Decoding with OGG/Vorbis gives no sound - c++

I'd like to play an Ogg/Vorbis audio/video file, but right now I can't get to read audio from a file.
My algorithm to read audio is:
Initialize required structures:
vorbis_info info;
vorbis_comment comment;
vorbis_dsp_state dsp;
vorbis_block block;
Read headers:
Call vorbis_synthesis_headerin(&info, &comment, packet); until it returns OV_ENOTVORBIS
vorbis_synthesis_init(&dsp, &info);
vorbis_block_init(&dsp, &block);
Pass the first non-header packet to function below
Parse packets, do it until audioReady == READY
putPacket(ogg_packet *packet) {
int ret;
ret = vorbis_synthesis(&block, packet);
if( ret == 0 ) {
ret = vorbis_synthesis_blockin(&dsp, &block);
audioReady = (ret == 0) ? READY : NOT_READY;
} else {
audioReady = NOT_READY;
Read audio data:
float** rawData = nullptr;
readSamples = vorbis_synthesis_pcmout(&dsp, &rawData);
if( readSamples == 0 ) {
audioReady = NOT_READY;
int16_t* newData = new int16_t[readSamples * getChannels()];
int16_t* dst = newData;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<readSamples; ++i) {
for(unsigned char ch=0; ch<getChannels(); ++ch) {
*(dst++) = math::clamp<int16_t>(rawData[ch][i]*32767 + 0.5f, -32767, 32767);
audioData.push_back({readSamples * getChannels() , newData});
vorbis_synthesis_read(&dsp, static_cast<int>(readSamples));
audioReady = NOT_READY;
This is where it gets wrong: after examining the newData contents it is revealed that it contains a very silent sound. I doubt if it is the right data which means somewhere along my algorithm I did something wrong.
I tried to find some examples of similar programs, but all I got are sources with very spaghetti-like code, which seems to do the same algorithm like mine, yet they do their job. (There is one off such library: )
Is there any reason why I'm getting (almost) silence in my application?
PS: If you are wondering if I might getting OGG packets wrong, then I assure you this part of my code is working right, as I'm also reading video data from the same file, using the same code and it shows the video right.

I've found it: during reading packets I assumed that one Ogg Page = one Ogg packet. I's wrong: for audio one page can contain many packets. To read it properly one has to make a code like:
}while( ogg_stream_packetout(&state, &packet) == 1 );
I did this mistake because for video packets (which I did first) a page contains only one packet.


Sound playback using FFmpeg and libsoundio in c++

I am trying to make a video player desktop application in c++ using primarily FFmpeg and Qt6. As of for now, I can decode and play video frames correctly at the right speed, that is not a problem. I am now trying to get to playback audio, which is much harder than I expected it to be. I am using libsoundio for my audio library but the documentation is really poor and there are not many examples/tutorials on it. I am also a beginner when it comes to audio programming, although I understand the basics. First off, if anyone can recommend an audio library for this type of job let me know, but I would like to use open source libraries. Anyways, here is how I decode my audio data with FFmpeg. I'm not sure if I am doing it correctly as I could barely find documentation on that as well...
I have a struct that contains all the information which is initiated through a function:
struct VideoReader
bool valid;
int width, height;
int video_stream_index;
int audio_stream_index;
AVRational time_base;
AVFormatContext* av_format_ctx;
AVCodecContext* av_vi_codec_ctx;
AVCodecContext* av_au_codec_ctx;
AVPacket* packet;
AVFrame* frame;
SwsContext* sws_ctx;
SwrContext* swr_ctx;
The function that initiates it is quite long and is not necessary to share but it populates all those values except for the sws_ctx and the swr_ctx.
Here is how I decode packets, this function is simplified, I left the video decoding out of it, ill take care of syncing once I can properly playback audio:
bool video_reader_read_au_frame(VideoReader *video_reader, unsigned char **frame_buffer)
// Unpack video_reader
auto& av_format_ctx = video_reader->av_format_ctx;
auto& av_codec_ctx = video_reader->av_au_codec_ctx;
auto& av_packet = video_reader->packet;
auto& av_frame = video_reader->frame;
auto& swr_ctx = video_reader->swr_ctx;
int& audio_stream_index = video_reader->audio_stream_index;
// Decode the video frame data
int response;
while (av_read_frame(av_format_ctx, av_packet) >= 0)
last_frame = false;
if (av_packet->stream_index != audio_stream_index)
response = avcodec_send_packet(av_codec_ctx, av_packet);
if (response < 0)
Logger::error("Could not decode packet.");
return false;
response = avcodec_receive_frame(av_codec_ctx, av_frame);
if (response == AVERROR(EAGAIN) || response == AVERROR_EOF)
else if (response < 0)
Logger::error("Could not decode packet.");
return false;
// Initialize SwrContext
if (!swr_ctx) {
swr_ctx = swr_alloc_set_opts(nullptr,
av_codec_ctx->channel_layout, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT,
av_codec_ctx->sample_rate, av_codec_ctx->channel_layout,
av_codec_ctx->sample_fmt, av_codec_ctx->sample_rate,
0, nullptr);
if (!swr_ctx)
Logger::error("Could not create SwrContext.");
return false;
if (swr_init(swr_ctx) < 0)
Logger::error("Could not initialize SwrContext.");
return false;
const int MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = av_samples_get_buffer_size(nullptr, av_frame->channels, av_frame->nb_samples, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT, 1);
*frame_buffer = (unsigned char*)av_malloc(MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);
swr_convert(swr_ctx, frame_buffer, av_frame->nb_samples,
(const unsigned char**)av_frame->data, av_frame->nb_samples);
return true;
Here is how I would normally call this function:
VideoReader vr{};
if(!video_reader_open(&vr, "C:/Path/to/file.mp4"))
Logger::error("Could not initialize VideoReader.");
return 1;
unsigned char* buffer;
if(!video_reader_read_au_frame(&vr, &buffer))
Logger::error("Could not read audio data.");
return 1;
play_audio(&buffer); <-- Find a way to play audio once buffer has data in it
return 0;
Obviously I will loop over video_reader_read_au_frame(&vr, &buffer) to playback the whole video.
I believe my code puts the samples from the decoded frame in buffer, but I am really not sure.. I am unsure as well if I need to convert to AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT audio format or something else or just leave it as it is. For libsoundio, I kind of understand this example: but I'm not sure I fully understand how this library works, especially the callback function. I know I have to pass buffer in outstream->userdata as a void pointer, but I don't know how to use it in the callback function. Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Note that later on in this project I might want to send this data over a network to play the video on another computer in sync.

FFmpeg AVERROR(EAGAIN) error when call avcodec receive for h264

I'm working with ffmpeg 4.1 and I'm showing live streams of multiple cameras, h264 and h265.
My program collects packets of the same frame and then calls decodeVideo function. Actually it sends all packets of a frame at once.
Program works well if there is no missing packets. When I remove packet in random I-frames, both h264 and h265 streams work as expected (jumps some seconds but continues streaming).
When I remove packet in random P-frame from h265 streams, avcodec_send_packet function gives AVERROR_INVALIDDATA and streams continue.
However when I remove packet in random P-frame from h264 streams, avcodec_send_packet function gives 0. Then avcodec_receive_frame function gives AVERROR(EAGAIN) continuously and streams freeze.
void decodeVideo(array<uint8_t>^ data, int length, AvFrame^ finishedFrame)
AVPacket* videoPacket = new AVPacket();
pin_ptr<unsigned char> dataPtr = &data[0];
videoPacket->data = dataPtr;
videoPacket->size = length;
int retVal = avcodec_send_packet((AVCodecContext*)context, videoPacket);
if(retVal < 0)
if (retVal == AVERROR_EOF)
Utility::Log->ErrorFormat("avcodec_send_packet() return value is AVERROR_EOF.");
else if( retVal == AVERROR_INVALIDDATA)
Utility::Log->ErrorFormat("avcodec_send_packet() INVALID DATA!");
Utility::Log->ErrorFormat("avcodec_send_packet() return value is negative:{0}",retVal);
int receive_frame = avcodec_receive_frame((AVCodecContext*)context, (AVFrame*)finishedFrame);
if (receive_frame == AVERROR(EAGAIN))
Utility::Log->ErrorFormat("avcodec_receive_frame() returns AVERROR(EAGAIN)");
else if(receive_frame == AVERROR_EOF)
Utility::Log->ErrorFormat("avcodec_receive_frame() returns AVERROR(AVERROR_EOF)");
Utility::Log->ErrorFormat("avcodec_receive_frame() return value is negative:{0}",receive_frame);
delete videoPacket;
When I add avcodec_flush_buffers like shown, my problem is temporarily solved. However it freeze again after a while.
if(receive_frame == AVERROR(EAGAIN))
Utility::Log->ErrorFormat("avcodec_receive_frame() returns AVERROR(EAGAIN)");
Tested with ffmpeg version 4.1.1 same results.
Find an ffmpeg version like 2.5 decode function is different but there is no problem when i remove packets. However I'm working with h265 streams too.
AVCodecID id = AVCodecID::AV_CODEC_ID_H264;
AVCodec* dec = avcodec_find_decoder(id);
AVCodecContext* decContext = avcodec_alloc_context3(dec);
After these lines, my code included the following lines. When i delete them, there is no problem now.
if(dec->capabilities & AV_CODEC_CAP_TRUNCATED)
decContext->flags |= AV_CODEC_FLAG_TRUNCATED;
decContext->flags2 |= AV_CODEC_FLAG2_CHUNKS;

C++ ffmpeg video missing frames and won't play in Quicktime

I wrote some C++ code that uses ffmpeg to encode a video. I'm having two strange issues:
The final video is always missing 1 frame. That is, if I have it encode 10 frames the final video only has 9 (at least that's what ffprobe -show_frames -pretty $VIDEO | grep -F '[FRAME]' | wc -l tells me.
The final video plays fine in some players (mpv and vlc) but not in Quicktime. Quicktime just shows a completely black screen.
My code is roughly this (modified a bit to remove types that are unique to our code base):
First, I open the video file, write the headers and initialize things:
template <class PtrT>
using UniquePtrWithDeleteFunction = std::unique_ptr<PtrT, std::function<void (PtrT*)>>;
std::unique_ptr<FfmpegEncodingFrameSink> FfmpegEncodingFrameSink::Create(
const std::string& dest_url) {
AVFormatContext* tmp_format_ctxt;
auto alloc_format_res = avformat_alloc_output_context2(&tmp_format_ctxt, nullptr, "mp4", dest_url.c_str());
if (alloc_format_res < 0) {
throw FfmpegException("Error opening output file.");
auto format_ctxt = UniquePtrWithDeleteFunction<AVFormatContext>(
tmp_format_ctxt, CloseAvFormatContext);
AVStream* out_stream_video = avformat_new_stream(format_ctxt.get(), nullptr);
if (out_stream_video == nullptr) {
throw FfmpegException("Could not create outputstream");
auto codec_context = GetCodecContext(options);
out_stream_video->time_base = codec_context->time_base;
auto ret = avcodec_parameters_from_context(out_stream_video->codecpar, codec_context.get());
if (ret < 0) {
throw FfmpegException("Failed to copy encoder parameters to outputstream");
if (!(format_ctxt->oformat->flags & AVFMT_NOFILE)) {
ret = avio_open(&format_ctxt->pb, dest_url.c_str(), AVIO_FLAG_WRITE);
if (ret < 0) {
throw VideoDecodeException("Could not open output file: " + dest_url);
ret = avformat_init_output(format_ctxt.get(), nullptr);
if (ret < 0) {
throw FfmpegException("Unable to initialize the codec.");
ret = avformat_write_header(format_ctxt.get(), nullptr);
if (ret < 0) {
throw FfmpegException("Error occurred writing format header");
return std::unique_ptr<FfmpegEncodingFrameSink>(
new FfmpegEncodingFrameSink(std::move(format_ctxt), std::move(codec_context)));
Then, every time I get a new frame to encode I pass it to this function (the frames are being decoded via ffmpeg from another mp4 file which Quicktime plays just fine):
// If frame == nullptr then we're done and we're just flushing the encoder
// otherwise encode an actual frame
void FfmpegEncodingFrameSink::EncodeAndWriteFrame(
const AVFrame* frame) {
auto ret = avcodec_send_frame(codec_ctxt_.get(), frame);
if (ret < 0) {
throw FfmpegException("Error encoding the frame.");
AVPacket enc_packet; = nullptr;
enc_packet.size = 0;
do {
ret = avcodec_receive_packet(codec_ctxt_.get(), &enc_packet);
if (ret == AVERROR(EAGAIN)) {
CHECK(frame != nullptr);
} else if (ret == AVERROR_EOF) {
CHECK(frame == nullptr);
} else if (ret < 0) {
throw FfmpegException("Error putting the encoded frame into the packet.");
assert(ret == 0);
enc_packet.stream_index = 0;
LOG(INFO) << "Writing packet to stream.";
av_interleaved_write_frame(format_ctxt_.get(), &enc_packet);
} while (ret == 0);
Finally, in my destructor I close everything up like so:
FfmpegEncodingFrameSink::~FfmpegEncodingFrameSink() {
// Pass a nullptr to EncodeAndWriteFrame so it flushes the encoder
// write mp4 trailer
If I run this passing n frames to EncodeAndWriteFrame line LOG(INFO) << "Writing packet to stream."; gets run n times indicating the n packets were written to the stream. But ffprobe always shows only n - 1 frames int he video. And the final video doesn't play on quicktime.
What am I doing wrong??
Sorry for the delay but as i just had the same problem and noticed that this question deserves an answer, here how i solved this.
Up in front, the Problem only occured for me when using mov, mp4, 3gp as format. It worked frame accurate when using e.g. avi format. When i wrote uncompressed video frames to the container, i saw that the avi and mov had the same count of frames stored but the mov obviously had some problem in it's header.
Counting the number of frames in the mov using header metadata showed one frame is missing:
ffprobe -v error -count_frames -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=nb_read_frames -of default=nokey=1:noprint_wrappers=1 c:\temp\
While ignoring the index showed the correct number of frames:
-ignore_editlist 1
The solution for me was, set the timebase to the AVStream->CodeContext of the video stream.
The code above attempts to do this in this line:
out_stream_video->time_base = codec_context->time_base;
But the problem is that the posted code above does not expose the function GetCodecContext so we do not know if the time_base is correctly set for "codec_context". So it is my believe that the author's problem was that his function GetCodecContext did not set the time_base correctly.

SDL2 & SMPEG2 - Empty sound buffer trying to read a MP3

I'm trying to load a MP3 in a buffer using the SMPEG2 library, which comes with the SDL2. Every SMPEG function calls returns without error, but when I'm done, the sound buffer is full of zeros.
Here's the code :
bool LoadMP3(char* filename)
bool success = false;
const Uint32 Mp3ChunkLen = 4096;
SMPEG* mp3;
SMPEG_Info infoMP3;
Uint8 * ChunkBuffer;
Uint32 MP3Length = 0;
// Allocate a chunk buffer
ChunkBuffer = (Uint8*)malloc(Mp3ChunkLen);
SDL_RWops *mp3File = SDL_RWFromFile(filename, "rb");
if (mp3File != NULL)
mp3 = SMPEG_new_rwops(mp3File, &infoMP3, 1, 0);
if(mp3 != NULL)
Uint32 readLen;
// Inform the MP3 of the output audio specifications
SMPEG_actualSpec(mp3, &asDeviceSpecs); // static SDL_AudioSpec asDeviceSpecs; containing valid values after a call to SDL_OpenAudioDevice
// Enable the audio and disable the video.
SMPEG_enableaudio(mp3, 1);
SMPEG_enablevideo(mp3, 0);
// Play the MP3 once to get the size of the needed finale buffer
while ((readLen = SMPEG_playAudio(mp3, ChunkBuffer, Mp3ChunkLen)) > 0)
MP3Length += readLen;
if(MP3Length > 0)
// Reallocate the buffer with the new length (if needed)
if (MP3Length != Mp3ChunkLen)
ChunkBuffer = (Uint8*)realloc(ChunkBuffer, MP3Length);
// Replay the entire MP3 into the new ChunkBuffer.
bool readBackSuccess = (MP3Length == SMPEG_playAudio(mp3, ChunkBuffer, MP3Length));
// !!! Here, ChunkBuffer contains only zeros !!!
success = true;
mp3 = NULL;
mp3File = NULL;
return success;
The code's widely based on SDL_Mixer, which I cannot use for my projet, based on its limitations.
I know Ogg Vorbis would be a better choice of file format, but I'm porting a very old project, and it worked entirely with MP3s.
I'm sure the sound system is initialized correctly because I can play WAV files just fine. It's intialized with a frequency of 44100, 2 channels, 1024 samples, and the AUDIO_S16SYS format (the latter which is, as I understood from the SMPEG source, mandatory).
I've calculated the anticipated buffer size, based on the bitrate, the amount of data in the MP3 and the OpenAudioDevice audio specs, and everything is consistent.
I cannot figure why everything but the buffer data seems to be working.
Still trying to figure out what's wrong, I thought the support for MP3 might not be working, so I created the following function :
SMPEG *mpeg;
SMPEG_Info info;
mpeg = SMPEG_new(filename,&info, 1);
do { SDL_Delay(50); } while(SMPEG_status(mpeg) == SMPEG_PLAYING);
The MP3 played. So, the decoding should actually be working. But that's not what I need ; I really need the sound buffer data so I can send it to my mixer.
After much tinkering, research and digging through the SMPEG source code, I realized that I had to pass 1 as the SDLAudio parameter to SMPEG_new_rwops function.
The comment found in smpeg.h is misleading :
The sdl_audio parameter indicates if SMPEG should initialize the SDL audio subsystem. If not, you will have to use the SMPEG_playaudio() function below to extract the decoded data.
Since the audio subsystem was already initialized and I was using the SMPEG_playaudio() function, I had no reason to think I needed this parameter to be non-zero. In SMPEG, this parameter triggers the audio decompression at opening time, but even though I called SMPEG_enableaudio(mp3, 1); the data is never reparsed. This might be a bug/a shady feature.
I had another problem with the freesrc parameter which needed to be 0, since I freed the SDL_RWops object myself.
For future reference, once ChunkBuffer has the MP3 data, it needs to pass through SDL_BuildAudioCVT/SDL_ConvertAudio if it's to be played through an already opened audio device.
The final working code is :
// bool ReadMP3ToBuffer(char* filename)
bool success = false;
const Uint32 Mp3ChunkLen = 4096;
SDL_AudioSpec mp3Specs;
SMPEG* mp3;
SMPEG_Info infoMP3;
Uint8 * ChunkBuffer;
Uint32 MP3Length = 0;
// Allocate a chunk buffer
ChunkBuffer = (Uint8*)malloc(Mp3ChunkLen);
memset(ChunkBuffer, 0, Mp3ChunkLen);
SDL_RWops *mp3File = SDL_RWFromFile(filename, "rb"); // filename is a char* passed to the function.
if (mp3File != NULL)
mp3 = SMPEG_new_rwops(mp3File, &infoMP3, 0, 1);
if(mp3 != NULL)
Uint32 readLen;
// Get the MP3 audio specs for later conversion
SMPEG_wantedSpec(mp3, &mp3Specs);
SMPEG_enablevideo(mp3, 0);
// Play the MP3 once to get the size of the needed buffer in relation with the audio specs
while ((readLen = SMPEG_playAudio(mp3, ChunkBuffer, Mp3ChunkLen)) > 0)
MP3Length += readLen;
if(MP3Length > 0)
// Reallocate the buffer with the new length (if needed)
if (MP3Length != Mp3ChunkLen)
ChunkBuffer = (Uint8*)realloc(ChunkBuffer, MP3Length);
memset(ChunkBuffer, 0, MP3Length);
// Replay the entire MP3 into the new ChunkBuffer.
bool readBackSuccess = (MP3Length == SMPEG_playAudio(mp3, ChunkBuffer, MP3Length));
SDL_AudioCVT convertedSound;
// NOTE : static SDL_AudioSpec asDeviceSpecs; containing valid values after a call to SDL_OpenAudioDevice
if(SDL_BuildAudioCVT(&convertedSound, mp3Specs.format, mp3Specs.channels, mp3Specs.freq, asDeviceSpecs.format, asDeviceSpecs.channels, asDeviceSpecs.freq) >= 0)
Uint32 newBufferLen = MP3Length*convertedSound.len_mult;
// Make sure the audio length is a multiple of a sample size to avoid sound clicking
int sampleSize = ((asDeviceSpecs.format & 0xFF)/8)*asDeviceSpecs.channels;
newBufferLen &= ~(sampleSize-1);
// Allocate the new buffer and proceed with the actual conversion.
convertedSound.buf = (Uint8*)malloc(newBufferLen);
memcpy(convertedSound.buf, ChunkBuffer, MP3Length);
convertedSound.len = MP3Length;
if(SDL_ConvertAudio(&convertedSound) == 0)
// Save convertedSound.buf and convertedSound.len_cvt for future use in your mixer code.
// Dont forget to free convertedSound.buf once it's not used anymore.
success = true;
mp3 = NULL;
mp3File = NULL;
return success;
NOTE : Some MP3 files I tried lost a few milliseconds and cutoff too early during playback when I resampled them with this code. Some others didn't. I could reproduce the same behaviour in Audacity, so I'm not sure what's going on. There may still have a bug with my code, a bug in SMPEG, or it maybe a known issue with the MP3 format itself. If someone can provide and explanation in the comments, that would be great!

How to write bitmaps as frames to Ogg Theora in C\C++?

How to write bitmaps as frames to Ogg Theora in C\C++?
Some Examples with source would be grate!)
The entire solution is a little lengthy to post on here as a code sample, but if you download libtheora from, there is an example png2theora. All of the library functions I am about to mention can be found in the documentation on for theora and ogg.
Call th_info_init() to initialise a th_info structure, then set up you output parameters by assigning the appropriate members in that.
Use that structure in a call to th_encode_alloc() to get an encoder context
Initialise an ogg stream, with ogg_stream_init()
Initialise a blank th_comment structure using th_comment_init
Iterate through the following:
Call th_encode_flushheader with the the encoder context, the blank comment structure and an ogg_packet.
Send the resulting packet to the ogg stream with ogg_stream_packetin()
Until th_encode_flushheader returns 0 (or an error code)
Now, repeatedly call ogg_stream_pageout(), every time writing the page.header and then page.body to an output file, until it returns 0. Now call ogg_stream_flush and write the resulting page to the file.
You can now write frames to the encoder. Here is how I did it:
int theora_write_frame(int outputFd, unsigned long w, unsigned long h, unsigned char *yuv_y, unsigned char *yuv_u, unsigned char *yuv_v, int last)
th_ycbcr_buffer ycbcr;
ogg_packet op;
ogg_page og;
unsigned long yuv_w;
unsigned long yuv_h;
/* Must hold: yuv_w >= w */
yuv_w = (w + 15) & ~15;
/* Must hold: yuv_h >= h */
yuv_h = (h + 15) & ~15;
//Fill out the ycbcr buffer
ycbcr[0].width = yuv_w;
ycbcr[0].height = yuv_h;
ycbcr[0].stride = yuv_w;
ycbcr[1].width = yuv_w;
ycbcr[1].stride = ycbcr[1].width;
ycbcr[1].height = yuv_h;
ycbcr[2].width = ycbcr[1].width;
ycbcr[2].stride = ycbcr[1].stride;
ycbcr[2].height = ycbcr[1].height;
if(encoderInfo->pixel_fmt == TH_PF_420)
//Chroma is decimated by 2 in both directions
ycbcr[1].width = yuv_w >> 1;
ycbcr[2].width = yuv_w >> 1;
ycbcr[1].height = yuv_h >> 1;
ycbcr[2].height = yuv_h >> 1;
}else if(encoderInfo->pixel_fmt == TH_PF_422)
ycbcr[1].width = yuv_w >> 1;
ycbcr[2].width = yuv_w >> 1;
}else if(encoderInfo->pixel_fmt != TH_PF_422)
//Then we have an unknown pixel format
//We don't know how long the arrays are!
fprintf(stderr, "[theora_write_frame] Unknown pixel format in writeFrame!\n");
return -1;
ycbcr[0].data = yuv_y;
ycbcr[1].data = yuv_u;
ycbcr[2].data = yuv_v;
/* Theora is a one-frame-in,one-frame-out system; submit a frame
for compression and pull out the packet */
if(th_encode_ycbcr_in(encoderContext, ycbcr)) {
fprintf(stderr, "[theora_write_frame] Error: could not encode frame\n");
return -1;
if(!th_encode_packetout(encoderContext, last, &op)) {
fprintf(stderr, "[theora_write_frame] Error: could not read packets\n");
return -1;
ogg_stream_packetin(&theoraStreamState, &op);
ssize_t bytesWritten = 0;
int pagesOut = 0;
while(ogg_stream_pageout(&theoraStreamState, &og)) {
pagesOut ++;
bytesWritten = write(outputFd, og.header, og.header_len);
if(bytesWritten != og.header_len)
fprintf(stderr, "[theora_write_frame] Error: Could not write to file\n");
return -1;
bytesWritten = write(outputFd, og.body, og.body_len);
if(bytesWritten != og.body_len)
bytesWritten = fprintf(stderr, "[theora_write_frame] Error: Could not write to file\n");
return -1;
return pagesOut;
Where encoderInfo is the th_info structure used to initialise the encoder (static in the data section for me).
On your last frame, setting the last frame on th_encode_packetout() will make sure the stream terminates properly.
Once your done, just make sure to clean up (closing fds mainly). th_info_clear() will clear the th_info structure, and th_encode_free() will free your encoder context.
Obviously, you'll need to convert your bitmap into YUV planes before you can pass them to theora_write_frame().
Hope this is of some help. Good luck!
Here's the libtheora API and example code.
Here's a micro howto that shows how to use the theora binaries. As the encoder reads raw, uncompressed 'yuv4mpeg' data for video you could use that from your app, too by piping the video frames to the encoder.