Get total number of observations (rows) in sas dataset (.sas7dat file) - sas

I'm looking for getting the total number of rows (count) from a sas dataset file using SAS code.
I tried this code
data _null_; infile "C:\myfiles\sample.sas7bdat" end=eof; input; if eof then put "Lines read=====:" ; run;
This is the results OUTput I get(does not show the number of lines).Obviously, I did not get any actual number of lines in the file
Lines read=====:
NOTE: 1 record was read from the infile
However, I know the number of lines in that sample.sas7dat file is more than 1.
Please help!

The INFILE statement is for reading a file as raw TEXT. If you have a SAS dataset then you can just SET the dataset to read it into a data step.
So the equivalent for your attempted method would be something like:
data _null_;
set "C:\myfiles\sample.sas7bdat" end=eof;
if eof then put "Observations read=====:" _n_ ;

One cool thing about sas7bdat files is the amount of metadata stored with them. The row count of that file is already known by SAS as an attribute. You can use proc contents to read it. Observations is the number of rows in the table.
libname files "C:\myfiles";
proc contents data=files.sample;
A more advanced way is to open the file directly using macro functions.
%let dsid = %sysfunc(open(files.sample) ); /* Open the file */
%let nobs = %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid, nlobs) ); /* Get the number of observations */
%let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid) ); /* Close the file */
%put Total observations: &nobs


How to create a SAS dataset for each individual trading day (TAQ) data and save them to a file

I have the daily trading data (TAQ data) for a month. I am trying to unzip each of them.
The folder's name is EQY_US_ALL_TRADE_202107.
It has several zipped (GZ files) files for each trading day named as
EQY_US_ALL_TRADE_202210703 ...
I want to create a SAS dataset for each individual day and save them to a file. As far as I understand, I need a do loop to go through a month of daily TAQ data and calculate the trade duration and then just save the relevant data to a file so that each saved data set would be small, and then I have to aggregate them all up. For calculating trade duration, I am just taking the difference of the "DATETIME" variable, (ex. dif(datetime))
Until now, I have been working by making one working directory (D:\MainDataset) and doing calculations in it starting with unzipping files. But it is taking too much time and disk space. I need to create separate datasets for each trading day and save it to a file.
data "D:\MainDataset" (keep= filename time exchange symbol saleCondition tradeVolume tradePrice tradeStopStock
tradeCorrection sequenceNumber tradeId sourceOfTrade tradeReportingFacility
participantTimeStamp tradeReportingFacilityTimeStamp);
length folderef $8 time $15. exchange $1. symbol $17. saleCondition $4. tradeStopStock $1.
sourceOfTrade $1. tradeReportingFacility $1.
participantTimeStamp $15. tradeReportingFacilityTimestamp $15.;
did = dopen(folderef);
putlog did=;
/* do k = 1 to dnum(did); Use this to run the loop over all files in the folder */
do k = 1 to 3;
filename = dread(did,k);
putlog filename=;
if scan(filename,-1,'.') ne 'gz' then continue;
fullname = pathname(folderef) || '\' || filename;
putlog fullname=;
do while(1);
infile archive zip filevar=fullname gzip dlm='|' firstobs=2 obs=5000000 dsd truncover eof=nextfile;
input time exchange symbol saleCondition tradeVolume tradePrice tradeStopStock
tradeCorrection sequenceNumber tradeId sourceOfTrade tradeReportingFacility
participantTimeStamp tradeReportingFacilityTimeStamp;
Proc contents data = "D:\MainDataset";
proc print data ="D:\MainDataset" (obs = 110);
Create code to process one file. Probably coded as a macro that takes as input the name of the file to read and the name of the dataset to create.
%macro taq(infile,dataset);
data &dataset;
infile "&infile" zip gzip dsd dlm='|' truncover firstobs=2;
%mend taq;
Then generate a dataset with the names of the files to read and the dataset names you want to create from them. So perhaps something like this:
%let ym=202107;
%let folder=D:\EQY_US_ALL_TRADE_&ym;
data taq_files;
length dataset $32 filename $256 ;
keep dataset filename;
do fnum=1 to dnum(did);
if 'gz'=lowcase(scan(filename,-1,'.')) then output;
Now that you have the list of files you can use it to call the macro once for each file.
data _null_;
set taq_files;
call execute(cats('%nrstr(%taq)(',filename,',',dataset,')'));
The body of the macro can include the code to both read the values from the delimited files and calculate any new variables you want. There should not be any need to do that in multiple steps based on what you have shown so far.
Your logic for converting the timestamp strings into time values seems overly convoluted. Just use informats that match the style of the strings in the file. For example if the strings start with 6 digits that represent HHMMSS then read that using the HHMMSS6. informat. If the filenames has digit strings in the style YYYYMMDD then read that using the YYMMDD8. informat.
Note that a text file that is compressed to 2Gbytes will generate a dataset that is possibly 10 to 30 times that large. You might want to define the individual datasets as views instead to avoid having the use that space by changing the DATA statement:
data &dataset / view=&dataset ;

SAS: Change dataset with loop count into append statement

TOPIC: Change dataset with loop count into append statement
I have a macro that will loop and create a new dataset with a counter behind.
Code like this:
DBMS=csv REPLACE; delimiter='09'x; getnames=no; RUN;
data test&i (drop= %do k=1 %to &cnt; &&col&k.. %end;
length station $10 voltage $10 year 8 month $20 transformer $10 Day $20 Date Time MW_Imp MW_Exp MVAR_Imp MVAR_Exp MVA
Power_Factor 8; format Time hhmm.; set out&i. end=last;
Currently the script will generate about 4 data sets if i have 4 external files by PROC IMPORT.
What i want is to eliminate the creation of multiple datasets but just append them into the master file. Is there a way to do so?
An append statement inside the loop should be sufficient to achieve this. SAS will copy first dataset as base since it was not existing.
proc append base=test data=test&i force; run;
Appending is probably just as easy, but if you don't want to create many datasets to begin with, you could use a data step to read in several files at once, using wildcards. That would eliminate the need to loop through the files, but does require that the files have the same structure and aren't stored in a folder with other similarly named files. The firstobs-option caused som issues in my tests, but as you have specified getnames=no in your import, I guess you have no need for it.
The snippet below inputs all csv files in c:\test.
data test;
infile "c:\test\*.csv" dsd delimiter='09'x;
input varA $ varB $;

Explain usage of put statement

data _null_;
%let _EFIRR_=0;
%let _EFIREC_=0;
file '/home/abc/demo/sale.csv' delimiter=',' DSD;
put country=;
I wrote this code but couldn't find anything in the log. Shouldn't I be getting country=xyz in the log?
The FILE statement is used to write out to files. I believe you were attempting to read country values from the file instead.
You need the INFILE statement:
data _null_;
%let _EFIRR_=0;
%let _EFIREC_=0;
/* infile statement points to the file which is being read */
infile '/home/abc/demo/sale.csv' delimiter=',' DSD;
/* Input statement specifies which columns to populate from the file */
input country $;
/* A put statement in a data step without an associated */
/* file statement will output lines in the log */
put country=;

SAS Export data to create standard and comma-delimited raw data files

i m new to sas and studying different ways to do subject line task.
Here is two ways i knew at the moment
Method1: file statement in data step
data _null_;
set engappeal;
file 'C:\Users\1502911\Desktop\exportdata.txt' dlm=',';
put id $ name $ semester scoreEng;
Method2: Proc Export
proc export
data = engappeal
outfile = 'C:\Users\1502911\Desktop\exportdata2.txt'
dbms = dlm;
delimiter = ',';
1, Is there any alternative way to export raw data files
2, Is it possible to export the header also using the data step method 1
You can also make use of ODS
ods listing file="C:\Users\1502911\Desktop\exportdata3.txt";
proc print data=engappeal noobs;
ods listing close;
You need to use the DSD option on the FILE statement to make sure that delimiters are properly quoted and missing values are not represented by spaces. Make sure you set your record length long enough, including delimiters and inserted quotes. Don't worry about setting it too long as the lines are variable length.
You can use CALL VNEXT to find and output the names. The LINK statement is so the loop is later in the data step to prevent __NAME__ from being included in the (_ALL_) variable list.
data _null_;
set sashelp.class ;
file 'class.csv' dsd dlm=',' lrecl=1000000 ;
if _n_ eq 1 then link names;
put (_all_) (:);
length __name__ $32;
do while(1);
call vnext(__name__);
if upcase(__name__) eq '__NAME__' then leave;
put __name__ #;

Need to repeate data reading from multiple files using sas and run freqs on separate dataset created from separate files

I am new to SAS and facing few difficulties while creating following program.
My requirement is to pass the filename generated dynamically and read it so that don't have to write code five times to read data from 5 different files and then run freqs on the datasets.
I have provided the code below and have to write this code for more than 50 files:
filename inp1 '/chshttp/prod/clients/coms/raw/coms_coms_relg_f1102_t1102_c10216_vEL5535.raw';
filename inp2 '/chshttp/prod/clients/coms/raw/coms_coms_relg_f1103_t1103_c10317_vEL8312.raw';
filename inp3 '/chshttp/prod/clients/coms/raw/coms_coms_relg_f1104_t1104_c10420_vEL11614.raw';
filename inp4 '/chshttp/prod/clients/coms/raw/coms_coms_relg_f1105_t1105_c10510_vEL13913.raw';
filename inp5 '/chshttp/prod/clients/coms/raw/coms_coms_relg_f1106_t1106_c10628_vEL17663.raw';
data test;
Do i = 1 to 5;
infile_name = 'inp' || i;
infile infile_name recfm = v lrecl=1800 end=eof truncover;
if E_CUSTDEF1_CLIENT_ID ='00002' then
output test;
proc freq data = test;
tables E_CUSTDEF1_CLIENT_ID*E_MED_PLAN_CODE / list missing;
Please help!!
Here's an example you can adapt. There are different ways to do this, but this is one- depending no how you want the frequencies.
Step 1: Create a dataset, 'my_filenames', that stores the filename you want to read in, one per line, in a variable FILE_NAME.
Step 2: Read in the files.
data my_data;
set my_filenames;
infile a filevar=file_name <the rest of your options>;
<your input statement>;
proc freq data=mydata;
by file_name;
<your table statements>;
This is simple, data driven code that doesn't require macros or storing large amounts of data in things that shouldn't have data in them (macro variables, filenames, etc.)
To directly answer your question, here is a SAS macro to read each file and run PROC FREQ:
%macro freqme(dsn);
data test;
infile "&dsn" recfm = v lrecl=1800 end=eof truncover;
if E_CUSTDEF1_CLIENT_ID = '00002';
proc freq data=test;
tables E_CUSTDEF1_CLIENT_ID*E_MED_PLAN_CODE / list missing;
proc delete data=test;
Note that I added a PROC DELETE step to delete the SAS data set after creating the report. I did that more for illustration, since you don't say you need the file as a SAS data set for subsequent processing.
You can use this as a template for other macro programming.