how do I call primary window using pushbutton c++ - c++

I'm trying to create a C++ Widget Application in QT with multiple windows where you can return to the mainwindow by clicking a Pushbutton.
I'm a complete noobie so I try to follow YouTube tutorial and for opening windows by pushbuttons I watched this one (minute 8:00):
It works when opening secondary windows from the main one but if I try to do the same from a secondary windows to the mainwindow it doesn't. It appears an error "cannot initialize object parameter of type 'Widget' with an expression of type 'MainWindow'"
in the source file I wrote:
void Crediti::on_pushButton_clicked()
mainwindow = new MainWindow(this);
mainwindow->show(); is the incriminated part
I also included mainwindow in the header of the secondary window and specified the class
MainWindow *mainwindow
in the header so It recognizes mainwindow initially in the source.
I'm doubting if doing this thing is possible at all, and if not so how can I make a pushbutton that, when clicked, can redirect me to the mainwindow?
Please I need this for a school application, thanks

So here you're creating a new main window each time you click on the button. From your description that's not the behaviour you want. I understand you have an application with a main window and other secondary windows and want to bring up the main window when clicking on the button, assuming the main window still exists somewhere and hasn't been deleted.
What I would try is to find the main window when hitting the push button and show / raise it, something along the line of:
#include <QApplication>
#include "MainWindow.h" // Adapt that one to you main window header
// ... some code of your secondary window
void SecondaryWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
for(auto widget : QApplication::topLevelWidgets())
// This will return a nullptr if the widget is not the main window
auto mainWindow = dynamic_cast<MainWindow*>(widget);
// skip if not the main window
// Show it if hidden
// raise it, as in bring it forward, over all other windows
// eventually close the current window if that's what you want
// if you close it and don't need it any more you might also want to delete it
Note that this function won't do anything if the main window has been deleted in the meantime, which might be the case if you closed it and the Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose attribute is set.
Hope that helps.


implementing custom completer, popup window steal the focus

I need to implement custom completer, similar to QCompleter but containing customized widgets. I got stuck at the very beginning, I can't make the popup work as it should work. In the following example I attach a completer (well, just a plain widget) to the first line edit. The second line edit is there just to test the focus in/out behavior. The problem is that when the popup displays, it steals the focus from the line edit. But this is not what I want, I want to be able to keep typing in the line edit. I tried several other options as commented out in the code below, but non of them worked.
#include <QApplication>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QWidget>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
QWidget container;
QLineEdit editor;
QLineEdit editor2;
QHBoxLayout layout(&container);
QWidget completer; // or QWidget completer(&editor);?
//completer.setFocusProxy(&editor); // tried this, but it does not help
// the following lines are an alternative to Qt::Popup but the window
// does not close automatically, which is a problem
// e.g. when moving or resizing the parent window
//completer.setWindowFlags(Qt::Tool | Qt::FramelessWindowHint);
QObject::connect(&editor, &QLineEdit::textEdited,
[&] {
completer.resize(editor.width(), 100);
completer.move(editor.mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, editor.height())));;
// editor.setFocus(); // does not help either
return a.exec();
How to implement custom completer?
UPDATE: From the docs, I read that "A popup widget is a special top-level widget that sets the Qt::WType_Popup widget flag, e.g. the QMenu widget. When the application opens a popup widget, all events are sent to the popup. Normal widgets and modal widgets cannot be accessed before the popup widget is closed."
So it seems that when I open a popup it automatically receives the events and therefore I have to forward the events to the line edit using QCoreApplication::sendEvent(editor, event); inside my Completer::keyPressEvent. This seems to work fine except the fact that the cursor in the line edit is not visible or not blinking.
Just apply this method to your completer widget:
setWindowFlags(Qt::Tool | Qt::FramelessWindowHint|Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint);
It works for me.

How to close parent UI window when child UI window is open in QT

I have multiple UI windows in my QT project. When a new UI window opens, the previous UI window must be closed, that is, at every point of time only one UI window must be open. How can this be done?
I did that before and i suggest you to not close(delete) UI.
just hide it and when you need it show it again.
check this code:
when user click to see second UI:
void MainApp::on_btnSettings_clicked()
settingsManager = new SettingsManager(); // put this line in constructor
on second UI on closing form(or back button) emit a signal:
void SettingsManager::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event)
emit settingsBackToMainApp();
on main hide second class and show main:
void MainApp::settingsBackToMainApp()
connect signal to slot:
connect(settingsManager,&SettingsManager::settingsBackToMainApp,this,&MainApp::settingsBackToMainApp); // put this line in constructor

Open a new Qt window with a slot

In my Qt Program, there is a menu bar where one of the menu options is Settings. When the user click on the Settings window, it should open a Settings window. The settings window gets opened with a openSettingsWindow() function. This is how I made the Settings menu in the main window:
QMenu settingsMenu("&Settings");
QAction *settings = toolsMenu.addAction("&Settings");
mainWindow is the main window and Window is the class used to create windows which inherits from QWidget. Its constructor takes two arguments: the title of the window and the icon of the window. This is the openSettingsWindow() function:
void openSettingsWindow(){
Window settingsWindow("Settings","icon.png");;
The problem is that when I click ont he Settings option in the Settings menu, the Settings window opens as it should, but it closes directly after less than a second. What should I do to keep the Settings window opened?
The local variable settingsWindow gets destructed when your function openSettingsWindow goes out of scope, you need to keep the object valid as long as you want to show your settingsWindow.
one solution would be to allocate the Window object on the heap, and use the Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose to make Qt delete the Window object for you when it is closed, here is how your openSettingsWindow would look like:
void openSettingsWindow(){
Window* settingsWindow = new Window("Settings","icon.png");
You need to return a reference to that Window and keep it until you're no longer using it.
Window *openSettingsWindow() {
Window *settingsWindow = new Window("Settings, "icon.png");;
return settingsWindow;
QMenu settingsMenu("&Settings");
QAction *settings = toolsMenu.addAction("&Settings");
Window *settingsWindow = null;
Window::connect(settings,&QAction::triggered,&mainWindow,[&mainWindow, &settingsWindow](){
settingsWindow = openSettingsWindow();
You might want to find a better way of storing the settingsWindow pointer in the main function if you're going to have many possible open windows but this will work.
Remember to call delete() on that pointer when you're done with the settings window (likely on the window close event)

Qt: button - going back from "help.cpp" to "mainwindow.cpp"

I'm new at Qt. I've created small application and I created second page help.cpp. On MainWindow.cpp I have a button, that switches to help.cpp page.
Function which switches to "help" page:
void MainWindow::on_box1button_clicked()
helpwindow = new help(this);
This code works properly.
On the "help" page I've got a QButton, which will switch back to mainwindow.cpp. How Can I code that button to actually make this action?
If your intention by "switching" is hiding one window and showing another one, so you can simply pass a reference of the main window to your help window and there when you want to switch back, you can hide/close itself and show the main window.
MainWindow (this code is fine)
helpwindow = new help(this);
When you want to switch back to the main window, you can do this:
// Hide the HelpWindow itself
// or this->close()
// Show the MainWindow (i.e. the parent window)
QWidget *parent = this->parentWidget();
Since you are creating a new help(this); on mainwindow it is better to close the help window

Qt show modal dialog (.ui) on menu item click

I want to make a simple 'About' modal dialog, called from Help->About application menu. I've created a modal dialog window with QT Creator (.ui file).
What code should be in menu 'About' slot?
Now I have this code, but it shows up a new modal dialog (not based on my about.ui):
void MainWindow::on_actionAbout_triggered()
about = new QDialog(0,0);
You need to setup the dialog with the UI you from your .ui file. The Qt uic compiler generates a header file from your .ui file which you need to include in your code. Assumed that your .ui file is called about.ui, and the Dialog is named About, then uiccreates the file ui_about.h, containing a class Ui_About. There are different approaches to setup your UI, at simplest you can do
#include "ui_about.h"
void MainWindow::on_actionAbout_triggered()
about = new QDialog(0,0);
Ui_About aboutUi;
A better approach is to use inheritance, since it encapsulates your dialogs better, so that you can implement any functionality specific to the particular dialog within the sub class:
#include <QDialog>
#include "ui_about.h"
class AboutDialog : public QDialog, public Ui::About {
AboutDialog( QWidget * parent = 0);
AboutDialog::AboutDialog( QWidget * parent) : QDialog(parent) {
// perform additional setup here ...
#include "AboutDialog.h"
void MainWindow::on_actionAbout_triggered() {
about = new AboutDialog(this);
In any case, the important code is to call the setupUi() method.
BTW: Your dialog in the code above is non-modal. To show a modal dialog, either set the windowModality flag of your dialog to Qt::ApplicationModal or use exec() instead of show().
For modal dialogs, you should use exec() method of QDialogs.
about = new QDialog(0, 0);
// The method does not return until user closes it.
// In this point, the dialog is closed.
Docs say:
The most common way to display a modal dialog is to call its exec() function. When the user closes the dialog, exec() will provide a useful return value.
Alternative way: You don't need a modal dialog. Let the dialog show modeless and connect its accepted() and rejected() signals to appropriate slots. Then you can put all your code in the accept slot instead of putting them right after show(). So, using this way, you wouldn't actually need a modal dialog.