recur when mapping over a nested vector - clojure

Is my understanding of tail end optimization correct that map can't be used with tail end optimization? So if I wanted to use tail end optimization, I'd had to find a different algorithm:
(defn combinations
"takes a vector of vectors and returns all combination with each element from each vector.
[[1] [2 3] [4 5]] -> [[1 2 4]
[1 2 5]
[1 3 4]
[1 3 5]]"
(combinations unprocessed [[]]))
([unprocessed processed]
(if (empty? unprocessed)
(mapcat (fn [cur]
(mapcat (fn [prev]
(combinations (rest unprocessed) [(conj prev cur)]))
(first unprocessed)))))

You are correct. And it's not about tail call optimization at all because most of the calls to combinations aren't in the tail position - even if mapcat was a language-level construct that somehow supported tail call optimization.


Tree traversal in Clojure

Consider a tree, which is defined by the following recursive definition:
a tree should be a vector of two elements: The first one is a number, the second one is either a list of trees or nil.
The following clojure data structure would be an example:
(def tree '[9 ([4 nil]
[6 nil]
[2 ([55 nil]
[22 nil]
[3 ([5 nil])])]
[67 ([44 nil])])])
This structure should be transformed into a list of all possible downwards connections, that can be made from any node to its childs. The connections should be represented as vectors containing the value of the parent node followed by the value of the child node. The order is not important:
(def result '([9 4]
[9 6]
[9 2]
[2 55]
[2 22]
[2 3]
[3 5]
[9 67]
[67 44])
I came up with this solution:
(defn get-connections [[x xs]]
(concat (map #(vector x (first %)) xs)
(mapcat get-connections xs)))
And, indeed:
(= (sort result)
(sort (get-connections tree)))
;; true
However, are there better ways to do so with just plain clojure? In the approach, I'm traversing each node's childs twice, this should be avoided. In this particular case, tail-recursion is not necessary, so a simple recursive version would be ok.
Moreover, I'd be interested which higher level abstractions could be used for solving this. What about Zippers or Clojure/Walk? And finally: Which of those techniques would be available in ClojureScript as well?
you could try combination of list comprehension + tree-seq:
user> (for [[value children] (tree-seq coll? second tree)
[child-value] children]
[value child-value])
;;=> ([9 4] [9 6] [9 2] [9 67] [2 55] [2 22] [2 3] [3 5] [67 44])
this should be available in cljs.
as far as i know, both zippers and clojure.walk are available in clojurescript, but in fact you don't need them for this trivial task. I guess tree-seq is rather idiomatic.
What about the double traversal, you could easily rearrange it into a single one like this:
(defn get-connections [[x xs]]
(mapcat #(cons [x (first %)] (get-connections %)) xs))
user> (get-connections tree)
;;=> ([9 4] [9 6] [9 2] [2 55] [2 22] [2 3] [3 5] [9 67] [67 44])
then you could add laziness, to make this solution truly idiomatic:
(defn get-connections [[x xs]]
(mapcat #(lazy-seq (cons [x (first %)] (get-connections %))) xs))

Return a sequence with the elements not in common to two original sequences by using clojure

I have two sequences, which can be vector or list. Now I want to return a sequence whose elements are not in common to the two sequences.
Here is an example:
(removedupl [1 2 3 4] [2 4 5 6]) = [1 3 5 6]
(removeddpl [] [1 2 3 4]) = [1 2 3 4]
I am pretty puzzled now. This is my code:
(defn remove-dupl [seq1 seq2]
(loop [a seq1 b seq2]
(if (not= (first a) (first b))
(recur a (rest b)))))
But I don't know what to do next.
I encourage you to think about this problem in terms of set operations
(defn extrasection [& ss]
(apply clojure.set/union ss)
(apply clojure.set/intersection ss)))
Such a formulation assumes that the inputs are sets.
(extrasection #{1 2 3 4} #{2 4 5 6})
=> #{1 6 3 5}
Which is easily achieved by calling the (set ...) function on lists, sequences, or vectors.
Even if you prefer to stick with a sequence oriented solution, keep in mind that searching both sequences is an O(n*n) task if you scan both sequences [unless they are sorted]. Sets can be constructed in one pass, and lookup is very fast. Checking for duplicates is an O(nlogn) task using a set.
I'm still new to Clojure but I think the functional mindset is more into composing functions than actually doing it "by hand", so I propose the following solution:
(defn remove-dupl [seq1 seq2]
(remove #(some #{%} seq1) seq2)
(remove #(some #{%} seq2) seq1)))
EDIT: I think it is better if we define that remove part as a local function and reuse it:
(defn remove-dupl [seq1 seq2]
(let [removing (fn [x y] (remove #(some #{%} x) y))]
(concat (removing seq1 seq2) (removing seq2 seq1))))
EDIT2: As commented by TimothyPratley
(defn remove-dupl [seq1 seq2]
(let [removing (fn [x y] (remove (set x) y))]
(concat (removing seq1 seq2) (removing seq2 seq1))))
There are several problems with your code.
It doesn't test for the end of either sequence argument.
It steps through b but not a.
It implicitly returns nil when any two sequences have the same
first element.
You want to remove the common elements from the concatenated sequences. You have to work out the common elements first, otherwise you don't know what to remove. So ...
We use
clojure.set/intersection to find the common elements,
concat to stitch the collections together.
remove to remove (1) from (2).
vec to convert to a vector.
(defn removedupl [coll1 coll2]
(let [common (clojure.set/intersection (set coll1) (set coll2))]
(vec (remove common (concat coll1 coll2)))))
... which gives
(removedupl [1 2 3 4] [2 4 5 6]) ; [1 3 5 6]
(removedupl [] [1 2 3 4]) ; [1 2 3 4]
... as required.

How to split an input sequence according to the input number given

I'm writing a clojure function like:
(defn area [n locs]
(let [a1 (first locs)]
(vrp (rest locs))))
I basically want to input like: (area 3 '([1 2] [3 5] [3 1] [4 2])) But when I do that it gives me an error saying Wrong number of args (1) passed. But I'm passing two arguments.
What I actually want to do with this function is that whatever value of n is inputted (say 3 is inputted), then a1 should store [1 2], a2 should store [3 5], a3 should store ([3 1] [4 2]). What should I add in the function to get that?
clojue's build in split-at function is very close to solving this. It splits a sequence "at" a given point. So if we first split the data apart and then wrap the second half in a list and concatenate it back together again it should solve this problem:
user> (let [[start & end] (split-at 2 sample-data)]
(concat start end))
([1 2] [3 5] ([3 1] [4 2]))
the & before end in let causes the last item to be rolled up in a list. It's equivalent to:
user> (let [[start end] (split-at 2 sample-data)]
(concat start (list end)))
([1 2] [3 5] ([3 1] [4 2]))
If I recklessly assume you have some function called vrp that needs data in this form then you could finish your function with something like this:
(defn area [n locs]
(let [[start end] (split-at (dec n) sample-data)
a (concat start (list end))]
(apply vrp a)))
Though please forgive me to making wild guesses as to the nature of vrp, I could be totally off base here.

Split a vector into vector of vectors in clojure instead of vector of lists

The clojure documentation of split-at states that it takes a collection of elements and returns a vector of two lists, each containing elements greater or smaller than a given index:
(split-at 2 [1 2 3 4 5])
[(1 2) (3 4 5)]
What I want is this:
(split-at' 2 [1 2 3 4 5])
[[1 2] [3 4 5]]
This is a collection cut into two collections that keep the order of the elements (like vectors), preferably without performance penalties.
What is the usual way to do this and are there any performance optimized ways to do it?
If you're working exclusively with vectors, one option would be to use subvec.
(defn split-at' [idx v]
[(subvec v 0 idx) (subvec v idx)])
(split-at' 2 [1 2 3 4 5])
;; => [[1 2] [3 4 5]]
As regards to performance, the docs on subvec state:
This operation is O(1) and very fast, as
the resulting vector shares structure with the original and no
trimming is done.
Why not extend the core function with "vec" function ?
So based on split-at definition:
(defn split-at
"Returns a vector of [(take n coll) (drop n coll)]"
{:added "1.0"
:static true}
[n coll]
[(take n coll) (drop n coll)])
We can add vec to each element of the vector result
(defn split-at-vec
[n coll]
[(vec (take n coll)) (vec (drop n coll))])
Releated to "performance penalties" i think that when you transform your lazy seqs in favor of vector then you loose the lazy performance.

Clojure: Semi-Flattening a nested Sequence

I have a list with embedded lists of vectors, which looks like:
(([1 2]) ([3 4] [5 6]) ([7 8]))
Which I know is not ideal to work with. I'd like to flatten this to ([1 2] [3 4] [5 6] [7 8]).
flatten doesn't work: it gives me (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8).
How do I do this? I figure I need to create a new list based on the contents of each list item, not the items, and it's this part I can't find out how to do from the docs.
If you only want to flatten it one level you can use concat
(apply concat '(([1 2]) ([3 4] [5 6]) ([7 8])))
=> ([1 2] [3 4] [5 6] [7 8])
To turn a list-of-lists into a single list containing the elements of every sub-list, you want apply concat as nickik suggests.
However, there's usually a better solution: don't produce the list-of-lists to begin with! For example, let's imagine you have a function called get-names-for which takes a symbol and returns a list of all the cool things you could call that symbol:
(get-names-for '+) => (plus add cross junction)
If you want to get all the names for some list of symbols, you might try
(map get-names-for '[+ /])
=> ((plus add cross junction) (slash divide stroke))
But this leads to the problem you were having. You could glue them together with an apply concat, but better would be to use mapcat instead of map to begin with:
(mapcat get-names-for '[+ /])
=> (plus add cross junction slash divide stroke)
The code for flatten is fairly short:
(defn flatten
(filter (complement sequential?)
(rest (tree-seq sequential? seq x))))
It uses tree-seq to walk through the data structure and return a sequence of the atoms. Since we want all the bottom-level sequences, we could modify it like this:
(defn almost-flatten
(filter #(and (sequential? %) (not-any? sequential? %))
(rest (tree-seq #(and (sequential? %) (some sequential? %)) seq x))))
so we return all the sequences that don't contain sequences.
Also you may found useful this general 1 level flatten function I found on clojuremvc:
(defn flatten-1
"Flattens only the first level of a given sequence, e.g. [[1 2][3]] becomes
[1 2 3], but [[1 [2]] [3]] becomes [1 [2] 3]."
(if (or (not (seqable? seq)) (nil? seq))
seq ; if seq is nil or not a sequence, don't do anything
(loop [acc [] [elt & others] seq]
(if (nil? elt) acc
(if (seqable? elt)
(apply conj acc elt) ; if elt is a sequence, add each element of elt
(conj acc elt)) ; if elt is not a sequence, add elt itself
(flatten-1 (([1 2]) ([3 4] [5 6]) ([7 8])))
=>[[1 2] [3 4] [5 6] [7 8]]
concat exampe surely do job for you, but this flatten-1 is also allowing non seq elements inside a collection:
(flatten-1 '(1 2 ([3 4] [5 6]) ([7 8])))
=>[1 2 [3 4] [5 6] [7 8]]
(apply concat '(1 2 ([3 4] [5 6]) ([7 8])))
=> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
Don't know how to create ISeq from: java.lang.Integer
Here's a function that will flatten down to the sequence level, regardless of uneven nesting:
(fn flt [s] (mapcat #(if (every? coll? %) (flt %) (list %)) s))
So if your original sequence was:
'(([1 2]) (([3 4]) ((([5 6])))) ([7 8]))
You'd still get the same result:
([1 2] [3 4] [5 6] [7 8])