Play Syore: Requires api level 31 still bugging after swapping all sdk versions to 31 - expo

Google keeps pointing out that the app requires api level 31 still bugging after swapping all sdk versions to 31.


ColdFusion 5 setup files

I am trying to install ColdFusion 5 but it looks like file is missing from my copy. I understand on Adam Cameron's Dev Blog he had a copy of Coldfusion 5 from the document he wrote about installing it on Windows 7 64bit. Does anyone have a copy of the software please?
You can find installers for older versions of ColdFusion on a community maintained site:
I doubt you'll be able to get it up and running reliably as it's a 32-bit installer and won't run on modern Windows. It's pre-Java, so you'll also have issues with C compatibility for things like custom CFX tags. If you've got an old OS on a server somewhere, maybe you can do something with it.
What problem are you trying to address? Working on a legacy application? CF 5 should no longer be running any kind of production sites as there are a world of security issues given the modern Internet.
If possible, I'd suggest trying to run the code on the open source Lucee CFML engine Depending on the complexity of your application, it won't just be a matter of setting up data sources and running the code. But in the long run, if this app needs to exist for a while more, it'll be a safer and less expensive solution.
If you have more questions about CF 5, you'll probably find more help on the CFML Slack channel. You can get an invite here:

Python API EOFError

I've some Pythonista scripts I run on my iPad which create/update Evernote notes as part of the process, at least they did up until around 20th/21st of December at which point they started throwing EOFErrors when trying to retrieve the note store (get_note_store). The following is enough to duplicate the error
from evernote.api.client import EvernoteClient
import evernote.edam.notestore.NoteStore as NoteStore
auth_token = "……" # << add a valid token here
client = EvernoteClient(token=auth_token, sandbox=False)
note_store = client.get_note_store()
I did some playing around over the holidays and tracked the error down to something specific to Pythonista as the same code works flawlessly on my Mac, but as there hasn't been any updates to Pythonista since June 2016 (I'm still using the original version not Pythonista 3) I don't think the issue is on the Pythonista side.
Checking on the Evernote status page ( there were patch releases on the 20th and 21st of December and I'm wondering if one of these could have broken support for the Pythonista Evernote API?
Update 2017-01-09
It looks like a patch was applied to the Evernote servers Thursday night which has fixed the issue and everything is working ok again now.
If you happen to be part of the Evernote support team who had any involvement in fixing this, Thank you!

Can the Funambol C++ API be used for Symbian Series 40 development?

Can I use the Funambol API for Symbian Series 40 development using C++, as the Series 40 SDK is not available for C++?
As far as I can tell - not with C/C++, as the SDK is Java ME based and apparently does not include JNI. But I believe Funambol also supports Java ME - so you may not need to use C/C++.

Android. Is it possible to write custom function on C/C++ and use it in SQL query?

SQLite3 doesn't support stored procedures. Is it possible to write custom function on C/C++ and use it in SQL query?
Something like that
SELECT * FROM table WHERE CUST_FUNCTION(name1, name2) = 1
SELECT CUST_FUNCTION(name1, name2) FROM table
Maybe you have some good example how to do that.
Sadly, it appears you cannot.
I was looking at something like this for calculating distance from within a sqlite query - it was sometimes mentioned as a method for doing this.
sqlite does support something like this, so documentation and other references will suggest that this is possible. However, after looking at various sources, I came to the conclusion that, while you can do it in several places that use sqlite (like iPhone I believe), you can't do it in Android's sqlite (at least I didn't find anyone able to do this way in Android).
Here are a couple of links that I had found suggesting it wasn't possible in Android and unfortunately I couldn't find any counterexamples. But I'd love to find I'm wrong about this ...
Android sqlite sort on calculated column (co-ordinates distance)
"The technique you describe does not seem to be applicable to Android, which cannot use sqlite3_create_function(). – CommonsWare Jan 9 '10 at 19:00"
Sqlite on Android: How to create a sqlite dist db function - to be used in the app for distance calculation using lat, long
org.sqlite is not an Android API, so that is not relevant. – hackbod Mar 1 '10 at 4:59
You are correct, org.sqlite is not an Android API. However, you can use it to implement a Content Provider that does what he asked. – Joshua Smith Mar 1 '10 at 12:39
Actually, I'm rather skeptical on the approach outlined in the content provider answer you link to. org.sqlite is not in Android, and it is unclear if there exists an org.sqlite implementation that will work in concert with Android's SQLite environment. – Pentium10 Jun 27 '10 at 9:12
Yes it might be possible, but that will not be supported officially on Android. We can do that either by writing our shared object in C and SQLite natively. I think, another way would be to java libraries for SQLite instead on relying on Google's libarries
I have not done any Android development , but it certainly is possible on other platforms.
Have a look at the sqlite_create_funciton api

How hard will it be to upgrade a ColdFusion application from 5.0 to 8.0?

I have a Windows 2000 server running ColdFusion 5.0 and one rather large legacy application. The original developer has long since come and gone.
The server needs to be retired, and none of the ColdFusion media can be found. The course of action will be too purchase ColdFusion 8 and use that (Unless anyone has a suggestion on an alternative).
Can anybody comment as to how much backwards incompatibility exists between ColdFusion 5.0 and 8.0? Will I be able to just copy and run the website or will I need to trawl through the code changing syntax or references?
Within the ColdFusion Administrator is a Code Analyzer for help with situations like this.
Download the (Free) ColdFusion 8 Developer Edition
Open up the Administrator and go to Debugging & Logging > Code Analyzer
Run your code through that and it should identify any problems.
I'm not exactly sure on the amount of backwards compatibility, but you should download the developer edition and give it a test run plus its free since its only for development.
ColdFusion Developer
You shouldn't have any problems (insert standard disclaimers here . . . ) ColdFusion has always been excellent about maintaining backwards compatibility.
The only thing I know that has been dropped, and I think it was version 5 when it was dropped was doing
<cfset x = QueryNew()>
<cfif x>
has been depricated. So you might have to do some code trawling.
Another thing that may not be picked up by the Code Analyzer, and may or may not be an issue, is nesting of cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="True" or "False". It was a while ago, but I remember some crazy output issues with where those were set and where it was turned off.
The behavior of that setting with includes changed in that upgrade from 5, IIRC.
For ColdFusion 10, is Adobe documentation on the changes in since 5
Tag changes since CF5
New Functions in ColdFusion 10
Script functions implemented as CFCs
Script functions implemented as CFCs are all new since CF 9