Aruco Pose Estimation from Stereo Setup - c++

I am interested in finding the Rotation Matrix of an Aruco Marker from a Stereo Camera.
I know that estimateposesinglemarkers gives a Rotation Vector (which can be converted to matrix via Rodrigues)and Translation Vector but the values are not that stable and is supposedly written for MonoCam.
I can get Stable 3D points of the Marker from a Stereo Camera, however i am struggling in creating a Rotation Matrix. My Main goal is to achieve what Ali has achieved in this following blog Relative Position of Aruco Markers.
I have tried working with Euler Angles from here by creating a plane of the Aruco Marker from the 3D points that i get from the Stereo Camera but in vain.
I know my algorithm is failing because the values of the Relative Co-ordinates keeps on changing on moving the camera which should not happen as the Relative Co-ordinates b/w the Markers Should remain Constant.
I have a properly Calibrated camera with all the required matrices.
I tried using SolvePnP, but i believe it gives Rvecs and Tvecs which when combined together brings points from the model coordinate system to the camera coordinate system.
Any idea on how i can create the Rotation Matrix of the Marker with my fairly Stable 3D points so that on moving the camera, the relative Co-ordinates doesn't Change ?
Thanks in Advance.


Check if two points from two calibrated cameras can be 3D Triangulated

Currently I am using the triangulatePoints function from OpenCV to triangulate two 2D points from two calibrated cameras into a 3D Point.
cv::triangulatePoints(calibration[camera1Index].getProjectionMatrix(), calibration[camera2Index].getProjectionMatrix(), points1, points2, points4D);
My code uses the projection matrix of the cameras and the undistorted point for each camera to find the 3D point.
The problem is that sometimes the cameras send points that can't be correlated.
My question is if there is any method to find the zone where a point from the first camera should be projected in the second camera and discard all the points from the second camera outside of that zone.
I've been searching and I guess homography is the solution here but I wasn't able to find an approach for this algorithm or if there's an existing method in OpenCV for this.
Thanks in advance.

Measure real size of object with Calibrated Camera opencv c++?

i am completing my thesis related opencv.
I want to measure real size of object (mm) with single camera but i have problem with convert the camera's natural units (pixels) and the real world units!!!
After calibrate camera, i have:
Camera matrix (3x3)
Distortion coefficients
Extrinsic parameters [rotation vector(1x3) + translation vector(1x3)]
I have read following link but i can't find out formula to convert unit.
Example about measure size of object
Any sugguestion???
Thanks so much.
As mentioned in the comments, you need the distance to the object to obtain 3D coordinates from pixels. A possible workflow would be:
Rectify the image using the distortion parameters, i.e., correct the distortion caused by the camera.
Deproject the pixels into 3D points in the camera coordinate frame using the camera matrix. For this you can multiply the inverse of the 3x3 camera matrix with a vector containing the pixels [pixel_x, pixel_y, 1]^T. If you multiply the result [x', y', 1]^T with the depth, i.e., the z-component you obtain the 3D point in the camera coordinate frame.
Transform the point from the camera coordinate frame into the world coordinate frame using the extrinsics parameters.
Obtaining the depth values from an image alone is not possible. The only option is to use some additional information. Maybe your object is placed on a table and you know the distance between the camera and the table.
To measure distances between the camera and a table or even the object itself you could use Aruco markers, which are also available within openCV.

OpenCV undistorts only a central part of fisheye image

I'm trying to perform fisheye camera calibration via OpenCV 3.4.0 (C++, MS Windows).
I used cv::fisheye::calibrate to make K and D (camera matrix and radial distortion coeffitients matrix). Then I used cv::fisheye::initUndistortRectifyMap to produce maps for X and Y coordinates.
And finally I used cv::remap to undistort image from fisheye camera via maps from initUndistortRectifyMap.
Everything looks right, but OpenCV dewarps only a central part of fisheye image.
Edges are moved outside.
I'd like to dewarp the whole image.
I tried to change focal length in K matrix manually, and got undistorted edges, but they became very very blurry.
I found some results in this task. For example
As far as you can see these results are very similar with my results.
Does anybody have a solution of this problem?
I analyzed a lot of papers in the last 2 weeks. I think I found the source of the problem. OpenCV 3.4.0 fisheye undistortion method is based on a pin-hole camera model. We have an angle between the optical axis of the camera and the ray of light from some object. We also have an angle between the direction to an undistorted point of this object and the camera optical axis. If the fisheye image was undistorted correctly, these two angles would be equal. FOV of my fisheye camera is 180 degrees. It means that distance fromthe undistorted image center and the point corresponding to the edge of the undistorted image is equal to infinity.
In other words if we have a fisheye camera with FOV around 180 degrees, undistortion (via OpenCV) of 100% of fisheye image surface is impossible.
It can be achieved, only that using a projection instead of trying to undistort it.
More info here OpenCV fisheye calibration cuts too much of the resulting image
Example result:

How to triangulate Points from a Single Camera multiple Images?

I have a single calibrated camera pointing at a checkerboard at different locations with Known
Camera Intrinsics. fx,fy,cx,cy
Distortion Co-efficients K1,K2,K3,T1,T2,etc..
Camera Rotation & Translation (R,T) from IMU
After Undistortion, I have computed Point correspondence of checkerboard points in all the images with a known camera-to-camera Rotation and Translation vectors.
How can I estimate the 3D points of the checkerboard in all the images?
I think OpenCV has a function to do this but I'm not able to understand how to use this!
1) cv::sfm::triangulatePoints
2) triangulatePoints
How to compute the 3D Points using OpenCV?
Since you already have the matched points form the image you can use findFundamentalMat() to get the fundamental matrix. Keep in mind you need at least 7 matched points to do this. If you have more then 8 points CV_FM_RANSAC might be the best option.
Then use cv::sfm::projectionsFromFundamental() to find the projection matrix for each image, check if the projection matrix is valid (ex.check if the points are in-front of the camera).
then feed the projections and the points it into cv::sfm::triangulatePoints().
Hope this helps :)
The rotation and translation matrix are needed to change reference frames because the camera moves in SFM. The reference frame is at the position of the camera. Transforms are needed to make sure the position of the points a coherent(under the same reference frame which is usually the reface frame of the camera in the first image), so all the points are in the same coordinate system.
IE. To relate the point gathered by the second frame to the first frame, the third to second frame and so on.
So basically you can use the R and T vector to construct a transform matrix for each frame and multiplying it with your points to put them in the reface frame of the camera in the first frame.

Convert OpenCV stereorectify camera output to three.js camera

I have calibrated my stereo cameras using OpenCV's stereoCalibrate() and rectified them using stereoRectify(). This is successful (cameras' epipolar lines correctly aligned and can obtain accurate 3D point locations from corresponding 2D point left/right pairs).
I'm now trying to use WebGL-based three.js to display the same 3D points in the same projection as I have in OpenCV. In other words, if I overlaid the calibrated and rectified 2D image from my left camera onto the three.js output, the three.js 3D points should visually align with where they are on the OpenCV 2D image. This could be used for augmented reality.
Just dealing with the left camera (camera 1):
stereoRectify() provides projection matrix P1 and rectification transform R1. Using only P1 I can convert a 3D point to the correct 2D screen position in OpenCV. However, I am having difficulty using P1 to get an equivalent camera.projectionMatrix in three.js.
I'm using the OpenCV camera matrix to OpenGL projection conversion suggested by Guillaume Noctua here. I'm taking the camera matrix to be the top-left 3x3 of P1. That produces a three.js camera view that looks similar, but not quite aligned (camera appears rotated along all axis by a degree or so, with perhaps some other small but clearly erroneous distortions/translations). So I'm missing something. Do I need to use the rectification transform R1 somehow too? I've tried using it as a rotation matrix and rotating the three.js camera by this amount but it doesn't improve.
Any thoughts on using OpenCV's P1 and R1 matrix to make an equivalent camera view in three.js would be much appreciated.