I have a model that I only want to use one row of its table. So, on admin, I would like to remove the list and add pages, and only edit the existing object. The model is this:
from django.db import models
class Banner(models.Model):
class BannerImg(models.Model):
img = models.ImageField(upload_to="banners")
banner = models.ForeignKey(Banner, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
Basically, the Banner(pk=1) will be loaded by the frontend to display a landing page hero slider. I want multiple images, but also want them to be on the same admin form, so one could order, add or remove images from the same place. Of course having to Banner objects, wouldn't make sense in this case.
I can use inline fields to do the form, but how can I achieve the pages functionality (going directly to edit)?
Accordion to documentation.
from django.contrib import admin
class BannerImgInline(admin.TabularInline):
model = BannerImg
class BannerAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
inlines = [
Here, by dynamic I mean, I wouldn't want to update my template in order for me to update changes. I'd want them to edit in the admin page on my production site. At first, I thought I'd create a model for "About Me" itself, but then I'd need to create a model for just one instance.
I need help with this, better ways to edit my pages dynamically on the admin site.
Perhaps you could create a model for About Me as you mentioned. Since you've highlighted that you would want to work with the django admin site, then what you could do is to set the permission for only one object to be created for that model which can be updated whenever.
For example:
models.py file.
class AboutMe(models.Model):
# With the desired fields of your choice
Now you can set the permission within the admin.py file to only allow one instance from the model to be created.
from django.contrib import admin
from .models import AboutMe
# Using decorator here
class AboutMeAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
fields = ['..', '..', '..'] # fields you want to display on the forms
list_display = ['..', '..', '..'] # fields you want to display on the page for list on objects
# Allowing the user to only add one object for this model...
def has_add_permission(self, request):
if self.model.objects.count() >= MAX_OBJECTS:
return False
return super().has_add_permission(request)
That should be a nice fit for your situation. Also, you can read the docs to learn more about customizing django admin site.
I am building an app in Django.
I found there is a very easy way to integrate a widget into django admin that allows the admin to filter model objects by fields values. That is achieved by including the line
list_filter = ['field_to_filter_by_its_values']
into the class mymodelAdmin(ImportExportModelAdmin) in admin.py, as shown below
class target_area_history_dataAdmin(ImportExportModelAdmin):
resource_class = target_area_history_dataResource
list_filter = ['Target_area_input_data__Name']
admin.site.register(target_area_history_data, target_area_history_dataAdmin)
Now, instead of integrate a widget to filter my model objects by that field, is there a way to integrate a widget to sort my model objects by that field?
Note: I am using Django Import-Export in my model.
I'll suggest you use django-treebeard. This allows you to view tree nodes hierarchically in the administration interface, with interface features dependent upon the tree algorithm used.
# admin.py
from django.contrib import admin
from treebeard.admin import TreeAdmin
from .models import Category
class CategoryAdmin(TreeAdmin):
list_display = ("title", "created", "modified",)
list_filter = ("created",)
admin.site.register(Category, CategoryAdmin)
What's cool about this is that you can not only sort (by clicking the header row) but also drag things around, as shown in this image.
I recommend you using the grapelli admin interface that allows what you need and a bit more. here you have the grapelli project page and the https://github.com/sehmaschine/django-grappelli.
It's a well documented package and is plug and play for what you need. It also gives a fresh face to Django Admin and is compatible with Django import/export package.
I have a table that only has a handful of entries in it, and it'd be nice if I could use inlines for their list instead of forcing staff to click through to the edit page each time.
That is, when someone clicks on the link that ordinarily gives a list of the model objects, they should instead see the model objects displayed inline.
I tried something like this, but unsurprisingly it gives an error because there's no foreign key:
class MyModelInline(admin.StackedInline):
model = MyModel
class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
inlines = [MyModelInline,]
admin.site.register(MyModel, MyModelAdmin)
For it to work as you've described you'll need an "editor" model to be a parent for the data. All the rows you want to display should have a foreign key to a single 'editor' model object. So, in models.py:
from django.db import models
class Editor(models.Model):
class MyModel(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100) # Field added for demonstration
# ... add any other fields you like ...
editor = models.ForeignKey(Editor)
And in admin.py:
from django.contrib import admin
from Test.models import Editor, MyModel
class MyModelInline(admin.StackedInline):
model = MyModel
class EditorAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
inlines = [MyModelInline,]
admin.site.register(Editor, EditorAdmin)
Some other things to consider:
When you make a new MyModel() object programmatically you must always set the foreign key to point to the editor. There should only be one instance of the editor for this to work as you've described. When using the admin interface, this foreign key should be set automatically by using the admin page for the editor object. I would suggest restricting creation and deletion of editor objects for everyone except yourself in production. If someone deletes the editor object then all MyModel objects disappear as well.
Alternative options:
1) If the edits the admin staff is doing are simple then I would recommend implementing "actions" instead.
2) There's also the possibility of overriding the admin template. I personally like this option less because every time Django is updated I have to check that my changes aren't interfering with new features. However, sometimes this is the only way to do some more advanced things in the admin interface. I've done this in my own project, but like to keep the changes minimal.
I have to create a blog posting system and I need to make it possible to upload multiple photos in Django Admin and select it via Django TinyMCE. One of the solutions is Filebrowser, but I have already spent a few days and haven't got it worked. Are there any alternatives?
I'm trying to do something similar, but not with Tinymce, I choose wmd.
I created two models, one for the blog post, and one for the images, and in the admin interface I included the images as inlines. here's some example.
in your model.py file:
class Project(models.Model):
#TinyMce field.
description = models.TextField()
class ProjectImage(models.Model):
image = models.ImageField(upload_to='prjimages/%Y/%m/%d/%H/%M/%S/')
project = models.ForeignKey(Project)
than in your admin.py file, you can have the PostImage as inline.
from django.contrib import admin
from models import *
class ProjectImageAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
class ProjectImageInline(admin.StackedInline):
model = ProjectImage
class ProjectAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
inlines = [ProjectImageInline,]
admin.site.register(ProjectImage, ProjectImageAdmin)
admin.site.register(Project, ProjectAdmin)
you can change the ImageField Widget to show the url, and maybe a preview for each image (I have no example code for this at the moment). And if the user want to include the image in the post, he can just copy paste the url to Tinymce.
It's not a complete solution, but maybe you can extend it with some work to fit your needs.
You should take look at Dropzone.js which you can easily drag and drop multiple images to admin page.
I have a 'project' model. Each project has a 'gallery' and each gallery has 'photos'.
class Project:
gallery = ForeignKey(Gallery)
class Gallery:
photos = ManyToManyField(Photo)
class Photo:
image = ImageField(...)
I want to let my users edit the gallery and the project on the same page. Could you tell me what components I need to make this happen? Like which type of form I should use and what technique to use when I process the form with the uploaded images and all?
What to take into account is that I want to show the photos the user is editing with the html img-tag as well as file-tag to let him replace the photo. I don't want django's default m2m-widget which is just a multiselect-list.
Could you help me figure this out, because I simply can't. Been stuck here for three days :)
You can modify your Gallery Admin form using Project as a admin.TabularInline.
Like this:
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
from models import Project, Gallery, Photo
from django.contrib import admin
class ProjectInline(admin.TabularInline)
model = Project
class GalleryAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
inlines = [ProjectInline]
admin.site.register(Gallery, GalleryAdmin)
I didn't want to use the built in admin module. But I used the formset factory by django. It will let me provide a queryset to the formset (i.e the photos in the gallery). Then I had to provide a small customized model formset class, and then i the view I pretty much had to process the form manually in order to link it correct to the gallery and such..