Why does .save() still take up time when using transaction.atomic()? - django

In Django, I read that transaction.atomic() should leave all the queries to be executed until the end of the code segment in a single transaction. However, it doesn't seem to be working as expected:
import time
from django.db import transaction
with transaction.atomic():
for obj in my_objs:
start = time.time()
end = time.time()
avg1+= end - start
count+= 1
Why when wrapping the .save() method around a start/end time to check how long it takes, it is not instantaneous?
The result of the code above was:
total: 3.5636022090911865 average: 0.035636022090911865
When logging the SQL queries with the debugger, it also displays an UPDATE statement for each time .save() is called.
Any ideas why its not working as expected?
PS. I am using Postgres.

There is probably just a misunderstanding here about what transaction.atomic actually does. It doesn't necessarily wait to execute all the queries -- the ORM is still talking to the database as you execute your code in an atomic block. It simply waits to commit (SQL COMMIT;) changes until the [successful] end of the block. In the case there is an exception before the end of the transaction block, all the modifications in the transaction are not committed and are rolled back.


Is there a way to set an expiration time for a Django cache lock?

I have a Django 3.1.3 server that uses Redis for its cache via django-redis 4.12.1. I know that cache locks can generally be set via the following:
with cache.lock('my_cache_lock_key'):
# Execute some logic here, such as:
cache.set('some_key', 'Hello world', 3000)
Generally, the cache lock releases when the with block completes execution. However, I have some custom logic in my code that sometimes does not release the cache lock (which is fine for my own reasons).
My question: is there a way to set a timeout value for Django cache locks, much in the same way as you can set timeouts for setting cache values (cache.set('some_key', 'Hello world', 3000))?
I've answered my own question. The following arguments are available for cache.lock():
def lock(
Cross referencing that with comments from the Python Redis source, which uses the same arguments:
``timeout`` indicates a maximum life for the lock.
By default, it will remain locked until release() is called.
``timeout`` can be specified as a float or integer, both representing
the number of seconds to wait.
``sleep`` indicates the amount of time to sleep per loop iteration
when the lock is in blocking mode and another client is currently
holding the lock.
``blocking`` indicates whether calling ``acquire`` should block until
the lock has been acquired or to fail immediately, causing ``acquire``
to return False and the lock not being acquired. Defaults to True.
Note this value can be overridden by passing a ``blocking``
argument to ``acquire``.
``blocking_timeout`` indicates the maximum amount of time in seconds to
spend trying to acquire the lock. A value of ``None`` indicates
continue trying forever. ``blocking_timeout`` can be specified as a
float or integer, both representing the number of seconds to wait.
Therefore, to set the maximum time period of 2 seconds for which a cache lock takes effect, do something like this:
with cache.lock(key='my_cache_lock_key', timeout=2):
# Execute some logic here, such as:
cache.set('some_key', 'Hello world', 3000)

Stopping a While loop when it ends a cycle in Python

This may be a strange request. I have an infinite While loop and each loop lasts ~7 minutes, then the program sleeps for a couple minutes to let the computer cool down, and then starts over.
This is how it looks:
import time as t
t_cooling = 120
while True:
#7 minutes of uninterrupted calculations here
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Right now if I want to interrupt the process, I have to wait until the program sleeps for 2 minutes, otherwise all the calculations done in the running cycle are wasted. Moreover the calculations involve writing on files and working with multiprocessing, so interrupting during the calculation phase is not only a waste, but can potentially damage the output on the files.
I'd like to know if there is a way to signal to the program that the current cycle is the last one it has to execute, so that there is no risk of interrupting at the wrong moment. To add one more limitation, it has to be a solution that works via command line. It's not possible to add a window with a stop button on the computer the program is running on. The machine has a basic Linux installation, with no graphical environment. The computer is not particularly powerful or new and I need to use the most CPU and RAM possible.
Hope everything is clear enough.
Not so elegant, but it works
#!/usr/bin/env python
import signal
import time as t
stop = False
def signal_handler(signal, frame):
print('You pressed Ctrl+C!')
global stop
stop = True
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
print('Press Ctrl+C')
t_cooling = 1
while not stop:
You can use a separate Thread and an Event to signal the exit request to the main thread:
import time
import threading
evt = threading.Event()
def input_thread():
while True:
if input("") == "quit":
print("Exit requested")
t_cooling = 5
while True:
#7 minutes of uninterrupted calculations here
print("starting calculation")
if evt.is_set():
Just for completeness, I post here my solution. It's very raw, but it works.
import time as t
t_cooling = 120
while True:
#7 minutes of uninterrupted calculations here
f = open('stop', 'r')
stop = f.readline().strip()
if stop == '0':
I just have to create a file named stop and write a 0 in it. When that 0 is changed to something else, the program stops at the end of the cycle.

How to excute postgre query asynchronously in django

In current scenario result2 not get executed until result1 one finished its execution. I want to execute select * from Test1 and select * from Test2 asynchronously.result2 should not wait utile result1 complete its execution.And finally send both the result set to client at a time.
def fetchQueryData(request):
cur.execute("select * from Test1")
cur.execute("select * from Test2")
return JsonResponse([json1,json2])
Celery can help you with that. You can start asynchronous tasks and wait for them to complete in a while loop. It requires some setting up and additional software on your server though.
To me, it seems that your queries are quite long running. I don't think waiting for them in a single request is the best solution regarding to user experience, but that is probably another topic.

Delayed Job Overwhelming DB

I have a method which updates all DNS records for an account with 1 delayed job for each record. There's a lot of workers and queues which is great for getting other jobs done quickly, but this particular job completes quickly and overwhelms the database. Because each job requires DNS to resolve, it's difficult to move this to a process which collects the information then writes once. So I'm instead looking for a way to stagger delayed jobs.
As far as I know, just using sleep(0.1) in the after method should do the trick. I wanted to see if anyone else has specifically dealt with this situation and solved it.
I've created a custom job to test out a few different ideas. Here's some example code:
def update_dns
Account.active.find_each do |account|
account.domains.where('processed IS NULL').find_each do |domain|
Delayed::Job.enqueue StaggerJob.new(self.id)
rescue Exception => e
self.domain_logger.error "Unable to update DNS for #{domain.name} (id=#{domain.id})"
self.domain_logger.error e.message
self.domain_logger.error e.backtrace
When a cron job calls Domain.update_dns, the delayed job table floods with tens of thousands of jobs, and the workers start working through them. There's so many workers and queues that even setting the lowest priority overwhelms the database and other requests suffer.
Here's the StaggerJob class:
class StaggerJob < Struct.new(:domain_id)
def perform
def enqueue(job)
job.account_id = domain.account_id
job.owner = domain
job.priority = 10 # lowest
def after(job)
# Sleep to avoid overwhelming the DB
def domain
#domain ||= Domain.find self.domain_id
This may entirely do the trick, but I wanted to verify if this technique was sensible.
It turned out the priority for these jobs were set to 0 (highest). Setting to 10 (lowest) helped. Sleeping in the job in the after method would work, but there's a better way.
Delayed::Job.enqueue StaggerJob.new(domain.id, :fetch_dns!), run_at: (Time.now + (0.2*counter).seconds) # stagger by 0.2 seconds
This ends up pausing outside the job instead of inside. Better!

Debugging livelock in Django/Postgresql

I run a moderately popular web app on Django with Apache2, mod_python, and PostgreSQL 8.3 with the postgresql_psycopg2 database backend. I'm experiencing occasional livelock, identifiable when an apache2 process continually consumes 99% of CPU for several minutes or more.
I did an strace -ppid on the apache2 process, and found that it was continually repeating these system calls:
sendto(25, "Q\0\0\0SSELECT (1) AS \"a\" FROM \"account_profile\" WHERE \"account_profile\".\"id\" = 66201 \0", 84, 0, NULL, 0) = 84
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, [], NULL, 8) = 0
poll([{fd=25, events=POLLIN|POLLERR, revents=POLLIN}], 1, -1) = 1
recvfrom(25, "E\0\0\0\210SERROR\0C25P02\0Mcurrent transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block\0Fpostgres.c\0L906\0Rexec_simple_query\0\0Z\0\0\0\5E", 16384, 0, NULL, NULL) = 143
This exact fragment repeats continually in the trace, and was running for over 10 minutes before I finally killed the apache2 process. (Note: I edited this to replace my previous strace fragment with a new one that shows full the full string contents rather than truncated.)
My interpretation of the above is that django is attempting to do an existence check on my table account_profile, but at some earlier point (before I started the trace) something went wrong (SQL parse error? referential integrity or uniqueness constraint violation? who knows?), and now Postgresql is returning the error "current transaction is aborted". For some reason, instead of raising an Exception and giving up, it just keeps retrying.
One possibility is that this is being triggered in a call to Profile.objects.get_or_create. This is the model class that maps to the account_profile table. Perhaps there is something in get_or_create that is designed to catch too broad a set of exceptions and retry? From the web server logs, it appears that this livelock might have occurred as a result of a double-click on the POST button in my site's registration form.
This condition has occurred a couple of times over the past few days on the live site, and results in a significant slowdown until I intervene, so pretty much anything other than infinite deadlock would be an improvement! :)
This turned out to be entirely my fault. I found the spot where the select (1) as 'a' statement seemed to originate (in django/models/base.py) and hacked it to log a traceback, which pointed clearly at my code.
I had some code that makes up a unique email "key" for each Profile. These keys are randomly generated, so because there is some possibility of overlap, I run it in a try/except within a while loop. My assumption was that the database's unique constraint would cause the save to fail if the key was not unique, and I'd be able to try again.
Unfortunately, in Postgresql you cannot simply try again after an integrity error. You have to issue a COMMIT or ROLLBACK command (even if you're in autocommit mode, apparently) before you can try again. So I had an infinite loop of failing save attempts where I was ignoring the error message.
Now I look for a more specific exception (django.db.IntegrityError) and run a limited number of attempts so that the loop is not infinite.
Thanks to everyone for viewing/answering.
Your analysis sounds pretty good. Clearly it's not picking up the fact that the transaction is aborted. I suggest you report this as a bug to the django project...