How can i test that flexibleSearch works fine with .setCount()? - unit-testing

I have a java class that searches items, but in the method params this class receive a number of max items per query search (batchLines).
public List<OrderEntryItemModel> findOrderEntriesByStore(final BaseStoreModel store, final Date modifiedTime,
final int batchLines, final int start) {
final FlexibleSearchQuery query;
if (modifiedTime != null) {
query.addQueryParameter("modifiedtime", modifiedTime);
} else {
query = new FlexibleSearchQuery(FIND_ORDER_ENTRY_ITEMS_BY_STORE_QUERY);
query.addQueryParameter("store", store);
return getFlexibleSearchService().<OrderEntryItemModel>search(query).getResult();
So I have to test this class works fine with using .setCount(). I tried to do the test but always give me 3 and it must give me 1.
Test class:
public class DefaultLookerOrderEntryItemDaoTest {
private DefaultLookerOrderEntryItemDao lookerOrderEntryItemDao;
private FlexibleSearchService flexibleSearchService;
private SearchResult<OrderEntryItemModel> searchResult;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
lookerOrderEntryItemDao = new DefaultLookerOrderEntryItemDao(flexibleSearchService);
final OrderEntryItemModel oei1 = new OrderEntryItemModel();
final OrderEntryItemModel oei2 = new OrderEntryItemModel();
final OrderEntryItemModel oei3 = new OrderEntryItemModel();
final List<OrderEntryItemModel> orderEntryItems = new ArrayList<>();
public void findOrderEntries(){
final List<OrderEntryItemModel> orderEntries = lookerOrderEntryItemDao.findOrderEntriesByStore(new BaseStoreModel(), null, 1, 0);
assertEquals(1, orderEntries.size());


WebTestClient does not post object

I am trying to perform simple test of reading method. I am trying to work with reactive approach so to test whole context I am using WebTestClient. Although post method seems to work correctly reading operation is not working. But why? Isn't it should be saved to embedded mongo database?
Do I need to wait for it somehow if this is reactive?
Exception is thrown definitely in service because I am seeing
com.geborskimateusz.util.exceptions.NotFoundException: No product found for productId: 1
This is how test looks like:
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = RANDOM_PORT, properties = {" 0"})
public class MovieServiceApplicationTests {
WebTestClient webTestClient;
MovieService movieService;
public void getMovie() {
Integer given = 1;
postAndVerify(given, HttpStatus.OK);
Movie movie = movieService.getMovie(given); **fails here**
getAndVerify(given, HttpStatus.OK);
private WebTestClient.BodyContentSpec postAndVerify(Integer id, HttpStatus httpStatus) {
Movie movie = Movie.builder()
.title("Title for movie " + id)
.genre("Genre for movie " + id)
.address("Address for movie " + id)
.body(Mono.just(movie), Movie.class)
private WebTestClient.BodyContentSpec getAndVerify(Integer id, HttpStatus httpStatus) {
return webTestClient.get()
.uri("/movie/" + id)
Service and repository are very simple implementations:
public class BaseMovieService implements MovieService {
private final ServiceUtil serviceUtil;
private final MovieRepository movieRepository;
private final MovieMapper movieMapper = MovieMapper.INSTANCE;
public BaseMovieService(ServiceUtil serviceUtil, MovieRepository movieRepository) {
this.serviceUtil = serviceUtil;
this.movieRepository = movieRepository;
public Movie getMovie(Integer movieId) {
if (movieId < 1) throw new InvalidInputException("Invalid productId: " + movieId);
MovieEntity movieEntity = movieRepository.findMovieById(movieId)
.orElseThrow(() -> new NotFoundException("No product found for productId: " + movieId));
Movie movie = movieMapper.entityToApi(movieEntity);
log.debug("/movie return the found movie for movieId={}", movieId);
return movie;
public Movie createMovie(Movie movie) {
try {
MovieEntity movieEntity = movieMapper.apiToEntity(movie);
MovieEntity saved =;
log.debug("createMovie: entity created for movieId: {}", movie.getMovieId());
return movieMapper.entityToApi(saved);
}catch (DuplicateKeyException e) {
throw new InvalidInputException("Duplicate key for movieId: " +movie.getMovieId());
public void deleteMovie(Integer movieId) {
And repo:
public interface MovieRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<MovieEntity, String> {
Optional<MovieEntity> findMovieById(Integer movieId);
This is however strange because I am sure that repo work fine, all tests below are passing:
public class MovieRepositoryTest {
public static final int BASE_MOVIE_ID = 1;
MovieRepository movieRepository;
MovieEntity savedMovieEntity;
void setUp() {
MovieEntity movieEntity = MovieEntity
.title("Raise of Jedi")
savedMovieEntity =;
assertEqualsMovie(movieEntity, savedMovieEntity);
void create() {
MovieEntity movieEntity = MovieEntity
.title("Fall of Jedi")
MovieEntity saved =;
assertEqualsMovie(movieEntity, saved);
assertEquals(2, movieRepository.count());
void update() {
String givenTitle = "Updated Title";
MovieEntity updated =;
assertEquals(givenTitle, updated.getTitle());
void findById() {
Optional<MovieEntity> optionalMovieEntity = movieRepository.findById(savedMovieEntity.getId());
MovieEntity movieEntity = optionalMovieEntity.get();
assertEqualsMovie(savedMovieEntity, movieEntity);
void shouldPerformOptimisticLocking() {
String concurrentM1actionData = "Concurrent action data performed on M1";
String concurrentM2actionData = "Concurrent action data performed on M2";
MovieEntity m1 = movieRepository.findById(savedMovieEntity.getId()).get();
MovieEntity m2 = movieRepository.findById(savedMovieEntity.getId()).get();
// by updating Entity its version should be updated;
// should fail because of version mismatch
try {
fail("Expected an OptimisticLockingFailureException");
} catch (OptimisticLockingFailureException e) {
System.out.println("shouldPerformOptimisticLocking() -> catch OptimisticLockingFailureException");
//check current version and state
MovieEntity updatedMovieEntity = movieRepository.findById(savedMovieEntity.getId()).get();
assertEquals(1, (int) updatedMovieEntity.getVersion());
assertEquals(concurrentM1actionData, updatedMovieEntity.getTitle());
void delete() {
assertEquals(0, movieRepository.count());
void duplicateMovieError() {
MovieEntity duplicate = MovieEntity.builder().build();
assertThrows(DuplicateKeyException.class, () ->;
void paging() {
Pageable nextPage = PageRequest.of(0, 4, Sort.Direction.ASC, "movieId");
nextPage = verifyPages(nextPage, "[1, 2, 3, 4]", true);
nextPage = verifyPages(nextPage, "[5, 6, 7, 8]", true);
verifyPages(nextPage, "[9, 10]", false);
private Pageable verifyPages(Pageable nextPage, String idsAsString, boolean hasNext) {
Page<MovieEntity> moviePage = movieRepository.findAll(nextPage);
assertEquals(hasNext, moviePage.hasNext());
String ids = moviePage.get().map(MovieEntity::getMovieId).collect(Collectors.toList()).toString();
assertEquals(idsAsString, ids);
private void bulkSaveMovie() {
List<MovieEntity> movies = IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 10)
.mapToObj(i -> MovieEntity.builder()
.title("Movie nr: " + i)
private void assertEqualsMovie(MovieEntity expected, MovieEntity actual) {
assertAll("Executing assertEqualsMovie(..)", () -> {
assertEquals(expected.getId(), actual.getId());
assertEquals(expected.getVersion(), actual.getVersion());
assertEquals(expected.getMovieId(), actual.getMovieId());
assertEquals(expected.getTitle(), actual.getTitle());
assertEquals(expected.getAddress(), actual.getAddress());
assertEquals(expected.getGenre(), actual.getGenre());

Unit test verify method was called inside RxJava's doOnSuccess operator

I have the following code I'm trying to unit test :
if (networkUtils.isOnline()) {
return remoteDataSource.postComment(postId, commentText)
.doOnSuccess(postCommentResponse ->
localDataSource.postComment(postId, commentText))
} else {
return Single.error(new IOException());
And this is how I'm trying to test it :
public void postComment_whenIsOnline_shouldCallLocalToPostComment() throws Exception {
// Given
String postId = "100";
String comment = "comment";
Response<PostCommentResponse> response = postCommentResponse();
when(remoteDataSource.postComment(anyString(), anyString()))
// When
repository.postComment(postId, comment);
// Then
verify(localDataSource).postComment(postId, comment);
where I fake Response from Retrofit like :
private Response<PostCommentResponse> postCommentResponse() {
PostCommentResponse response = new PostCommentResponse();
return Response.success(response);
but it results to : Actually, there were zero interactions with this mock.
Any ideas ?
public class CommentsRepositoryTest {
private CommentsLocalDataSource localDataSource;
private CommentsRemoteDataSource remoteDataSource;
private NetworkUtils networkUtils;
private PostCommentResponseNestedItem postCommentResponseNestedItem;
private CommentsRepository repository;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
BaseSchedulerProvider schedulerProvider = new ImmediateSchedulerProvider();
repository = new CommentsRepository(localDataSource, remoteDataSource, networkUtils, schedulerProvider);
// tests
When you want to test an Observable you have to subscribe to it so it will start emitting items.
As soon as I used :
TestObserver<Response<PostCommentResponse>> testObserver = new TestObserver<>();
and subscribed to :
repository.postComment(postId, comment)
the test worked as expected.

Moq, unit test using xUnit framework and testing a function returning an object

I have a repository
public class StudentsPersonalDetailsRepository : IStudentPersonalDetailsRepository
private readonly StudentManagementSystemEntities _studentsDbContext;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public StudentsPersonalDetailsRepository(StudentManagementSystemEntities context, ILogger<IStudentPersonalDetailsRepository> logger)
_studentsDbContext = context;
_logger = logger;
public IQueryable<StudentPersonalDetails> StudentPersonalDetails => _studentsDbContext.StudentPersonalDetails;
In my Service layer, I am having a service as
public class StudentsPersonalDetailsService:IStudentPersonalDetailsService
private readonly IStudentPersonalDetailsRepository _repository;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public StudentsPersonalDetailsService(IStudentPersonalDetailsRepository studentPersonalDetailsRepository,ILogger<StudentsPersonalDetailsService> logger)
_repository = studentPersonalDetailsRepository;
_logger = logger;
public StudentModelResponse GetStudentById(int id)
Domain.Entities.StudentPersonalDetails obj = _repository.StudentPersonalDetails.
Where(i => i.RollNo == id)
.Select(i=>new Domain.Entities.StudentPersonalDetails {
StudentModel ob = StudentModel.Translator(obj);
return new StudentModelResponse { StudentModel=ob};
My Test code is
namespace StudentUnitTests
public class StudentServiceShould
public void AbleToRetrieveStudentById(int n)
var mock = new Mock<IStudentPersonalDetailsRepository>();
var logger = new Mock<ILogger<StudentsPersonalDetailsService>> ();
var ob = new StudentsPersonalDetailsService(mock.Object, logger.Object);
I need to write a unit test for GetStudentById() and check the values returned by the function.
Please help me to how to mock the service layer.
In the above we have two things happening within StudentsPersonalDetailsService.GetStudentById()
Retrieve the student info from the repository.
Create a student model from the data retrieved from the repository
Note: Something looks strange when reading from the repository. If the items in the repository are StudentPersonalDetails why create new instances
We can stub retrieving the student data like so
public class StudentServiceShould
public void AbleToRetrieveStudentById(int n)
var students = new []{
// new Domain.Entities.StudentPersonalDetails for student role 1,
// new Domain.Entities.StudentPersonalDetails for student role 2,
// new Domain.Entities.StudentPersonalDetails for student role 3
var mock = new Mock<IStudentPersonalDetailsRepository>();
mock.SetupGet(mk => mk.StudentPersonalDetails).Returns(students.AsQueryable());
var logger = new Mock<ILogger<StudentsPersonalDetailsService>> ();
var ob = new StudentsPersonalDetailsService(mock.Object, logger.Object);
Creating the StudentModel objects is encapsulated in the Translator but because it is a static method on the 'StudentModel' we cannot mock it and will have to test the reading and conversion in one go.

Retrofit Unit Test with Roboletric

Is there any possibility to test if Retrofit callback return success?
My code is quite simple:
#Config(constants = BuildConfig.class, sdk = 21,
manifest = "app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml")
public class RetrofitCallTest {
private MainActivity mainActivity;
private RetrofitApi mockRetrofitApiImpl;
private ArgumentCaptor<Callback<List<MyObject>>> callbackArgumentCaptor;
public void setUp() {
ActivityController<MainActivity> controller = Robolectric.buildActivity(MainActivity.class);
mainActivity = controller.get();
public void shouldFillAdapter() throws Exception {
int objectsQuantity = 10;
List<MyObject> list = new ArrayList<YourObject>;
for(int i = 0; i < objectsQuantity; ++i) {
list.add(new MyObject());
callbackArgumentCaptor.getValue().success(list, null);
ListAdapter adapter = mainActivity.getAdapter();
assertThat(adapter .getItemCount(), equalTo(objectsQuantity));
It's clear - I test if my code works correctly WHEN api return success.
But is there any posibility to test IF api return success?

When trying to use Mockito to unit test sending email, I create a multipartemail object in the function, but the test fails, why?

This is my unit testing code.
public class StatsTest extends AbstractTestCase {
//EmailInfo mockMetricsEmail = Mockito.mock(EmailInfo.class);
//EmailSenderImpl mockEmailSenderImpl = Mockito.mock(EmailSenderImpl.class);
private MultiPartEmail mockMultiPartEmail = Mockito.mock(HtmlEmail.class);
private static final String testEmailBody = "This is the test email body.";
private static final String testSender = "";
private static final String testRecipient = ("");
private static final String testEmailSubject = "subject";
private static final String testHostName = "";
private static final MultiPartEmail testHtmlEmail = new HtmlEmail();
EmailSenderImpl emailSenderImplObj = new EmailSenderImpl();
EmailInfo emailInfoObj = new EmailInfo(testEmailBody, testSender, testRecipient, testEmailSubject, testHostName, testHtmlEmail);
public void setUp() throws Throwable {
MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this); // will instantiate "mockMultiPartEmail"
// instantiate our class under test
#Test(expected = EmailException.class)
public void testSendEmail() throws EmailException, IOException {
MultiPartEmail testMultiPartEmail = Mockito.spy(new HtmlEmail());
Mockito.doReturn(mockMultiPartEmail).when(emailInfoObj).getMultiPartEmail(); //stub(spy.getMultiPartEmail()).toReturn(mockMultiPartEmail);
Mockito.when(mockMultiPartEmail.send()).thenThrow(new EmailException("Failed on multipartEmail.send(), hence could not send the email."));
// when the method under test is called
try {
emailSenderImplObj.sendHtmlTableAsEmail(emailInfoObj); //inject mock & invoke what to test
fail("Expecting EmailException");
}catch(EmailException e){
Mockito.verify(mockMultiPartEmail).send();Mockito.doReturn(mockMultiPartEmail).when(emailInfoObj).getMultiPartEmail(); //stub(spy.getMultiPartEmail()).toReturn(mockMultiPartEmail);
i have three classes associated with this email function:
firstly below is emailInfo data object
public class EmailInfo {
private String emailBody;
private String senderEmail;
private String receiversEmails;
private String emailSubject;
private String hostName;
private MultiPartEmail multiPartEmail;
public EmailInfo(String emailBody, String senderEmail, String receiversEmails, String emailSubject, String hostName, MultiPartEmail multiPartEmail) {
public String getSenderEmail() {
return senderEmail;
public void setSenderEmail(String senderEmail) {
this.senderEmail = senderEmail;
public String getEmailBody() {
return emailBody;
public void setEmailBody(String emailBody) {
this.emailBody = emailBody;
public String getReceiversEmails() {
return receiversEmails;
public void setReceiversEmails(String receiversEmails2) {
this.receiversEmails = receiversEmails2;
public String getEmailSubject() {
return emailSubject;
public void setEmailSubject(String emailSubject) {
this.emailSubject = emailSubject;
public String getHostName() {
return hostName;
public void setHostName(String hostName) {
this.hostName = hostName;
public MultiPartEmail getMultiPartEmail() {
return multiPartEmail;
public void setMultiPartEmail(MultiPartEmail multiPartEmail) {
this.multiPartEmail = multiPartEmail;
second class:
public class EmailSenderImpl implements EmailSender{
// public MultiPartEmail getEmail(){
// return multiPartEmail;
// }
// public void setEmail(MultiPartEmail multiPartEmail){
// this.multiPartEmail = multiPartEmail;
// }
public void sendHtmlTableAsEmail(EmailInfo emailInfo)throws IOException, EmailException{
MultiPartEmail multiPartEmail = new HtmlEmail();
lastly the interface.
public interface EmailSender{
public abstract void sendHtmlTableAsEmail(EmailInfo emailInfo)throws IOException, EmailException;
I reason I have so many classes for one simple function is because i cannot use static methods, and i have to separate "business logic" from "function logic." And I need to have interfaces, that is necessary. If there is a better way to organize this, please let me know.
Now when I run the unit test, it fails on the line: "Mockito.doReturn(mockMultiPartEmail).when(emailInfoObj).getMultiPartEmail(); //stub(spy.getMultiPartEmail()).toReturn(mockMultiPartEmail);
the error reads: org.mockito.exceptions.misusing.NotAMockException
In your original code, your problem is that on this line
you are trying to stub the behaviour of the created with this line
EmailInfo emailInfoObj = new EmailInfo(testEmailBody, testSender, testRecipient, testEmailSubject, testHostName, testHtmlEmail);
But this is not a mock or a spy. Mockito only lets you stub the behaviour of mocks and spies, not just arbitrary objects.
I can't tell whether you still have this issue after subsequent updates, as it's impossible to read code that's embedded in comments.