Understanding syntax of function parameter: vector<vector<int>> A[] - c++

I'm solving a question where a function is defined as following:
vector <int> func(int a, vector<vector<int>> B[]){
// Some stuff
I'm confused about why the second parameter is not simply vector<vector<int>> B. Why the extra [] part in the parameter? Can someone clarify the meaning of this?
The vector, B, is populated by a similar code snippet:
vector<vector<int>> B[10];
vector<int> t1,t2;

Just as int foo(char str[]) is a function that takes a (c-style) array of characters, so int foo(vector<vector<int>> B[]) takes an array of vectors of vectors ... of integers. This means that it's three-dimensional data, requiring 3 indices to access the elements (fundamental data type; in this case, int), like B[i][j][k] = 5. Without the extra [] in the API it'd be two-dimensional data: a vector of vectors.
Note that int foo(char str[]) is equivalent to int foo(char str[5]) which is equivalent to int foo(char * str).
In C we usually add the [] to a function declaration to imply that we expect to receive an array of those elements; while * is often used when we expect at most one element. Likewise, adding the number [5] is basically just a comment to the user of the code that they expect 5 elements, but the compiler won't enforce this. These conventions carry over to C++ when we use these c-style arrays ... which is rare.
With c-style arrays there's either going to be a maximum array size in the comments somewhere; or, more commonly, it's provided as an input. That may be what the first argument of the function is supposed to represent.
I agree with KungPhoo here that this API looks suspiciously bad. I'd expect bugs/bad performance just because the choices seem very amateurish. The c-style array means the function can't know where the end of the c-style array is - but the vectors mean that we give up some of the (niche) benefits of c-style simplicity (especially because they're nested!). It seems to be getting the worst of both worlds. But, perhaps, there may be a very niche justification for the API.

B ist a static array (C-style) of 10 elements [0 .. 9]. It's not safe and this code is a terrible mess.
Better use std::array<std::vector<str::vector<int>>, 10> B; instead to have index checking.


Reference to a subarray within an array

I was trying to figure out how can I create sub arrays from within a larger array and got a piece of code here and started using it.
I created an array of ints
int arr[10];
for(int h=0;h<10;h++)
Now say I want a sub-array (of 4 ints) within the same larger array
int (&arrOnly4Elements)[4]=(int (&)[4])(*arr);
It works well and does what I want.
While I understand references and that they point to actual objects, What I am not able to understand how the above code works.
why do we need the braces to surround &arrOnly4Elements
Also, can anyone explain me the RHS (int (&)[4])(*arr); in detail step by step manner.
cdecl.org translates it for you:
int (&arrrOnly4Elements)[4]: declare arrrOnly4Elements as reference to array 4 of int
int &arrrOnly4Elements[4]: declare arrrOnly4Elements as array 4 of reference to int
As NathanOliver pointed out, C++20 introduces std::span. You should take a look at it (also compare this SO question). A std::span is a templated view into an array/contiguous sequence of objects. It consists of a pointer and a size. It makes accessing arrays and sub arrays convenient (allows range based for) and safe (keeps track of the size).
int arr[10];
std::span<int> arr_span = arr;
std::span<int,4> arr_subspan1 = arr_span.first<4>();
std::span<int> arr_subspan2 = arr_span.first(4);
If you cannot yet switch to C++20 you might consider checking GSL which provides a gsl::span which was lately aligned to match std::span.

Get 5 last array objects C++

A simple task, but I don't remember the syntax for C++.
int array[n];
I need to get the last 5 objects of the array.
array.slice(array.length - 5, 1)??
In short
Algorithms will be your friends:
int last[5];
std::copy(array+n-5, array+n, last);
More details
First, the variable length array is not standard C++. So the following code is only portable and valid if n is a constant expression:
int array[n];
So the better approach would be to use vectors of int. The advantage is that their size may evolve dynamically when needed:
vector<int> varray(n);
If really you want to use variable raw arrays, you could use memory allocation, but this is cumbersome since you have to take a lot of precautions (e.g. deleting the allocated object in the end):
int *array = new int[n];
The solution with raw arrays is displayed above. I leave it up to you to generalize it to the k last elements.
The vector variant is very similar:
vector<int> vlast(5);
copy(varray.end()-vlast.size(), varray.end(), vlast.begin());
Note that the copy is more dynamic, since the number of elements will depend on the size of the output vector.
Attention - risk of UB: I leave you as an exercise to adapt the code for both solutions to the case where the size of the array would be smaller than 5.
Now if you like algorithms, it's worth also to look at iterators, because they allow you to do cool tricks like:
copy(vlast.begin(), vlast.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout," ")); // display
Online demo
Still not convinced by vectors ? Then have a look at these two other vector variants:
vector<int> vlast2(varray.end()-5, varray.end()); // powerful constructor
vector<int> vlast3(varray.rbegin(), varray.rbegin()+5); // and in reverse order

error : no match for 'operator[]'

I am solving a problem in which I m trying to pass address a 2-D array of a structure and trying to manipulate it but, whenever I use [] operator to access the array elements , I get a compile time error:
no match for 'operator[]'
in my codeblocks IDE.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
typedef struct mat
int data;
int flag;
} cell;
int mat(cell *);
int main()
int m,n;
cell game[n][m];
cout<<"The length of matrix is "<<mat(&game[0][0]);
int mat(cell *arr)
return (sizeof(arr[0])/sizeof(arr[0][0]));
cell game[n][m];
This is not legal C++. You are using a compiler-specific extension. At this point I advise you against using any compiler-specific extensions. Use standard C++ only. In standard C++ there are no Variable Length Arrays. Don't use arrays in your C++ programs. To get proper variable length array functionality. You should use std::vector instead, like this:
std::vector<std::vector<cell>> game;
is not an address of a 2D array. This is an address of the first element in the array. It contains no information about the number of elements. It is lost forever. You cannot pass it to some function and expect the size of the array to be recovered. To get proper array functionality with a built-in size function, use std::vector.
Last but not least,
arr is a cell*. arr[0] is a cell. arr[0][0] is invalid because a cell is neither an array not a pointer, nor it has a custom [] operator defined. In any case you cannot use sizeof to recover the number of elements in the array from a pointer to its first element. To get proper array functionality with a built-in size function, use std::vector.
Two things:
Your function takes a pointer to cell but since you're treating it like a 2D array, you should probably change your signature to either accept a cell ** arr or a cell arr[m][] where m is the (fixed) size of the array and must be specified. Note that these data structures have fundamentally different representations in memory - they just have the same [][] syntax for accessing elements.
You can't use the sizeof function to determine the length of an array if you pass it as a pointer to an elem. You will need to pass the dimensions along with your array, like this:
int mat(cell **arr, int m, int n);
The definition being given basically says that your class doesn't define the operator [], meaning you can't use the syntax you are trying to use.

Is there any built in method in c++ to findout length of an array?

like array.length in java is there any built in method in c++ to findout size of an array?
I know about length(). but it only works for strings only ...
And i tried this ...
int a[10];
but it gives output as 10 but is there a way getting only 2 as output
If you're using C++, don't use arrays, use std::vector instead (especially if you need the count of currently held items, not the container's capacity). Then you can write:
std::vector<int> vec;
printf("%d\n", vec.size());
int a[10];
declares an array of 10 ints; sure, you're only initialising the first two, but the other 8 are still there, they're just (probably) filled with junk at the moment.
To do what you want, you should use a std::vector instead. You can then do this:
std::vector<int> a;
std::cout << a.size() << std::endl; // prints 2
Arrays in C/C++ do not store their lengths in memory, so it is impossible to find their size purely given a pointer to an array. Any code using arrays in those languages relies on a constant known size, or a separate variable being passed around that specifies their size.
In an array of 10 ints, when it is declared, memory is allocated for 10 int values. even if you initialize just two, the rest of it contains some junk values and the memory remains allocated.
If you want the used size, your best bet is to use std::vector.
if you want to know the number of elements in an array you can do this
int array[3] = {0, 1, 2};
int arraylength = sizeof(array)/ sizeof(*array);
Sure. It's name is vector::size. It doesn't apply to C-style arrays, only to std::vector. Note that Java's Array class is also not a C-style array.

How do you copy the contents of an array to a std::vector in C++ without looping?

I have an array of values that is passed to my function from a different part of the program that I need to store for later processing. Since I don't know how many times my function will be called before it is time to process the data, I need a dynamic storage structure, so I chose a std::vector. I don't want to have to do the standard loop to push_back all the values individually, it would be nice if I could just copy it all using something similar to memcpy.
There have been many answers here and just about all of them will get the job done.
However there is some misleading advice!
Here are the options:
vector<int> dataVec;
int dataArray[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
unsigned dataArraySize = sizeof(dataArray) / sizeof(int);
// Method 1: Copy the array to the vector using back_inserter.
copy(&dataArray[0], &dataArray[dataArraySize], back_inserter(dataVec));
// Method 2: Same as 1 but pre-extend the vector by the size of the array using reserve
dataVec.reserve(dataVec.size() + dataArraySize);
copy(&dataArray[0], &dataArray[dataArraySize], back_inserter(dataVec));
// Method 3: Memcpy
dataVec.resize(dataVec.size() + dataArraySize);
memcpy(&dataVec[dataVec.size() - dataArraySize], &dataArray[0], dataArraySize * sizeof(int));
// Method 4: vector::insert
dataVec.insert(dataVec.end(), &dataArray[0], &dataArray[dataArraySize]);
// Method 5: vector + vector
vector<int> dataVec2(&dataArray[0], &dataArray[dataArraySize]);
dataVec.insert(dataVec.end(), dataVec2.begin(), dataVec2.end());
To cut a long story short Method 4, using vector::insert, is the best for bsruth's scenario.
Here are some gory details:
Method 1 is probably the easiest to understand. Just copy each element from the array and push it into the back of the vector. Alas, it's slow. Because there's a loop (implied with the copy function), each element must be treated individually; no performance improvements can be made based on the fact that we know the array and vectors are contiguous blocks.
Method 2 is a suggested performance improvement to Method 1; just pre-reserve the size of the array before adding it. For large arrays this might help. However the best advice here is never to use reserve unless profiling suggests you may be able to get an improvement (or you need to ensure your iterators are not going to be invalidated). Bjarne agrees. Incidentally, I found that this method performed the slowest most of the time though I'm struggling to comprehensively explain why it was regularly significantly slower than method 1...
Method 3 is the old school solution - throw some C at the problem! Works fine and fast for POD types. In this case resize is required to be called since memcpy works outside the bounds of vector and there is no way to tell a vector that its size has changed. Apart from being an ugly solution (byte copying!) remember that this can only be used for POD types. I would never use this solution.
Method 4 is the best way to go. It's meaning is clear, it's (usually) the fastest and it works for any objects. There is no downside to using this method for this application.
Method 5 is a tweak on Method 4 - copy the array into a vector and then append it. Good option - generally fast-ish and clear.
Finally, you are aware that you can use vectors in place of arrays, right? Even when a function expects c-style arrays you can use vectors:
vector<char> v(50); // Ensure there's enough space
strcpy(&v[0], "prefer vectors to c arrays");
If you can construct the vector after you've gotten the array and array size, you can just say:
std::vector<ValueType> vec(a, a + n);
...assuming a is your array and n is the number of elements it contains. Otherwise, std::copy() w/resize() will do the trick.
I'd stay away from memcpy() unless you can be sure that the values are plain-old data (POD) types.
Also, worth noting that none of these really avoids the for loop--it's just a question of whether you have to see it in your code or not. O(n) runtime performance is unavoidable for copying the values.
Finally, note that C-style arrays are perfectly valid containers for most STL algorithms--the raw pointer is equivalent to begin(), and (ptr + n) is equivalent to end().
If all you are doing is replacing the existing data, then you can do this
std::vector<int> data; // evil global :)
void CopyData(int *newData, size_t count)
data.assign(newData, newData + count);
std::copy is what you're looking for.
Since I can only edit my own answer, I'm going to make a composite answer from the other answers to my question. Thanks to all of you who answered.
Using std::copy, this still iterates in the background, but you don't have to type out the code.
int foo(int* data, int size)
static std::vector<int> my_data; //normally a class variable
std::copy(data, data + size, std::back_inserter(my_data));
return 0;
Using regular memcpy. This is probably best used for basic data types (i.e. int) but not for more complex arrays of structs or classes.
vector<int> x(size);
memcpy(&x[0], source, size*sizeof(int));
int dataArray[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };//source
unsigned dataArraySize = sizeof(dataArray) / sizeof(int);
std::vector<int> myvector (dataArraySize );//target
std::copy ( myints, myints+dataArraySize , myvector.begin() );
//myvector now has 1,2,3,...10 :-)
Yet another answer, since the person said "I don't know how many times my function will be called", you could use the vector insert method like so to append arrays of values to the end of the vector:
vector<int> x;
void AddValues(int* values, size_t size)
x.insert(x.end(), values, values+size);
I like this way because the implementation of the vector should be able to optimize for the best way to insert the values based on the iterator type and the type itself. You are somewhat replying on the implementation of stl.
If you need to guarantee the fastest speed and you know your type is a POD type then I would recommend the resize method in Thomas's answer:
vector<int> x;
void AddValues(int* values, size_t size)
size_t old_size(x.size());
x.resize(old_size + size, 0);
memcpy(&x[old_size], values, size * sizeof(int));
avoid the memcpy, I say. No reason to mess with pointer operations unless you really have to. Also, it will only work for POD types (like int) but would fail if you're dealing with types that require construction.
In addition to the methods presented above, you need to make sure you use either std::Vector.reserve(), std::Vector.resize(), or construct the vector to size, to make sure your vector has enough elements in it to hold your data. if not, you will corrupt memory. This is true of either std::copy() or memcpy().
This is the reason to use vector.push_back(), you can't write past the end of the vector.
Assuming you know how big the item in the vector are:
std::vector<int> myArray;
myArray.resize (item_count, 0);
memcpy (&myArray.front(), source, item_count * sizeof(int));