Informatica MDM Product 360 DQNavigation Which TabID? - informatica

I have installed P360 10.1 from Informatica and want to try the new DQNavigation feature, where P360 jumps to the correct tab (WebUI) after clicking on a Quality Rule.
Unfortunately it seems that I do not use the right TabID (in: DQNavigationDefinition.XML). Does anybody use this feature already and knows which TabID I have to use (DebugID, Il18Nkey..)?
Huge thanks in advance!


How to make the tutorial from pepper work on setlanguage and dialogue?

its my first time working with pepper and i am working locally on my computer with no connection to a real pepper. I am trying to follow the steps from .
I am getting the error messages:
[WARN ] :getService:16
_Behavior__lastUploadedChoregrapheBehaviorbehavior_193854592:/Set Language_2: ALSpeechRecognition is not available, language setting
cannot be applied to recognition.
_Behavior__lastUploadedChoregrapheBehaviorbehavior_193854592:/Set Language_2: Language English could not be set for one or more
I tried following all steps in the tutorial and removed the german language which i originally intended to use. I have linked the modules correctly as well and would be really happy if you could tell me which mistake i need to fix in order to get it to work.
Thanks in advance and best regards
You most likely forgot to define the projects language.
Click on properties (on the left side of choregraphe, next to the blue cube) and then, on the window that just opened, click the languages of your choice on the right column. Since you are here, don't forget either to give an application id.
Setting the language has no effect on a virtual robot, because it as no TTS or ASR.
You can safely ignore the error or catch it, for instance by adding an onError output wired to the rest of your behavior.

How can I find out version of MSWord on computer?

Can anybody help, please. How can I find out version of msword installed on computer? If there is few versions of it, find out that version which open '.doc' by default. Can anybody suggest some C++ functions or algorithm for this task? Sorry for bad english :( Thank you for help.
you can read the registry entry from the path.
Office 2003 = 11
Office 2007 = 12
Office 2010 = 14
If I want to know what version of Word, I look at the registry key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Word.Application\CurVer
It will give you a ProgId like: "Word.Application.14", "Word.Application.12", or "Word.Application.11" for Office 2010, 2007, and 2003 respectively. The part to the right of the last "." gives the version. If you look at "Word.Document", it won't always give the correct answer because there are feature packs that can be installed that will allow an older version of Word to read a new version of Word document. These feature packs update some registry settings for Word.Document, but they leave Word.Application alone.
Please don't go rummaging through the registry when there are APIs available. Using the appropriate APIs will help make sure your test works for all versions of Windows and Word.
To find out which executable is registered to handle a certain file type (like .doc), use AssocQueryString. Once you have the path to the executable, you can check its version number using GetFileVersionInfo and VerQueryValue.
If you just want to find out which versions are installed (regardless of which application is associated with .doc), you can probably query Windows Installer. Check out MsiEnumProductsEx and MsiGetProductInfo.
There's probably also a way to query for this stuff using WMI.

AnthillPro - CCTray integration

Does anyone know if you can use CCTray (or an equivalent) with AnthillPro? I'm not finding a lot of documentation and am new to using AHP.
You should be able to use CCTray type tools with AnthillPro. You would need to create a custom report to generate the XML though.
Shoot me an email at I may be able to write this later in the week.
Otherwise, you could experiment with report writing.
You can find the cc xml format here:
Example AP report code that iterates over each build workflow and spits out data about the latest build is here:
The "Recent Build Life Activity (RSS)" report that I think ships with the product would give you an XML example.

C.VIM not working

I have a simple question (that I don't seem to be able to answer),
I am a new VIM/Linux user, and since I do c++ development I decided to install the C.VIM plugin to speed up my development time. The problem is, it says in the plug-in (c++) menu that to do a switch statement I have to write \ss (for me the leader is ",", so it's ",ss") but when I do this it just puts me in insert mode and nothing happens. I know the plugin is well set up because when I open a new c++ file it generates a comment box where I can give the description of the program.
I would love it if I would be able to use the shortcuts, because using the menu just losses the point of using vim.
Oh and please, just keep in mind that I am new to vim, I still have hard time figuring out what means <c-r> + TAB (which is, if i'm not mistaking "ctrl-r <tab>"), so if you could just try to explain the solution clearly without to much jargon I would appreciate it. (while i'm here, does anyone know of a good vim tutorial where I could understands all of the vim jargon, thanks!)
I appreciate all the help.
I use this cheat sheet:
Please add the below line to .vimrc and
helptags ~/.vim/bundle/c.vim/doc
Note: I have pointed to my c.vim doc and I use bundle, it may differ for you :)

Trying to find a syntax highlighter for ColdFusion in Notepad++

I use CFEclipse for most of my projects and heavy lifting but sometimes I find the need to do a quick fix on pages outside the project scope that is easier to accomplish in a simple text editor.
I have googled but can't seem to find an answer so either a link to a download or a link to how to build my own would be awesome. thanks.
Update: Brien Malone's answer below along with charlie arehart's comments are what people should use at this point as nppColdFusion is no longer maintained as of 23 Sept 2011.
nppColdFusion is actively maintained
In notepadd ++, go to 'Plugins'> 'Plugin Manager'> 'show plugin manager'. 'Coldfusion Lexer' is listed as available plugin
This question is a few years old now, and unfortunately, the accepted answer involving nppColdFusion is no longer valid because the plug-in doesn't work with NP++ after version 5.x.x and is not being maintained. (It stopped working when Notepad++ switched their plug-in hooking mechanism in version 6.x.x)
The Notepad++ site points to a library of nearly every language highlighter available:
ColdFusion (specifically CF9) is listed:
It's not as good as a full plug-in like nppColdFusion, but it is better than pages of black text.
Just a comment about Tony's answer (Aug 22 '14 at 13:00) : he wrote "In notepadd ++, go to 'Plugins'> 'Plugin Manager'> 'show plugin manager'."
However, in ver. 6.8 (maybe since before), there's no "Plugins" menu item on the menu bar. What I had to do is:
1- From the User Defined Language Page
Download the ColdFusion User Defined Language file
Into the Notepad++ Folder
2- From the User Defined Language panel, import that file:
Language > Define your language... then press the Import button
ColdFusion will then appear at the bottom of the Language menu item selection list, and NotePad++ will automatically use it for any .CF file you open.
This link might help:
Disclaimer: I haven't tried it myself.
I found that nppColdFusion was working well, until I updated NP++ to version 7.6.6. I have tried just about everything to get it working, but to no avail.
I tried Delire Web's solution and it worked perfectly.
The different formatting (font and background colors) takes a bit of getting used to though.