Creating Dynamic LOVs - oracle-apex

I have a form in oracle apex with more than seven items on it. they are
I want these items SUBJECT_ID,GRADE_ID,DOMAIN_ID, CATEGORY_ID, STANDARD_CODE type to be select list. additionally, I want to make LOVs for each of these items.
LOV for SUBJECT_ID: I am making this LOV using a table SUBJECTS having TWO columns. MY query is SELECT SUBJECT_ID, SUBJECT_NAME FROM SUBJECTS It's working fine.
LOV for GRADE_ID: I am making this LOV using a table GRADES having TWO columns. MY query is SELECT GRADE_ID, GRADE_NAME FROM GRADES It's working fine.
LOV for DOMAIN_ID: I am making this LOV using a table DOMAIN having TRHEE columns. MY query is SELECT DOMAIN_ID, DOMAIN_NAME FROM DOMAIN WHERE SUBJECT=:P48_SUBJECT_ID. It's working fine.
LOV for CATEGORY_ID: I am making this LOV using a table CATEGORIES having FOUR columns. MY query is SELECT CATEGORY_ID, CATEGORY_NAME FROM CATEGORIES WHERE DOMAIN=:P4.8_DOMAIN_ID It's working fine.
Kindly tell me how I can correct the 5th LOV. Thanks

I wouldn't say that any of LoV queries you posted return desired result and "work fine". Their format should be:
select display_value, --> you see it on the screen
return_value --> you don't see it; it is stored into the table
from ...
Code you posted suggest just the opposite, e.g.
SELECT SUBJECT_ID, --> are you REALLY displaying ID to users and
SUBJECT_NAME --> storing NAME into the table?
As of your final LoV: just as MT0 commented, we have no idea what "not working" means. You posted a whole lot of more or less useless information (queries that "work"; what should we do with them?), but said nothing about problem you have.
Therefore, I'll guess: you forgot to include
into the Parent Item(s) property within the "Cascading List of Values" section, e.g.
Note that query you posted presumes that all page items have a value; if any of these is NULL, query won't return anything so that would be my second guess:
SELECT curriculum_id ci, standard_code sc
FROM curriculum
WHERE ( subject = :P48_SUBJECT_ID
AND ( grade_id = :P48_GRADE_ID
AND ( domain_id = :P48_DOMAIN_ID
AND ( category_id = :P48_CATEGORY_ID
In that case, switch the "Parent required" property OFF.


Get Select list Item value in IG report column for DML operation

I have a Select list filter on the top of the page. I want its return value to get into any column which I create in IG report automatic DML process.
Suppose, Select list has a value "Step", when I add a row in IG report, that value should be saved into DB for one column which is hidden on UI.
I tried but sometimes it stores the value which I selected in Select list item as my last selection not the current one. Do I need to create Application item for this? Please help. TIA
In this case there is a table ig_tickes with a status column. On the page there is a page item P131_STATUS (select list) with values "OPEN" and "CLOSED". There is an interactive grid on table ig_tickets with column STATUS hidden. Functionality is that user selects a value from the select list and then clicks "Add Row".
Give the interactive grid a static id of "tickets"
Create a dynamic action on change of P131_STATUS with a true action of type "execute javascript code" and code:
var model = apex.region("tickets").call("getViews").grid.model;
model.getOption("fields").STATUS.defaultValue = apex.item( "P131_STATUS" ).getValue();
That's all there is to it.

How to sort in Oracle Apex 19.1 Interactive Grid

I'm using Oracle Apex 19.1 on a 18.c platform.
I have a page with two regions: 1) Interactive Grid and 2) Interactive Report
I use the Interactive Grid to display a list of Producer names. When the user selects one of the names, the Interactive Report refreshes and displays the events assigned to that Producer. I use a Dynamic Action to update the Interactive Report.
This all works fine, except for the list in the Interactive Grid. It seems to display names in order by the table's PRIM_KEY and I want to sort the Interactive Grid by last name. The Source Code for the IG doesn't accept an Order By clause.
Select ac.first_name || ' ' || ac.last_name PRODUCER
From aff_contact ac, aff_contact_role acr
Where ac.prim_key = acr.contact_fkey
And acr.role = 'Producer'
The problem is, the column names in the IG toolbar's Actions / Data / Sort never populate. I wondered if the dual column in the Select statement was the problem, so I tested it with a simpler query for the Source:
Select last_name
From aff_contact
That still didn't produce columns to select for the sort. I receive a screen like the one below:
The Column select field has nothing to pull down. That holds true for both the original and the simplified query.
How can I get the IG to sort based on the LAST_NAME field? Is there another way to achieve this goal?
Thanks for looking at this.
After further checking, it seems that a VARCHAR2 column with a width <= 99 is selectable as a Sort or Control Break. A VARCHAR2 column with a width >= 100 is NOT selectable for Sort or Control Break in an interactive grid.
To identify the fields in the report Source I used the syntax:
cast( first_name as varchar2(32)) "FIRST_NAME",
cast( last_name as varchar2(32)) "LAST_NAME"
to avoid the default column width.
To sort by column:
01. Click the Actions menu, select Data, then Sort. The Sort dialog appears.
02. In the Sort dialog: Select a column, the sort direction (Ascending or Descending), and the null sorting behavior (Default, Nulls Always Last, or Nulls Always First).
a. Column - Select a column.
b. Direction - Select Descending or Ascending.
c. Nulls - Select First or Last.
03. To add another sort rule, click the Add button (+).
04. Click Save.
05. Click Report
06. Click Save
The interactive grid reloads.
Note:To ensure column sorting active. To ensure that you are login developer mode, otherwise it is not show other user

Reselect item on Select2 multi-value select list

I use plugin Select2 on Apex.
I have scenario like this:
One ROOM can have many STUDENT
User can select more than one student(with Select2 from MASTER_STUDENT) when create ROOM
When user edit ROOM, previously selected student show in Select2 item(selected item by MAP_STUDENT_ROOM), so user can remove or add more Student
How to achieve point number 4, item Select2 list of values is MASTER_STUDENT but with default selected by MAP_STUDENT_ROOM?
I found this documentation, but i dont know how to apply it.
I'm not familiar with the Select2 plug-in.
Have you considered using the built-in Popup LOV, which since APEX 19.1 now allows multiple selection.
Whether you're using the Select2 plug-in or the built-in Popup LOV, the issue will be the same. You have a form on ROOM, that's trying to take into account an item that isn't part of the ROOM table (its values are stored in MAP_STUDENT_ROOM). The trick is to populate the item correctly during page load so that the item can correctly display the currently assigned students.
How is the item's Source configured? If it's not, set Type to SQL Query (return colon separated value). Assuming you have a primary key item on the page for the room (e.g. P1_ID), enter a query like the following:
select student_id
where room_id = :P1_ID
Then set Used to Always, replacing any existing value in session state.
This should get the item to display correctly when the page loads. However, you'll still have to figure out how to map the values back to the MAP_STUDENT_ROOM table correctly when the page is submitted. You'll need to add some logic that first deletes rows from the room (P1_ID) that are not in the selection (e.g. P1_ASSIGNED_STUDENTS). You can use APEX_STRING.SPLIT_NUMBERS to help:
delete from map_student_room
where room_id = :P1_ID
and student_id not in (
select column_value
from apex_string.split_number(:P1_ASSIGNED_STUDENTS, ':')
Then you can insert rows that are in the selection but not already in the room.
insert into map_student_room (
select :P1_ID,
from apex_string.split_number(:P1_ASSIGNED_STUDENTS, ':')
where column_value not in (
select student_id
from map_student_room
where room_id = :P1_ID
I've not tested any of this code, but it should get the points across.
Another option would be to use an Interactive Grid instead of a list of values item. This is a classic master/detail scenario where students could be added and removed below the form region (typically only done after create).

Refresh Apex 5.0 chart results with different dynamic actions on same SQL query

I have created a bar chart on APEX 5.0 where my query looks like below:
select col1 as label,col2 as value from table1 where :P3_NEW_1 = col3;
here: P3_NEW_1 the page item I have created of type "Select List".
The list of values in "Select List" page item are pre-populated in the dropdown using the "Shared component" type I have created and so far this worked fine and I am able to display the results of above query by passing the value through the page item select list.
Now I need to add 2 data pickers on the same Apex page such that I should now be able to filter the results using date picker through dynamic action.
I know that using an additional button I can create a dynamic action but my problem is how do I modify the above query such that following should happen.
During the page load, once I select a particular value from the "Select List", it should display records based on the value selected from dropdown
This I already achieved using above sql query for the bar chart.
Once the bar char is displayed, I should next be able to filter and display the results using date ranges through date pickers.
Here my problem is my bar chart query is same but I need to now pass the start_date and end_date to the same above sql query which but I am not sure how to achieve this. If I add a button for dynamic action I need to select the report region which is the "bar chart" region and here my query needs modification.
Once the bar chart display the results, at the next step how do I filter the results by having the date filters with dynamic action on the same region where bar chart was displayed. How to achieve this?
You can change the query to something like this:
Where :P3_Start_date and :P3_End_date are the Start and End date pickers and TIME_STAMP is your column where you store the date.
After modifying the query you can simply add a button where at Behavior>Action select Submit Page.
This way when you click the button, the page will be submitted and chart refreshed.
If you want to take your chart to the next level you can do a partial refresh on it. Here is a short video tutorial of partial refresh on a report but you can apply the same login on your chart.

APEX dynamic tabular form field types

We are populating a subregion of a page with an Iframe (call to another page) with data for a questionnaire.
We have PAGE ITEM variables (:P37_... populated by query) that contain table values for P37_QUESTION_DESCRIPTION and P37_RESPONSE_TYPE.
The sub page used in the region (:P28_...) assigns report attributes for each column... where We populated the question text in the P28_QUESTION_DESC and a Y/N Select List defined list of values in the P28_RESPONSE_DESC_DISPLAY column. This works fine.
Now, the P37_RESPONSE_TYPE can more than just this Y/N Select List. It could be TEXTAREA, PICKLIST, DATE...
How can we define the :P28_RESPONSE_DESC_DISPLAY column dynamically to be any number of user input field types (based on the value in :P37_REPSONSE_TYPE?)
This was solved by using a non-tabular form report generated by query using apex.item functions. But is has left me with another problem. Here's the query:
apex_item.hidden(31,CASE_QUEST_DTL_ID) CASE_QUEST_DTL_ID,
apex_item.hidden(32,CASE_MGMT_BASE_ID) CASE_MGMT_BASE_ID,
apex_item.display_and_save(33,to_number(question_seq_no)) QUESTION_SEQ_NO,
apex_item.display_and_save(34,question_desc) QUESTION_DESC,
case when response_type = 'PICKLIST-YESNO' then apex_item.select_list_from_lov(35,response_desc,'YES_NO_SELECTLIST',NULL,'NO')
when response_type = 'TEXTFIELD' then apex_item.text(35,response_desc)
when response_type = 'TEXTAREA' then apex_item.textarea(35,response_desc,5,40)
when response_type = 'DATEPICKER' then APEX_ITEM.DATE_POPUP2(35,to_date(response_desc,'dd-mon-yyyy'),'dd-mon-yyyy')
where question_set_code like 'COB_Q%'
and case_mgmt_base_id = :P37_CASE_MGMT_BASE_ID
My problem is now grouping the questions by question_set_code. Because GROUP BY is evaluated after the select, it cannot simply be tacked on to the end of the query. I'm not sure that using a nested select will work here because of the apex.item calls. Anyone have a suggestion on how I can group these questions by the column?