CGAL Inexact Volume calculation - c++

My Problem
I would like to calculate the exact volume for an intersection with polygonmeshes. Unfortunately the result is wrong!?!?!.
I think it has something to do with me choosing the wrong options.
I have an STEP/OFF file (both work). I move a smaller Cylinder into a bigger Cylinder.
Then I calculate the Intersection. I do not use a pointmap.
If I calculate the Volume of the first three intersections, CGAL tells me their volume is zero, but it is not.
Why the Result is wrong
I know this, because:
I described this Problem analytically and solved the integral with matlab => Volume is not 0
I solved the Problem Using FreeCAD => Volume is the same as in Matlab
I solved the Volume in CGAL Result do not match 1 and 2.
I wrote the Results of many all the intersection into files, and the files concerning the problem are not empty. With a mesh viewer like (gmsh or meshlab) I can confirm heigth width and length. So the volume should not be 0, because it is intersecting so the volume cannot be 0.
What I have done
I have read this:
The Exact Computation Paradigm
Robustness and Precision Issues in Geometric Computation
FAQ: I am using double (or float or ...) as my number type and get assertion failures or incorrect output. Is this a bug in CGAL?
I did not understand how these three apply to my situation.
I am using the Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel, I defined CGAL_DONT_USE_LAZY_KERNEL. I have used the other Kernels and not defined CGAL_DONT_USE_LAZY_KERNEL, the result does not change.
I do not use the the same output and input variable for intersection like in the
Polygon_mesh_processing/corefinement_consecutive_bool_op.cpp, so i do not use a point map as a result.
If needed I will supply the entire example, but I think, I did something wrong and the includes and way how I calculate the volume should suffice.
// originalExampleFrom corefinement_parallel_union_meshes.cpp;
#include <CGAL/Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel_with_sqrt.h>
//#include <CGAL/Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel.h>
#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/transform.h>
#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/intersection.h>
#include <CGAL/Named_function_parameters.h>
#include <CGAL/boost/graph/named_params_helper.h>
#include <CGAL/Surface_mesh.h>
#include <CGAL/aff_transformation_tags.h>
#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/triangulate_faces.h>
#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/corefinement.h>
#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/repair.h>
#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/IO/polygon_mesh_io.h>
#include <CGAL/Aff_transformation_3.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream> // for write to file
#include <cassert>
#include <typeinfo>
The corefinement operation (which is also internally used in the three Boolean operations) will correctly change the topology of the input surface mesh
if the point type used in the point property maps of the input meshes is from a CGAL Kernel with exact predicates.
If that kernel does not have exact constructions, the embedding of the output surface mesh might have self-intersections.
In case of consecutive operations, it is thus recommended to use a point property map with points from a kernel
with exact predicates and exact constructions (such as CGAL::Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel).
In practice, this means that with exact predicates and inexact constructions, edges will be split at each intersection with a triangle but the position of the intersection point might create self-intersections due to the limited precision of floating point numbers.
typedef CGAL::Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel Kernel; //read text abouve about kernel
typedef Kernel::Point_3 Point_3;
typedef CGAL::Surface_mesh<Kernel::Point_3> Mesh;
namespace PMP = CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing;
bool simulateDrillingRadial(Mesh cutter, Mesh rotor, Mesh &out, double step) { //Kernel::Point_3 *volume
bool validIntersection = false;
CGAL::Aff_transformation_3<Kernel> trans(CGAL::Translation(),
Kernel::Vector_3(0, step, Z_INIT)); // step * 2
PMP::transform(trans, cutter);
validIntersection = CGAL::exact(
PMP::corefine_and_compute_intersection(cutter, rotor, out));
#ifndef NDEBUG
CGAL::IO::write_polygon_mesh("union" + std::to_string(step) + ".off", out,
std::cout << "Cutter Volume: " << PMP::volume(cutter) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Rotor Volume: " << PMP::volume(rotor) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Out Volume: " << CGAL::exact(PMP::volume(out)) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Numb. of Step: " << step << std::endl;
std::cout << "Bohrtiefe : " << Y_INIT - DRMAX * 1.0 / ND * step
<< std::endl;
return validIntersection;
The Rest of the CODE:
bool simulateDrillingRadial(Mesh cutter, Mesh rotor, Mesh &out, double step) { //Kernel::Point_3 *volume
bool validIntersection = false;
CGAL::Aff_transformation_3<Kernel> trans(CGAL::Translation(),
Kernel::Vector_3(0, step, Z_INIT)); // step * 2
PMP::transform(trans, cutter);
validIntersection = CGAL::exact(
PMP::corefine_and_compute_intersection(cutter, rotor, out));
#ifndef NDEBUG
CGAL::IO::write_polygon_mesh("union" + std::to_string(step) + ".step", out,
std::cout << "Cutter Volume: " << PMP::volume(cutter) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Rotor Volume: " << PMP::volume(rotor) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Out Volume: " << CGAL::exact(PMP::volume(out)) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Bohrtiefe : " << step << std::endl;
return validIntersection;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
bool validRead = false;
bool validIntersection = false;
Mesh cutter, rotor; //out; // , out;
Mesh out[ND];
Kernel::Point_3 centers[ND];
//Kernel::FT volume[ND];
//GetGeomTraits<TriangleMesh, CGAL_NP_CLASS>::type::FT volume[ND];
double steps[40] = { 40.0000, 39.9981, 39.9926, 39.9833, 39.9703, 39.9535,
39.9330, 39.9086, 39.8804, 39.8482, 39.8121, 39.7719, 39.7276,
39.6791, 39.6262, 39.5689, 39.5070, 39.4404, 39.3689, 39.2922,
39.2103, 39.1227, 39.0293, 38.9297, 38.8235, 38.7102, 38.5893,
38.4601, 38.3219, 38.1736, 38.0140, 37.8415, 37.6542, 37.4490,
37.2221, 36.9671, 36.6740, 36.3232, 35.8661, 35.0000 };
const std::string cutterFile = CGAL::data_file_path("");
const std::string rotorFile = CGAL::data_file_path("");
validRead = (!PMP::IO::read_polygon_mesh(cutterFile, cutter)
|| !PMP::IO::read_polygon_mesh(rotorFile, rotor));
PMP::transform(rotAroundX(M_PI / 2), cutter);
for (int i = 0; i < ND; i++) {
//simulateDrillingRadial(Mesh & cutter, Mesh & rotor, Mesh & out, unsigned int step)
simulateDrillingRadial(cutter, rotor, out[i], steps[i] + 10);
writeToCSV("tmp.csv", ND, out, steps);
return 0;

Change the output format of your mesh from *.off to *.stl, then open the intersection mesh in a software like Autodesk Netfabb which can detect and repair errors in the meshes being loaded. I think there’s a high chance the functions you’re using generate meshes with bugs. Possible bugs include holes, duplicate triangles, and self-intersections. Strictly speaking, such meshes do not unambiguously define a solid body and they have no volume.
If you confirm that’s the problem, there’re two ways to fix.
Replace or fix the intersection algorithm making it produce watertight meshes with no self-intersections or duplicate triangles. Maybe the Nef Polyhedra from the same library will help.
Replace volume computation algorithm making it tolerant to the bugs you have in your intersection meshes.
I realize the answer is rather vague. The reason for that — the problem is very hard to solve well. Very smart people published research papers over several decades. Some companies even selling commercial libraries just for reliable Boolean operations on 3D meshes.


CGAL: Wrong vertex accessed using facet

As far as I understand how a facet works in CGAL (using v5.1), it is composed of a cell handle and an index to the vertex opposing the facet in that cell handle. One can thus obtains all the vertex of the considered cell using (I am working using alpha-shapes in 3D):
typedef CGAL::Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel Kernel;
typedef Kernel::FT FT;
typedef CGAL::Triangulation_vertex_base_with_info_3<std::size_t, Kernel> Vb3;
typedef CGAL::Fixed_alpha_shape_vertex_base_3<Kernel, Vb3> asVb3;
typedef CGAL::Fixed_alpha_shape_cell_base_3<Kernel> asCb3;
typedef CGAL::Triangulation_data_structure_3<asVb3, asCb3> asTds3;
typedef CGAL::Delaunay_triangulation_3<Kernel, asTds3, CGAL::Fast_location> asTriangulation_3;
typedef CGAL::Fixed_alpha_shape_3<asTriangulation_3> Alpha_shape_3;
typedef Kernel::Point_3 Point_3;
Alpha_shape_3::Facet facet;
Alpha_shape_3::Vertex_handle facetV1 = facet.first->vertex((facet.second+1)%4);
Alpha_shape_3::Vertex_handle facetV2 = facet.first->vertex((facet.second+2)%4);
Alpha_shape_3::Vertex_handle facetV3 = facet.first->vertex((facet.second+3)%4);
Alpha_shape_3::Vertex_handle facetOppositeVertex = facet.first->vertex((facet.second)%4);
I assumed the opposite vertex is inside a cell, and the facet is also part of this cell. Using this, I can compute the exterior-pointing normals to the surface of my alpha-shape (if there is a way to do this automatically using CGAL, I would like to know it). To compute the normal of a point on the free surface, I do an average of the the different facet normals sharing that point, weighted by the angle of the facet at that point. To orient my normals exteriorly to the mesh, I simply check the dot product between the normal and a vector from one point of the facet to the opposite vertex.
The problem is that, sometimes the opposite vertex seems to be in a complete different cell, leading in my FEM computations to bad results. Here are some figures of what happen:
Normal to free surface (good)
when the mesh slightly deforms:
Normal to free surface (bad)
Actually what happens is that the opposite vertex of some facet does not lie in the only cell sharing that free surface facet, but inside another cell far away, such that the orientation of the facet normal is not correctly computed, and that some facet normals cancel each other, leading thus to bad normals.
Is there:
a way to compute those normals automatically in cgal ?
a problem in my understanding of how a facet works ?
NB: I already check when the opposite vertex is infinite and in that case I mirror the facet using the mirror_facet function
As mentionned in a comment, I tried to use different functions to access the vertex:
std::cout << "--------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
std::cout << facet.first->vertex(asTriangulation_3::vertex_triple_index(facet.second, 0))->info() << std::endl; //facetV1
std::cout << facet.first->vertex(asTriangulation_3::vertex_triple_index(facet.second, 1))->info() << std::endl; //facetV2
std::cout << facet.first->vertex(asTriangulation_3::vertex_triple_index(facet.second, 2))->info() << std::endl; //facetV3
std::cout << facet.first->vertex(asTriangulation_3::vertex_triple_index(facet.second, 3))->info() << std::endl; //opposite vertex
std::cout << "--------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
But it sometimes gives me:
So an opposite vertex with the same index as one of the facet's vertex.
The way to get a consistent orientation of vertices in a face is to use the function vertex_triple_index() instead of (+1/2/3%4). So you have:
Alpha_shape_3::Vertex_handle facetV1 = facet.first->vertex(DT::vertex_triple_index(facet.second,0));
Alpha_shape_3::Vertex_handle facetV2 = facet.first->vertex(DT::vertex_triple_index(facet.second,1));
Alpha_shape_3::Vertex_handle facetV3 = facet.first->vertex(DT::vertex_triple_index(facet.second,2));

Offset Polyline By Constant

I have a polyline that I need to offset by a constant. Imagine a polyline representing the centre line of a highway, I need to offset/parallel this centre line 50 units (to the left and -50 units (to the right) to create lanes.
What function can I use to perform this offset/parallel transation? I believe I should use a MatrixXd or ArrayXd to store the polyline points? But maybe there is a better object to use to store these? Should I use the method transpose() to achieve my parallel operation? Note the polyline points are 2d not 3d.
That really depends what else you're going to be doing with the points. You can use a Matrix2Xd or MatrixX2d as well, if you want to limit the number of rows/columns. I don't know the effects on a polyline but if you just want to add a constant vector to each point, you can do a rowwise or colwise add:
#include <iostream>
#include <Eigen/Core>
using namespace Eigen;
int main()
MatrixXd mat(5, 2);
VectorXd vec(2);
vec << 10., 20;
std::cout << mat << "\n\n";
mat.rowwise() += vec.transpose();
std::cout << mat << "\n\n";
return 0;
You have to calculate the first derivative (tangent) for each point of your polyline. Only then any parallel shift wrt this tangent at a certain point makes sense.

Fastest way to calculate 'percentage matched' of two trapezoids

I asked the following question here and got a good solution, but have found it to be too slow as far as performance (Takes 2-300 ms with 640x480 image). Now I would like to consider how it can be optimized.
Given two polygons (ALWAYS trapezoids that are parallel to the X axis), I would like to calculate by some means how much they match up. By this, I mean overlapping area is not sufficient, because if one polygon has excess area, somehow that needs to count against it. Optimally, I would like to know what percent of the area created by both polygons is common. See image for example as what is desired.
A working (but slow) solution:
- Draw polygon one on an empty image (cv::fillConvexPoly)
- Draw polygon two on an empty image (cv::fillConvexPoly)
- Perform a bitwise and to create an image of all the pixels that overlapped
- Count all nonzero pixels --> overlapped Pixels
- Invert the first image and repeat with non-inverted second --> excessive pixels
- Invert the second image and repeat with non-inverted first --> more excessive pixels
- Take the 'overlapped pixels' over the sum of the 'excessive pixels'
As you can see the current solution is computationally intensive because it is evaluating/ operating on every single pixel of an image ~12 times or so. I would rather a solution that calculates this area that goes through the tedious construction and evaluation of several images.
Existing code:
typedef std::array<cv::Point, 4> Polygon;
float PercentMatch( const Polygon& polygon,
const cv::Mat optimalmat )
//Create blank mats
cv::Mat polygonmat{ cv::Mat(optimalmat.rows, optimalmat.cols, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(0)) };
cv::Mat resultmat{ cv::Mat(optimalmat.rows, optimalmat.cols, CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(0)) };
//Draw polygon
cv::Point cvpointarray[4];
for (int i =0; i < 4; i++ ) {
cvpointarray[i] = cv::Point(POLYGONSCALING * polygon[i].x, POLYGONSCALING *
cv::fillConvexPoly( polygonmat, cvpointarray, 4, cv::Scalar(255) );
//Find overlapped pixels
cv::bitwise_and(polygonmat, optimalmat, resultmat);
int overlappedpixels { countNonZero(resultmat) };
//Find excessive pixels
cv::bitwise_not(optimalmat, resultmat);
cv::bitwise_and(polygonmat, resultmat, resultmat);
int excessivepixels { countNonZero(resultmat) };
cv::bitwise_not(polygonmat, resultmat);
cv::bitwise_and(optimalmat, resultmat, resultmat);
excessivepixels += countNonZero(resultmat);
return (100.0 * overlappedpixels) / (overlappedpixels + excessivepixels);
Currently the only performance improvements i've devised is drawing the 'optimalmat' outside of the function so it isn't redrawn (it gets compared to many other polygons), and also I added a POLYGONSCALING to size down the polygons and lose some resolution but gain some performance. Still too slow.
I may have misunderstood what you want but I think you should be able to do it faster like this...
Fill your first trapezoid with 1's on a background of zeroes.
Fill your second trapezoid with 2's on a background of zeroes.
Add the two Mats together.
Now each pixel must be either 0, 1, 2 or 3. Create an array with 4 elements and in a single pass over all elements, with no if statements, simply increment the corresponding array element according to the value of each pixel.
Then total of pixels in the first index of the array are where neither trapezoid is present, the elements with indices 1 and 2 are where trapezoid 1 or 2 was present, and the elements with index 3 are overlap.
Also, try benchmarking the flood-fills of the two trapezoids, if that is a significant proportion if your time, maybe have a second thread filling the second trapezoid.
I wrote some code to try out the above theory, and with a 640x480 image it takes:
181 microseconds to draw the first polygon
84 microseconds to draw the second polygon
481 microseconds to calculate the overlap
So the total time is 740 microseconds on my iMac.
You could draw the second polygon in parallel with the first, but the thread creation and joining time is around 20 microseconds, so you would only save 60 microseconds there which is 8% or so - probably not worth it.
Most of the code is timing and debug:
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <chrono>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
const int COLS=640;
const int ROWS=480;
typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock hrclock;
hrclock::time_point t1,t2;
std::chrono::nanoseconds elapsed;
int e;
main(int argc,char*argv[]){
Mat canvas1(ROWS,COLS,CV_8UC1,Scalar(0));
Mat canvas2(ROWS,COLS,CV_8UC1,Scalar(0));
Mat sum(ROWS,COLS,CV_8UC1,Scalar(0));
//Draw polygons on canvases
Point vertices1[4]={Point(10,10),Point(400,10),Point(400,460),Point(10,460)};
Point vertices2[4]={Point(300,50),Point(600,50),Point(600,400),Point(300,400)};
t1 = hrclock::now();
// FilConvexPoly takes around 150 microseconds here
t2 = hrclock::now();
elapsed = t2-t1;
cout << "fillConvexPoly: " << e << "ns" << std::endl;
t1 = hrclock::now();
// FilConvexPoly takes around 80 microseconds here
t2 = hrclock::now();
elapsed = t2-t1;
cout << "fillConvexPoly: " << e << "ns" << std::endl;
long totals[4]={0,0,0,0};
t1 = hrclock::now();
for(int j=0;j<ROWS;j++){
uchar* data= sum.ptr<uchar>(j);
for(int i=0;i<COLS;i++) {
t2 = hrclock::now();
elapsed = t2-t1;
cout << "Count overlap: " << e << "ns" << std::endl;
for(int i=0;i<4;i++){
cout << "totals[" << i << "]=" << totals[i] << std::endl;
Sample run
fillConvexPoly: 181338ns
fillConvexPoly: 84759ns
Count overlap: 481830ns
Verified using ImageMagick as follows:
identify -verbose sum.png | grep -A4 Histogram:
60659: ( 0, 0, 0) #000000 gray(0)
140890: ( 1, 1, 1) #010101 gray(1)
70200: ( 2, 2, 2) #020202 gray(2)
35451: ( 3, 3, 3) #030303 gray(3)

Geometry rounding problems: object no longer convex after simple transformations

I'm making a little app to analyze geometry. In one part of my program, I use an algorithm that has to have a convex object as input. Luckily, all my objects are initially convex, but some are just barely so (see image).
After I apply some transformations, my algorithm fails to work (it produces "infinitely" long polygons, etc), and I think this is because of rounding errors as in the image; the top vertex in the cylinder gets "pushed in" slightly because of rounding errors (very exaggerated in image) and is no longer convex.
So my question is: Does anyone know of a method to "slightly convexify" an object? Here's one method I tried to implement but it didn't seem to work (or I implemented it wrong):
1. Average all vertices together to create a vertex C inside the convex shape.
2. Let d[v] be the distance from C to vertex v.
3. Scale each vertex v from the center C with the scale factor 1 / (1+d[v] * CONVEXIFICATION_FACTOR)
Thanks!! I have CGAL and Boost installed so I can use any of those library functions (and I already do).
You can certainly make the object convex by computing the convex hull of it. But that'll "convexify" anything. If you're sure your input has departed only slightly from being convex, then it shouldn't be a problem.
CGAL appears to have an implementation of 3D Quickhull in it, which would be the first thing to try. See for docs and some example programs. (I'm not sufficiently familiar with CGAL to want to reproduce any examples and claim they're correct.)
In the end I discovered the root of this problem was the fact that the convex hull contained lots of triangles, whereas my input shapes were often cube-shaped, making each quadrilateral region appear as 2 triangles which had extremely similar plane equations, causing some sort of problem in the algorithm I was using.
I solved it by "detriangulating" the polyhedra, using this code. If anyone can spot any improvements or problems, let me know!
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <CGAL/convex_hull_traits_3.h>
#include <CGAL/convex_hull_3.h>
typedef Kernel::Point_3 Point;
typedef Kernel::Vector_3 Vector;
typedef Kernel::Aff_transformation_3 Transformation;
typedef CGAL::Polyhedron_3<Kernel> Polyhedron;
struct Plane_from_facet {
Polyhedron::Plane_3 operator()(Polyhedron::Facet& f) {
Polyhedron::Halfedge_handle h = f.halfedge();
return Polyhedron::Plane_3(h->vertex()->point(),
inline static double planeDistance(Plane &p, Plane &q) {
double sc1 = max(abs(p.a()),
double sc2 = max(abs(q.a()),
Plane r(p.a() * sc2,
p.b() * sc2,
p.c() * sc2,
p.d() * sc2);
Plane s(q.a() * sc1,
q.b() * sc1,
q.c() * sc1,
q.d() * sc1);
return ((r.a() - s.a()) * (r.a() - s.a()) +
(r.b() - s.b()) * (r.b() - s.b()) +
(r.c() - s.c()) * (r.c() - s.c()) +
(r.d() - s.d()) * (r.d() - s.d())) / (sc1 * sc2);
static void detriangulatePolyhedron(Polyhedron &poly) {
vector<Polyhedron::Halfedge_handle> toJoin;
for (auto edge = poly.edges_begin(); edge != poly.edges_end(); edge++) {
auto f1 = edge->facet();
auto f2 = edge->opposite()->facet();
if (planeDistance(f1->plane(), f2->plane()) < 1E-5) {
for (auto edge = toJoin.begin(); edge != toJoin.end(); edge++) {
Polyhedron convexHull;
Plane bounds[convexHull.size_of_facets()];
int boundCount = 0;
for (auto facet = convexHull.facets_begin(); facet != convexHull.facets_end(); facet++) {
bounds[boundCount++] = facet->plane();
This gave the desired result (after and before):

Get pixel's color in C++, Linux

I'm looking for a possibility to get the color of a pixel with given screen coordinates (x,y) in c++ / Linux? Maybe something similarly like getPixel() in Windows. I spent the whole day to find sth but without any success.
Thanks, Stefan
Assuming you mean using C and GTK the answer can be using:
GdkPixbuf* gdk_pixbuf_get_from_drawable (GdkPixbuf *dest,
GdkDrawable *src,
GdkColormap *cmap,
int src_x,
int src_y,
int dest_x,
int dest_y,
int width,
int height);
EDIT: sample c++ code using Gdkmm (note that this is just a sample that assume an RGB color space, you should check the colorspace of the drawable before giving a meaning to the raw bytes).
#include <iostream>
#include <gtkmm.h>
#include <gdkmm.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
Gtk::Main kit(argc, argv);
if(argc != 3) { std::cerr << argv[0] << " x y" << std::endl; return 1;}
int x = atoi(argv[1]);
int y = atoi(argv[2]);
Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Screen> screen = Gdk::Screen::get_default();
Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Drawable> win = screen->get_root_window();
Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> pb = Gdk::Pixbuf::create(win, x, y, 1, 1);
unsigned char* rgb = pb->get_pixels();
std::cerr << (int)rgb[0] << ", " << (int)rgb[1] << ", " << (int)rgb[2] << std::endl;
return 0;
See various different techniques posted at
I have come across this same issue and have found the solution to be dependant on the situation at hand. A great way to go about doing it is to capture a bitmap of the window you are looking at. Then have a function search for the pixel in there that you are looking for. Keep in mind the x,y coords will start from the windows upper left corner as apposed to the screen's upper left. As to how to do this, I suggest you take a look at SCAR Divi witten by Freddy1990 and Simba
Those programs are used to program automated tasks on the computer and use pixel colour finding to achieve some tasks. Simba is open source and still in its infant stages. It uses pascal. However you could use the library it uses as an extention from C and sacrifice a little speed.