gdb - assign pipe output to a variable - gdb

I have the following command , I would like to assign his output to a variable:
(gdb) pipe monitor get info | grep cross2_Release.nss | cut -c 3-13
Tried this
set $main = 'pipe monitor get info | grep cross2_Release.nss | cut -c 3-14'
No symbol table is loaded. Use the "file" command.
Expected result would be to have $main equals to 0x566f80400

At first, I thought this would work:
python output = gdb.execute('pipe monitor get info | grep cross2_Release.nss | cut -c 3-13', to_string=True)
python gdb.set_convenience_variable('main', gdb.parse_and_eval(output))
But this fails because the pipe command sends output to GDB's stdout rather than to a stream that gdb.execute can capture and put into a string. So here's something a little more crude:
shell printf 'set $main = ' > ~/.gdbtmp
pipe monitor get info | grep cross2_Release.nss | cut -c 3-13 >> ~/.gdbtmp
source ~/.gdbtmp

Using the python subprocess.check_output() function it's relatively simple to do that:
py gdb.set_convenience_variable('main', gdb.parse_and_eval(subprocess.check_output('grep cross2_Release.nss | cut -c 3-13', shell=True, input=gdb.execute('monitor get info', to_string=True), text=True)))
But that's a lot to type, so I would pack that into a gdb convenience function:
import subprocess
class Pipe(gdb.Function):
def __init__(self):
super(Pipe, self).__init__("pipe")
def invoke(self, gdb_cmd, pipe_cmd):
return gdb.parse_and_eval(subprocess.check_output(pipe_cmd.string(), shell=True, input=gdb.execute(gdb_cmd.string(), to_string=True), text=True))
Which then could be used like this:
set $main = $pipe("monitor get info", "grep cross2_Release.nss | cut -c 3-14")


Creating an alert function in Bash

I wanted to create a function in bash similar to a default alias I got in Ubuntu, looking like:
alias alert='notify-send --urgency=low -i "$([ $? = 0 ] && echo terminal || echo error)" "$(history|tail -n1|sed -e '\''s/^\s*[0-9]\+\s*//;s/[;&|]\s*alert$//'\'')"'
This creates a simple notification after a command has been issued with it.
For example, using
history | grep vim; sleep 5; alert
gives a notification after the sleep is done, simply saying
history | grep vim; sleep 5;
I would like to write the alert into a bash function instead, which have given some trouble with the regex.
I have tried:
function alert2 () {
ICON=$([ $? = 0 ] && echo terminal || echo error)
MSG=$(history | tail -n1 | sed -e s/^\s*[0-9]\+\s*//\;s/[\;\&\|]\s*alert$//)
notify-send --urgency=low -i $ICON $MSG
which would output both the linenumber in history when called itself, and give an Invalid number of options when called such as the first example.
Is this possible, and if so, how? Is it simply my regex that is faulty?
I'm running on WSL, so don't have notify-send installed:
function alert2 () {
ICON=$([ $? = 0 ] && echo terminal || echo error);
MSG=$(history | tail -n1| sed -e 's/^\s*[0-9]\+\s*//;s/[;&|]\s*alert2$//');
echo $ICON $MSG;
jadams#Temp046317:~/code/data-extract$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null ; alert2
terminal cat /etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null
I'm hoping that this would work for you (instead of the echo):
notify-send --urgency=low -i "$ICON $MSG"

dynamic string search in shell script

I have a string in shell script which is
list="apr/2018-06-24 17_10_39/2018-06-24 17_10_39.html
apr/2018-06-24 17_10_39/
apr/2018-06-25 17_12_48/2018-06-25 17_12_48.html
apr/2018-06-25 17_12_48/
apr/2018-06-26 17_13_36/2018-06-26 17_13_36.html
apr/2018-06-26 17_13_37/ DS_BLS_739.dat
apr/2018-06-26 17_13_38/ DS_BLS_738.dat
apr/2018-06-26 17_13_39/ DS_BLS_737.dat"
I need to find DS_BLS_max(sequence number).dat
here DS_BLS_max(sequence number).dat=DS_BLS_739.dat
grep -o 'DS_BLS_[0-9]*\.dat' <<< "$list" | sort -V | tail -n 1
See: The Stack Overflow Regular Expressions FAQ

Python process pipes with subprocess.Popen

Here is a test file:
gunzip -c file_1.gz
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
I am executing bash commands this way:
cmd = "gunzip -c file_1.gz | grep 3", shell=True))
Line 3
I need to run this command on several files in parallel, then join the processes. SO it seems I have to use subprocess.Popen().communicate(). However Popen won't recognize the pipe correctly and will feed it to the first command, gunzip in my case:
gunzip: can't stat: | (|.gz): No such file or directory
gunzip: can't stat: grep (grep.gz): No such file or directory
gunzip: can't stat: 8 (8.gz): No such file or directory
I would like to keep the whole command and to avoid separating it this way:
gunzip = subprocess.Popen('gunzip -c file_1.gz'.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
grep = subprocess.Popen('grep 3'.split(), stdin=gunzip.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output = grep.communicate()[0]
Is there a way to not separate the commands and process the pipe correctly?
To run the grep 3 command you need the output from the previous command, so there is no way to run this successfully in a single command with subprocess.Popen.
If you always want to run grep 3 for all the files, you could just join the results of all the gunzip -c file_x.gz and then run the grep command only once on the entire list.
subprocess.Popen('gunzip -c file_1.gz'.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
subprocess.Popen('gunzip -c file_2.gz'.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
grep = subprocess.Popen('grep 3'.split(), stdin=all_gunzip_stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

Python : Use Popen and Communicate and get the stdout in a loop

I want to execute bash command and get the output and I decided to use Popen and Communicate to do this. this job has to be done in a loop. The problem is that in the first round of loop every thing is OK but in the next loops I get Error when using communicate function. I know that communicate function can only be used once but I create a new subprocess each loop and therefore running communicate should be possible .
Here's the Code:
with open('ComSites2.txt') as file:
for site in file:
sf = site.split()
temp = "http://wwww." + sf[0]
command = "wget --spider -S '%s' 2>&1 | grep 'HTTP/' | awk '{print $2}'" %temp
print command
output = subprocess.Popen(command,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
StatusCode = int(output.communicate()[0])
if StatusCode == 200:
print "page found successfully"
elif StatusCode == 404:
print "Page not found!!"
print "no result got!!"
when I run this I get this output :
wget --spider -S '' 2>&1 | grep 'HTTP/' | awk '{print $2}'
page found successfully
wget --spider -S '' 2>&1 | grep 'HTTP/' | awk '{print $2}'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/root/AghasiTestCases/", line 17, in <module>
StatusCode = int(output.communicate()[0])
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''

How to download latest version of software from same url using wget

I would like to download a latest source code of software (WRF) from some url and automate the installation process thereafter. A sample url like is given below:-
In the above url, the version number may change time to time after the developer release the new version. Now I would like to download the latest available version from the main script. I tried the following:-
wget -k -l 0 "" -O index.html ; cat index.html | grep -o 'http:[^"]*.gz' | grep 'WRFV'
With above code, I could pull all available version of the software. The output of the above code is below:-
However, I am unable to go further to filter out only later version from the link.
Usually, for processing the html-pages i recommendig some perl tools, but because this is an Directory Index output, (probably) can be done by bash tools like grep sed and such...
The following code is divided to several smaller bash functions, for easy changes
#getdata - should output html source of the page
getdata() {
#use wget with output to stdout or curl or fetch
curl -s ""
#cat index.html
#filer_rows - get the filename and the date columns
filter_rows() {
sed -n 's:<tr><td.*href="\([^"]*\)">.*>\([0-9].*\)</td>.*</td>.*</td></tr>:\2#\1:p' | grep "${1:-.}"
#sort_by_date - probably don't need comment... sorts the lines by date... ;)
sort_by_date() {
while IFS=# read -r date file
echo "$(date --date="$date" +%s)#$file"
done | sort -gr
file=$(getdata | filter_rows WRFV | sort_by_date | head -1 | cut -d# -f2)
echo "You want download: $file"
You want download: WRFV3-Chem-3.6.1.TAR.gz
What about adding a numeric sort and taking the top line:
wget -k -l 0 "" -O index.html ; cat index.html | grep -o 'http:[^"]*.gz' | grep 'WRFV[0-9]*[0-9]\.[0-9]' | sort -r -n | head -1