I want to get data from JavaScript with Django - django

There is price filtering written in JavaScript in the template. I want to take the price range given in this filter with dajngo and write a filtering function. I couldn't because I don't know JavaScript. How will I do?
So, i want to write a django function that takes the given start and end values and sorts the products accordingly.
var slider = document.getElementById('price-slider');
if (slider) {
noUiSlider.create(slider, {
start: [1, 100],
connect: true,
tooltips: [true, true],
format: {
to: function(value) {
return value.toFixed(2) + '₼';
from: function(value) {
return value
range: {
'min': 1,
'max': 100

I'm not familiar with noUiSlider but you would need to get the from and to values into Django - you can do that either by submitting a form when clicking FILTER or by sending an AJAX request. I presume you would just submit the form in a standard page submission as you aren't familiar with JS (and therefore AJAX).
def your_view(request)
filter_from = request.POST.get('slider_from')
filter_to = request.POST.get('slider_to')
YourModel.objects.filter(value__gte=filter_from, value__lte=filter_to)
You will need to replace slider_from and slider_to with the key values that are sent by the slider input in request.POST - this will be the name of the inputs themselves. You can wrap request.POST in a print statement to easily see what these are. It's just a matter of getting the values and passing them into the filter() function of your model.


APEX row selector part 2

This is a follow on to "APEX row selector" posted 5 days ago.
The problem was collecting multiple values from an interactive grid. From the excellent links to post supplied I was able to achieve this. However, the next part of the project is to open an edit dialog page and update multiple values.
I added this code to the attribute of the interactive grid:
function (config)
var $ = apex.jQuery,
toolbarData = $.apex.interactiveGrid.copyDefaultToolbar(),
toolbarGroup = toolbarData.toolbarFind("actions3");
type: "BUTTON",
action: "updateCar",
label: "Edit Selected Cars",
hot: true,
config.toolbarData = toolbarData;
config.initActions = function (actions)
// Defining the action for activate button
name: "updateCar",
label: "Edit Selected Cars",
action: updateCar
function updateCar(event, focusElement)
var i, records, model, record,
view = apex.region("ig_car").widget().interactiveGrid("getCurrentView");
var vid = "";
model = view.model;
records = view.getSelectedRecords();
if (records.length > 0)
for (i = 0; i < records.length; i++)
record = records[i];
alert("Under Development " + record[1]);
vid = vid + record[1] + "||";
// need to open next page here and pass parameters
return config;
I need to know how to open a form and have the parameter values available to pass to an oracle update script.
Thank you for any help you can provide. I did find some posts but I really need a good example. I have tried everything to no avail.
There are various ways you could do this. Here's one way, perhaps someone else will offer a more efficient option.
The JavaScript options for navigation in APEX are documented here:
Since you're trying to open a separate page, you probably want to use apex.navigation.dialog, which is what APEX automatically uses when opening modal pages from reports, buttons, etc.
However, as noted in the doc, the URL for the navigation must be generated server-side for security purposes. You need a dynamic URL (one not known when the page renders), so you'll need a workaround to generate it. Once you have the URL, navigating to it is easy. So how do you get the URL? Ajax.
Create an Ajax process to generate the URL
Under the processing tab of the report/grid page, right-click Ajax Callback and select Create Process.
Set Name to GET_FORM_URL.
Set PL/SQL code to the following
l_url varchar2(512);
l_url := apex_page.get_url(
p_application => :APP_ID,
p_page => 3,
p_items => 'P3_ITEM_NAME',
p_values => apex_application.g_x01
apex_json.write('url', l_url);
Note that I'm using apex_item.get_url to get the URL, this is an alternative to apex_util.prepare_url. I'm also using apex_json to emit JSON for the response to the client.
Also, the reference to apex_application.g_x01 is important, as this will contain the selected values from the calling page. You'll see how this was set in the next step.
Open the URL with JavaScript
Enter the following code in the Function and Global Variable Declaration attribute of the calling page:
function openFormPage(ids) {
x01: ids.join(':')
success: function (data) {
var funcBody = data.url.replace(/^"javascript:/, '').replace(/\"$/,'');
new Function(funcBody).call(window);
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
// handle error
In this case, I'm using apex.server.process to call the server-side PL/SQL process. Note that I'm passing the value of ids.join(':') to x01. That value will become accessible in the PL/SQL code as apex_application.g_x01. You can use additional items, or you can pass a colon-delimited string of values to just one item (as I'm doing).
The URL that's returned to the client will not be a standard URL, it will be a JavaScript snippet that includes the URL. You'll need to remove the leading and trailing parts and use what's left to generate a dynamic function in JavaScript.
This is generally frowned upon, but I believe it's safe enough in this context since I know I can trust that the response from the process call is not malicious JavaScript code.
Add a security check!!!
Because you're creating a dynamic way to generate URLs to open page 3 (or whatever page you're targeting), you need to ensure that the modal page is protected. On that page, create a Before Header process that validates the value of P3_ITEM_NAME. If the user isn't supposed to be able to access those values, then throw an exception.

SpreadJS FromJson Chart load

I'm using SpreadJS v12 as a reporting tool. User will enter the page get the wanted data, create charts and save it for later use.
When user saves the report I get Json data (GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook.toJSon) and save this Json to database and whenever someone tries to reach the same report, I get the Json from database and give it to the page (GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook.fromJSon). Everything works fine except if there is a chart on page the data source for chart series (xValues and yValues) change. When I check Json format it looks like this: Sheet2!$B$2:$B$25 but in chart it's: Sheet2!$A$1:$A$24 . Am I doing something wrong?
By the way my serialize options: { ignoreFormula: false, ignoreStyle: false, rowHeadersAsFrozenColumns: true, columnHeadersAsFrozenRows: true, doNotRecalculateAfterLoad: false }
this.state.spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById("spreadSheetContent"), { sheetCount: 1 });
This is my save method:
var pageJson = this.state.spread.toJSON(this.serializationOption);
let self = this;
let model = {
Id: "",
Name: reportName,
Query: query,
PageJson: JSON.stringify(pageJson)
this.post( { model }, "Query/SaveReportTemplate")
self.PopUp(reply, 4 );
And this is my load method:
var jsonOptions = {
ignoreFormula: false,
ignoreStyle: false,
frozenColumnsAsRowHeaders: true,
frozenRowsAsColumnHeaders: true,
doNotRecalculateAfterLoad: false
Well after a long day, I think I've found what's causing the problem and started working around that.
Let's say we have two sheets. Sheet1's index is 0 and Sheet2's index is 1.
Because of the json serialization options like frozenColumnsAsRowHeaders and frozenRowsAsColumnHeaders until Sheet2 is painted row numbers and column number are different in the json.
If there is a formula or a chart in Sheet1 that's referencing Sheet2, their references will point to a different cell from what you set first. So always referencing the sheets that will be painted before is the way to solve this problem.

django-autocomplete-light add parameter to query url

I'm trying to pass some data along to the autocomplete_light.AutocompleteModelBase so I can exclude some models from the search. I'm trying to use the Dependencies info in the docs here
but I can seem to get it.
The id of the input is id_alternate_version-autocomplete, so I'm trying:
$("#id_alternate_version-autocomplete").yourlabsWidget().autocomplete.data = {'id': 'foo'};
But the url called looks like
I want:
How can I do something like that?
DAL provides a way to do this with "forwarding" of another rendered form field's value.
See http://django-autocomplete-light.readthedocs.io/en/master/tutorial.html#filtering-results-based-on-the-value-of-other-fields-in-the-form
This is how I did it:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('form#recipe').on('change propertychange keyup input paste', function() {
var ingredient_item_type = $("form#recipe input[type='radio']:checked").val();
var widget = $("form#recipe input#id_ingredients_text").parents('.autocomplete-light-widget');
if(ingredient_item_type) {
widget.yourlabsWidget().autocomplete.data['hello'] = 'world';
Javascript acrobatics aside, the key observation is thus:
anything you put in the .data object of the autocomplete widget will
automatically be made part of the GET request. HTH.

Passing a list in a url inside a TokenInput with Django, he only pass the last one

I am using jquery-tokeninput as an autocomplete to retrieve some objects in my app.
My js code to initialize the autocomplete is this:
function initialize_search(model, input_busca) {
var url = reverse('autocomplete.'+model) + "?tipos[]=almoxarifado&tipos[]=estoque";
var data = $(input_busca).data('tokeninput');
$(input_busca).tokenInput(url, {
hintText: 'Start to type',
preventDuplicates: true,
queryParam: 'name',
noResultsText: 'No results',
searchingText: 'Search',
prePopulate: data
All I want is to receive the parameter 'tipos[]' in my view, like this:
types = request.GET.getlist('tipos[]')
And receive this:
[u'almoxarifado', u'estoque']
But when i do this, he only gives me the last one and not all the list, in this case:
This is how I call the autocomplete function inside the js:
inicializa_busca('endereco', $("#id_enderecos"));
You must be aware that, ajax is to pass small data, check the size of this list, maybe is better an full post submission!

Django ajax passing variable to the views

I'm new with Django + Ajax. My Problem is I can't get the value from my ajax POST request. I'm using the jquery post.
My task is to sort the draggable list item. The drag and drop is not the problem. Getting the values from POST request is the problem. It returns MultiValueDictKeyError
"Key 'ages' not found in <QueryDict: {u'action': [u'updateRecords'], u'ages[]': [u'80', u'81', u'79', u'82', u'83', u'84', u'85', u'86']}>"
here is my ajax:
$(function() {
var url = ""; /* won't place it*/
$("ul#ages").sortable({ opacity: 0.6, cursor: 'move', update: function() {
var order = $(this).sortable("serialize") + '&action=updateRecords';
$.post(url, order, function(theResponse){
here is the views:
if request.is_ajax():
if request.POST['action'] == "updateRecords":
update_record_array = request.POST['ages']
order_counter = 1;
for record_id in update_record_array:
order_counter += 1
Can anyone help me out?
The error message shows what is wrong - you're looking up a key ages, but you're sending something called ages[] with some extra square brackets.
If you've put those brackets in the field name, you don't need them - that's a PHP-ism. (It might not be your fault: jQuery has been known to do add them itself.) In any case, you'll want to use request.POST.getlist(fieldname) to get the list of multiple values associated with that key.