byte(`{"Name": "Bob", "Age": 32}`),
want: Person{
Name: "Bob",
Age: 32,
name: "Get Alice",
commandOutput: []byte(`{"Name": "Alice", "Age": 25}`),
want: Person{
Name: "Alice",
Age: 25,
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
got, err := getPerson(tt.commandOutput)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, tt.want.Name, got.Name)
assert.Equal(t, tt.want.Age, got.Age)
Simply adding test cases to the slice, will run all test cases.
I added unit tests by splitting the function into two parts: one which reads the output to a slice of bytes, and one which parses that output to a Person:
package stdoutexample
import (
// Person represents a person
type Person struct {
Name string
Age int
func getCommandOutput() ([]byte, error) {
cmd := exec.Command("echo", "-n", `{"Name": "Bob", "Age": 32}`)
return cmd.Output()
func getPerson(commandOutput []byte) (Person, error) {
person := Person{}
if err := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(commandOutput)).Decode(&person); err != nil {
return person, err
return person, nil
The following test cases pass:
package stdoutexample
import (
func TestGetPerson(t *testing.T) {
commandOutput, err := getCommandOutput()
require.NoError(t, err)
person, err := getPerson(commandOutput)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, person.Name, "Bob")
assert.Equal(t, person.Age, 32)
func TestGetPersonBob(t *testing.T) {
commandOutput := []byte(`{"Name": "Bob", "Age": 32}`)
person, err := getPerson(commandOutput)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, person.Name, "Bob")
assert.Equal(t, person.Age, 32)
func TestGetPersonAlice(t *testing.T) {
commandOutput := []byte(`{"Name": "Alice", "Age": 25}`)
person, err := getPerson(commandOutput)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, person.Name, "Alice")
assert.Equal(t, person.Age, 25)
where the Bob and Alice test cases simulate different output which can be generated by the command.
your implementation design actively rejects fine grain testing because it does not allow any injection.
However, given the example, besides using a TestTable, there is not much to improve.
Now, on a real workload, you might encounter unacceptable slowdown dues to call to the external binary. This might justify another approach involving a design refactoring to mock and the setup of multiple tests stubs.
To mock your implementation you make use of interface capabilities.
To stub your execution you create a mock that outputs stuff you want to check for.
package main
import (
type Person struct{}
type PersonProvider struct {
Cmd outer
func (p PersonProvider) Get() (Person, error) {
person := Person{}
b, err := p.Cmd.Out()
if err != nil {
return person, err
err = json.Unmarshal(b, &person)
return person, err
type outer interface{ Out() ([]byte, error) }
type echo struct {
input string
func (e echo) Out() ([]byte, error) {
cmd := exec.Command("echo", "-n", e.input)
return cmd.Output()
type mockEcho struct {
output []byte
err error
func (m mockEcho) Out() ([]byte, error) {
return m.output, m.err
func main() {
fmt.Println(PersonProvider{Cmd: echo{input: `{"Name": "Bob", "Age": 32}`}}.Get())
fmt.Println(PersonProvider{Cmd: mockEcho{output: nil, err: fmt.Errorf("invalid json")}}.Get())