How to make oneline string into new rows? - row

s_n = ("Bob: Hello Sandy: How are you? Bob: Confused by a python problem"
i want to make this string in multiple lines without using "\n".
Output to be : Bob:
Hello Sandy:
How are you? ...etc

s_n = ("""Bob: Hello
Sandy: How are you?
Bob: Confused by a python problem""""
Bob: Hello
Sandy: How are you?
Bob: confused by a python problem


how to remove everything but letters, numbers and ! ? . ; , # ' using regex in python pandas df?

I am trying to remove everythin but letters, numbers and ! ? . ; , # ' from my python pandas column text.
I have already read some other questions on the topic, but still can not make mine work.
Here is an example of what I am doing:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'id':[1,2,3,4],
'text':['hey+ guys! wuzup',
'hello p3ople!What\'s up?',
'hey, how- thing == do##n',
'my name is bond, james b0nd']}
Then we have the following table:
id text
1 hey+ guys! wuzup
2 hello p3ople!What\'s up?
3 hey, how- thing == do##n
4 my name is bond, james b0nd
Now, tryng to remove everything but letters, numbers and ! ? . ; , # '
First try:
df.loc[:,'text'] = df['text'].str.replace(r"^(?!(([a-zA-z]|[\!\?\.\;\,\#\'\"]|\d))+)$",' ',regex=True)
id text
1 hey+ guys! wuzup
2 hello p3ople!What's up?
3 hey, how- thing == do##n
4 my name is bond, james b0nd
Second try
df.loc[:,'text'] = df['text'].str.replace(r"(?i)\b(?:(([a-zA-Z\!\?\.\;\,\#\'\"\:\d])))",' ',regex=True)
id text
1 ey+ uys uzup
2 ello 3ople hat p
3 ey ow- hing == o##
4 y ame s ond ames 0nd
Third try
df.loc[:,'text'] = df['text'].str.replace(r'(?i)(?<!\w)(?:[a-zA-Z\!\?\.\;\,\#\'\"\:\d])',' ',regex=True)
id text
1 ey+ uys! uzup
2 ello 3ople! hat' p?
3 ey, ow- hing == o##
4 y ame s ond, ames 0nd
Afterwars, I also tried using re.sub() function using the same regex patterns, but still did not manage to have the expected the result. Being this expected result as follows:
id text
1 hey guys! wuzup
2 hello p3ople!What's up?
3 hey, how- thing don
4 my name is bond, james b0nd
Can anyone help me with that?
Links that I have seen over the topic:
Is there a way to remove everything except characters, numbers and '-' from a string
How do check if a text column in my dataframe, contains a list of possible patterns, allowing mistyping?
removing newlines from messy strings in pandas dataframe cells?
Is this what you are looking for?
df.text.str.replace("(?i)[^0-9a-z!?.;,#' -]",'')
0 hey guys! wuzup
1 hello p3ople!What's up?
2 hey, how- thing don
3 my name is bond, james b0nd
Name: text, dtype: object

Replace a sub-string

I'm trying to use regular expressions to replace some things in a text.
My dataframe:
French house Phone. <phone_numbers>
English house email - <adresse_mail>
French apartment code : bla!123
French house Hello George!
English apartment Ethan, my phone is <phone_numbers>
Good output:
French house Phone. <phone_numbers>
English house email - <adresse_mail>
French apartment code : <code>
French house Hello George!
English apartment Ethan, my phone is <phone_numbers>
First, I tried this:
df['C'] = df['C'].str.replace(r'((ask code)|(code))\s?:?\s?\w+','<code>')
It works, but not completely.
code : bla!123
So, I tried this:
df['C'] = df['C'].str.replace(r'(ask code)|(code)\s?:?\s?), (\s?\w+)', r'\2,<code>')
But nothing happened...
I'd do:
df['C'] = df['C'].str.replace(r'(ask code|code)(\s?:?\s?).+', r'\1\2<code>')
import re
string = 'code : bla!123'
string.replace((re.match(r'code*\s?:?\s?(.*)',string)[1]), '<code>')
'code : <code>'

python file reading and splitting the words

I am reading a file in python and splitting the file with '\n' . when i am printing the splitted list it is giving 'Magni\xef\xac\x81cent Mary' instead of 'Magnificient Mary'
Here is my code...
with open('/home/naveen/Desktop/answer.txt') as ans:
content =
content = content.split('\n')
print content
note: answer.txt contains following lines
Magnificent Mary
Flying Sikh
Payyoli Express
Here is my output of the program
the problem is in your text file. There are some unicodes characters in "Magnificent Mary" If you fix that your program should work. If you want to read with unicodes characters, you have to properly decode texts to UTF-8.
Have a look at this one (assuming you want to use python 2) Backporting Python 3 open(encoding="utf-8") to Python 2
with'/Users/emily/Desktop/answers.txt', mode='rb', encoding='UTF-8') as ans:
content =
for i in content: print i
If you can use python3, you can actually do this:
with open('/home/naveen/Desktop/answer.txt', encoding='UTF-8') as ans:
content =
There is a problem with your 'f' in Magnificent Mary . It is not the normal f , but it is the
LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FI . You can simply delete your 'f' and retype it in gedit.
To verify the difference , simply include
print [(ord(a),a) for a in (file.split("\n"))[0]]
at the end of your code for both the fs.
If there is no way to edit the file , you could first convert the string to unicode , and then use the unicodedata of python.
import unicodedata
file = open("answer.txt")
file = ('utf-8')
print unicodedata.normalize('NFKD',

Converting a textfile into a list

I have a text file which contains a series of movie titles, which looks like this once opened.
A Nous la Liberte (1932) About Schmidt (2002) Absence of Malice
(1981) Adam's Rib (1949) Adaptation (2002) The Adjuster (1991) The
Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) Affliction (1998) The African Queen
Using the code below:
def movie_text():
moviefile = open("movies.txt", 'r')
yourResult = [line.split('\n') for line in moviefile.readlines()]
I get nothing.
Your code doesn't prints right.
If I understand it well,
moviefile = open("movies.txt", 'r')
print(len(lines)) # Shows list size
for line in lines:
print(line[:1]) # The [:1] part cuts the \n
The method readlines returns a list, I am not sure why your use split. I mean, if all you want is to remove the '\n', you can do it in many ways, being the one I used just one of them.
Hope it works!

Print line if any of these words are matched

I have a text file with 1000+ lines, each one representing a news article about a topic that I'm researching. Several hundred lines/articles in this dataset are not about the topic, however, and I need to remove these.
I've used grep to remove many of them (grep -vwE "(wordA|wordB)" test8.txt > test9.txt), but I now need to go through the rest manually.
I have a working code that finds all lines that do not contain a certain word, prints this line to me, and asks if it should be removed or not. It works well, but I'd like to include several other words. E.g. let's say my research topic is meat eating trends. I hope to write a script that prints lines that do not contain 'chicken' or 'pork' or 'beef', so I can manually verify if the lines/articles are about the relevant topic.
I know I can do this with elif, but I wonder if there is a better and simpler way? E.g. I tried if "chicken" or "beef" not in line: but it did not work.
Here's the code I have:
orgfile = 'text9.txt'
newfile = 'test10.txt'
newFile = open(newfile, 'wb')
with open("test9.txt") as f:
for num, line in enumerate(f, 1):
if "chicken" not in line:
print "{} {}".format(line.split(',')[0], num)
testVar = raw_input("1 = delete, enter = skip.")
testVar = testVar.replace('', '0')
testVar = int(testVar)
if testVar == 10:
print ''
f = open(newfile,'ab')
f = open(newfile,'ab')
Edit: I tried Pieter's answer to this question but it does not work here, presumeably because I am not working with integers.
you can use any or all and a generator. For example
>>> key_word={"chicken","beef"}
>>> test_texts=["the price of beef is too high", "the chicken farm now open","tomorrow there is a lunar eclipse","bla"]
>>> for title in test_texts:
if any(key in title for key in key_words):
print title
the price of beef is too high
the chicken farm now open
>>> for title in test_texts:
if not any(key in title for key in key_words):
print title
tomorrow there is a lunar eclipse