How to update Jupyter Book website link hosted on github pages - github-pages

I created a Jupyter Book and hosted it on github. The website link is something like -
<github page>/_build/html/index.html
What config setting can I change to make the website link -
<github page>/index.html


Why is google cloud app deploy still giving me the old site

Recently I update all my site to a new node.js version 13.
I work hard to fixed everything. (My old site was online on Google cloud over 1 year with a version 7 or 8 and was working).
So I create my dist folder, and I create a new bucket on Google cloud. I follow every step from this site:
So my new site was working fine with the new look.
But I had some small mistakes in some pages, so I rebuild a new dist folder. I erase the dist folder in my bucket and upload the new one.
I redo these 2 steps (with my real site name):
gsutil rsync -r gs://fitness-dashboard-bucket ./fitness-dashboard-app
gcloud app deploy ./fitness-dashboard-app
Unfortunately, the deploy gives me the old site. I modify and update the YAML file like it says in this post:
gcloud app deploy trying to push old code
And the site was not working . (GREAT, so I know that the deploy is working). I resend my real yaml file and do the 2 commands. but the site still giving me the old site again.
Why my modification are not taken ? Does I need to versioning ? If so How I do this ?
How I can update my site ??
Finally I found it by myself.
I Open Editor in google and I saw old directories from a previous deployment. Like if the dist folder was not the same.
So I erase all old stuff in my app directory.
I close the editor and return to the terminal.
I just sync again et redeploy and finally I got my new site.
(I use my 2 commands that I write in my question to sync and deploy).

Can we upload a django project on cpanel and run it if the cpanel doesnt have a terminal?

I got the basic hosting plan from godaddy. Most tutorials on youtube are trash. So can we use a cpanel which doesn't have terminal to run a django project? and should we include the venv folder while we upload?
I don't think GoDaddy economy plan supports wsgi applications, but check with their support.

How do i host my fullstack application built with {django & react} on Google cloud

I created my portfolio website with django and react. I would like to host on Google cloud free account.
Any doc or tutorials link ?
In local host to run python server, we do python
for js we do npm run dev.
When we host it in Google cloud. How do these two work.
Looked for tutorials in youtube.

Django Web application publishing

How to publish django web application? what are the steps to be followed for publishing a django application? is there any free hosting for pulishing?
thanks in advance
I am using PythonAnyWhere for hosting my project. They provide hosting for python-Django / flask specificly and have a very dedicated team.
You can host your app for free but you can not use your own domain. To use custom domain, you need to purchase paid plan starting from $5 per month.
Their customer support is extremly good.
Steps to follow for hosting:
- Make sure your code is production ready i.e. well tested and bug free.
- Separate production and dev settings file. On production you need to set DEBUG=false.
- Push your code to github. Do not commit sensitive information like credentials or api keys. Keep them in .env file.
- Create account on pythonanywhere server and create database.
- Clone the git repo. Complete the web setup step. Edit the wsgio settings file.
- Run migrations. python migrate.
- Create cache table if any python createcachetable.
- Collect static files python collectstatic.
- Reload the web app.
Refer this step by step article to setup a free account and host web app on pythonanywhere server.
I'm a big fan of Amazon Web Services if you want simplicity and automation. You can create a CodeStar project for Django and Elastic Beanstalk. Everything is set up from you, so as soon as you commit code to your github repo (it even can create the repo for you with the elastic beanstalk config files), it builds, tests, then deploys it.
The best part is you can utilize amazon's free-tier level if you are a new member so it's probably going to be free or extremely cheap.
Look here for reference: is good for hosting. link
I used this for Django 2.0 with python3.

django project daesn't work on subdomain

I'm new in python and django.
I have virtual hosting account on I have main site in public_html folder (cms - wordpress). Now I want make django project on subdomain. I found hoster's instruction and setup python 2.7 on my hosting. I installed django 1.6 too (by official manual). Both works correctly (I checked it by ssh-consol)
With I've created app. Also I've created subdomain and directed it to the same folder.
Now I have structure:
/user - my account folder<br>
/user/python - python folder<br>
/user/django - django folder<br>
/user/public_html - main site folder<br>
/user/public_html/dev - project and subdomain folder
I'm in stalemate, because project doesn't work. When I go on, I see just hoster's html default page. But, if I right understood instruction I should see demo project (sign-in page). How to correct it?
Thank you!
There are many steps to be gone through, to host your app. You have to setup an app server, like gunicorn, and connect it to the main server, say apache..
May be this should help...