AWS Amplify/Lambda/ApiGateway - CORS headers in F12 Network tab does not equal API Gateway Config - amazon-web-services

I have a site on AWS Amplify that is making an API call to an API Gateway Lambda integration. After strugglebussing with CORS errors for quite a while, I got it working but my headers arent what I expect.
Below is my API gatweway config: I have two allow-origin values and only GET, POST, OPTIONS methods being allowed.
After applying these settings, when I look in the browser f12 network panel when running these API calls through the website, I see that the access-control-allow-headers, access-control-allow-methods, and access-control-allow-origin are set to values that I have not assigned in my config:
So on to the question - Are the response header results normal? I expected to see the headers and http methods I allowed/exposed in the browser api calls and I'm seeing completely different values. I dont know if this is normal.
Thank you!

check your code if you are not exposing all methods in CORS. e.g. if it is on node js / express then below snippet can cause that problem. you can always limit those controls here. If I'm not wrong then your code overrides your gateway configurations.
// Enable CORS for all methods
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "*");


Configuring OPTIONS method in API Gateway to return statusCode 200

I have a non-simple cross-origin HTTP request to my POST method in API Gateway.
I have set up CORS support as per :
The POST request succeeds from Postman/AWS console but fails from a local development server where the origin is of type localhost.
After browsing through many answers and trying to debug i have concluded that all the required headers are present on the integration response of both POST and OPTIONS. However when making a call to OPTIONS from postman i see that it returns 500 Internal server error. This looks like a configuration issue with OPTIONS. How do i fix it? I don't have a serverless yaml, the gateway has been configured manually. Any way of resolving this via the console ?

Cannot query AWS API Gateway using API Key and CORs

I'm almost complete with a new web app, however, I'm getting a 403 error from AWS's API Gateway due to a CORs issue.
I'm creating a Vue app and using Vue's axios library. CORs is enabled and the request works with API Key Required option turned off in AWS's API Gateway by sending the following:
.get('My-URL-Endpoint',{headers: {})
.then(response => (this.passports = ));
When I turn on API Key Required functionality inside AWS's API Gateway. It works when I use Postman along with including x-api-key: My-API-Key. However, using Vue's axios it does not work and returns error 403:
.get('My-URL-Endpoint', {headers: {
'x-api-key': 'My-API-Key'
.then(response => (this.passports = ));
My first instinct is that the problem is related to how Axios is sending the request through the browser. From what I can gather it looks like the pre-flight check is failing because I am receiving the following error within the browser:
Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'My-URL' from origin 'http://localhost:8080' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
Sure enough it looks like there is no access-control-allow-origin key in the response. So I added access-control-allow-origin to the response of the 403 message and got a new error "It does not have HTTP ok status"
I've been trying nearly everything to get this to work! I came across stackoverflow answer where it seems like the person was suggesting that API Key Required Key functionality can't work with CORs. This kind of seemed like that cannot be true. It would be a pretty crippling restriction.
So my question is how to get the browser's pre-flight check to work along with CORs and API Key capability inside AWS's API Gateway?
Thank you!
If you have enabled cors on your api gateway, the next place to look is the application code such as lambda. Make sure the Lambda is returning the correct cross origin headers in both successful and failure scenarios.
First of all you can check if the request is reaching the lambda from the cloud watch logs. Another way to check this is to temporarily point the Api gateway target to the Mock end point.
If the mock endpoint works, then the problem is the application code. otherwise the problem is in your api gateway end point.
Also note that any headers you use should be white listed in the Access-Control-Allow-headers section when you enable to cors for your method/resource.


In my use case, API Gateway serves as an HTTP proxy, using default settings following official tutorial.
It's tested working in test console or via curl. But if I access the link in browser or make an AJAX call, I'll get ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED.
It seems that API Gateway corrupt the content. Related issue.
Is there a way to forbid API Gateway changing my content? I set Content Handling to passthrough, but clearly it's changing my content.
Add a static integration request header Accept-Encoding with value 'identity', so that AWS won't tamper your request.

Setting CORS via API Gateway for Serverless Architecture Model Proxy Endpoint

I am working on a C#/.Net serverless application using the AWS Visual Studio Toolkit, and I am having a bit of trouble figuring out what I am missing as far as CORS configuration. I based my project off of the ASP.Net example included with the toolkit, which configured API Gateway to have a single API endpoint that works as a proxy into the ASP.Net Web API framework.
In testing this application in chrome (serving a local node project) I am getting No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:8080' is therefore not allowed access.
I know this means I have to configure CORS on the API Gateway endpoint, but I seem to be missing something. I use the actions dropdown to enable CORS as such...
But I get some errors and the problem persists.
I used a chrome extension to disable CORS (temporarily) and have confirmed that the API endpoint works normally without CORS.
So what am I missing here? The examples of setting CORS online don't usually have instructions of a catch-all endpoint like this is set up to use, and even breaking GET into its own method didn't seem to help.
As an additional question, if there is some CORS configuration I am missing, is there a good way to get it integrated into the serverless.template file or some other automated deploy step?
It has to do with your ANY proxy method. As stated here:
When applying the above instructions to the ANY method in a proxy integration, any applicable CORS headers will not be set. Instead, you rely on the integration back end to return the applicable CORS headers, such as Access-Control-Allow-Origin
So you will have to make your backend API return the appropriate CORS headers.
You need to have the header on your server as well as the api gateway.
See this sample: - The cors header is applied to the static bucket website
For the APIs to work properly two things must be done:
1. The options method must be correctly setup - usually done using a mock method on the API gateway.
2. The HTTP method implementations in your code must return the CORS header correctly. There are quite a few articles about this if you search.
For me the problem was Point 1; using the API Gateway 'Enable CORS' button did not work for me when I was developing API-Gateway Lambda integration using .NET Core. I also didn't find a way to add creation of the options method in the serverless.template file.
Here's another way to do it; after publishing the lambdas from CLI or VisualStudio, fire a PUT request on the API endpoint and pass a swagger definition which contains the options method defs and ensure you set the query param mode=merge. You can use PostMan to do this.
You use a DotNet utility which does the same thing explained here:
The source code is available on GitHub too.

Why isn't Ember.js seeing the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header from my server?

My app is an Ember.js front end with a Go API on the server. I created the Ember app using the FixtureAdapter. Now that I have the Go API back end I converted it to RESTAdapter.
When I hit my API directly with the browser, I seem to get the appropriate CORS headers back:
However, when my Ember.js app hits the API, I get XMLHttpRequest cannot load No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access..
I don't know how else to see what's going on between Ember and the API. I've read this CORS tutorial and everything seems to be okay on the server end.
I included the bit about x-requested-with because of another Stack Overflow question suggesting that jQuery requests need something different than plain old JavaScript requests.
Your endpoints also need to respond with CORS headers to OPTIONS requests- those will execute before the actual request to make sure that the request is allowed first.
Do you happen to be using Nginx as your reverse proxy for your API? If so, we experienced this same issue. In our case, the problem was that Nginx returns the correct CORS headers just fine for HTTP 200 OK responses, but for any error response, it will fail to add the COR headers and therefore the actual server response gets obscured by the browser complaining that it doesn't have the appropriate CORS headers to render a response.
Even if you're not using Nginx, try calling your API directly (e.g. using Postman to avoid the CORS restrictions to see what it's returning. If your API is returning anything other than an HTTP 200 OK, that may be why the CORS headers aren't getting added.