Designing Django admin panel by tailwind - django

I hope you are fine.
I want to customize my django admin panel by tailwind. I know how to use tailwind in the templates of my django apps but unfortunately I am not able to use tailwind in the admin template and I have also tried multiple ways to solve this such as putting cdn in the admin base.hml or installing django-tailwind but all of them hasn’t worked for me yet.
I will thank if anyone who has experience about this matter give me a piece of guidance.

The django-tailwind package is not for django admin customisation. The first step could be this package django-admin-tailwind from here, you can add some more code to the package to suit your needs, probably make a PR as well. Happy coding!


Can I extend django admin to one of the good looking bootstrap admin templates?

I am trying to use django as the platform for a website development. I was using wordpress so far. I liked its CMS and admin system. Can I make a function rich admin backend with django that has; pages, menus, categories, tags, posts, images etc. as the wordpress. In order to make it look good, is it possible to use boostrap or similar dashboard templates? How much of difficulty are you expecting for this project?
Looking forward for your opinions
Django admin is a great utility that comes with django, which helps to create basic CRUD application very quickly.
Now customizing it can be somewhat difficult because it is tightly coupled.
Thought the docs are awesome and you can see if the customization will get your work done. There are many themes available such as django-suit, django-jet etc. which makes it even more awesome.
You might also want to have a look at django-cms and wagtail.
Hope it helps!

How to make Django-Oscar appear as a separate app in Django admin panel?

Good day y'all!
Here comes a basic Django question:
I was running a Django project with one app in it and installed Django-Oscar to cover my ecommerce needs. So, I pip installed it in my main project and set everything up the way they explain it on readthedocs. Now, the structure of my admin panel looks like this:
Main project
My app
Oscar Address
Oscar Analytics
Oscar ...
And I'd like it to be:
Main project
My app
Oscar Address
Oscar Analytics
Oscar ...
I already did django-admin startapp shop for that matter.
Apparently the question is so obvious that I can't find any tutorials for dummies to do this.
Can someone point me in the right direction? Maybe a generic tutorial about including apps in apps the right way is laying around somewhere?
Thank you in advance.
It isn't clear from your question what you're actually trying to achieve, but Oscar does not really 'play nice' with the Django admin, from the docs:
But please note that Oscar makes no attempts at having [admin] be a workable interface; admin integration exists to ease the life of developers.
However, if you're just looking to configure the basic oscar functionality there is the Oscar dashboard (at /dashboard) which is where the ecommerce functionality is configurable. That can also be customised with additional views.

Magento how to make my own admin based custom template?

I am newbie to the magento. I want to develop my own custom template in magento. Where I would like to have some custom settings from admin panel to change the looks of the theme like change colour or to upload logo etc.. So can someone kindly tell me is there any documentation available or any referenced link? Any help and suggestions will be really appreciable.
Have a look at this link
Near the bottom you have the Magento System Configuration section, with this you can create a module to handle all your admin settings for your entire site. This is by far the best way to learn how to setup modules, especially complicated ones that involve admin settings.
There will however be plugins for what you want so check on Magento connect first, and there are some free themes for older Magento installs that include similar custom plugins for customizing the themes you can use as a potential reference if you can dig them up (sorry I don't have any examples to hand as I used bought themes to learn from).

Django blog APPS

Are there any plug and play blog APPS for django,if so please point me to the sources for it.
I am actually looking something like word press which is of cousre difficult to integrate with django.
We looked into this a few months ago for our site and found that Mezzanine and Zinnia were the two best options available, and both are regularly-maintained.
Mezzanine gives you a slicker interface than Zinnia and has disqus comment integration, and has recently added Akismet integration for spam filtering on comments.
django-blog-it - complete customization and ready to use with one click installer. You can try it by hosting on your own or deploy to Heroku with a button click.
Dynamic blog articles
Blog pages
Contact us page (configurable)
google analytics
List item
SEO compliant
Actually I'm not sure but I think you might look at this one.
Also project Pinax contains blog.

What are some Apps or add ons that get used to customize Django Admin

Im looking for a list or just suggestions on some Django Admin must haves or things that people tend to use.
I'm particularly interested in adding a Wysiwyg or Markdown Editor to the the TextAreas in the Django Admin.
Any suggestions?
There are a number of apps that add wysiwyg editors to Django's admin, such as django-wysiwyg. There are also a couple of articles on this subject in Django's wiki. Some other django apps that are great for admin customization are django-admin-tools and grappelli. Beyond being a general ovehaul of the user interface, grappelli also includes support for the inclusion of a wysiwig editor. And as always, the Django docs are usually a good first stop.
Personanlly, I'm particularly fond of grappelli, it's been used to great effect on a number of Django projects, including mezzanine and a few of my own! Here's a preview of the facelift it gives Django's admin:
Have you take a look at this list ?
I use the django-adimin-tools myself, it lets you create custom menus and custom dashboard as well as custom css. Here is what it looks like pretty much out of the box. Items are draggable. More on that here.
I also used django-admin-bootstrapped which uses twitter bootstrap to make the admin look nicer. more information on it here.
Grapelli is probably the most popular though and I have been using it in my Mezzanine apps but haven't yet tried it in a vanilla Django app as of yet.