(ROS) Failed to create global planner - c++

My setup is: ROS melodic, Ubuntu: 18.04
I want simulate turtlebot3 moving with my own global planner and have been following this tutorial to get started: http://wiki.ros.org/navigation/Tutorials/Writing%20A%20Global%20Path%20Planner%20As%20Plugin%20in%20ROS#Running_the_Plugin_on_the_Turtlebot. The tutorial seem to be made for ROS hydro, but as it was the best source of guidance I could find I hoped it would work.
The error I'm having is:
Failed to create the global_planner/GlobalPlanner planner, are you sure it is properly registered and that the containing library is built? Exception: MultiLibraryClassLoader: Could not create object of class type global_planner::GlobalPlanner as no factory exists for it. Make sure that the library exists and was explicitly loaded through MultiLibraryClassLoader::loadLibrary()
To my knowledge I've followed the tutorial as much as possible with a only a few things done differently because I wanted to test it, couldn't do as the tutorial asked, or because I thought it wouldn't impact the results. What I have done differently is:
I use the carrot_planner.h and carrot_planner.cpp files in the tutorial section 1 to test that it works before trying with my own code to avoid confusion about where possible errors come from. It's not 'different' from the tutorial to my knowledge, but figured I'd mention it. They are placed in catkin_ws/src/carrot_planner/src/global_planner/
The ros package I'm working from is in catkin_ws/src and is called the carrot_planner. In the tutorial step 1.3 I use add_library(global_planner_lib src/global_planner/carrot_planner.cpp). Would not imagine it affects the results either.
In section 3 of the tutorial it mentions that 'First, you need to copy the package that contains your global planner (in our case global_planner) into the catkin workspace of your Turtlebot (e.g. catkin_ws).' Since my package was already in catkin_ws/src/ I haven't moved it since I guess I didn't need to.
I've altered the 'move_base.launch' file in '/opt/ros/melodic/share/turtlebot3_navigation/launch/' instead of the 'move_base.launch.xml' in '/opt/ros/hydro/share/turtlebot_navigation/launch/includes/' as there doesn't seem to be a destination '...turtlebot3_navigation/launch/includes/'. There are files in launch, but no includes folder. Maybe that a difference from Hydro to Melodic, I don't know. There may be a whole lot of things that need to be done differently from the tutorial when using Melodic, or with turtlebot3, but I don't know.
I haven't made my own launch file for bringup of the turtlebot, but have instead followed this tutorial (https://emanual.robotis.com/docs/en/platform/turtlebot3/nav_simulation/) to guide me with turtlebot3. After finishing this step in the global planner tutorial 'Save and close the move_base.launch.xml. Note that the name of the planner is global_planner/GlobalPlanner the same specified in global_planner_plugin.xml. Now, you are ready to use your new planner' I tested whether it worked by running: 'roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_world.launch' and then I tried running: 'roslaunch turtlebot3_navigation turtlebot3_navigation.launch map_file:=$HOME/map.yaml' which led to the error I showed above. I have created the map-yaml, so there's no misunderstanding whether that's missing.
I would be very glad for any help, thank you ^^
Edit: My system only had 'navfn' on it, not 'global_planner' or 'carrot_planner', if that makes a difference.

After looking over the code I found a solution. It doesn't make everything work perfectly yet, but seems to solve the immediate problem.
The problem was that in my 'global_planner_plugin.xml' I just used the code provided in the tutorial:
<library path="lib/libglobal_planner_lib">
<class name="global_planner/GlobalPlanner" type="global_planner::GlobalPlanner" base_class_type="nav_core::BaseGlobalPlanner">
<description>This is a global planner plugin by iroboapp project.</description>
But in the carrot_planner.cpp file it says:
PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS(carrot_planner::CarrotPlanner, nav_core::BaseGlobalPlanner)
Changing type="global_planner::GlobalPlanner to type="carrot_planner::CarrotPlanner and then launching turtlebot3 doesn't give the same error anymore.


Get ScriptOrigin from v8::Module

It seems trivial, but I've searched far and wide.
I'm using this resource to make v8 run with ES Modules and I'm trying to implement my own search/load algorithm. Thus far, I've managed to make a simple system which loads a file from a known location, however I'd like to implement external modules. This means that the known location is actually unknown throughout the application. Take the following directory tree as an example:
- index.js
import 'module1_index'; // This is successfully resolved to /libs/module1/module1_index.js
- module1_index.js
export * from './lib.js' // This import fails because it is looking for ./lib.js in ~/source
- lib.js
export /* literally anything */
The above example begins by executing the index.js file from ~. When module1_index.js is executed, lib.js is looked for from ~ and consequently fails. In order to address this, the files must be looked for relative to the file being executed at the moment, however I have not found a means to do this.
First Attempt
I'm given the opportunity to look for the file in the callResolve method (main.cpp:280):
v8::MaybeLocal<v8::Module> callResolve(v8::Local<v8::Context> context, v8::Local<v8::String> specifier, v8::Local<v8::Module> referrer)
or in loadModule (main.cpp:197)
v8::MaybeLocal<v8::Module> loadModule(char code[], char name[], v8::Local<v8::Context> cx)
however, as mentioned, I have found no function by which to extract the ScriptOrigin from the module. I should mention, when files are successfully resolved, the ScriptOrigin is initiated with the exact path to the file, and is reliable.
Second Attempt
I set up a stack, which keeps track of the current file being executed. Every import which is made is pushed onto the stack. Once the file has finished executing, it is popped. This also did not work, as there was no way to reliably determine once the file had finished executing.
It seems that the loadModule function does just that: loads. It does not execute, so I cannot pop after the module has loaded, as the imports are not fully resolved. The checkModule/execModule functions are only invoked on dynamic imports, making them useless to determining the completion of a static import.
I'm at a loss. I'm not familiar with v8 enough to know where to look, although I have dug through some NodeJS source code looking for an implementation, to no avail.
Any pointers are greatly appreciated.
I don't know much about module resolution, but looking at V8's sources, I can see an example mapping a v8::Module to a std::string absolute_path, which sounds like what you're looking for. I'm not copying the whole code here, because the way it uses custom metadata is a bit involved; the short story is that it keeps a std::unordered_map to keep data about each module's source on the side. (I wonder if it would be possible to use Module::ScriptId() as that map's key, for simplification.)
Code search finds a bunch more example uses of InstantiateModule, mostly in tests. Tests often serve as useful examples/documentation :-)

Alternative of CreateVideoSource() in webrtc

Hi all I had seen one webrtc old source code which has this method called CreateVideoSource() for adding streams after an CreateAudioTrack() call.
rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::VideoTrackSourceInterface> video_source =
What's happening is whenever I try to build it gives an error for the above CreateVideoSource() that it is undefined. And the reason behind that is the latest webrtc-checkout has deprecated this.
So my question is, I wanted to know the alternative which they have introduced after deprecating this method. So can anyone tell me what the alternate approach is.
Okay, Finally I was able to come up with an alternative(i.e the current implementation of libwebrtc) after looking into bundle examples and tests.
Line 71 is a good point to start

Integrating SDelete into C++ Program

I am trying to securely clear out a directory using SDelete. I know that this is used from the Command line, but how I would I go about automatically clearing the directory from my C++ code, also using Qt if this has a built any built in functions. I could not find anything with searching and this is my first time doing something like this. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
It is good that you're not trying to re-create the functionality of SDelete. It would be a LOT of work to do as good as a job as what SDelete does. Invoking the existing application is a wise choice.
Now, on to your question... If you want to use QT, then what you need is something like this:
QString path = QString("sdelete", QStringList() << "Bogus.txt");
QProcess sdelete;
sdelete.start( path );
That will start the process sdelete with the parameter Bogus.txt and then wait until the application is finished.
More Info: https://doc.qt.io/archives/qt-4.8/qprocess.html#start
Edit from OP : I found that using the following worked for me with the argument being passed in being a QString.
QProcess::execute("sdelete -s path");

Setting QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS fails

I have read this blogpost http://www.ics.com/blog/qt-tips-and-tricks-part-1 and tried to enable plugin debugging as described.
I've put this line in my main.cpp:
qputenv(QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS, 1);
But if I try to compile I'm getting this error:
.../src/main.cpp:14: error: 'QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS' was not declared in this scope
qputenv(QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS, -1);
What is the problem here and how do I have to do it right?
qputenv("QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS", QByteArray("1"));
But I don't get any additional output.
I'm using Qt5.5.1 with QtCreator 3.6 under KUbuntu 15.10.
You're supposed to set env variable from outside your program, not from inside! It's very likely the plugin loading you're interested into already happened by the time you reach that line. Try putting it before creating a Q*Application object.
– peppe
That's it. It was definitely set before plugin loading, but it seems to be important to set it before creating Q*Application as you wrote. Thank you.
– avb

GetModuleFileName from MSI

I try use the "GetModuleFileName" to get current "setup.msi" location use mydll.dll in setup.msi installer.
But always give me "c:\windows\system\setup.msi".
Any body know why ? Plx help .
You mention C++ so I'm assuming that you are creating a Type 1 custom action as described here. If this is so, I'm guessing that you are trying to figure out where the install is occurring from so you can reference a file or something. If so, check out the MsiGetProperty function and the OriginalDatabase property. If that doesn't meet your needs checkout the the MsiSourceList* functions starting with MsiSourceListGetInfo.