I'm deploying my CloudFoundry application, and want to configure some http routing properties as described in https://docs.cloudfoundry.org/concepts/http-routing.html
I think to configure what I want, I need to add this to my manifest.yml:
enable_zipkin: true
balancing_algorithm: least-connection
Question: However, when I deploy, how do I know that these properties really take place, for example that the balancing_algorithm works as I configured?
I tried:
cf app - doesn't show it
create-app-manifest - creates a manifest, but there's no properties: in it
Looking in Stratos, I don't see the properties anywhere
I've never tried to enable zipkin, bit "cf env APP" usually shows user provided configuration.
I would like to know if there is a way to enable Camunda debug?
As I can only see the logs related to bpmn file deploy, as well as errors that could occur, in catalina.out file.
My point is, I would like to debug the Rest API requests and responses that I make, in order to see all steps that are being made, from Camunda Modeler (where bpmn file is deployed to the engine) to Cockpit (where the process-definition is afterwards started)?
I’m using Tomcat as server.
You can enable logging of basically everything done by engine by adjusting logback properties:
described here
I deployed a React-Application with the Staticfile Buildpack to Cloudfoundry on the SAP Cloud Platform which has different routes (e.g."/login", etc.)
When I access the app with the provided URL (e.g. "www.exampleurl.com") and navigate through my app everything works, the different pages with different routes are working as expected.
My problem now is that, everytime I want to reload a page or if I want to access the application with an additional path attached initally e.g "www.exampleurl.com/todo-route" instead of just "www.exampleurl.com/" I get an 404 Not Found nginx error.
Is this problem related to the application router I need to configure before deploying my application or is it something different.
Unfortunately, I am not getting smarter from reading the documentation and resources on this are very rare in general.
I would appreciate some advice very much. Thank you in advance.
For people having trouble with single-page applications as well:
I found an answer already myself.
Refering to this post:
Deploy single page application Angular: 404 Not Found nginx
You need to add a "Staticfile" file in your dist or build folder with "pushstate: enabled".
You can also refer to the cloudfoundry documentation for the staticfile buildpack: https://docs.cloudfoundry.org/buildpacks/staticfile/index.html
Hope that will help some people on the way.
On these pages it is mentioned that VERSION and MODULE are to be passed to the service while starting the Web Server. For the deployments done outside of GKE and App Engine, how to find the version?
The docs on the links above says
VERSION is the app version (e.g., the build ID). The GCP Console displays the running app as MODULE - VERSION. Examples: v1.0, build_147, or v20160520.
But not sure where to find it.
You can pick any names that makes sense to you for MODULE and VERSION. They will appear in as "MODULE - VERSION" in the app selector on the Debug page.
How do I configure jetty for hot deployment, i.e. set intervalScan ?
Is it possible set from properties file?
I've read the documentation, but it's only explain to setting basic configuration such as port,context path,etc.
Spring Boot doesn't expose all Jetty features via external properties, but you should have access to all the Java APIs. Having said that, I doubt if "intervalScan" is very useful to you for thymeleaf with the default Boot settings because it's a Jetty setting related to the Servlet context (as far as I understand) and Boot prefers you to load templates from the classpath. Your IDE should allow you to build automatically (ie update the classpath when resources change), or the Gradle and Maven tooling from Boot can be used on the command line.
I have a java Spring application that I want to deploy to Cloudfoundry on Tomcat7. I am newbie to Cloudfoundry and followed the steps mentioned here but when I issue vmc push command I am getting warning Can't determine the Application Type with no options provided. Any idea to resolve this ?
C:\apps\tomcat7>vmc push
Would you like to deploy from the current directory? [Yn]:
Application Name: myApp77
[WARNING] Can't determine the Application Type.
Select Application Type:
Dan's comment is correct. You should be given the option to choose standalone app.
You may want to have a look at https://github.com/ericbottard/cloudfoundry-tomcat-7 which is a distribution of tomcat already customized (and tested) as described in the blog post you mention.
Even better, if you're using Maven, just follow the README and you'll be able to deploy your war project automatically as a tomcat7 standalone.
Hope this helps,
This actually sounds correct to me, in the list of application types should be an entry named "standalone application". Select that one and then provide the command you wish to start the application with, in this case it's 'bin/startup.sh'