Service account storage limit - google-cloud-platform

I want to increase my 15GB storage limit per service account on google drive storage to a much higher number. how could it be done?
Currently, I'm getting a 'The user has exceeded their Drive storage quota' HttpError 403

I highly advise you to explore the possibility of making user impersonation.
In case you are working with a Google Workspace account you could review the steps about how to make user impersonation here:
Here is another example:

Each Google Account comes with 15 GB of shared storage (Gmail, Drive, Photos).
To increase your storage quota, upgrade to Google One.
Google One Plans and Pricing


How to cancel AWS instance and stop Amazon AWS from billing

I opened a so-called "free tier" account on AWS to learn about cloud services.
Now my credit card is charged every month and is costing me a lot of money.
I looked at the billing and I saw a Amazon RDS service in a Zone in USA.
I thought to delete the RDS instance but it was not possible even after trying several times and as hard as I could (All possible options and several times)
RDS instance could not be deleted by any means.
I thought to "stop" the instance at least it would cost less money. I saw the instance was stopped but for unclear reasons it started after 7 days again.
After a lot of frustration I decided to delete my AWS account in an attempt to stop the billing and prevent a bankruptcy. Amazon AWS still is billing the running the instance even after deleting my AWS account.
Now I cannot even login to AWS and cannot do anything.
I know I could block my credit card and get a new one, but I costs time and I would rather keep my existing credit card.
I want to open a lawsuit against AWS Amazon since it clearly violates European laws.
Please help me to answer the following questions
how can I stop this billing and prevent Amazon AWS to charge my credit card?
Where Do I get contact with AWS support, for this level I only find community help but no direct contact with AWS Support.
Where can I find information about precedent cases to prepare a lawsuit?
Many thanks for your help, this is very important since it has a big financial impact for me.
It is very easy to contact AWS support. There is a direct link in the navbar at the top right. AWS is actually pretty helpful when it comes to new users being accidentally overcharged. They will simply cancel your charges if you raised a ticket on time.
What did you do to delete your account? I doubt your root account is deleted. Try logging in with root credentials (email and password) then raise a support ticket.
I can't give you legal advise but do you really intend to sue a company who you did not contact even though their support links are on every page of the their product?
The AWS Free Tier provides a billing discount for certain AWS services. It is not a 'Free Account'.
You could contact AWS Customer Service (which is different to AWS Customer Support). They handle all billing-related queries.
Go to and select Billing or Account support.
If you are unable to signing, go to:

Not able to increase Quota for Compute Engine API in GCP

I have been trying to increase Quota for Google Cloud Platform(GCP) Compute Engine API for a Location and it is not allowing me to Edit or Even select the location.
I have tried the same thing before few months back and it was properly working then. I just created a new project and tried the same thing.
I do have the Owner Permission assigned to me.
After concluding that you are in Free Tier, that is part of constraints.
Your free trial credit applies to all Google Cloud resources, with the following exceptions:
You can't have more than 8 cores (or virtual CPUs) running at the same time.
You can't add GPUs to your VM instances.
You can't request a quota increase. For an overview of Compute Engine quotas, see Resource quotas.
You can't create VM instances that are based on Windows Server images.
You must upgrade your account to perform any of the actions in the preceding list.
Upgrading to a paid account:
Free Tier conditions:
Update: To be able to increase Quotas or Submit Quota Increase, you need to:
For New Project need to wait for 48hrs
You need to have Billing Enabled (Enable it by going into top-left gift icon and following along to Enable Billing in GCP)

Change GPU quota on Google Cloud Platform

I am trying to change the quota for the number of GPUs I can use on a project on the Google Cloud Platform. Thing is I've made requests before on a different account and they all went through.
This is a brand new account about 5 days old and even though I've upgraded my billing the requests are still denied. I reached out for feedback and the response was
Unfortunately, we are unable to grant your quota increase due to insufficient service usage history
I've reached out to their sales team but they haven't gotten back to me yet and I've tried putting in that I just created the account and upgraded billing in the justification for the request as mentioned here.
Does anyone know how to get requests to edit quotas on brand new accounts approved?
After some chatting with the Google Cloud Platform Billing Support, the basic answer is no, there's no way to increase quotas on a new account.
The last bit of correspondence and essentially the official response:
I was able to check with the downstream team the information |Support officer name here|
provided you and before your projects can get their GPU quota
increased it needs to accumulate more billing history. In my
experience I would recommend you to try again and request the quota
The issue is that new accounts don't have enough billing history or tenure to request quotas and one billing cycle has to pass in order for that information to be made available. I also asked if this is a policy that would change in the future to which the response was:
Google has a very sensitive policy specifically regarding the quotas
for GPU's, meaning this limitation on the product will continue to
work this way since the only way to generate tenure on an account is
by generating billing history.

How to calculate cost of Amazon S3 for hosting my web application

Please I need your suggestons.
I want to calculate the cost of using Amazon S3 to host my web application. The size of the web application for now is about 6MB.
Users of the application will either post their details or do a search to retrieve from the system. There are no file uploads, except photo of users.
If you have used Amazon S3 to host your application, please kindly advice on how to calculate.
Thank you in advance.
The storage cost will be minimal, but it is also dependent on request count and bandwidth usage, so the cost depends on how popular you'll be.
You can use the AWS Simple Monthly Calculator to estimate that:
For small sites, that is likely to fit on the free tier:

amazon aws billing clients per usage

suppose you have an app on aws and you want to charge for storage to clients for each gb they use. is there a way to get this info from amazon or collect it yourself if you are using your own aws account for this (clients have no amazon aws accounts).
for example: 10gb spent at the end of the month. have to charge it. how to figure out what to bill each of the 5 clients?
can amazon give this info? if amazon can't provide this, how to do it?
same question for storage / bandwidth and processing time.
basically do what amazon does :P
even if that is hard, how to ensure if you sell a package of 1gb / month (storage example) that the customer doesn't go over. any patterns for handling this (as in code patterns i can use)?
Amazon provides a service that I think does exactly what you want called "DevPay" that has the ability to track and charge users S3 usage.
From the DevPay documentation:
"Amazon DevPay is a simple-to-use online billing and account management service that makes it easy for businesses to sell applications that are built in, or run on top of, Amazon Web Services. It is designed to make running applications in the cloud and on demand easier for developers."
If you can't use this for some reason then it's up to you track users usage within your application...