SFML vs Qt in C++ - c++

I decided to switch from console to windowed programs, so I did a search for the best graphical libraries for C++, and of the many I found, I liked the following ones:
I have to decide which one to use, so having some doubts only I ask you the following questions
When to use Qt and when SFML?
Is SFML only suitable for creating vidiogames or can it also be used to create dekstop apps, or is it better to use Qt for this purpose?
Does SFML already include constructs for desktop apps like buttons?
If I created the same desktop app once with Qt and the other with SFML:
which would be faster in execution.
which would be lighter in terms of memory usage.
Imagine a simple programme with an input text and a button, where you enter a path to a file to be encrypted, and clicking the button below the input text starts the encryption process
As far as legal terms are concerned:
If I were to sell my software realised with the SFML library, would I have to pay them anything?
Same question but with Qt

When to use Qt and when SFML?
Qt is for any kind of Desktop app that uses a rather standard GUI. SFML is for creating games with their own non-standard GUI.
Is SFML only suitable for creating vidiogames or can it also be used to create dekstop apps, or is it better to use Qt for this purpose?
While you can create a standard desktop application with SFML, it's kinda like creating a model of the river Kwai bridge from toothpicks. Certainly an interesting hobby, but you will need to invest an extraordinary amount of time and patience to create something people will judge an interesting oddity.
Does SFML already include constructs for desktop apps like buttons?
Not in a way you would expect. Not like Qt.
If I created the same desktop app once with Qt and the other with SFML:
which would be faster in execution.
The SFML app.
which would be lighter in terms of memory usage.
The SFML app.
Please note that programming the SFML app to a standard of the Qt app would also probably take 100 to 1000 times as long and much higher skill. So those questions above do not make sense without this context.
It is a little like asking what is more fuel efficient, flying to Sydney or running to Sydney? Well, since running uses zero kerosene, running is more efficient. Just takes a pretty good runner and a lot of time. Well, assuming you are in Australia, otherwise, good luck. So you are not asking the right question here, nobody would run to Sydney based on how much kerosene they save. That is not the correct measurement to base your decision on.
Imagine a simple programme with an input text and a button, where you enter a path to a file to be encrypted, and clicking the button below the input text starts the encryption process
Yes, that is the job of frameworks like Qt, not full screen renderers like SFML. If you don't want 3d fireballs exploding while you do your encryption, stay with Qt.
If I were to sell my software realised with the SFML library, would I have to pay them anything?
Same question but with Qt


Creating GUIs in Win32 C++

I'm developing my first Windows desktop application and I'm trying to figure out what the best approach would be to create the program's GUI.
I know, I know... I feel stupid for asking considering the amount of data on the subject on SO. However most answers seem outdated and I'm not sure if they fit my specific project. Also tutorials for Windows 8 'metro apps' are clogging my Google search results, which is NOT what I'm looking for.
I use Visual Studio. I've followed tutorials. I have basic knowledge of C and Java and extensive experience with PHP. I'm excited to learn C++, so I'm not looking for GUIs to create a GUI (like WinForms). I also don't care about managed code and portability for now, especially since I'm trying to avoid dependencies (i.e. users having to install .NET). As long as it runs smoothly on Vista and up, I'm happy.
The application
The software will teach basic physics to kids. I'd like to create a main area and a sidebar. The main area will feature a physics animation, say a bouncing ball, along with some Q&A. Users can zoom in to the animation to measure some stuff and answer the question. Users can track their progress in the sidebar. That's pretty much it.
What I've found so far
I'm getting a bit frustrated with MSDN. Most of their examples are given in four different languages (C#, C++, etc). I can't seem to get more than a bit of Hello World code from them.
I found a GDI API on MSDN and it seems like a good start for me. However I've read quite a few answers on SO saying creating layouts in pure C++ is really hard, that we're better of using frameworks like ATL and WTL. Since I'm also going to create (somewhat interactive) animations, I've wondered whether I should use gaming-targeted APIs like Direct2D.
Since all of this is new to me, and there are a lot of options, I don't know where to start for my particular application. Any tips would be greatly appreciated!
Using the raw Win32 API (no additional downloads or third-party helpers):
Here's a good primer (introduces dialog boxes, text boxes, buttons, etc): theForger's Win32 API Tutorial
And here's where you go from there (numeric up-downs, list boxes, combo boxes, tooltips, and more): Common Controls on MSDN. Most of these require you to #include <commctrl.h>.
I also found this to be a good resource that covered what the other two didn't: Win32 Developer - Window Assets
But the Win32 API doesn't seem like it does exactly what you want. A physics app for kids should have a more visual GUI than the API can provide. Good luck, though!
If you're ok with adding additional Frameworks, I'd suggest looking at Qt.
It allows to create the GUI from code only, has a good structure, and has an Interface for 2D drawing, if required.
If you are concerned about dependencies, you only have to include the Qt DLLs to your executables; no installation is required for the user.
To get started, see my (old) tutorial "Lessons in Windows API Programming".
But you really need a good book, such as edition 5 or earlier of Charles Petzold's classic "Programming Windows".
The problem with latest edition is that it's for C# and .NET, with Charles grabbing the tail of the "new way" at just the wrong time…
Disclaimer: I haven't checked the details of edition numbers.
Using the Windows API is the simplest, but producing advanced GUIs can take a very long time. Microsoft Foundation Class is a way to make the Windows API more user friendly and OOP. Does anyone have any experience with MFC?
Why not use some 2D C++ game engine, like HGE: http://hge.relishgames.com/overview.html.

gtkmm and MSAA accessibility

I'm interested to know if gtkmm w/ ATK (or whatever) works with MSAA like Qt does. We're looking right now at switching toolkit from WX and it turns out that our testing software relies on MSAA to do it's thing (something I wish I'd known 3 years ago when we picked WX to begin with). Of all the GUI toolkits, I prefer GTKmm mainly due to it's use of signals and slots but in a way much more expressive and generic than Qt's....and without the need for the extra build step that requires the Qt VS plugin. The designer is much better too.
So I'd like to use GTKmm but the only discussions and google stuff I can find on the topic are 3+ years old. They lead me to believe the answer is no, it doesn't support it and if it does it's really shoddy. But a lot can change in 3 years.
So, anyone that uses GTK or GTKmm on win32 know if it supports the windows accessibility framework?
I can’t say for sure but I would lean toward very little to no support. I use the Jaws screen reader SOFTWARE SINCE I’m blind. It uses MSAA quite heavily and GTK applications such as Pidgin are almost completely inaccessible. While I can read some of the text on a screen figuring out weather I’m in an edit field or weather a button is selected is impossible. If my screen reader can’t deal with GTK applications I assume your testing software will have major issues as well.
I don't know if this is still being tracked but I will second this assessment as another windows screen reader user. gnuCash was the app I tried and it was pretty rough going. Worked like a dream in Gnome with Orca though. Apparently, it's like this, if you want windows accessibility, use QT and WxWidgets. If you want Linux, use gtk+. QT is going to be accessible in Linux apparently though this is yet to be (not till gnome 3, I think). Pity you had to abandon WxWidgets. I personally like their widgets since it has those sizers which take much of the guess work out of placement of controls. Important when you can't see and you want to build a gui. Looks like about the only cross-platform accessibility solutions right now are Xul and SWT (Java, you know). Sad thing about WxWidgets is that this sort of thing was reported to them two years ago but nothing seems to have been done about it.
I would be delighted to know that I am wrong about this. I doubt it, though.

making a gui editor

For my school project, I would like to build a gui that someone else can use to create a gui. Upon some research I saw lot of gui builders but didn't see anything along the lines of what I am looking for.
But then I did find a tutorial using C# on here
I rather create this gui editor for linux environment.
Any suggestions to where I should start? what tools I can use? Any links to any tutorials?
Any help/direction would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. I would like to add that it only needs to be very simple. like few text input fields and some button type fields that user can arrange in the order desired.
I would recommend that you not try to build your own GUI builder. It is a daunting task that you will not be able to accomplish as a school project. C++ is fully-compiled, which means that it lacks almost every feature that enables people to build meta-tools (like GUI editors) for it. This mainly has to do with the fact that C++ does not have runtime reflection (natively, anyway). Beyond that, there is no "one GUI toolkit and/or paradigm to rule them all." This makes your problem incredibly difficult to deal with.
So: I would recommend Qt, because it works on a ton of platforms, is easy to use and is just plain awesome. You could also look at the billions of other GUI toolkits like Gtk+, Tk, FLTK, YAAF, GLUI, dlib, CLX...
I'm aware that this does not actually answer the question. However, I do not think that the author is aware of how incredibly difficult the task he has set in front of himself is.
I would recommend starting by implementing it like an interpreter. Start with a very simple command line tool that takes commands like window(300, 400, "window1") and button(50,100, "button1") etc and output the code (native or whatever other GUI code you want), to a file. The goal should be to output a file that can be run and show the GUI that was designed. Once you have that, build a GUI that uses the command line functions as a back-end.
I don't have any exact links to this, but here's an example of what you could do. Gtk has the option of loading a GUI by using a class called GtkBuilder. Glade (the usual Gtk gui editor) has support for outputting it's result as an XML file that the GtkBuilder class then reads.
It would be possible for your program to output an equivalently formed XML file that GtkBuilder could read.
I have no clue as to how difficult it would be to target that XML though.
You should use GTK+ or Qt if you are targeting the linux environment. I think the first step is to learn how to program gui, which takes some time considering you are writing c/c++ code wich is different from higher level languages. Don't you think learning to code gui programs and writing a gui builder at the same time is a little bit too much.? First you should master the basics about gui and then go on to harder projects.
Here's a link to an excellent book on gtk. (Foundations of gtk+ development - Andrew Krause)
And here's a great tutorial/cookbook for gtk+.
The official documentation is on library.gnome.org
My final advice is learn one thing at a time.

C++ online Role Playing Game (RPG)

So I've been learning C++ and SDL to make some basic 2d games. I want to create a game sort of like World of Warcraft but a 2D version. I want it to be on-line and use a database or something to start data like amount of Gold, HP, etc. I was wondering though, if I do this in SDL, would it still work on-line or would the user have to download SDL themselves to play?
I just want a game like this but be able to play it with some friends, just for learning purposes you know. I was also looking at DirectX because everyone has that on windows pretty much. Anyways much help is appreciated, thanks!
No offense, but an RPG is definately the last thing a new programmer should attempt to create. They are the most time, resource, and skill intensive style of game one could possibly try to create. I speak from experience here and can say that RPGs are huge time sinks, even for experienced game studios. At best, you might get a basic map working before you run out of time and patience.
If you want a game you can play with your friends, why not multiplayer tic-tac-toe or even artillery or something similiar. You'll have more success and may actually have something to show your friends when you are done.
You'll probably need to include SDL's runtime library for the game to run on other computers. This will apply no matter what library you use.
For the game itself some libraries are installed in Windows, but in order to achieve other functionality (online gameplay, gampad, etc)you must tell the user to install the other libraries.
If you use SDL, you would be using it for a local graphical client that the user would either download or install. For that, you don't need to have the user download the SDL library separateoly – you can simply put the SDL runtime DLL in the same directory as your executable and package both into the client installer. Of course, you must abide by the GNU LGPL requirements if you do this; the SDL website has details.
As far as the online piece, I'm not sure what you have in mind. I'm guessing either you'll have clients talking directly to each other in some sort of peer-to-peer fashion, or you'll have an back-end server run by you that handles the common game mechanics. I don't think you'll find SDL of much help in either case. But if you go with the back-end server, you can use whatever libraries you like for that server without impact on the user, since the user will only ever deal with the client.
For flat 2D, probably the easiest approach is to use a web interface not SDL. Web browsers are common on Macs and Linux, too, and you might even be able to support smartphones.
Still, you would have to learn how to split work between the clients and the central server. This is not always trivial. Obviously, stuff like # of gold coins would be on the server. Keyboard input is accepted first on the client. But the direction in which your toon is looking? Should the server know that?

Simple Frameworks for Displaying Bitmaps and Handling Button Presses

We have a set of applications that basically display a bunch of bitmaps and text, then allow user to press "buttons" (certain bitmaps) that cause actions to occur.
We currently have these implemented using DirectX and a bunch of code to place the bitmaps and handle the button-presses. But we'd like to have the following features:
portable to Linux
some sort of "editor" that would allow us to lay out screens without hard-coding locations of elements in code
we need to be able to overlay video
not resource intensive (these terminals don't have a lot of memory or CPU)
we're currently using C++, so management would prefer that, but other languages would be considered
We'd prefer a free, open-source solution, but would be willing to buy something if it is not too expensive. (We have a couple dozen developers, and tens of thousands of terminals deployed.)
We don't like the common GUI toolkits or widgets. We want something that has more of the look of a game than of a dialog box.
Any suggestions for off-the-shelf stuff we could use?
Maybe the way to go is something like Clutter or Allegro. If you check in this article at ArsTechnica what they are using Clutter for, you might get an idea how to use it. I don't know for sure if it works on Windows, but I'm pretty sure it does, considering it only depends on libraries that are supported under Windows.
You could try wxWidgets (it has wxBitmapButton) or try to implement your own solution using SDL for all of the graphics.
"We don't like the common GUI toolkits or widgets. We want something that has more of the look of a game than of a dialog box."
You realize that Trolltech's QT has a style sheet language for widgets? Take a look at their white paper, specifically page 60
Going over your other requirements:
portable to Linux
Yes. Also supports Windows, Mac, and embedded environments.
some sort of "editor" that would allow us to lay out screens without hard-coding locations of elements in code
Qt's Designer is a very nice tool. I use it all the time.
Qt supports this.
we need to be able to overlay video
Qt supports this.
not resource intensive (these terminals don't have a lot of memory or CPU)
This might be the fly in the ointment. You could check out Qt's embedded option. I've never used that myself.
we're currently using C++, so management would prefer that, but other languages would be considered
Qt is for C++ and works with all major compilers.
We'd prefer a free, open-source solution, but would be willing to buy something if it is not too expensive. (We have a couple dozen developers, and tens of thousands of terminals deployed.)
Qt has both open-source and closed source options.