gcloud SSH in same terminal window - google-cloud-platform

I use gcloud cloud-shell ssh to connect to Google Cloud Shell. However, this spawns a new window, (PuTTY) which bothers me. Is there a way (some -- flag / &c.) to use it from the same console window?
Thanks in advance!

The CLI is just a wrapper for launching Putty (on Windows) with the correct command line options. The SSH functionality is not built into gcloud.

Using --command flag, you can run the command on the virtual machine without opening new console window.
gcloud compute ssh your-instance --zone=your-zone --command="ps aux"
It runs the command on the target instance and then exits.
Use gcloud compute ssh --help command to learn more.

Instead of directly opening the SSH session with gcloud beta compute ssh you can set up a tunnel from a local port to the GCP instance and then use your preferred terminal to ssh over the tunnel.
You set up the tunnel with:
gcloud compute start-iap-tunnel --zone <zone> <name of instance> 22 --project <name of project> --local-host-port=localhost:4226
You open an SSH connection to localhost:4226 as you would do to the instance with:
ssh <user>#localhost -p 4226 -i <identity file>
(EDIT: make sure to include the identity file for GCP access)


whoami produces different names on gcp terminal and local terminal

I've somehow ended up as two different users depending on where I'm connecting from. I think it's the result of my org creating users for different projects. If I execute whoami from my local terminal I'm foo but if I execute the command from the ssh.cloud terminal I'm foo_foobar.
I have a folder projects on the VM and I can see it from both terminals, but all the subfolders that belong to foo are not visible to foo_foobar. OK, I get it.
The biggest issue is that from my local terminal, as foo I can't pull from or push to a cloud repo.
So my ask is: does there exist a cli command that will let me connect as foo_foobar from my local? I've looked at my config with gcloud config list and the email and project ID are correct. Thanks
The solution was to use this ssh command: gcloud compute ssh foo_foobar#foo-vm --zone us-west1-b
The confusion was caused by the command provided in the dashboard from the SSH dropdown View gcloud command which is: gcloud beta compute ssh with no "foo_foobar#foo-vm". In other words the provided ssh command does not indicate that username#instance_name should be part of the command

Unable to SSH/gcloud into default Google Deep Learning VM

I created a new Google Deep Learning VM keeping all the defaults except for asking no GPU:
The VM instance was successfully launched:
But I cannot SSH into it:
Same issue when attempting to use with gcloud (using the command provided when clicking on the instance's arrow down button at the right of SSH):
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out
ERROR: (gcloud.beta.compute.ssh) [/usr/bin/ssh] exited with return code [255].
VM instance details:
Turns out that the browser-based SSH client and browser-based gcloud client were disabled by my organization, this is why I couldn't access the VM. The reason I was given is that to allow browser-based SSH, one would have to expose the VMs to the entire web, because Google does not provide a list of the IPs they use for browser-based SSH.
So instead one can SSH into a GCP VM via one's local SSH client by first uploading one's SSH key using the GCP web console. See https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instances/connecting-advanced#linux-macos (mirror) for the documentation on how to use one's local SSH client with GCP.
Since the documentation can be a bit tedious to parse, here are the commands I run on my local Ubuntu 18.04 LTS x64 to upload my SSH key and connect to the VM:
If you haven't installed gcloud yet:
# https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/install#linux (<- go there to get the latest gcloud URL to download via curl):
sudo apt-get install -y curl
curl -O https://dl.google.com/dl/cloudsdk/channels/rapid/downloads/google-cloud-sdk-310.0.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
tar -xvf google-cloud-sdk-310.0.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz./google-cloud-sdk/install.sh
./google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud init
Once gcloud is installed:
# Connect to gcloud
gcloud auth login
# Retrieve one's GCP "username"
gcloud compute os-login describe-profile
# The output will be "name: '[some large number, which is the username]'"
# Create a new SSH key
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/gcp001 -C USERNAME
chmod 400 ~/.ssh/gcp001
# if you want to view the public key: nano ~/.ssh/gcp001.pub
gcloud compute os-login ssh-keys add --key-file ~/.ssh/gcp001.pub
gcloud compute ssh --project PROJECT_ID --zone ZONE VM_NAME
# Note that PROJECT_ID can be viewed when running `gcloud auth login`,
# which will output "Your current project has been set to: [PROJECT_ID]".
In order to connect to the VM Instance you will have to follow the guide from GCP and then set up the role with the necessary authorization under IAM & Admin.
Please do:
sudo gcloud compute config-ssh
gcloud auth login
Login to your Gmail account. Accept access of Google Cloud.
Later set project if not yet done:
gcloud config set project YOU-PROJECT-ID
Run gcloud compute ssh with all you need.
If you still have a problem, please remove this:
rm .ssh/google_compute_engine
Run gcloud compute ssh with all you need again and the issue should be solved!

Persistent disk missing when I SSH into GCP VM instance with Jupyter port forwarding

I have created a VM instance on Google Cloud, and also set up a Notebook instance. In this instance, I have a bunch of notebooks, python modules as well as a lot of data.
I want to run a script on my VM instance by using the terminal. I tried running it in a Jupyter Notebook, but it failed several hours in and crashed the notebook. I decided to try from the command line instead. However, when I used the commands found in the docs to ssh into my instance:
gcloud beta compute ssh --zone "<Zone>" "<Instance Name>" --project "<Project-ID>",
gcloud compute ssh --project <Project-ID> --zone <Zone> <Instance Name>
gcloud compute ssh --project $PROJECT_ID --zone $ZONE $INSTANCE_NAME -- -L 8080:localhost:8080
I successfully connect to the instance, but the file system is missing. I can't find my notebooks or scripts. The only way I can see those files is when I use the GUI and select 'Open Jupyter Lab' from the AI Platform > Notebooks console.
How do I access the VM through the command line so that I can still see my "persistent disk" that is associated with this VM instance?
I found the answer on the fast.ai getting started page. Namely you have to specify the user name as jupyter in the ssh command:
Solution 1: Default Zone and Project Configured:
gcloud compute ssh jupyter#<instance name>
or if you want to use port forwarding to have access to your notebook:
gcloud compute ssh jupyter#<instance name> -- -L 8080:localhost:8080
Solution 2: No Default Zone or Project:
Note that I left out the zone and project id from both of these commands. They are not necessary if you set a default zone and project during your initial gcloud init stage. If you did not do this, then the commands become:
gcloud compute ssh --project <project ID> --zone <zone> jupyter#<instance name>
or if you want to use port forwarding to run a notebook:
gcloud compute ssh --zone <zone> jupyter#<instance name> -- -L 8080:localhost:8080

How to use autossh with google compute (`gcloud compute ssh`)

I would like to use autossh instead of the ssh command run by google cloud while doing
gcloud compute ssh --zone myzone --project myproject mymachine
What is the command line to replace it?
A replacement for the command line
Here is the two commands that allow you to use autossh:
gcloud compute config-ssh
autossh -M9042 mymachine.myzone.myproject
In my opinion, this is the easiest way to do it. The first line export the ssh key and configuration of your machines, and the second just use this alias.
More on ssh configuration
This also allow you to use the shortcut mymachine.myzone.myproject for scp, ssh, and all ssh related tools. Indeed, the list of your machines are exported in your ~/.ssh/config.
This is a list of aliases you can also configure by hand.
For more information on gcloud's config-ssh, you can refer to the official documentation.
Notice that some shell environment will provide you with ssh command autocompletion, which is really helpful when it comme to remembering the name of your machines. Here is a reference for zsh.

Can't connect to GCP cluster VM

I'm following this tutorial and can't connect to a GCP VM cluster using SSH port forwarding.
I run this command line:
$ gcloud compute ssh cluster-5b2b-m --zone=asia-northeast2-b \
--project=*** -- -L 8787:localhost:8787
but when I try to open
http://localhost:8787 in the browser i get an error saying This site can't be reached
Any suggestions please?
In Example, the full command should be as following, then gcloud will open a tunnel to your cluster. I think you forget to type [CLUSTER_NAME]-m
gcloud compute ssh \
--zone=[CLUSTER_ZONE] \
--project=[PROJECT_ID] \
-L 8787:localhost:8787
The issue is that you are trying to access to "localhost" in the browser but your cluster is in gcloud.
You can try to access using Rstudio: http://[CLUSTER_NAME]-m:8787 as the tutorial suggests, or http://[CLUSTER_NAME]-m:8088 from the browser, if the configuration is correct it should works.