Running pytest -n auto on my system with mariadb is taking significantly longer the running pytest
Image of result and time
System specs
System specs
Package versions
mariadb Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.8.3-MariaDB
python 3.9.6
pytest 7.1.3
MariaDB config file
port = 3306
socket = /tmp/mysql.sock
port = 3306
socket = /tmp/mysql.sock
back_log = 50
max_connections = 100
wait_timeout = 256
max_connect_errors = 10
table_open_cache = 2048
max_allowed_packet = 16M
binlog_cache_size = 512M
max_heap_table_size = 512M
read_buffer_size = 64M
read_rnd_buffer_size = 64M
sort_buffer_size = 64M
join_buffer_size = 64M
thread_cache_size = 8
thread_concurrency = 8
thread_stack = 240K
query_cache_size = 128M
query_cache_limit = 2M
ft_min_word_len = 4
default-storage-engine = InnoDB
transaction_isolation = REPEATABLE-READ
tmp_table_size = 512M
long_query_time = 2
server-id = 1
# INNODB options
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 4G
innodb_buffer_pool_instances = 8
innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:10M:autoextend
innodb_write_io_threads = 8
innodb_read_io_threads = 8
innodb_thread_concurrency = 16
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 1
innodb_log_buffer_size = 1GB
innodb_change_buffering = all
innodb_change_buffer_max_size = 25
innodb_log_file_size = 512M
innodb_log_files_in_group = 3
innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct = 90
innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 256
max_allowed_packet = 50M
open-files-limit = 8192
Additional info
All packages and apps are running natively and not through rosetta
I am getting different INCAR files for ID 'mp-22590' using MPRester.query() within pymatgen and from the materials-project website.
using MPRester.query():
mpr = MPRester('My_API_key')
INCAR that i get is:
ALGO = Normal
AMIX = 0.2
AMIX_MAG = 0.8
BMIX = 0.001
BMIX_MAG = 0.001
ENCUT = 520
ISIF = 3
LDAU = True
LDAUJ = 0 0 0
LDAUL = 0 2 0
LDAUU = 0 5.3 0
LREAL = Auto
LWAVE = True
MAGMOM = 12 * 0.6 4 * 5.0 4 * 0.6
NELM = 100
NPAR = 1
NSW = 200
PREC = Accurate
SIGMA = 0.2
SYSTEM = Rubyvaspy :: o fe la
and accessing VASP input files for 'mp-22590' from the materials-project website, INCAR is:
ALGO = Fast
EDIFF = 0.001
ENCUT = 520
ISIF = 3
LDAU = True
LDAUJ = 0 0 0
LDAUL = 0 2 0
LDAUU = 0 5.3 0
LREAL = Auto
LWAVE = False
MAGMOM = 4 * 0.6 4 * 5.0 12 * 0.6
NELM = 100
NSW = 99
PREC = Accurate
SIGMA = 0.05
Am i doing something wrong?
I would appreciate any help on this.
I am new to GLPK, so my apologies in advance if I'm missing something simple!
I have a largeish LP that I am feeding through GLPK to model an energy market. I'm running the following command line to GLPK to process this:
winglpk-4.65\glpk-4.65\w64\glpsol --lp problem.lp --data ExampleDataFile.dat --output results2.txt
When I open the resulting text file I can see the outputs, which all look sensible. I have one big problem: each record is split over two rows, making it very difficult to clean the file. See an extract below:
No. Row name St Activity Lower bound Upper bound Marginal
------ ------------ -- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
1 c_e_SpecifiedDemand(UTOPIA_CSV_ID_1990)_
NS 0 0 = < eps
2 c_e_SpecifiedDemand(UTOPIA_CSV_ID_1991)_
NS 0 0 = < eps
3 c_e_SpecifiedDemand(UTOPIA_CSV_ID_1992)_
NS 0 0 = < eps
4 c_e_SpecifiedDemand(UTOPIA_CSV_ID_1993)_
NS 0 0 = < eps
5 c_e_SpecifiedDemand(UTOPIA_CSV_ID_1994)_
NS 0 0 = < eps
6 c_e_SpecifiedDemand(UTOPIA_CSV_ID_1995)_
NS 0 0 = < eps
7 c_e_SpecifiedDemand(UTOPIA_CSV_ID_1996)_
NS 0 0 = < eps
8 c_e_SpecifiedDemand(UTOPIA_CSV_ID_1997)_
NS 0 0 = < eps
9 c_e_SpecifiedDemand(UTOPIA_CSV_ID_1998)_
NS 0 0 = < eps
10 c_e_SpecifiedDemand(UTOPIA_CSV_ID_1999)_
NS 0 0 = < eps
11 c_e_SpecifiedDemand(UTOPIA_CSV_ID_2000)_
NS 0 0 = < eps
12 c_e_SpecifiedDemand(UTOPIA_CSV_ID_2001)_
NS 0 0 = < eps
13 c_e_SpecifiedDemand(UTOPIA_CSV_ID_2002)_
NS 0 0 = < eps
14 c_e_SpecifiedDemand(UTOPIA_CSV_ID_2003)_
NS 0 0 = < eps
15 c_e_SpecifiedDemand(UTOPIA_CSV_ID_2004)_
NS 0 0 = < eps
I would be very grateful of any suggestions for either:
How I can get each record in the output text file onto a single row, or
Ideas on how to clean / post-process the existing text file output.
I'm sure I'm missing something simple here, but the output is in a very unhelpful format at the moment!
I wrote a Python parser for the GLPK output file. It is not beautiful and not save (try-catch) but it is working (for pure simplex problems).
You can call it on output file:
outp = GLPKOutput('myoutputfile')
val1 = outp.getCol('mycolvar','Activity')
val2 = outp.getRow('myrowname','Upper_bound') # row names should be defined
The class is as follows:
class GLPKOutput:
def __init__(self,filename):
self.rows = {}
self.columns = {}
self.nRows = 0
self.nCols = 0
self.nNonZeros = 0
self.Status = ""
self.Objective = ""
self.rowHeaders = []
self.rowIdx = {}
self.rowWidth = []
self.Rows = []
self.hRows = {}
self.colHeaders = []
self.colIdx = {}
self.colWidth = []
self.Cols = []
self.hCols = {}
self.wcols = ['Activity','Lower_bound','Upper bound','Marginal']
# split columns with weird line break
def smartSplit(self,line,type,job):
ret = []
line = line.rstrip()
if type == 'ROWS':
cols = len(self.rowHeaders)
idx = self.rowWidth
cols = len(self.colHeaders)
idx = self.colWidth
if job == 'full':
start = 0
for i in range(cols):
stop = start+idx[i]+1
start = stop
elif job == 'part1':
entries = line.split()
ret = entries[0:2]
elif job == 'part2':
start = 0
for i in range(cols):
stop = start+idx[i]+1
start = stop
ret = ret[2:]
# print()
# print("SMART:",job,line.strip())
# print(" TO:",ret)
return ret
def readFile(self,filename):
fp = open(filename,"r")
lines = fp.readlines()
i = 0
pos = "HEAD"
while pos == 'HEAD' and i<len(lines):
entries = lines[i].split()
if len(entries)>0:
if entries[0] == 'Rows:':
self.nRows = int(entries[1])
elif entries[0] == 'Columns:':
self.nCols = int(entries[1])
elif entries[0] == 'Non-zeros:':
self.nNonZeros = int(entries[1])
elif entries[0] == 'Status:':
self.Status = entries[1]
elif entries[0] == 'Objective:':
self.Objective = float(entries[3]) #' '.join(entries[1:])
elif'Row name',lines[i]):
lines[i] = lines[i].replace('Row name','Row_name')
lines[i] = lines[i].replace('Lower bound','Lower_bound')
lines[i] = lines[i].replace('Upper bound','Upper_bound')
entries = lines[i].split()
pos = 'ROWS'
self.rowHeaders = entries
i+= 1
# formatting of row width
self.rowWidth = lines[i].split()
for k in range(len(self.rowWidth)): self.rowWidth[k] = len(self.rowWidth[k])
# print("Row Widths:",self.rowWidth)
i+= 1
READY = False
FOUND = False
while pos == 'ROWS' and i<len(lines):
if re.match('^\s*[0-9]+',lines[i]): # new line
if len(lines[i].split())>2: # no linebrak
entries = self.smartSplit(lines[i],pos,'full')
READY = True
else: # line break
entries = self.smartSplit(lines[i],pos,'part1')
READY = False
FOUND = True
if FOUND and not READY: # second part of line
entries += self.smartSplit(lines[i],pos,'part2')
READY = True
FOUND = False
READY = False
FOUND = False
# print("ROW:",entries)
if re.match('[0-9]+',entries[0]): # valid line with solution data
self.hRows[entries[1]] = len(self.Rows)-1
print("wrong line format ...")
elif'Column name',lines[i]):
lines[i] = lines[i].replace('Column name','Column_name')
lines[i] = lines[i].replace('Lower bound','Lower_bound')
lines[i] = lines[i].replace('Upper bound','Upper_bound')
entries = lines[i].split()
pos = 'COLS'
self.colHeaders = entries
pass #print("NOTHING: ",lines[i])
i+= 1
# formatting of row width
self.colWidth = lines[i].split()
for k in range(len(self.colWidth)): self.colWidth[k] = len(self.colWidth[k])
# print("Col Widths:",self.colWidth)
i+= 1
READY = False
FOUND = False
while pos == 'COLS' and i<len(lines):
if re.match('^\s*[0-9]+',lines[i]): # new line
if len(lines[i].split())>2: # no linebreak
entries = self.smartSplit(lines[i],pos,'full')
READY = True
else: # linebreak
entries = self.smartSplit(lines[i],pos,'part1')
READY = False
FOUND = True
if FOUND and not READY: # second part of line
entries += self.smartSplit(lines[i],pos,'part2')
READY = True
FOUND = False
READY = False
FOUND = False
# print("COL:",entries)
if re.match('[0-9]+',entries[0]): # valid line with solution data
self.hCols[entries[1]] = len(self.Cols)-1
print("wrong line format ...")
pos = 'TAIL'
pass #print("NOTHING: ",lines[i])
i+= 1
for i,e in enumerate(self.rowHeaders): self.rowIdx[e] = i
for i,e in enumerate(self.colHeaders): self.colIdx[e] = i
def getRow(self,name,attr):
if name in self.hRows:
if attr in self.rowIdx:
val = float(self.Rows[self.hRows[name]][self.rowIdx[attr]])
val = self.Rows[self.hRows[name]][self.rowIdx[attr]]
return val
return -1
def getCol(self,name,attr):
if name in self.hCols:
if attr in self.colIdx:
val = float(self.Cols[self.hCols[name]][self.colIdx[attr]])
val = self.Cols[self.hCols[name]][self.colIdx[attr]]
return val
print("key error:",name,"not known ...")
return -1
def __str__(self):
retString = '\n'+"="*80+'\nSOLUTION\n'
retString += "nRows: "+str(self.nRows)+'/'+str(len(self.Rows))+'\n'
retString += "nCols: "+str(self.nCols)+'/'+str(len(self.Cols))+'\n'
retString += "nNonZeros: "+str(self.nNonZeros)+'\n'
retString += "Status: "+str(self.Status)+'\n'
retString += "Objective: "+str(self.Objective)+'\n\n'
retString += ' '.join(self.rowHeaders)+'\n'
for r in self.Rows: retString += ' # '.join(r)+' #\n'
retString += '\n'
retString += ' '.join(self.colHeaders)+'\n'
for c in self.Cols: retString += ' # '.join(r)+' #\n'
return retString
I have recently appeared online coding Test. I was struck one question i.e
A number N is given finding the above number is P^Q(P power Q) form or not. I did the question using Brute force method (satisfying for individual number) but that result in time out. SO I need Efficient algorithm.
Input: 9
out put : yes
Input: 125
out put : yes
Input: 27
out put : yes
Constraints: 2<N<100000
if we assume non trivial cases then the constraints would be something like this:
N = <2,100000)
This can be solved by sieves that mark all powers bigger then 1 up to N of the result. Now the question is do you need to optimize single query or many of them ? If you need just single query then you do not need the sieve table in memory, you just iterate until hit the N and then stop (so in worst case when N is not in form P^Q this would compute the whole sieve). Otherwise init such table once and then just use it. As N is small I go for the full table.
const int n=100000;
int sieve[n]={255}; // for simplicity 1 int/number but it is waste of space can use 1 bit per number instead
int powers(int x)
// init sieve table if not already inited
if (sieve[0]==255)
int i,p;
for (i=0;i<n;i++) sieve[i]=0; // clear sieve
for (p=sqrt(n);p>1;p--) // process all non trivial P
for (i=p*p;i<n;i*=p) // go through whole table
sieve[i]=p; // store P so it can be easily found later (if use 1bit/number then just set the bit instead)
return sieve[x];
first call took 0.548 ms on mine setup the others are non measurable small times
it returns the P so if P!=0 the number is in form P^Q so you can use it as bool directly, and also you can easily get Q by dividing or you can create another sieve with Q to be even more fast if you need also the P,Q
Here all found non trivial powers N<100000
4 = 2^q
8 = 2^q
9 = 3^q
16 = 2^q
25 = 5^q
27 = 3^q
32 = 2^q
36 = 6^q
49 = 7^q
64 = 2^q
81 = 3^q
100 = 10^q
121 = 11^q
125 = 5^q
128 = 2^q
144 = 12^q
169 = 13^q
196 = 14^q
216 = 6^q
225 = 15^q
243 = 3^q
256 = 2^q
289 = 17^q
324 = 18^q
343 = 7^q
361 = 19^q
400 = 20^q
441 = 21^q
484 = 22^q
512 = 2^q
529 = 23^q
576 = 24^q
625 = 5^q
676 = 26^q
729 = 3^q
784 = 28^q
841 = 29^q
900 = 30^q
961 = 31^q
1000 = 10^q
1024 = 2^q
1089 = 33^q
1156 = 34^q
1225 = 35^q
1296 = 6^q
1331 = 11^q
1369 = 37^q
1444 = 38^q
1521 = 39^q
1600 = 40^q
1681 = 41^q
1728 = 12^q
1764 = 42^q
1849 = 43^q
1936 = 44^q
2025 = 45^q
2048 = 2^q
2116 = 46^q
2187 = 3^q
2197 = 13^q
2209 = 47^q
2304 = 48^q
2401 = 7^q
2500 = 50^q
2601 = 51^q
2704 = 52^q
2744 = 14^q
2809 = 53^q
2916 = 54^q
3025 = 55^q
3125 = 5^q
3136 = 56^q
3249 = 57^q
3364 = 58^q
3375 = 15^q
3481 = 59^q
3600 = 60^q
3721 = 61^q
3844 = 62^q
3969 = 63^q
4096 = 2^q
4225 = 65^q
4356 = 66^q
4489 = 67^q
4624 = 68^q
4761 = 69^q
4900 = 70^q
4913 = 17^q
5041 = 71^q
5184 = 72^q
5329 = 73^q
5476 = 74^q
5625 = 75^q
5776 = 76^q
5832 = 18^q
5929 = 77^q
6084 = 78^q
6241 = 79^q
6400 = 80^q
6561 = 3^q
6724 = 82^q
6859 = 19^q
6889 = 83^q
7056 = 84^q
7225 = 85^q
7396 = 86^q
7569 = 87^q
7744 = 88^q
7776 = 6^q
7921 = 89^q
8000 = 20^q
8100 = 90^q
8192 = 2^q
8281 = 91^q
8464 = 92^q
8649 = 93^q
8836 = 94^q
9025 = 95^q
9216 = 96^q
9261 = 21^q
9409 = 97^q
9604 = 98^q
9801 = 99^q
10000 = 10^q
10201 = 101^q
10404 = 102^q
10609 = 103^q
10648 = 22^q
10816 = 104^q
11025 = 105^q
11236 = 106^q
11449 = 107^q
11664 = 108^q
11881 = 109^q
12100 = 110^q
12167 = 23^q
12321 = 111^q
12544 = 112^q
12769 = 113^q
12996 = 114^q
13225 = 115^q
13456 = 116^q
13689 = 117^q
13824 = 24^q
13924 = 118^q
14161 = 119^q
14400 = 120^q
14641 = 11^q
14884 = 122^q
15129 = 123^q
15376 = 124^q
15625 = 5^q
15876 = 126^q
16129 = 127^q
16384 = 2^q
16641 = 129^q
16807 = 7^q
16900 = 130^q
17161 = 131^q
17424 = 132^q
17576 = 26^q
17689 = 133^q
17956 = 134^q
18225 = 135^q
18496 = 136^q
18769 = 137^q
19044 = 138^q
19321 = 139^q
19600 = 140^q
19683 = 3^q
19881 = 141^q
20164 = 142^q
20449 = 143^q
20736 = 12^q
21025 = 145^q
21316 = 146^q
21609 = 147^q
21904 = 148^q
21952 = 28^q
22201 = 149^q
22500 = 150^q
22801 = 151^q
23104 = 152^q
23409 = 153^q
23716 = 154^q
24025 = 155^q
24336 = 156^q
24389 = 29^q
24649 = 157^q
24964 = 158^q
25281 = 159^q
25600 = 160^q
25921 = 161^q
26244 = 162^q
26569 = 163^q
26896 = 164^q
27000 = 30^q
27225 = 165^q
27556 = 166^q
27889 = 167^q
28224 = 168^q
28561 = 13^q
28900 = 170^q
29241 = 171^q
29584 = 172^q
29791 = 31^q
29929 = 173^q
30276 = 174^q
30625 = 175^q
30976 = 176^q
31329 = 177^q
31684 = 178^q
32041 = 179^q
32400 = 180^q
32761 = 181^q
32768 = 2^q
33124 = 182^q
33489 = 183^q
33856 = 184^q
34225 = 185^q
34596 = 186^q
34969 = 187^q
35344 = 188^q
35721 = 189^q
35937 = 33^q
36100 = 190^q
36481 = 191^q
36864 = 192^q
37249 = 193^q
37636 = 194^q
38025 = 195^q
38416 = 14^q
38809 = 197^q
39204 = 198^q
39304 = 34^q
39601 = 199^q
40000 = 200^q
40401 = 201^q
40804 = 202^q
41209 = 203^q
41616 = 204^q
42025 = 205^q
42436 = 206^q
42849 = 207^q
42875 = 35^q
43264 = 208^q
43681 = 209^q
44100 = 210^q
44521 = 211^q
44944 = 212^q
45369 = 213^q
45796 = 214^q
46225 = 215^q
46656 = 6^q
47089 = 217^q
47524 = 218^q
47961 = 219^q
48400 = 220^q
48841 = 221^q
49284 = 222^q
49729 = 223^q
50176 = 224^q
50625 = 15^q
50653 = 37^q
51076 = 226^q
51529 = 227^q
51984 = 228^q
52441 = 229^q
52900 = 230^q
53361 = 231^q
53824 = 232^q
54289 = 233^q
54756 = 234^q
54872 = 38^q
55225 = 235^q
55696 = 236^q
56169 = 237^q
56644 = 238^q
57121 = 239^q
57600 = 240^q
58081 = 241^q
58564 = 242^q
59049 = 3^q
59319 = 39^q
59536 = 244^q
60025 = 245^q
60516 = 246^q
61009 = 247^q
61504 = 248^q
62001 = 249^q
62500 = 250^q
63001 = 251^q
63504 = 252^q
64000 = 40^q
64009 = 253^q
64516 = 254^q
65025 = 255^q
65536 = 2^q
66049 = 257^q
66564 = 258^q
67081 = 259^q
67600 = 260^q
68121 = 261^q
68644 = 262^q
68921 = 41^q
69169 = 263^q
69696 = 264^q
70225 = 265^q
70756 = 266^q
71289 = 267^q
71824 = 268^q
72361 = 269^q
72900 = 270^q
73441 = 271^q
73984 = 272^q
74088 = 42^q
74529 = 273^q
75076 = 274^q
75625 = 275^q
76176 = 276^q
76729 = 277^q
77284 = 278^q
77841 = 279^q
78125 = 5^q
78400 = 280^q
78961 = 281^q
79507 = 43^q
79524 = 282^q
80089 = 283^q
80656 = 284^q
81225 = 285^q
81796 = 286^q
82369 = 287^q
82944 = 288^q
83521 = 17^q
84100 = 290^q
84681 = 291^q
85184 = 44^q
85264 = 292^q
85849 = 293^q
86436 = 294^q
87025 = 295^q
87616 = 296^q
88209 = 297^q
88804 = 298^q
89401 = 299^q
90000 = 300^q
90601 = 301^q
91125 = 45^q
91204 = 302^q
91809 = 303^q
92416 = 304^q
93025 = 305^q
93636 = 306^q
94249 = 307^q
94864 = 308^q
95481 = 309^q
96100 = 310^q
96721 = 311^q
97336 = 46^q
97344 = 312^q
97969 = 313^q
98596 = 314^q
99225 = 315^q
99856 = 316^q
it took 62.6 ms including first init call (and string output to memo which is much slower then the computation itself) without the string it took just 1.25 ms
Does not need to be a full debugger but i need to get a good stack trace dump when an assert is raised. A simple list of called functions is not enough. I'm pretty happy with my Eiffel system which is giving me something like
17 frames in current stack.
===== Displaying only top 10 frames in run-time stack =====
agent call wrapper 2
[ arachno_window = #061A4AF0
window = #061A4AF0
mrec = Void
trigger = "if"
param_int = 0
param_str = Void
skip_next_keystroke = false
in_continuation_key = false
current_hook = #05EFB500
update_default_command = #05EF3578
default_command = "Editor.Modifications#cInsert Typed Text"
last_invoked_command = "Editor.Modifications#cTab Character"
show_popup_menu_action = #061B3C30
build_menu = Void
menu_line = 0
menu_offset = 0
modifiers = #03FDCAC8
code = #03FDCB88
character = #03FDCB58
count = 0
prefix_count = -1
selected_commands = #03FDCA98
cached_file_types = #03FDCA68
cached_file_context = #03FDCA38
cached_window_type_name = Void
project_context_action = #061B3C80
program_context_action = #061B3C58
window_context_action = #061B3CA8
cached_window_name_valid = false
cached_file_type_valid = false
cached_file_context_valid = false
reset_prefix_on_next_event = false
before = true
mod = BIT_32
[ bits = 0
c = 65362
str = ""
menu = Void
map = Void
key = Void
b = Void
i = 0
n = 0
m = 0
cval = 65362
char = 0
cnt = 0
s = Void
skip_flag = false
prefix_found_flag = false
t = Void
consume = false
line 387 column 13 file x:\work_arachno\src\run\user_command_invocation.e
on_key_hook (late bind.)
[ callback = POINTER#063D1570
mod = BIT_32
[ bits = 0
code = 65362
str = ""
Result = false
break = false
engine = POINTER#04BEE690
cmd_pair = Void
line 41 column 0 file x:\work_arachno\src\editor\editor_key_stealer_hook.e
ptr = POINTER#04BEE690
cb = POINTER#063D1570
args = 3
res = 1
Result = 0
line 481 column 16 file x:\work_arachno\src\scripting\scripting_api.e
External CECIL call.
editor__move_lines EDITOR_SCRIPTING
view = #061A47D0
positions = #05EE1780
stealer_hook = #05EFB500
html_file_dialog = Void
html_file_dialog_modified = false
[ configuration = #03FD7F00
breakpoints = #05ED0460
folding_settings = #05ED76C0
lang_descriptors = #05EDD360
confirm_edit_while_debugging = true
use_word_wrap = false
are_foldings_visible = true
are_line_numbers_visible = true
are_modified_markers_visible = true
are_bookmarks_visible = true
are_whitespaces_visible = false
is_highlight_current_line = false
is_highlight_search_results = true
is_right_margin_visible = true
are_indent_lines_visible = true
are_line_endings_visible = false
are_end_of_line_dots_visible = false
are_breakpoints_visible = false
commands = #03FD1E70
completition = #0400A8C0
tooltip_buffer = Void
folding_background_task_id = 0
folding_file_observer = #061C6EE0
folding_rand = #05EDDE88
bracket_window = Void
bracket_window_popdown_task = 0
tracked_positions = Void
code_hinting = #05EE2F20
code_hinting_active = false
code_hinting_window_id = 0
code_hinting_file_id = 0
code_hinting_shutdown_task = 0
code_hinting_shutdown_agent = #05ED2690
code_hinting_autostart = true
code_hinting_info_display = 2
code_hinting_display_id = 0
code_hinting_sequence_id = 3
engine = POINTER#04BEE690
sobj = POINTER#07526740
Result = 0
first = 486
last = 486
ref = 487
before = false
line 220 column 25 file ΘÖ▓♣
move_lines (late bind.)
move_lines EDITOR_BUFFER
Current = EDITOR_BUFFER#03FE91B0
[ modified_lines = #074BD408
modified_lines_string = ""
lines = #074BD348
last_modified_position = #061D6B18
is_read_only_state = false
is_modified = true
is_special_empty = false
is_zombie = false
line_end_coding = 1
loaded_without_last_newline = true
descriptor = #05EE04C0
views = #074BD3A8
transform_position = Void
transform_array = #07552E40
forbid_update_counter = 0
inside_undo_operation = false
debug_position_list = #074BD390
[ help = "caret"
buffer_line = #03FF0460
offset = 18
data = #075181E0
is_anchored = false
is_transformed = false
next_transformed = Void
next = #044C0270
lower = 486
upper = 486
ref = 487
before = false
count = 1
src = 0
dest = 1
i = 2214
j = 2213
low = 486
up = 489
target = 486
skip = false
capacity = 1
upper = 1
lower = 1
set = SET[INTEGER]#075266E0
[ buckets = NATIVE_ARRAY[SET_NODE[INTEGER]]#0755B000
cache_user = -1
cache_node = Void
cache_buckets = 0
count = 2213
capacity = 3079
line 1107 column 25 file x:\work_arachno\src\editor\editor_buffer.e
It means i get a dump of all stack variables and the current (this) object.
And the best is that i can ship this to the customer because it requires zero configuration on the client side.
Does anyone know how i can do this in a C++/C or even D or CObject (i have to switch the langauge anyway and this are my four preferred targets)?
And everyone who says i should deploy GDB will get downvotes.
for windows, look at minidumps, creatable with methods in toolhelp.dll
If you're on Linux with glibc look into the 'backtrace()' function.
I've used it on a PPC system to get stacktraces whenever a critical error occurs.
In my implementation I just log the return addresses and use a script on the host platform (based around addr2line) to translate is back into filename/function name/line number.
As stijn pointed out, under Windows a minidump may be sufficient. If it is, it'll undoubtedly be a whole lot easier than almost any alternative.
A minidump won't be very close to what you're getting from Eiffel though. If you need something closer, you'll probably have to write (most of) the code yourself. The Antex Stack Walker would probably be a reasonable start (look for stackwalker.cpp and stackwalker.h).
You might want to look at google-breakpad:
It's the project formerly known as Airbag:
I'll admit that I haven't used it (my needs for something like this have been Windows-only), but it appears to have Mozilla behind it and seems to be pretty active.
It's a set of libraries and tools to automatically send crashdumps to a server so you can do post mortems. As I understand it Firefox is currently using it, so I imagine it's pretty cross-platform. The downside is that it's not self-contained in the client program - you need some infrastructure in place for it to be useful. That might or might not be workable for your situation.
Though if you don't want to have a service that gets the reports (maybe you just want them on the client or have them sent by email) I imagine you could have the client reporter send it's information to a 'server' program that also exists on the client machine to do the reporting. No idea how much work it would be to get it to function like that.