can I update the claims value in net 6 without using userManager? - cookies

I'm stuck at when I try to update my user claims on profile update but get not any single solution working for net 6. can anyone guide me about this?

I Think you can use cookies instead if you want to update profile. or you can use the owin as well.


issue automatically adding members to google groups (G-suite) with Admin SDK

(I have done a search through the questions to see if I could find something on this, but have not found answers.)
I have two google groups through my G-suite and I want to automatically add people to both groups after they sign up for my club through a process on my website. I think this should be possible using:
I have gone into the API Console, created a new project, enabled the Admin SDKI API, and got an API key. However, I think I am running into the Authorization issue because we keep getting an error that the authorization token is missing.
I have tried using the OAuth 2.0 but I'm not sure if this should be "Internal" or "External". I'm not creating a whole app for someone to use - all I want to do is on the back end of the site take information that comes through when someone joins the club and automatically have them added to my google groups.
Is it possible for someone to please explain to me what I need to do?
I'm sorry this is kind of a basic question.
Thank you for your help.

Oracle Apex two factor authentication

I'm working on a project and I need to add a Two Factor Authentication.
I have my custom login, on one account I have enabled 2fa, tried to do it with with computation after login and leading to corresponding "Home page" (I don't know if this is how it should be done). If somebody can guide me and explain what I'm doing wrong or how should I do this, please I would really appreciate.
The blog post given by Dan McGhan is having a great full app that you can follow step by step to have 2FA.
You need to install OraOpenSource oos-utils and then you can download and run the app.

django-registration with custom user

I have searched high and low and found no complete answers. Nothing seems to work. I'm fairly new to django but it seems that what I'm doing should be fine. I don't want to have my members sign up with a username. I hate usernames. Just the email address and password is needed. So I'm forced to make a custom user (the way I understand it). After that adjustment nothing seems to work. I just want django-registration to accept my custom user but it can't. I have tried a handful of forks on github that claim to have updated the registration to accept custom users. They don't seem to work. My questions are:
What is a valid version of django-registration that allows for custom users?
How do you install that version?
Maybe I'm doing something wrong in installing it...
I am able to log into my administration and I'm able to log into the user account that was created when I created my super user account (command line). My only problem is that I am unable to sign up as a new user. I'm just taken to the sign up page again after submitting. If I don't fill in all the required sign up info I see the expected notices so the code is partially working. The database doesn't show a new user either. Hopefully someone can help me because I've been researching and trying new things for days.
I would simply comment, but due to my lack of posting am unable. Anyways...
As lalo stated, django-registration doesn't really support custom users. You could try doing this. I added an extra field to my model and made those changes, which allow me to create users but failed to save the value of my extra field.
So I would say that custom users + django-registration can be done, but you will likely end up overriding many classes/methods provided in django-registration and thus it may be easier to try to create it all from scratch. That's my brief experience, at least.

drupal: how to post a comment through services API?

I am currently developping a mobile application with a drupal 7 website as a backend. Using the services API with a REST server I was able to easily access the nodes, users, files and comments to see their content.
I am able via a POST request to log in the website but I cannot create a comment through the services API. Actually, there is no error and a new comment is well created in the database but it is empty and its nid is 0.
I also tried to download a valid comment, modify it with new datas, and send it but I have the same result.
I also need to add that the comments I am using or not just simple ones, they include some specific fields in their form.
Can anyone help me to solve this problem ? Has anyone ever experience something similar ?
Thank you
Check you are posting an object that is correctly structured, services isn't doing a comment_save()
Have a look at the test scripts for the structure

OpenID in django without local site accounts

I'm working on a django site, which I want the authentication part to work exactly like how Stack Overflow works. A new user comes to the site, they click on "create new account", choose their OpenID provider, get validated, then an account is created for them with "openiduser4356" or something as the username. The user can then go into preferences and change the username to whatever they want. I don't want any kind of local account sign-ups at all.
I pretty much spent all day getting django-authopenid working and it seems the only way this plugin works is by adding OpenID identities to already existing accounts. Heck, you can't even run your site when you have django-authopenid installed unless you have django-registration installed as well...
Before I spend another day wrestling with this thing to try getting it to do what I want, I'd rather just know off the bat if this kind of thing is even possible/a good idea. I noticed that there are a few other OpenID plugins for django out there. Are any of them any better at doing what I'm trying to do?
django-openid does not depend on django-registration.
You might also take a look at a fork of django-openid, django-openid-consumer. It works with the most recent python-openid libraries.
If you don't mind using, check out