How to execute a file from URL - xss

I'm writing a demo for a file upload attack. I have uploaded my file to the server. How can I execute the file I just uploaded from the URL like a hacker
enter image description here


Uploading executable file to S3 fails checksum validation

I'm working on a multipart upload from Angular using pre-signed URLs. I've tested the following cases:
Upload a text file or an image - checksum validation works.
Upload an executable (windows or linux) - checksum validation fails.
Upload executable file with checksum disabled, file upload works fine.
Download the file I uploaded in step 3 and check the checksum of the downloaded file vs the checksum of my original copy, it's the same.
Any idea about what could cause this behavior?
Thank you.

Processing a file while its being uploaded in django

My Application requires client to upload a Huge file through a Form . Currently , django stores the file in temp folder and my view function gets hit only after the whole file is uploaded where i can access the file.
My requirement is to be able to get uploaded chunks as soon as they arrive at the server so that i can start the processing .
I checked , there is streaming HTTP response but nothing for HTTP request (POST from client)

Is there any way to bypass the server my Django site is hosted on when uploading files, and just immediately upload to S3 instead?

I am using boto3 to upload massive media files (2GB+) from my Django website to an s3 storage bucket. My issue is that when uploading a file larger than 2.5MB - the connection is immediately timed out and no debug information displays
I assume what is happening is that Django is using the temporary file upload handler, but the temp file handler won't work on the server the Django app is running on (pythonanywhere free tier).
This works flawlessly locally, because it just has to copy to the OS, not the server. I would like to skip the web server so I am not using all the storage/bandwidth
s3.upload_file needs the local path of the file in order to be able to upload it to S3, the only way I could find to do that is grab the temp_path of the file.
# method to chunk the upload process if file is over 2.4MB
def s3_multipart_upload(f, video_id):
# our server path
file_path = "media/"
new_folder = str(video_id)+"/"
file_name =
server_path = file_path + new_folder + file_name
# the file gets copied to ~/tmp/ so grab that path
local_path = f.temporary_file_path()
# create s3 client connection
s3 = boto3.client('s3', settings.AWS_S3_REGION_NAME, **credentials)
config = TransferConfig(
multipart_threshold=1024 * 25,
max_concurrency=10,multipart_chunksize=1024 * 25,
ExtraArgs={'ACL': 'public-read'},
Callback = ProgressPercentage(local_path)
I would like to be able to upload directly to S3, straight from my website, without the files going through the server (python anywhere). If there is a cleaner way of doing this, a better server I should use, or if there is a way to upload the file without copying to temp first - I'm all ears.
(I am also new to Python/Django/Servers in general, so any help is appreciated)
I am not sure if you have found the answer but you can upload content directly to s3 using signed url mechanism.
Request Signed URL for s3 from django backend
Use frontend to upload content directory to s3
But I would suggest do this only if you have bigger media files to be uploaded.
I found this as secured approach.

read file posted to pyramid web app as text

I have a web app build with pyramid. One of the endpoints /foo is connected to the method foo(request):
def foo(request):
file = request.POST['my_file'].file stuff with file...
I then send a file to the endpoint using postman. The problem is, the file is opened as a BufferedRandom in binary mode, but I need to manipulate the file in text mode. Is it possible to do this?
Found my answer here: Not able to parse a .csv file uploaded using Flask
In my case I added
stream = io.StringIO("utf8"), newline=None)
and was able to manipulate stream

web service url for file uploading

does any one know any sample web service URL for file upload?some thing like this
except that the method should be a file upload method.