How to test an Update class in apex - unit-testing

Hello I am new to apex and soql, I would like some help on my test class, below is the code i am having trouble with,
public class UpdateMyCard {
public static Card__c updateCard(Double Amount){
String userId = UserInfo.getUserId();
Card__c myCard = [SELECT Id, Card_no__c, total_spend__c From Card__c Where OwnerId =:userId];
myCard.total_spend__c = myCard.total_spend__c + Amount;
update myCard;
}catch (Exception e) {
System.debug('unable to update the record due to'+e.getMessage());
return myCard;
Test Class
public static void updatecard(){
System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject

Your code assumes there's already a Card record for this user. And it's exactly 1 record (if you have 2 your query will fail). I'm not sure what's your business requirement. Is it guaranteed there will always be such record? Should the code try to create one on the fly if none found? You might have to make that "updateCard" bit more error-resistant. Is the total spend field marked as required? Because "null + 5 = exception"
But anyway - to fix your problem you need something like that in the test.
public static void updatecard(){
Card__c = new Card__c(total_spend__c = 100);
insert c;
c = [SELECT total_spend__c FROM Card__c WHERE Id = :c.Id];
System.assertEquals(300, c.total_spend__c);


Unit Test for Apex Trigger that Concatenates Fields

I am trying to write a test for a before trigger that takes fields from a custom object and concatenates them into a custom Key__c field.
The trigger works in the Sandbox and now I am trying to get it into production. However, whenever I try and do a System.assert/assertEquals after I create a purchase and perform DML, the value of Key__c always returns null. I am aware I can create a flow/process to do this, but I am trying to solve this with code for my own edification. How can I get the fields to concatenate and return properly in the test? (the commented out asserts are what I have tried so far, and have failed when run)
trigger Composite_Key on Purchases__c (before insert, before update) {
for(Purchases__c purchase :
String eventName = String.isBlank(purchase.Event_name__c)?'':purchase.Event_name__c+'-';
String section = String.isBlank(purchase.section__c)?'':purchase.section__c+'-';
String row = String.isBlank(purchase.row__c)?'':purchase.row__c+'-';
String seat = String.isBlank(String.valueOf(purchase.seat__c))?'':String.valueOf(purchase.seat__c)+'-';
String numseats = String.isBlank(String.valueOf(purchase.number_of_seats__c))?'':String.valueOf(purchase.number_of_seats__c)+'-';
String adddatetime = String.isBlank(String.valueOf(purchase.add_datetime__c))?'':String.valueOf(purchase.add_datetime__c);
purchase.Key__c = eventName + section + row + seat + numseats + adddatetime;
public class CompositeKeyTest {
public static testMethod void testPurchase() {
//create a purchase to fire the trigger
Purchases__c purchase = new Purchases__c(Event_name__c = 'test', section__c='test',row__c='test', seat__c=1.0,number_of_seats__c='test',add_datetime__c='test');
Insert purchase;
//System.assert(purchases__c.Key__c.getDescribe().getName() == 'testesttest1testtest');
static testMethod void testbulkPurchase(){
List<Purchases__c> purchaseList = new List<Purchases__c>();
for(integer i=0 ; i < 10; i++)
Purchases__c purchaserec = new Purchases__c(Event_name__c = 'test', section__c='test',row__c='test', seat__c= i+1.0 ,number_of_seats__c='test',add_datetime__c='test');
insert purchaseList;
//System.assertEquals('testtesttest5testtest',purchaseList[4].Key__c,'Key is not Valid');
You need to requery the records after inserting them to get the updated data from the triggers/database

How can I write UnitTest for service method with REQUIRES_NEW and constraint in DB

How can I create UnitTest for this method?
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
public Charge saveInNewTransaction(Charge charge) {
if (charge.getIsDuplicate()) {
} else {
Charge chargeOrigin = charge.getChargeOrigin();
return chargesRepository.saveAndFlush(charge);
I have constraint - only one can be isActive = true
I have no idea how to write a test for this method.
brief background. I get a list of charges for example 10 and in a cycle I try to save them. if i get an constraint exception - I need ignore it(and continue save another charges. I do not need rolback main transaction).
therefore I have such a method which is executed in REQUIRES_NEW transaction.
I trying:
private ChargeRepository chargeRepository;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
chargeService = new ChargeServiceImpl(chargeRepository);
public void saveInNewTransaction() {
Charge charge = new Charge();
Charge originCharge = new Charge();
Charge savedCharge = chargeService.saveInNewTransaction(testCharge);

How to refer PageReference method from apex test class

I am new to apex, I have created a button to call the apex class through the visual force page.
Here is my visual force page code.
<apex:page standardController="Opportunity"
Here is my apex class.
public class myclass {
private final Opportunity o;
String tmp;
public myclass(ApexPages.StandardController stdController) {
this.o = (Opportunity)stdController.getRecord();
public PageReference autoRun() {
String theId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
for (Opportunity o:[select id, name, AccountId, from Opportunity where id =:theId]) {
//Create the Order
Order odr = new Order(
,AccountId = o.AccountId
,Name = o.Name
insert odr;;
PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/' + tmp);
return pageRef;
I want to create test class. I don't know how to refer PageReference autoRun() method from test class. Guys need help if some one can tell me about test class of this apex class.
You will need to configure the StandardController for the inserted Opportunity. Then pass the StandardController to pass to the constructor before calling the method to test.
public static testMethod void testAutoRun() {
Opportunity o = new Opportunity();
// TODO: Populate required Opportunity fields here
insert o;
PageReference pref = Page.YourVisualforcePage;
ApexPages.StandardController sc = new ApexPages.StandardController(o);
myclass mc = new myclass(sc);
PageReference result = mc.autoRun();
System.assertNotEquals(null, result);

Unexpected behaviour of EntityManager.merge()

I am using embedded glassfish ( with junit (4.11), with JDK 1.7, though my source and target is set to 1.6 (maven-compiler-plugin configuration).
Following is my code:
public class Person implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 81398385247591972L;
private Long id;
private Long version;
#Column(length = 15, nullable = false, unique = true, updatable = false)
private String username;
#Column(length = 50)
private String status;
// Constructors
// getters/setters
// hashCode, equals, toString
public class Service {
#PersistenceContext(unitName = "ExamplePU", type = PersistenceContextType.TRANSACTION)
private EntityManager em;
public Person add(Person person) {
return person;
public Person find(Long id) {
return em.find(Person.class, id);
public Person modify(Person person) {
return em.merge(person);
// some more code ...
public class ServiceTest {
private static EJBContainer ejbContainer;
private static Service service;
// #BeforeClass, #AfterClass, #Before, #After
public void testMerge() {
Person person;
/* Step 1 */person = service.add(new Person("username", "status"));
print("Added : " + person);
/* Step 2 */person = service.modify(person);
print("Merged (status change) : " + person);
/* Step 3 */person = service.modify(person);
print("Merged (username change) : " + person);
// Some more tests
Step 1 generates following SQL (as expected):
bind => [1, status, username, 1]
Step 2 generates following SQL (as expected):
bind => [Away, 2, 1, 1]
Step 3 does not generate any SQL, but it does not throw any exception, which I am expecting, as the 'username' is annotated as #Column(..., updatable = false). The print(...) method prints following output:
Merged (username change) : Person [id=1, version=2, username=UsErNaMe, status=Away]
This time the merge() operation has updated username, but not version. Also, now the database is out-of-sync with EntityManager cache.
Is this expected, or bug in EclipseLink?
Expected result is exception at Step 3 above.
Have filed bug here.
You marked the column as non-updatable, and EclipseLink detects that the only change made to the person you tell it to merge is the user name. But the user name must not be updated. So it doesn't issue any SQL update query.
If you mark a column as non-updatable, you shouldn't update it.
So, to make things clear, the behavior you observe is the expected behavior.

Hbase Map/reduce-How to access individual columns of the table?

I have a table called User with two columns, one called visitorId and the other called friend which is a list of strings. I want to check whether the VisitorId is in the friendlist. Can anyone direct me as to how to access the table columns in a map function?
I'm not able to picture how data is output from a map function in hbase.
My code is as follows:
ublic class MapReduce {
static class Mapper1 extends TableMapper<ImmutableBytesWritable, Text> {
private int numRecords = 0;
private static final IntWritable one = new IntWritable(1);
private final IntWritable ONE = new IntWritable(1);
private Text text = new Text();
public void map(ImmutableBytesWritable row, Result values, Context context) throws IOException {
//What should i do here??
ImmutableBytesWritable userKey = new ImmutableBytesWritable(row.get(), 0, Bytes.SIZEOF_INT);
//context.write(text, ONE);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
Job job = new Job(conf, "CheckVisitor");
Scan scan = new Scan();
Filter f = new RowFilter(CompareOp.EQUAL,new SubstringComparator("mId2"));
TableMapReduceUtil.initTableMapperJob("User", scan, Mapper1.class, ImmutableBytesWritable.class,Text.class, job);
So Result values instance would contain the full row from the scanner.
To get the appropriate columns from the Result I would do something like :-
VisitorIdVal = value.getColumnLatest(Bytes.toBytes(columnFamily1), Bytes.toBytes("VisitorId"))
friendlistVal = value.getColumnLatest(Bytes.toBytes(columnFamily2), Bytes.toBytes("friendlist"))
Here VisitorIdVal and friendlistVal are of the type keyValue, to get their values out you can do a Bytes.toString(VisitorIdVal.getValue())
Once you have extracted the values from columns you can check for "VisitorId" in "friendlist"