Is it possible to auto cast (long *) to (int *) - c++

I'm working on an existing code base, so the answer "do it right, just use one type" doesn't work because they already didn't do it right, I just have to live with it.
I know that coercion works so that this works:
int a = 1;
long b = a;
even though int and long are different base types. However, this doesn't work:
int a;
long *b = &a;
because there's no auto conversion between "pointer to int" and "pointer to long".
If, rather than base types, I was working with classes, I could get it to work by providing a conversion. My question is this. Is there a way to provide conversions for base types (or rather pointers to base types) so I could start the process of converting my code to use a single 32-bit integral type? As it stands, I either need to do an "all or nothing" edit OR provide a boatload of explicit casts.

My question is this. Is there a way to provide conversions for base types (or rather pointers to base types) so I could start the process of converting my code to use a single 32-bit integral type?
No, there is no way to influence the set of implicit conversions between pointer types aside from inheritance relations between classes.
Even if you add a (long*) cast or reinterpret_cast<long*> everywhere, as mentioned in the comments, accessing the value through that pointer will be an aliasing violation and therefore cause undefined behavior. This is not related to the size, alignment or the representation of the int and long types. Rather compilers are explicitly allowed to make optimizations that assume that a long pointer can never be pointing to a int object and compilers will perform such optimizations that will break code in possibly very subtle ways.
Note that this is different for casts between e.g. signed int* and unsigned int*. Signed and unsigned variants of the same integral type are allowed to alias one another, so that either pointer type can be used to access the object. The compiler is not allowed to perform optimizations in this case that assume that pointers of the two types don't point to the same address at the same time.
GCC and Clang offer the -fno-strict-aliasing option to disable optiizations based on the aliasing rules (still assuming that the type do actually have the same size, alignment and compatible representations), but I don't know whether MSVC has a similar option. Some compilers may also explicitly allow additional types to alias that the standard does not allow to alias, but I would only rely on that if the compiler documents these clearly. I don't know whether MSVC makes any such guarantees for int and long.


How to convert CStyle cast to c++, Unsigned Char to LPCSTR [duplicate]

Why is my static_cast of a pointer failing?
int iDog = 456;
int *piDog = &iDog;
long *plDog = static_cast<long*>(piDog); // invalid type conversion
long lDog = static_cast<long>(iDog); // ok
long* plDog = (long*)(piDog); // this is OK too... very weird!! (Dynamic cast... and we aren't allowed to use this one in our coding standards)
This reference suggests it should be OK:
Issue with Visual Studio C++?
long *plDog = static_cast<long*>(piDog); // invalid type conversion
Why is my static_cast of a pointer failing?
Because it is ill-formed. None of the rules of static_cast apply to the cast that you're attempting. It is an invalid conversion, as you mention in the comments.
A pointer to one object type may not be static casted to a pointer to another object type unless they are pointers to related classes, or when casting to/from pointer to void.
This reference suggests it should be OK:
That reference suggests that the conversion you attempt is not OK.
long* plDog = (long*)(piDog); // this is OK too... very weird!!
This is a well-formed conversion. It's not "weird".
There are many conversions that explicit conversions (also called "cast notation" or "C-style cast") allow, and static casts do not allow. This is because static casts have (at least a semblance of) type safety while explicit conversions essentially ask the compiler to pretend that the type system doesn't exist.
Note that indirecting through plDog and accessing the object would result in undefined behaviour. As you can see, it was a good thing that you got the error.
and we aren't allowed to use this one in our coding standards
This is a good limitation to have. This will make it bit harder for your team to write bugs by mistakenly circumventing the type system.
Issue with Visual Studio C++?
No, the issue is that the program is ill-formed. The compiler is correct to inform you about the bug, and is not required to compile the program.
I recommend asking yourself: Why do you want to, or think that you need to do such cast?
TL;DR: If your cast worked, the language would provide no type-safety guarantees for pointers, and is a key part of the motivation for introducing the C++ style casts instead of sticking with the old-school C cast.
In the language of the C/C++ Standard, long* and int* are not "pointer-compatible". You can't implicitly convert a long* to an int* or vice-versa, so static_cast can't do it in a single cast.
The reasoning behind that is sizeof(long) is not always equal to sizeof(int) for all platforms. They are distinct fundamental types. This is true in general of all distinct C/C++ types even if they have an identical binary layout. They are only "pointer-compatible" if in the syntax of the language you declare the types to be related via implicit conversion.
You can use static_cast when converting from a void* to any pointer to an object type or vice-versa.
Therefore you can do this in two ways:
Stylistically, the use of the reinterpret_cast is a lot clearer. In either case, the validity of the cast is architecture dependent and assumes sizeof(int) == sizeof(long) as well as having the same memory layout.
IOW This is safe for Windows x86 and x64 native, but may not hold for other platforms or CPUs. This is one of the reasons Windows x64 choose to use the LLP64 data model as explained in this blog post.
See cppreference for static_cast and reinterpret_cast

Is static_cast<int>(myUnsignedLongVar) implementation defined?

Common advice when writing C++ states that implicit conversions should be avoided in favour of explicit casts.
int x = myUnsignedLongVar; // should be avoided
int x = static_cast<int>(myUnsignedLongVar); // is preferred
Does a static_cast make this conversion any safer? As far as I'm aware both conversions are implementation defined?
Is the static_cast just a signal to indicate more verbosely that this operation is potentially implementation defined?
And who's implementation? Is the operation dependent on the implementation of the compiler or the CPU?
Both examples would produce the same code.
But, in the second one everyone knows that there’s a cast to int.
In the first one could assume myUnsignedLongVar is int.
In order to make sure nobody misses the cast, guidelines and compilers recommend making it explicit.
I believe your example is somewhat narrow to show the real difference between different types of casting.
If you are simply casting from unsigned int to int, or from double to int, this may not show its real value.
The real value comes when you do not want to allow casting to cause bugs in your program. For example when performing comparisons between signed and unsigned types, or pointer or changing object types. Moreover, C++ style casting i.e. static cast is checked by the compiler.
Another benefit is what you already mentioned. Verbosity. They ensure that the authors intent is captured.
Several answers to this question contain a nice summary and comparison between different types of casting.

Unions, aliasing and type-punning in practice: what works and what does not?

I have a problem understanding what can and cannot be done using unions with GCC. I read the questions (in particular here and here) about it but they focus the C++ standard, I feel there's a mismatch between the C++ standard and the practice (the commonly used compilers).
In particular, I recently found confusing informations in the GCC online doc while reading about the compilation flag -fstrict-aliasing. It says:
Allow the compiler to assume the strictest aliasing rules applicable to the language being compiled. For C (and C++), this activates optimizations based on the type of expressions. In particular, an object of one type is assumed never to reside at the same address as an object of a different type, unless the types are almost the same.
For example, an unsigned int can alias an int, but not a void* or a double. A character type may alias any other type.
Pay special attention to code like this:
union a_union {
int i;
double d;
int f() {
union a_union t;
t.d = 3.0;
return t.i;
The practice of reading from a different union member than the one most recently written to (called “type-punning”) is common.
Even with -fstrict-aliasing, type-punning is allowed, provided the memory is accessed through the union type. So, the code above works as expected.
This is what I think I understood from this example and my doubts:
1) aliasing only works between similar types, or char
Consequence of 1): aliasing - as the word suggests - is when you have one value and two members to access it (i.e. the same bytes);
Doubt: are two types similar when they have the same size in bytes? If not, what are similar types?
Consequence of 1) for non similar types (whatever this means), aliasing does not work;
2) type punning is when we read a different member than the one we wrote to; it's common and it works as expected as long as the memory is accessed through the union type;
Doubt: is aliasing a specific case of type-punning where types are similar?
I get confused because it says unsigned int and double are not similar, so aliasing does not work; then in the example it's aliasing between int and double and it clearly says it works as expected, but calls it type-punning:
not because types are or are not similar, but because it's reading from a member it did not write. But reading from a member it did not write is what I understood aliasing is for (as the word suggests). I'm lost.
The questions:
can someone clarify the difference between aliasing and type-punning and what uses of the two techniques are working as expected in GCC? And what does the compiler flag do?
Aliasing can be taken literally for what it means: it is when two different expressions refer to the same object. Type-punning is to "pun" a type, ie to use a object of some type as a different type.
Formally, type-punning is undefined behaviour with only a few exceptions. It happens commonly when you fiddle with bits carelessly
int mantissa(float f)
return (int&)f & 0x7FFFFF; // Accessing a float as if it's an int
The exceptions are (simplified)
Accessing integers as their unsigned/signed counterparts
Accessing anything as a char, unsigned char or std::byte
This is known as the strict-aliasing rule: the compiler can safely assume two expressions of different types never refer to the same object (except for the exceptions above) because they would otherwise have undefined behaviour. This facilitates optimizations such as
void transform(float* dst, const int* src, int n)
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
dst[i] = src[i]; // Can be unrolled and use vector instructions
// If dst and src alias the results would be wrong
What gcc says is it relaxes the rules a bit, and allows type-punning through unions even though the standard doesn't require it to
union {
int64_t num;
struct {
int32_t hi, lo;
} parts;
} u = {42}; = 420;
This is the type-pun gcc guarantees will work. Other cases may appear to work but may one day silently be broken.
Terminology is a great thing, I can use it however I want, and so can everyone else!
are two types similar when they have the same size in bytes? If not, what are similar types?
Roughly speaking, types are similar when they differ by constness or signedness. Size in bytes alone is definitely not sufficient.
is aliasing a specific case of type-punning where types are similar?
Type punning is any technique that circumvents the type system.
Aliasing is a specific case of that which involves placing objects of different types at the same address. Aliasing is generally allowed when types are similar, and forbidden otherwise. In addition, one may access an object of any type through a char (or similar to char) lvalue, but doing the opposite (i.e. accessing an object of type char through a dissimilar type lvalue) is not allowed. This is guaranteed by both C and C++ standards, GCC simply implements what the standards mandate.
GCC documentation seems to use "type punning" in a narrow sense of reading a union member other than the one last written to. This kind of type punning is allowed by the C standard even when types are not similar. OTOH the C++ standard does not allow this. GCC may or may not extend the permission to C++, the documentation is not clear on this.
Without -fstrict-aliasing, GCC apparently relaxes these requirements, but it isn't clear to what exact extent. Note that -fstrict-aliasing is the default when performing an optimised build.
Bottom line, just program to the standard. If GCC relaxes the requirements of the standard, it isn't significant and isn't worth the trouble.
In ANSI C (AKA C89) you have (section Structure and union members):
if a member of a union object is accessed after a value has been stored in a different member of the object, the behavior is implementation-defined
In C99 you have (section Structure and union members):
If the member used to access the contents of a union object is not the same as the member last used to store a value in the object, the appropriate part of the object representation of the value is reinterpreted as an object representation in the new type as described in 6.2.6 (a process sometimes called "type punning"). This might be a trap representation.
IOW, union-based type punning is allowed in C, although the actual semantics may be different, depending on the language standard supported (note that the C99 semantics is narrower than the C89's implementation-defined).
In C99 you also have (section 6.5 Expressions):
An object shall have its stored value accessed only by an lvalue expression that has one of the following types:
— a type compatible with the effective type of the object,
— a qualified version of a type compatible with the effective type of the object,
— a type that is the signed or unsigned type corresponding to the effective type of the object,
— a type that is the signed or unsigned type corresponding to a qualified version of the effective type of the object,
— an aggregate or union type that includes one of the aforementioned types among its members (including, recursively, a member of a subaggregate or contained union), or
— a character type.
And there's a section (6.2.7 Compatible type and composite type) in C99 that describes compatible types:
Two types have compatible type if their types are the same. Additional rules for
determining whether two types are compatible are described in 6.7.2 for type specifiers,
in 6.7.3 for type qualifiers, and in 6.7.5 for declarators. ...
And then ( Pointer declarators):
For two pointer types to be compatible, both shall be identically qualified and both shall be pointers to compatible types.
Simplifying it a bit, this means that in C by using a pointer you can access signed ints as unsigned ints (and vice versa) and you can access individual chars in anything. Anything else would amount to aliasing violation.
You can find similar language in the various versions of the C++ standard. However, as far as I can see in C++03 and C++11 union-based type punning isn't explicitly allowed (unlike in C).
According to the footnote 88 in the C11 draft N1570, the "strict aliasing rule" (6.5p7) is intended to specify the circumstances in which compilers must allow for the possibility that things may alias, but makes no attempt to define what aliasing is. Somewhere along the line, a popular belief has emerged that accesses other than those defined by the rule represent "aliasing", and those allowed don't, but in fact the opposite is true.
Given a function like:
int foo(int *p, int *q)
{ *p = 1; *q = 2; return *p; }
Section 6.5p7 doesn't say that p and q won't alias if they identify the same storage. Rather, it specifies that they are allowed to alias.
Note that not all operations which involve accessing storage of one type as another represent aliasing. An operation on an lvalue which is freshly visibly derived from another object doesn't "alias" that other object. Instead, it is an operation upon that object. Aliasing occurs if, between the time a reference to some storage is created and the time it is used, the same storage is referenced in some way not derived from the first, or code enters a context wherein that occurs.
Although the ability to recognize when an lvalue is derived from another is a Quality of Implementation issue, the authors of the Standard must have expected implementations to recognize some constructs beyond those mandated. There is no general permission to access any of the storage associated with a struct or union by using an lvalue of member type, nor does anything in the Standard explicitly say that an operation involving someStruct.member must be recognized as an operation on a someStruct. Instead, the authors of the Standard expected that compiler writers who make a reasonable effort to support constructs their customers need should be better placed than the Committee to judge the needs of those customers and fulfill them. Since any compiler that makes an even-remotely-reasonable effort to recognize derived references would notice that someStruct.member is derived from someStruct, the authors of the Standard saw no need to explicitly mandate that.
Unfortunately, the treatment of constructs like:
int q=*(someUnion.intArray+i)
has evolved from "It's sufficiently obvious that actOnStruct and the pointer dereference should be expected to act upon someUnion (and consequently all the members thereof) that there's no need to mandate such behavior" to "Since the Standard doesn't require that implementations recognize that the actions above might affect someUnion, any code relying upon such behavior is broken and need not be supported". Neither of the above constructs is reliably supported by gcc or clang except in -fno-strict-aliasing mode, even though most of the "optimizations" that would be blocked by supporting them would generate code that is "efficient" but useless.
If you're using -fno-strict-aliasing on any compiler having such an option, almost anything will work. If you're using -fstrict-aliasing on icc, it will try to support constructs that use type punning without aliasing, though I don't know if there's any documentation about exactly what constructs it does or does not handle. If you use -fstrict-aliasing on gcc or clang, anything at all that works is purely by happenstance.
I think it's good to add a complementary answer, simply because when I asked the question I did not know how to fulfill my needs without using UNION: I got stubborn on using it because it seemed to answer precisely my needs.
The good way to do type punning and to avoid possible consequences of undefined behavior (depending on the compiler and other env. settings) is to use std::memcpy and copy the memory bytes from one type to another. This is explained - for example - here and here.
I've also read that often when a compiler produces valid code for type punning using unions, it produces the same binary code as if std::memcpy was used.
Finally, even if this information does not directly answer my original question it's so strictly related that I felt it was useful to add it here.

What is the difference between a proper defined union and a reinterpret_cast?

Can you propose at least 1 scenario where there is a substantial difference between
union {
T var_1;
U var_2;
var_2 = reinterpret_cast<U> (var_1)
The more i think about this, the more they look like the same thing to me, at least from a practical viewpoint.
One difference that I found is that while the union size is big as the biggest data type in terms of size, the reinterpret_cast as described in this post can lead to a truncation, so the plain old C-style union is even safer than a newer C++ casting.
Can you outline the differences between this 2 ?
Contrary to what the other answers state, from a practical point of view there is a huge difference, although there might not be such a difference in the standard.
From the standard point of view, reinterpret_cast is only guaranteed to work for roundtrip conversions and only if the alignment requirements of the intermediate pointer type are not stronger than those of the source type. You are not allowed (*) to read through one pointer and read from another pointer type.
At the same time, the standard requires similar behavior from unions, it is undefined behavior to read out of a union member other than the active one (the member that was last written to)(+).
Yet compilers often provide additional guarantees for the union case, and all compilers I know of (VS, g++, clang++, xlC_r, intel, Solaris CC) guarantee that you can read out of an union through an inactive member and that it will produce a value with exactly the same bits set as those that were written through the active member.
This is particularly important with high optimizations when reading from network:
double ntohdouble(const char *buffer) { // [1]
union {
int64_t i;
double f;
} data;
memcpy(&data.i, buffer, sizeof(int64_t));
data.i = ntohll(data.i);
return data.f;
double ntohdouble(const char *buffer) { // [2]
int64_t data;
double dbl;
memcpy(&data, buffer, sizeof(int64_t));
data = ntohll(data);
dbl = *reinterpret_cast<double*>(&data);
return dbl;
The implementation in [1] is sanctioned by all compilers I know (gcc, clang, VS, sun, ibm, hp), while the implementation in [2] is not and will fail horribly in some of them when aggressive optimizations are used. In particular, I have seen gcc reorder the instructions and read into the dbl variable before evaluating ntohl, thus producing the wrong results.
(*) With the exception that you are always allowed to read from a [signed|unsigned] char* regardless of that the real object (original pointer type) was.
(+) Again with some exceptions, if the active member shares a common prefix with another member, you can read through the compatible member that prefix.
There are some technical differences between a proper union and a (let's assume) a proper and safe reinterpret_cast. However, I can't think of any of these differences which cannot be overcome.
The real reason to prefer a union over reinterpret_cast in my opinion isn't a technical one. It's for documentation.
Supposing you are designing a bunch of classes to represent a wire protocol (which I guess is the most common reason to use type-punning in the first place), and that wire protocol consists of many messages, submessages and fields. If some of those fields are common, such as msg type, seq#, etc, using a union simplifies tying these elements together and helps to document exactly how the protocol appears on the wire.
Using reinterpret_cast does the same thing, obviously, but in order to really know what's going on you have to examine the code that advances from one packet to the next. Using a union you can just take a look at the header and get an idea what's going on.
In C++11, union is class type, you can an hold a member with non-trivial member functions. You can't simply cast from one member to another.
§ 9.5.3
[ Example: Consider the following union:
union U {
int i;
float f;
std::string s;
Since std::string (21.3) declares non-trivial versions of all of the special member functions, U will have
an implicitly deleted default constructor, copy/move constructor, copy/move assignment operator, and destructor. To use U, some or all of these member functions must be user-provided. — end example ]
From a practical point of view, they're most probably 100% identical, at least on real, non-fictional computers. You take the binary representation of one type and stuff it into another type.
From a language lawyer point of view, using reinterpret_cast is well-defined for some occasions (e.g. pointer to integer conversions) and implementation-specific otherwise.
Union type punning, on the other hand is very clearly undefined behaviour, always (though undefined does not necessarily mean "doesn't work"). The standard says that the value of at most one of the non-static data members can be stored in a union at any time. This means that if you set var1 then var1 is valid, but var2 is not.
However, since var1 and var2 are stored at the same memory location, you can of course still read and write any of the types as you like, and assuming they have the same storage size, no bits are "lost".

C++ type conversion FAQ

Where I can find an excellently understandable article on C++ type conversion covering all of its types (promotion, implicit/explicit, etc.)?
I've been learning C++ for some time and, for example, virtual functions mechanism seems clearer to me than this topic. My opinion is that it is due to the textbook's authors who are complicating too much (see Stroustroup's book and so on).
(Props to Crazy Eddie for a first answer, but I feel it can be made clearer)
Type Conversion
Why does it happen?
Type conversion can happen for two main reasons. One is because you wrote an explicit expression, such as static_cast<int>(3.5). Another reason is that you used an expression at a place where the compiler needed another type, so it will insert the conversion for you. E.g. 2.5 + 1 will result in an implicit cast from 1 (an integer) to 1.0 (a double).
The explicit forms
There are only a limited number of explicit forms. First off, C++ has 4 named versions: static_cast, dynamic_cast, reinterpret_cast and const_cast. C++ also supports the C-style cast (Type) Expression. Finally, there is a "constructor-style" cast Type(Expression).
The 4 named forms are documented in any good introductory text. The C-style cast expands to a static_cast, const_cast or reinterpret_cast, and the "constructor-style" cast is a shorthand for a static_cast<Type>. However, due to parsing problems, the "constructor-style" cast requires a singe identifier for the name of the type; unsigned int(-5) or const float(5) are not legal.
The implicit forms
It's much harder to enumerate all the contexts in which an implicit conversion can happen. Since C++ is a typesafe OO language, there are many situations in which you have an object A in a context where you'd need a type B. Examples are the built-in operators, calling a function, or catching an exception by value.
The conversion sequence
In all cases, implicit and explicit, the compiler will try to find a conversion sequence. A conversion sequence is a series of steps that gets you from type A to type B. The exact conversion sequence chosen by the compiler depends on the type of cast. A dynamic_cast is used to do a checked Base-to-Derived conversion, so the steps are to check whether Derived inherits from Base, via which intermediate class(es). const_cast can remove both const and volatile. In the case of a static_cast, the possible steps are the most complex. It will do conversion between the built-in arithmetic types; it will convert Base pointers to Derived pointers and vice versa, it will consider class constructors (of the destination type) and class cast operators (of the source type), and it will add const and volatile. Obviously, quite a few of these step are orthogonal: an arithmetic type is never a pointer or class type. Also, the compiler will use each step at most once.
As we noted earlier, some type conversions are explicit and others are implicit. This matters to static_cast because it uses user-defined functions in the conversion sequence. Some of the conversion steps consiered by the compiler can be marked as explicit (In C++03, only constructors can). The compiler will skip (no error) any explicit conversion function for implicit conversion sequences. Of course, if there are no alternatives left, the compiler will still give an error.
The arithmetic conversions
Integer types such as char and short can be converted to "greater" types such as int and long, and smaller floating-point types can similarly be converted into greater types. Signed and unsigned integer types can be converted into each other. Integer and floating-point types can be changed into each other.
Base and Derived conversions
Since C++ is an OO language, there are a number of casts where the relation between Base and Derived matters. Here it is very important to understand the difference between actual objects, pointers, and references (especially if you're coming from .Net or Java). First, the actual objects. They have precisely one type, and you can convert them to any base type (ignoring private base classes for the moment). The conversion creates a new object of base type. We call this "slicing"; the derived parts are sliced off.
Another type of conversion exists when you have pointers to objects. You can always convert a Derived* to a Base*, because inside every Derived object there is a Base subobject. C++ will automatically apply the correct offset of Base with Derived to your pointer. This conversion will give you a new pointer, but not a new object. The new pointer will point to the existing sub-object. Therefore, the cast will never slice off the Derived part of your object.
The conversion the other way is trickier. In general, not every Base* will point to Base sub-object inside a Derived object. Base objects may also exist in other places. Therefore, it is possible that the conversion should fail. C++ gives you two options here. Either you tell the compiler that you're certain that you're pointing to a subobject inside a Derived via a static_cast<Derived*>(baseptr), or you ask the compiler to check with dynamic_cast<Derived*>(baseptr). In the latter case, the result will be nullptr if baseptr doesn't actually point to a Derived object.
For references to Base and Derived, the same applies except for dynamic_cast<Derived&>(baseref) : it will throw std::bad_cast instead of returning a null pointer. (There are no such things as null references).
User-defined conversions
There are two ways to define user conversions: via the source type and via the destination type. The first way involves defining a member operator DestinatonType() const in the source type. Note that it doesn't have an explicit return type (it's always DestinatonType), and that it's const. Conversions should never change the source object. A class may define several types to which it can be converted, simply by adding multiple operators.
The second type of conversion, via the destination type, relies on user-defined constructors. A constructor T::T which can be called with one argument of type U can be used to convert a U object into a T object. It doesn't matter if that constructor has additional default arguments, nor does it matter if the U argument is passed by value or by reference. However, as noted before, if T::T(U) is explicit, then it will not be considered in implicit conversion sequences.
it is possible that multiple conversion sequences between two types are possible, as a result of user-defined conversion sequences. Since these are essentially function calls (to user-defined operators or constructors), the conversion sequence is chosen via overload resolution of the different function calls.
Don't know of one so lets see if it can't be made here...hopefully I get it right.
First off, implicit/explicit:
Explicit "conversion" happens everywhere that you do a cast. More specifically, a static_cast. Other casts either fail to do any conversion or cover a different range of topics/conversions. Implicit conversion happens anywhere that conversion is happening without your specific say-so (no casting). Consider it thusly: Using a cast explicitly states your intent.
Promotion happens when you have two or more types interacting in an expression that are of different size. It is a special case of type "coercion", which I'll go over in a second. Promotion just takes the small type and expands it to the larger type. There is no standard set of sizes for numeric types but generally speaking, char < short < int < long < long long, and, float < double < long double.
Coercion happens any time types in an expression do not match. The compiler will "coerce" a lesser type into a greater type. In some cases, such as converting an integer to a double or an unsigned type into a signed type, information can be lost. Coercion includes promotion, so similar types of different size are resolved in that manner. If promotion is not enough then integral types are converted to floating types and unsigned types are converted to signed types. This happens until all components of an expression are of the same type.
These compiler actions only take place regarding raw, numeric types. Coercion and promotion do not happen to user defined classes. Generally speaking, explicit casting makes no real difference unless you are reversing promotion/coercion rules. It will, however, get rid of compiler warnings that coercion often causes.
User defined types can be converted though. This happens during overload resolution. The compiler will find the various entities that resemble a name you are using and then go through a process to resolve which of the entities should be used. The "identity" conversion is preferred above all; this means that a f(t) will resolve to f(typeof_t) over anything else (see Function with parameter type that has a copy-constructor with non-const ref chosen? for some confusion that can generate). If the identity conversion doesn't work the system then goes through this complex higherarchy of conversion attempts that include (hopefully in the right order) conversion to base type (slicing), user-defined constructors, user-defined conversion functions. There's some funky language about references which will generally be unimportant to you and that I don't fully understand without looking up anyway.
In the case of user type conversion explicit conversion makes a huge difference. The user that defined a type can declare a constructor as "explicit". This means that this constructor will never be considered in such a process as I described above. In order to call an entity in such a way that would use that constructor you must explicitly do so by casting (note that syntax such as std::string("hello") is not, strictly speaking, a call to the constructor but instead a "function-style" cast).
Because the compiler will silently look through constructors and type conversion overloads during name resolution, it is highly recommended that you declare the former as 'explicit' and avoid creating the latter. This is because any time the compiler silently does something there's room for bugs. People can't keep in mind every detail about the entire code tree, not even what's currently in scope (especially adding in koenig lookup), so they can easily forget about some detail that causes their code to do something unintentional due to conversions. Requiring explicit language for conversions makes such accidents much more difficult to make.
For integer types, check the book Secure Coding n C and C++ by Seacord, the chapter about integer overflows.
As for implicit type conversions, you will find the books Effective C++ and More Effective C++ to be very, very useful.
In fact, you shouldn't be a C++ developer without reading these.