Error with dependencies on AWS JupyterLab notebook (runing alphafold on AWS) - amazon-web-services

I'm trying to run the alphafold.v2 on AWS via their batch architecture program (github link:
When running the first command to install dependencies:
%pip install -r notebook-requirements.txt -q -q
I'm getting the following error message:
ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed.
This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts.
awscli 1.24.10 requires botocore==1.26.10, but you have botocore 1.23.54 which is incompatible.
aiobotocore 1.3.0 requires botocore<1.20.50,>=1.20.49, but you have botocore 1.23.54 which is incompatible
I'm a bit confused as to how I can meet both requirments for a botocore 1.26.10 and botocore<1.20.50,>=1.20.49 - is it possible to have both installed at the same time?
Thank for the help!


Jinja2 incompatible

I'm trying to install dbt into GCP cloud shell, but always receive this message error:
ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts.
flask 2.1.1 requires Jinja2>=3.0, but you have jinja2 2.11.3 which is incompatible.
I resetting cloud shell and remove Jinja using sudo pip3 uninstall Jinja2, after install dbt pip3 install dbt-bigquery. But it shows the same message.

gcloud app deploy crashes with "Unable to assign value to attribute 'timezone'" on Cloud SDK version 297.0.0

Using gcloud app deploy to deploy to App Engine will fail if cron.yaml or cron.xml contains timezone information, when run using Cloud SDK 297.0.0.
For example:
[INFO] GCLOUD: ERROR: ( An error occurred while parsing file: [/path/to/file/cron.yaml]
[INFO] GCLOUD: Unable to assign value 'America/New_York' to attribute 'timezone':
[INFO] GCLOUD: timezone 'America/New_York' is unknown
The workaround is to downgrade to version 296.0.1 of the Cloud SDK. (Substitute 296.0.1 for VERSION below.)
If you installed the SDK directly (outside of a package manager), you should use gcloud components to update: gcloud components update --version VERSION. This includes all installation mechanisms on this page (including the interactive installer, static versions, Windows installer, and Homebrew) but excludes the two following bullets.
If you installed via the rapture repo for Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install google-cloud-sdk=VERSION-0
If you installed via the rapture repo for RedHat/CentOS: sudo yum downgrade google-cloud-sdk-VERSION
If for any reason any of the above do not work, use the download archive to manually download an older version, and install using http://cloud/sdk/docs/downloads-versioned-archives.
I got the same problem and I wrote a ticket to the GCP support.
It seems that they are not well aware of the bug.

cannot Import Remote lambda function to ec2 via cloud9

Error importing AWS Lambda function
The following error was encountered when attempting to import your function
spawn unzip ENOENT
that is the particular error on import,I am using ubuntu AMI
is there any method in awscli to download lambda and upload with libraries install
I had this error when trying to import too - fixed by installing unzip on the server running Cloud9 (it was ubuntu so 'sudo apt-get install unzip').

error in running `pip install aws cli`: "could not find a version that satisfies the requirement cli"

I'm on a Windows based machine using GitBash for my shell. When I run, pip install aws cli, I get the following message:
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement cli (from versions: ) No matching distribution found for cli
I Googled the error, and many responses indicate that it's can be the result of a package that's not contained in pypi, etc. (Pip install-couldn't find a version that satisfies the requirement).
However, since I'm following the video here: at 4:13, and it worked for the instructor, I'm not sure what I'm missing - can someone help me understand this (including any helpful troubleshooting commands to identify the source of the issue?)
I'm new to AWS and also bash so I apologize if this is a relatively elementary question.
Thanks in advance!
The command should be:
pip install awscli
You need to remove the space between 'aws' and 'cli'.
Try these commands
curl -o
pip install awscli

Error /usr/bin/env: ‘python’: No such file or directory - installing presto on AWS EC2 instance

I unpacked the presto on AWS EC2 instance and followed the documentation on prestodb
when I run bin/launcher startI get the following error:
/usr/bin/env: ‘python’: No such file or directory
I guess documentation could mention that explicitly, but you need certain piece of software installed to run presto. This includes, but is not limited to:
Supported Java JVM
Python (i guess 2.7 would do)
For Ubuntu/Debian:
Install Python if you did not do before:
apt-get install python3
If you have python already:
whereis python3
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/pytho