I'm following this guide on editing imported svg's in draw.io but with no luck. I am not getting the style options after inserting the editableCssRules=.*; code on the svg itself.
Has anyone else experienced this? I have the latest version installed and have restarted my machine.
I'm expecting to see additional Fill options as the guide suggests.
If possible, please attach SVG image and add the whole SVG code (Ctrl+e) with inserted editableCssRules=.*; so I can see all the details.
Same problem here.
Here is the whole SVG code as requested :
The option editableCssRules just does what it says: it makes the specified CSS classes editables; in your case by using editableCssRules=.*; you are using a Regex expression to make all CSS classes in the SVG editable.
You are not seeing any options appear after modifying the style because with all probability the SVG you are using does not contain any CSS classes.
You will need to edit your SVG file and add the CSS classes that you need and refer to them in the paths, like so:
<style type="text/css">
<path class="st0" d="YOUR_PATH_HERE"/>
Now, in draw.io import the SVG again and after adding the editableCssRules=.*; option to the style you should be able to edit its color, like so:
I'm running into an issue on my site where I've found the line-heights are way off on several heading selectors.
I understand how to run a search on only my stylesheets (which there are a lot of them), but I don't understand if there's a way to use regex to search (I use VS Code) for all h3 selectors that don't have the line-height property?
This is where I'm at right now, but this will include line-height. I am finding it hard to understand the documentation well enough to disinclude line-height.
(?<=h3 \{)(\n.+)*line-height
How do I search all h3 selectors that don't have a nested line-height property?
this :h3\b.*(?:\r?\n(?!\}|.*\bline-height\b).*)*\r?\n\}\n? will detect all the h3 that don't contain line-height in your style file
screenshot inside vscode
The pattern you're looking for is <h3[^>]*line-height
Based on the answer to this question, I was able to get 2-column papaja with listings wrapping (rather than overflowing column width). But the listings package turns off various features that help code listings and R output stand out relative to the main text.
A simple solution would be if I could globally change the font faces and/or sizes selectively for code and R output. Is there a way to do that in papaja? I haven't been able to figure this out from papaja or Rmarkdown documentation. Thank you!
When you use the listings package in a papaja (or bookdown) document, what is technically happening is that all code is wrapped into an lstlisting LaTeX environment that comes with its own capabilities of customizing code appearance. Hence, you don't see the syntax highlighting that you would otherwise see if you would not use the listings package. The documentation of the listings package with instructions how to style your code can be found here.
To make use of this, you can extend the YAML header of your papaja document like this:
documentclass : "apa6"
classoption : "jou"
output :
pandoc_args: --listings
- \lstset{breaklines=true,language=R,basicstyle=\tiny\ttfamily,frame=trB,commentstyle=\color{darkgray}\textit}
Here, I first specify the code's language, and use a tiny monospace font. With frame, I add a frame around the code block, and with commentstyle I set comments in italic and gray.
Thanks for making papaja. It's really terrific!
I just submitted my first journal article using it and ran into problems. The layout staff don't know what to do with the code chunks and listings that are fine in single-column, full page format, but not in their 2-column format. I'm trying use the class 'jou' option to make 2 columns, but I can't figure out how to control the size of code and listing fonts (possibly by modifying the css, as recommended here), or how to using the latex package 'listings' to set listings to wrap (as recommended here).
I'd be grateful for any advice, and my apologies if I've missed how one might do this in the documentation.
If it's only about getting the listings package to work, you can modify the YAML header that it looks similar to the following:
documentclass : "apa6"
classoption : "jou"
output :
pandoc_args: --listings
- \lstset{breaklines=true}
However, note that using automatic line breaks will most likely break the code at some points. Therefore, it is worthwhile to consider alternatives: For instance, you could try to use a code style that uses more line breaks. The styler package and add-in might be helpful accomplishing this: https://styler.r-lib.org/
I'm using a Django wrapper with wkhtmltopdf however I'm having the problem that regardless of the fonts I use in my CSS it always just shows a default sans-serif font. It works locally and also works on the server when I just generate the HTML without converting it to the PDF.
This is how it shows on the server in the PDF and this is how it shows locally in the PDF. The font is a custom font base64 encoded, however it doesn't matter what font I use as none make a difference.
Is it something to do with the server setup?
Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
What's the css you're applying to the text? wkhtmltopdf has some quirks, and apparently doesn't like fallbacks (link). I was observing something similar and finally got a serif font (closest I could get to Times New Roman w/o downloading) by doing
font-family: "serif";
wkhtmltopdf only includes fonts if it finds them in the local system in /usr/share/fonts
If you use fonts like font-family: 'Liberation Sans'; ,wkhtmltopdf will correctly include them in the PDF and render them as it should.
If someone is still looking for a solution (in the current version of wkHTMLtoPDF). The solutions above didnĀ“t solve my problem.
For me the correct solution was to add an svg-font for each font (font-type). wkHTMLtoPDF takes at least the svg. In my case, it always took the fallback font (Arial). I just converted each font and added it to my font.scss.
I hope this helps.
I have a problem.
I need to set some kind of z-index, like you can use on the web in HTML/CSS.
Because I have a text on an image, and therefore I want to be sure that it looks good when printing.
Is there some "z-index" code I can use on theese fo:block elements?
XSL-FO defines z-index property:
You have to check your formatting agent whether does support this property.