Informatica Job encounters "Actual File does not have execute permission" error - informatica

I'm trying to create a simple mapping task job in Informatica Cloud that copies a text file from a subdirectory to its' parent directory. Even if I give both folders 777 permissions on the secure agent where the process is run, I get the following error when I run the process:
Actual File does not have execute permission!!"
How do I resolve this issue?

We found the issue. Salesforce automatically started enforcing "enhanced domains" in sandboxes even though our org isn't ready to use that feature yet. I learned from my client that this was only happening in our sandbox, and the issue started happening when this change was implemented. We temporarily disabled the feature in the Salesforce sandbox and will reactivate it once our third party vendor has our org ready to use enhanced domains.


How to connect to cloud sql from a cloud function and not return a ENOENT error?

First of all I find google's cloud docs lacking and somewhat incorrect a fair bit of the time.
I am attempting to connect from a cloud function to a cloud sql database and I have having endless issues.
Here is the connection error
"Internal error looking up Cloud SQL instance "project:region:database/.s.PGS""
Error: connect ENOENT /cloudsql/project:region:database/.s.PGSQL.5432
I am able to connect to said database locally with the public ip address and code is all working fine, but when deployed it doesn't work at all.
What I have...
Project A - This has the database in australia-souteast1 region.
Project B - This has all the other logic, also in australia-southeast1
(the database is legacy, hence why its in a different project).
I have a cloud schedule task that triggers a pubsub, which inturn triggers the cloud function. This process works, and is logging what it should, this is also where I am seeing the can't connect error.
Connection host is /cloudsql/projectId:region:database (coppied from the cloud sql connection page, so I know that isn't the issue).
I have also enabled Cloud Sql API and Cloud Sql Admin Api on both Project A and Project B and still no luck.
I have also tried with the default service account by adding the Cloud Sql Client permission in Project B and then adding Project B's default service account into Project A with Cloud Sql Client permissions.
Failing that, I then created a new service account in Project B and gave it Owner permissions and then added that user to Project A with Owner permissions also, I am still getting this error.
I really have no clue now as to what is going on.
We have app engines on Project B connecting to Project A without any issues, I am really confused.
Here is the stack driver error
And my be connection details via an .env file
Changing the database to a different database instance in Project A seems to connect, so it is looking like it is possibly a problem with the database instance.
Database 1 is working and I can connect to.
Database 2 is the one that I can not get to work.
Database 2 is a clone of Database 1
In this case, the docs are absolutely correct, but you are using the wrong filepath. The unix socket is located at /cloudsql/project:region:database/.s.PGSQL.5432, not /cloudsql/project:region:database/.s.PGS/.s.PGSQL.5432.

What causes 'Cloud Run error: Internal system error, system will retry later'? Suggestions for troubleshooting?

I'm attempting to deploy a Cloud Run Service as part of tests for my open source project. This is done via our automated CI/CD system and has worked successfully hundreds of times previously.
The Cloud Run Service gets created but the first revision never gets deployed. When I look at the newly created Service in the GCP Console, it shows "Cloud Run error: Internal system error, system will retry later." as the main status message for the Service.
The command line that is failing is:
gcloud --configuration=adapt-cloud-gcloud-testing --quiet run deploy cloud-run-gen-name-a179e65d6fdfc19abc57e15df563d8cb --platform=managed --format=json --no-allow-unauthenticated --memory=128M --cpu=1 --region=us-central1 --port=5678 --set-env-vars=ADAPT_TEST_DEPLOY_ID=MockDeploy-aymb --args="-text,Adapt Test"
The output from that command (note: the dots after Creating Revision just keep going):
Deploying container to Cloud Run service [cloud-run-gen-name-a179e65d6fdfc19abc57e15df563d8cb] in project [adapt-ci] region [us-central1]
Deploying new service...
Creating Revision....................................................................................................................
The YAML tab in the Console also shows the same message for each of the three status conditions (see below).
To troubleshoot, I have also tried:
Using the GCP Console to create the most basic Cloud Run Service using the example container from the getting started docs manually, while logged in as the project and organization owner. I see the same failure. I have created Services manually this way previously, with this account and project, with no issues.
Using the GCP Console to create the same example Service as above in a different project, but with the same user and in the same org. This works successfully, so the issue is specific to the project.
I tried two different US regions with the same results.
Since this is typically automated, I attempted to look for any exceeded quotas. On the Cloud Run quotas page and the overall quotas page, I don't see any exceeded quotas now or historically. However, this is an area I'm not super familiar with, so may have missed something.
Retrying dozens of times over the course of two days.
The GCP status page shows no outages.
What are additional troubleshooting steps I should take to investigate & fix this issue?
Partial info from the YAML tab in the GCP Console for the failing Service:
observedGeneration: 1
- type: Ready
status: Unknown
message: 'Cloud Run error: Internal system error, system will retry later.'
lastTransitionTime: '2020-10-08T21:07:20.844314Z'
- type: ConfigurationsReady
status: Unknown
message: 'Cloud Run error: Internal system error, system will retry later.'
lastTransitionTime: '2020-10-08T21:07:20.755212Z'
- type: RoutesReady
status: Unknown
message: 'Cloud Run error: Internal system error, system will retry later.'
lastTransitionTime: '2020-10-08T21:07:20.844314Z'
latestCreatedRevisionName: cloud-run-gen-name-3bab80f75cfd57cf87ad89d9d2c18ba3-00001-fus
After quite a bit of trial and error, I got everything working again.
The first thing I did that made some progress was to disable the Cloud Run Admin API and re-enable it. After that change, I was able to create a service using the example container from the Console, logged in as the project owner. I was also able to create a service using the example container from the CLI, logged in as the CI service account. However, the original command from my question still had identical behavior as before. I have no idea how the project got in this state, such that the project owner couldn't use Cloud Run.
The second thing I did was to re-push the container image I was trying to use ( to GCR. I pushed the exact same image as was there previously. This finally allowed the CI system to successfully create the Service.
As part of my earlier troubleshooting, I had looked at Google Container Registry for this project and had confirmed that the needed image was still present. However, we had somewhat recently enabled a lifecycle policy on the Cloud Storage bucket to delete items older than a certain amount of time. So my best guess is that policy deleted some, but not all of the files associated with the image and this resulted in the internal error instead of an error saying that the container image couldn't be found.

Cannot have more than 0 builds in queue for the account

I'm newbie in AWS, with my free tier account I'm trying to build my nodeJS project with AWS CodeBuild but I get this error:
Build failed to start The build failed to start. The following error occured: Cannot have more than 0 builds in queue for the account
I followed the simple aws tutorial, leaving all default settings for let aws create all service, image etc for me.
Also I stored source code in a AwsCodeCommit repository.
Could anybody help me?
In my case, there was a security vulnerability in my account and AWS automatically raised a support ticket and suspended all resources that were linked to it. I had to fix it and then on chat with aws support they resumed my service.
I've seen a lot of answers around the web suggesting to call support, which is a great idea, but I was actually able to get around this on my own.
As the root user I went in and put in a current credit card. The one that was currently there was expired. I then deleted my CodeBuild project and create a new one. Now my builds work! It makes sense that AWS just needed a valid payment method before it allowed me to use premium services.
My solution may not work for you, but sure I hope it does!
My error was Project-level concurrent build limit cannot exceed the account-level concurrent build limit of 1 when I tried to increase the Concurrent build limit under checkbox Restrict number of concurrent builds this project can start in CodeBuild Project Configuration. I resolved it by writing to support to increase the limit. They increased it to 20 and it works now as expected. They increased it even though I'm on Basic plan on AWS if anyone's wondering.
My solution was to add new service role name and the concurrent build to 1. This worked
I think your issue is resolved at the moment. Any way I faced the same issue. In my case I had a "code build project" connecting to a GitHub repository. And then I added AWS Access Key and Secret hard coding the buildspec.yml file. With this AWS identified it as an unauthorized login. So they added security restrictions to the resources while opening a support issue. In such a case you can look for the emails from AWS in which they explain the reason for this behavior and the steps to get this corrected.

Google Cloud service stopped and never restarting

I have been using the Google Cloud speech recognition service for some time, through a python application.
Due to accidentally copying my Google Cloud json file to a GitHub shared location (I was doing a backup), I suddenly got a warning from Google Cloud that I was violating the rules as json is private. Then, I promptly removed the file, but nevertheless, I got an email saying that my resources for my project "santo1" were suspended, saying some reasons of "cryptocurrency mining" which I have no idea.
I applied to reactivate and my appeal was accepted promptly, saying that my resources about santo1 were reinstated.
Unfortunately, the speech recognition still didn't work.
Launching it from python, it records from the microphone but no answer from the service - and no error messages at all.
Then I attempted the following:
regenerate API
create a new json
create a new project with its own json under my same google account
as suggested by the Google Cloud chat operator, I manually clicked play to the VM resource that appeared stopped
create a new gmail account, with another new project, setup with billing and everything (also reconfigured through "gcloud init")
None of these attempts worked.
I need assistance on this, as the chat operator didn't seem capable of telling me more.
Thank you in advance
Best regards
I would recommend you to contact GCP support for this case as your cloud service could be still in suspended status regardless your access is OK
Apparently, the access key is stolen and used by hackers and they did crypto mining using your GCP account, hence your service account was banned
If it's your testing account/project, you should consider to create a new project rather than continue with it, the hacker could create some other services which you may not realize until too late
Worse case is it's your PROD service, then you'd better review the bill and transaction report thoroughly

Pulling file from the Google Cloud server to local machine

Linux n00b here having trouble pulling a file from the server to my local Windows 7 professional 64 bit machine. I am using Wowza to stream live video and I am recording these live videos to my Google Cloud instance located here:
When I ssh:
gcutil --project=”myprojectname” pull “my instance”
“/usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/content/myStream.mp4” “/folder1”
I receive a permission denied error. When I try saving another folder deep on my local machine i.e "/folder1/folder2" the error returned is file or directory not found. I've checked that I have write permisions set on my local Windows 7 machine so I do not think it is a permissions error. Again, apologize for the n00b question, I'm just been stuck here for hours.
Comment added 7/18:
I enter the following through ssh:
gcutil --project=”Myproject” pull “instance-1” "/usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/content/myStream.mp4” “/content"
By entering this I'm expecting the file mystream.mp4 to be copied to my C:/content folder. The following is returned: Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts. Enter passphrase for key '/home/Greg/.ssh/google_compute_engine':
Here I enter the passphrase and the following error is returned: /content: Permission denied Have write set up on this folder. Thanks! – Greg
To answer the question about using Cygwin, I'm not familiar with Cygwin and I do not believe it was used in this instance. I ran these commands through the Google Cloud SDK shell which I installed per the directions found here:
What I am doing:
After setting up my google cloud instance I open Google CLoud SDK and enter the following:
gcutil --service_version="v1" --project="myproject" ssh --zone="us-central1-a" "instance-1"
I then am prompted for a passphrase which I create and then run the following:
curl http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/id -H "X-Google-Metadata-Request:True"
This provides the password I use to login to the Wowza live video streaming engine. All of this works beautifully, I can stream video and record the video to the following location: /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/content/myStream.mp4
Next I attempt to save the .mp4 file to my local drive and that is where I'm having issues. I attempt to run:
gcutil --project=”myproject” pull “instance-1” “/usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/content/myStream.mp4” “C:/content”
also tried, C:/content C:\content and C:\content
These attempts threw the following error:
Could not resolve hostname C: Name or service not known
Thanks again for your time, I know it is valuable, I really appreciate you helping out a novice.
Update I believe I am close thanks to your help. Switched to local C drive, entered the command as you displayed in your Answer update. Now returning a new, not before seen error:
Error: API rate limit exceeded
I did some research on S.O. and some suggestions made were that billing is not enabled or the relevant API is not enabled and I could solve by turning on Google Compute Engine. Billing has been enabled for a few weeks now on my project. In terms of Google Compute Engine, below are what I believe to be the relevant items turned on:
User Info: Enabled
Compute: Read Write
Storage: Full
Task Queue: Enabled
BigQuery: Enabled
Cloud SQL: Enabled
Cloud Database: Enabled
The test video I recorded was short and small in size. I also have not done anything else with this instance so at a loss as to why I am getting the API rate exceeded error.
I also went to the Google APIs console. I see very limited usage reported so, again, not sure why I am exceeding the API limit. Perhaps I do not have something set appropriately in the APIs console?
I'm guessing you're using Cygwin here (please correct me if I'm wrong).
The root directory for your Cygwin installation is most likely C:\cygwin (see FAQ) and not C: so when you say /content on the command line, you're referring to C:\cygwin\content and not C:\content.
Secondly, since you're likely running as a regular user (and not root) you cannot write to /content so that's why you're getting the permission denied error.
Solution: specify the target directory as C:/content (or C:\\content) rather than /content.
Update: from the update to the question, you're using the Google Cloud SDK shell, not Cygwin, so the above answer does not apply. The reason you're seeing the error:
Could not resolve hostname C: Name or service not known
is because gcutil (like ssh) parses destinations which include : as having the pattern [hostname]:[path]. Thus, you should avoid : in the destination, which means we need to drop the drive spec.
In this case, the following should suffice, assuming that you're currently at a prompt that looks like C:\...>:
gcutil --project=myproject pull instance-1 /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/content/myStream.mp4 \content
If not, first switch to the C: drive by issuing the command:
and then run the above command.
Note: I removed the quotes from the command line because you don't need it in the case where parameters don't have spaces in them.