Django Cant creat file on desktop after hosting - django

I have hosted my app i have a problem with the access to desktop my django app can not creat the certain directory this problem appear only when i hosted the app befor that in the local server the file was created also in the python-anywhere i cant not find any file


How to upload a text file from local storage into the server and access it from my website?

Im completely new to django, im working on a task to upload a text file from my local storage into server and access that file on my website from the server. Any guidance in that regard would be helpful.

how do i store django media on remote unix server

I have two app servers and and I am trying to integrate media on another server IP I created a media directory so what are the method I can use in Django to manage media files?

Access to RStudio Server hosted on EC2 through Django App on S3

I have a R Shiny app running on a EC2 instance on AWS. The app can be accessed directly through its link.
I also have a Django app hosted on S3, which is accessing the app as an iframe.
What I want to do is limit the access of the Shiny App only through the Django app. Currently there is no limit on the EC2 instance security groups, and they listen ports 80 & 22.
Any ideas how I can do this?
I'd like the answer to be simple and say you just need to restrict the access to your Shiny app to the IP of your Django App but unfortunately you are using iframes.
As you are using an iframe, the content of that iframe needs to be accessible to whoever is accessing your Django app. If your Django app needs to be accessible from anywhere, the content of your iframe needs to be accessible from anywhere.
You can mitigate the access to the content of your Shiny app though. You can use the X-Frame-Options header to prevent your Shiny app from being embedded on other websites. You can set up nginx for example to serve your Shiny app and set these headers.
Here are some useful links: (about X-Frame-Options) (about Referer)
How to get parent URL in a shiny-app (same issue as you)

Securely deploy an application with mySQL login data

I am developing an application, which is using a mySQL database for login information's. For connecting to the database, I need the mySQL login data. I think, its a bad idea to distribute the mySQL login data with the app, so my question is, what is the common approach for that. I don't like to have a server running, which acts as a login server or whatever. So, how can you secure that login data in the application. Is it even possible, somehow? The user should not be able to read that login data out.
I read Hiding MySQL Credentials in Application, but they suggest a server running, which I would like to avoid...
Thanks in advance
Could you read the credentials from an external file local to the server? That way, you can distribute your application and include instructions to enter the correct credentials in a configuration file before running the application.

Web Services with Netbeans

After having done a web service with netbeans and having tested it. What is it that I should upload to the server so I can use it? I have been going around tutorials but none (of the ones I've found) say what to upload. They just finish when you deploy the web service =/.
Right, you'll package it as a WAR file and deploy that to the app server. A WAR file is what you need.
How you deploy depends on your situation and your app server. If you're using Tomcat, you can either put the WAR in the /webapps directory or use the admin console to deploy.
If you're using a hosting service, you'll have to ask them how to do it.