How regular expressions stop matching - regex

aws-sdk-java/1.9.4 Linux/3.10.0-862.mt20190308.130.el7.x86_64 Java_HotSpot(TM)_64-Bit_Server_VM/25.45-b02/1.8.0_45
I want to get substr 'aws-sdk-java/1.9.4'
Here is my regular
but it matches many times
is someone can help me? Thank you very much~

You could make the pattern a bit more specific, and get a match only without capture groups.
(?<!\S) Assert a whitespace boundary to the left
\w+(?:-\w+)* Match 1+ word chars and optionally repeat - and 1+ word chars
\/ Match / (Depending on the delimiter of the pattern, you don't have to escape the /)
\d+(?:\.\w+)* Match 1+ digits and optionally repeat . and 1+ word characters
(?!\S) Assert a whitespace boundary to the right
Regex demo
Or a boader variant:
regex demo


How to match names separated by "and" excluding "and" itself using regex?

I am trying to solve
I have some strings as follows:
author={Diaz, Navarro David and Gines, Rodriguez Noe},
title={The sitting position in neurosurgery: a retrospective analysis of 488 cases},
author={Standefer, Michael and Bay, Janet W and Trusso, Russell},
title={Fuel cells and their applications},
author={Kordesch, Karl and Simader, G{"u}nter and Wiley, John},
I need to match the names in bold. I tried the following regex:
But it matches the entire string inside {}. I understand why is it so but how can I break the pattern with and?
It took me a little while to get the samples to show up in your link. What about:
(?:^\s*author={|\G(?!^) and )\K(?:(?! and |},).)+
See an online demo
(?:^\s*author={|\G(?!^) and ) - Either match start of a line followed by 0+ whitespace chars and literally match 'author={` or assert position at end of previous match but negate start-line;
\K - Reset starting point of reported match;
(?:(?! and |},).)+ - Match any if it's not followed by ' and ' or match a '}' followed by a comma.
Above will also match 'others' as per last sample in linked test. If you wish to exclude 'others' then maybe add the option to the negated list as per:
(?:^\s*author={|\G(?!^) and )\K(?:(?! and |},|\bothers\b).)+
See an online demo
In the comment section we established above would not work for given linked website. Apparently its JS based which would support zero-width lookbehind. Therefor try:
(?<=\bauthor={(?:(?!\},).*?))\b[A-Z]\S*\b(?:,? [A-Z]\S*\b)*
See the demo
(?<= - Open lookbehind;
\bauthor={ - Match word-boundary and literally 'author={';
(?:(?!\},).*?)) - Open non-capture group to match a negative lookahead for '},' and 0+ (lazy) characters. Close lookbehind;
\b[A-Z]\S*\b - Match anything between two word-boundaries starting with a capital letter A-Z followed by 0+ non-whitespace chars;
(?:,? [A-Z]\S*\b)* - A 2nd non-capture group to keep matching comma/space seperated parts of a name.
If using a lookbehind assertion is supported and matching word characters, you might use:
(?<= Postive lookahead, assert that to the left of the current position is
\bauthor={ Match author={ preceded by a word boundary
[^{}]*(?:{[^{}]*}[^{}]*)* Match optional chars other than { } or match {...}
) Close the lookbehind
[A-Z] Match an uppercase char A-Z
[^\s,]*, Optionally match non whitespace chars except , and then match ,
(?: Non capture group to repeat as a whole part
\s+[A-Z][^\s,]* Match 1+ whitespace chars, uppercase char A-Z, optional non whitespace chars except ,
)+ Close the non capture group and repeat it 1 or more times
\b a word boundary
See a regex101 demo.

Regex match specific strings

I want to capture all the strings from multi lines data. Supposed here the result and here’s my code which does not work.
Pattern: ^XYZ/[0-9|ALL|P] I’m lost with this part anyone can help?
Changed to
XYZ/A12345 after the slash limited to 6 alphanumeric chars
XYZ/LH-1234567890 after the /LH- limited to 10 numeric chars
The pattern could be:
The pattern in parts matches:
^ Start of string
XYZ\/ Match XYX/ (You don't have to escape the / depending on the pattern delimiters)
(?: Outer on capture group for the alternatives
ALL Match literally
| Or
P? Match an optional P
[0-9]+(?:-[0-9]+)? Match 1+ digits with an optional - and 1+ digits
(?: Non capture group to match as a whole
,[0-9]+(?:-[0-9]+)? Match ,and 1+ digits and optional - and 1+ digits
)* Close the non capture group and optionally repeat it
) Close the outer non capture group
$ End of string
Regex demo
You can use this regex pattern to match those lines
Use the global g and multiline m flags.
Btw, [P|ALL] doesn't match the word "ALL".
It only matches a single character that's a P or A or L or |.

Regular expression using positive lookbehind not working in Alteryx

I am trying to match a string the 2nd word after "Vores ref.:" using positive lookbehind. It works in online testers like, but my tool Alteryx dont allow quantifiers like + in a lookbehind.
"ABC This is an example Vores ref.: 23244-2234 LW782837673 Test 2324324"
(?<=Vores\sref.:\s\d+-\d+\s+)\w+ is correctly matching the LW78283767, on but not in Alteryx.
How can I rewrite the lookahead expression by using quantifiers but still get what I want?
You can use a replacement approach here using
Replace with $1.
See the regex demo.
.*? - any 0+ chars other than line break chars, as few as possible
\bVores - whole word Vores
\s+ - one or more whitespaces
ref\.: - ref.: substring
\s+ - one or more whitespaces
\d+-\d+ - one or more digits, - and one or more digits
\s+ - one or more whitespaces
(\w+) - Capturing group 1: one or more word chars.
.* - any 0+ chars other than line break chars, as many as possible.
You can use a capture group instead.
Note to escape the dot \. to match it literally.
The pattern matches:
\bVores\sref\.:\s\d+-\d+\s+ Your pattern turned into a match
(\w+) Capture group 1, match 1+ word characters
Regex demo

Match everything until upcase word

I want to capture a word placed before another one which is full capitalized
Mister Foo BAR is here # => "Foo"
Miss Bar-Barz FOO loves cats # => "Bar-Barz"
I've been trying the following regex: (Mister|Miss)\s([[:alpha:]\s\-]+)(?=\s[A-Z]+), but sometimes it includes the rest of the sentence. For example, it'll return Bar-Barz FOO loves cats instead of Bar-Barz).
How can I say, using RegExp, "match every words until the upcase word" ?
To clarify the usage of negative lookahead, can we say it "captures until the specified sub-pattern matches, but does not include it to the match data" ?
As a non-native English speaker, apologies if my answer isn't perfectly formulated. Thanks by advance
Match 1+ word chars optionally repeated by a - and 1+ word chars to not match only hyphens or a hyphen at the end.
Assert a space followed by 1+ uppercase chars and a word boundary at the right.
\w+ Match 1+ word char
(?:-\w+)* Optionally repeat matching - and 1+ word chars
(?=\s[A-Z]+\b) Positive lookahead, assert what is directly at the right is 1+ uppercase chars A-Z followed by a word boundary
Regex demo
If there can not be any newlines between the words, you can use [^\S\r\n] instead of \s
Regex demo
I want to capture a word placed before another one which is full capitalized
You may use this regex with a lookahead:
\b\S+(?=[ \t]+[A-Z]+\b)
RegEx Demo
RegEx Description:
\b: Word boundadry
\S+: Match 1+ non-whitespace characters
(?=[ \t]+[A-Z]+\b): Positive lookahead that asserts we have 1+ space and then a word containing only capital letters
You don't say what language you're working in, but the following works for me. The idea is to stop when the parser hits a sequence of uppercase letters/hyphens.
JS example:
let ptn = /(Mister|Miss)\s[\w\-]+(?=\s[A-Z\-]+)/;
"Mister Foo BAR is here".match(ptn); //["Mister Foo", "Mister"]
"Miss Bar-Barz FOO loves cats".match(ptn); //["Miss Bar-Barz", "Miss"]

Regex to capture everything after optional token

I have fields which contain data in the following possible formats (each line is a different possibility):
AAA - Something Here
AAA - Something Here - D
Something Here
Note that the first group of letters (AAA) can be of varying lengths.
What I am trying to capture is the "Something Here" or "Something Here - D" (if it exists) using PCRE, but I can't get the Regex to work properly for all three cases. I have tried:
- (.*) which works fine for cases 1 and 2 but obviously not 3;
(?<= - )(.*) which also works fine for cases 1 and 2;
(?! - )(.+)| - (.+) works for cases 2 and 3 but not 1.
I feel like I'm on the verge of it but I can't seem to crack it.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Edit: I realized that I was unclear in my requirements. If there is a trailing " - D" (the letter in the data is arbitrary but should only be a single character), that needs to be captured as well.
About the patterns that you tried:
- (.*)This pattern will match the first occurrence of - followed by matching the rest of the line. It will match too much for the second example as the .* will also match the second occurrence of -
(?<= - )(.*)This pattern will match the same as the first example without the - as it asserts that is should occur directly to the left
(?! - )(.+)| - (.+) This pattern uses a negative lookahead which asserts what is directly to the right is not (?! - ). As none of the example start with - , the whole line will be matched directly after the negative lookahead due to .+ and the second part after the alternation | will not be evaluated
If the first group of letters can be of varying length, you could make the match either specific matching 1 or more uppercase characters [A-Z]+ or 1+ word characters \w+.
To get a more broad match, you could match 1 or more non whitespace characters using \S+
^ Start of string
(?:\S+\h-\h)? Optionally match the first group of non whitespace chars followed by - between horizontal whitespace chars
\K Clear the match buffer (Forget what is currently matched)
\S+ Match 1+ non whitespace characters
(?: Non capture group
\h(?!-\h) Match a horizontal whitespace char and assert what is directly to the right is not - followed by another horizontal whitespace char
\S+ Match 1+ non whitespace chars
)* Close non capture group and repeat 1+ times to match more "words" separated by spaces
Regex demo
To match an optional hyphen and trailing single character, you could add an optional non capturing group (?:-\h\S\h*)?$ and assert the end of the string if the pattern should match the whole string:
Regex demo
You may use
^(?:.*? - )?\K.*?(?= - | *$)
See the regex demo
^ - start of string
-(?:.*? - )? - an optional non-capturing group matching any 0+ chars other than line break chars as few as possible up to the first space-space
\K - match reset operator
.*? - any 0+ chars other than line break chars as few as possible
(?= - | *$) - space-space or 0+ spaces till the end of string should follow immediately on the right.
Note that \h matches any horizontal whitespace chars.
^(?:[A-Z]+ - \K)?.*\S
Since "Something Here" can be anything, there's no reason to specially describe the eventual last letter in the pattern. You don't need something more complicated.
With this pattern I assume that you are not interested by the trailing spaces, that's why I ended it with \S. If you want to keep them, remove the \S and change the previous quantifier to +.