RegEx vscode - replace decimal places and round correctly - regex

Is it possible to use regex to round decimal places?
I have lines that look like this but without any spaces (space added for readability).
0, 162.3707542, -162.3707542
128.2, 151.8299471, -23.62994709 // this 151.829 should lead to 151.83
I want to remove all numbers after the second decimal position and if possible round the second decimal position based on the third position.
0, 162.37, -162.37
128.2, 151.82, -23.62 // already working .82
..., 151.83, ... // intended .83 <- this is my question
What is working
The following regex (see this sample on almost does what i want
([0-9]+\.)([0-9]{2})(\d{0,}) // search
$1$2 // replace
My understanding
The search works like this
group: ([0-9]+\.) find 1 up to n numbers and a point
group: ([0-9]{2}) followd by 2 numbers
group: (\d{0,}) followed by 0 or more numbers / digits
In visual-studio-code in the replacement field only group 1 and 2 are referenced $1$2.
This results in this substitution (
Is it possible to change the last digit of $2 (group two) based on the first digit in $3 (group three) ?
My intention is to round correctly. In the sample above this would mean
151.8299471 // source
151.82 // current result
151.83 // desired result 2 was changed to 3 because of third digit 9

It is not only that you need to update the digit of $2. if the number is 199.995 you have to modify all digits of your result.
You can use the extension Regex Text Generator.
You can use a predefined set of regex's.
"regexTextGen.predefined": {
"round numbers": {
"originalTextRegex": "(-?\\d+\\.\\d+)",
"generatorRegex": "{{=N[1]:fixed(2):simplify}}"
With the same regex (-?\\d+\\.\\d+) in the VSC Find dialog select all number you want, you can use Find in Selection and Alt+Enter.
Then execute the command: Generate text based on Regular Expression.
Select the predefined option and press Enter a few times. You get a preview of the result, you can escape the UI and get back the original text.
In the process you can edit generatorRegex to change the number of decimals or to remove the simplify.

It was easier than I thought, once I found the Number.toFixed(2) method.
Using this extension I wrote, Find and Transform, make this keybinding in your keybindings.json:
"key": "alt+r", // whatever keybinding you want
"command": "findInCurrentFile",
"args": {
"find": "(-?[0-9]+\\.\\d{3,})", // only need the whole number as one capture group
"replace": [
"$${", // starting wrapper to indicate a js operation begins
"return $1.toFixed(2);", // $1 from the find regex
"}$$" // ending wrapper to indicate a js operation ends
// or simply in one line
// "replace": "$${ return $1.toFixed(2); }$$",
"isRegex": true
[The empty lines above are there just for readability.]
This could also be put into a setting, see the README, so that a command appears in the Command Palette with the title of your choice.
Also note that javascript rounds -23.62994709 to -23.63. You had -23.62 in your question, I assume -23.63 is correct.
If you do want to truncate things like 4.00 to 4 or 4.20 to 4.2 use this replace instead.
"replace": [
"let result = $1.toFixed(2);",
"result = String(result).replace(/0+$/m, '').replace(/\\.$/m, '');",
"return result;",

We are able to round-off decimal numbers correctly using regular expressions.
We need basically this regex:
secondDD_regx = /(?<=[\d]*\.[\d]{1})[\d]/g; // roun-off digit
thirdDD_regx = /(?<=[\d]*\.[\d]{2})[\d]/g; // first discard digit
isNonZeroAfterThirdDD_regx = /(?<=[\d]*\.[\d]{3,})[1-9]/g;
isOddSecondDD_regx = /[13579]/g;
Full code (round-off digit up to two decimal places):
const uptoOneDecimalPlaces_regx = /[\+\-\d]*\.[\d]{1}/g;
const secondDD_regx = /(?<=[\d]*\.[\d]{1})[\d]/g;
const thirdDD_regx = /(?<=[\d]*\.[\d]{2})[\d]/g;
const isNonZeroAfterThirdDD_regx = /(?<=[\d]*\.[\d]{3,})[1-9]/g;
const num = '5.285';
const uptoOneDecimalPlaces = num.match(uptoOneDecimalPlaces_regx)?.[0];
const secondDD = num.match(secondDD_regx)?.[0];
const thirdDD = num.match(thirdDD_regx)?.[0];
const isNonZeroAfterThirdDD = num.match(isNonZeroAfterThirdDD_regx)?.[0];
const isOddSecondDD = /[13579]/g.test(secondDD);
// check carry
const carry = !thirdDD ? 0 : thirdDD > 5 ? 1 : thirdDD < 5 ? 0 : isNonZeroAfterThirdDD ? 1 : isOddSecondDD ? 1 : 0;
let roundOffValue;
if(/9/g.test(secondDD) && carry) {
roundOffValue = (Number(`${uptoOneDecimalPlaces}` + `${secondDD ? Number(secondDD) : 0}`) + Number(`0.0${carry}`)).toString();
} else {
roundOffValue = (uptoOneDecimalPlaces + ((secondDD ? Number(secondDD) : 0) + carry)).toString();
// Beaufity output : show exactly 2 decimal places if output is x.y or x
const dd = roundOffValue.match(/(?<=[\d]*[\.])[\d]*/g)?.toString().length;
roundOffValue = roundOffValue + (dd=== undefined ? '.00' : dd === 1 ? '0' : '');
For more details check: Round-Off Decimal Number properly using Regular Expression🤔


error while applying regex to numeric values to replace values in nifi

hi I have a data as below
s1 = 98493456645
s2 = 0000000000
102 = 93234,
12 =
15 = rahdeshfui
16 = 2343432,234234
s1 = 435234235
s2 = 01
102 = 45336
12 =
15 =
16 = 2415454
now using reg expression i need to change to json format and i have tried this
regexp:- ([^\s]+?.*)=((.*(?=,$))+|.*).*
replace value:- "$1":"$2",
for this values i am getting output as below
but I my expected output should be as below
for numneric numbers their should not be in "" and if i have a value more than one 0 i need to replace it with single 0 and for some values i have , at end i need to skip , in case if i have one
It might be a bit cumbersome, but you want to replace multiple things so one option might be to use multiple replacements.
Note that these patterns do not take the opening [{ and closing ]] into account or any nesting but only the key value part as your posting pattern is for the example data.
1.) Wrap the keys and values in double quotes while not capturing the
comma at the end and match the equals sign including the surrounding
(\S+) = (\S*?),?(?=\n) and replace with "$1":"$2",
2.) Remove the double quotes around the digits except for those that start with 0:
("[^"]+":)"(?!0+[1-9])(\d+)"" and replace with $1$2
3.) Remove the comma after the last key value:
("[^"]+":)(\S+),(?!\n *"\w+") and replace with $1$2
4.) Replace 2 or more times a zero with a single zero:
("[^"]+":)0{2,} and replace with $10
That will result in:
Is assume the last value "16":"2415454" is "16":2415454 as the value contains digits only.

Further define a GAWK match and divide operation

I have some TXT files with numbers in them that I need to divide by 4.
Text-line I'm matching and changing is:-
scale = 23 23
My little GAWK file looks like this:-
/scale [\=] [0-9]+ [0-9]+/ {
$3 = int($3/4)
$4 = int($4/4) }
So I successfully get "scale = 5 5"
But, I have 3 more requirements, however, and would love some help...
1) the "scale" parameter should only be that following another match called "detail" on some lines above it.
(so instead of simply matching every "scale = " it would be "detail(.....)scale = ") (any number/letter/+newline between them)
2) these values of "scale" should never be lower than 1.
(dividing anything lower than 6 should always give a result of 1 (just changing "scale = 0" to "scale = 1" after will do))
3) values should preferably round up instead of down.
(so instead of 5 here from 23, it is actually 5.75 and should round up to 6 (this isn't SO important, but would be nice))
Something like this perhaps?
awk '/detail/ { d=1 }
d && /scale = [0-9]+ [0-9]+/ && $3>1 && $4>1 {
$3 = $3<6 ? 1 : sprintf("%1.0f", $3/4)
$4 = $4<5 ? 1 : sprintf("%1.0f", $4/4)
d = 0 }
sprintf with a suitable format specifier applies rounding (see e.g.
The ternary operator x ? y : z produces y if x is true, otherwise z.
Notice also the minor simplifications (= doesn't need a backslash or a character class, and {print} can be shortened to just 1).

Angular regex error

I'm creating a form in Angular that requires the rate field to take only numbers with 2 decimal places. My HTML is as follows:
<input type="number" class="form-control" (keypress)="_keyPress($event)" (ngModelChange)="Valuechange($event,salesorder,'Rate')" [ngModelOptions]="{standalone: true}" name="customerCode" #customerCode="ngModel" [(ngModel)]="salesorder._dto.rate" [style]="{'text-align':'right'}" />
On every keypress event I'm calling _keyPress() method as follows:
_keyPress(event: any) {
const pattern = /[0-9\+\.\ ]/;
let inputChar = String.fromCharCode(event.charCode);
if (!pattern.test(inputChar)) {
// invalid character, prevent input
The above regex works fine but does not restrict the number to 2 decimal places. I tried with various regex but could not implement the restriction to 2 decimal places. The last regex I used to do the same is as follows:
const pattern = /[0-9]+(.[0-9]{0,2})/;
I have no much idea about regex.
You can try following regex:
const pattern = /^[0-9]*\.[0-9]{2}$/
Or you may use shorthand character class \d instead of [0-9] i.e:
const pattern = /^\d*\.\d{2}$/
[0-9]{2}$ or \d{2}$ will make sure that there are exactly 2 numbers after decimal point.
You may replace * with + if there must be at least one number before point.
To restrict the decimal place to 2 digits, you could use {2}.
{0,2} means match zero, one or two times.
This uses an unnecessary capturing group (\.[0-9]{2}) which could be written as \.[0-9]{2}
You could also use anchors to match from the beginning ^ to the end $:
var pattern = /^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]{2})$/;
var inputs = [
for (var i = 0; i< inputs.length; i++) {

decision on regular expression length

I want to accomplish the following requirements using Regex only (no C# code can be used )
• BTN length is 12 and BTN starts with 0[123456789] then it should remove one digit from left and one digit from right.
• BTN length is 12 and it’s not the case stated above then it should always return 10 right digits by removing 2 from the start. (e.g. 491234567891 should be changed to 1234567891)
• BTN length is 11 and it should remove one digit from left. WORKING CORRECTLY
for length <=10 BTNs , nothing is required to be done , they would remain as it is or Regex may get failed too on them , thats acceptable .
USING SQL this can be achieved like this
case when len(BTN) = 12 and BTN like '0[123456789]%' then SUBSTRING(BTN,2,10) else RIGHT(BTN,10) end
but how to do this using Regex .
So far I have used and able to get some result correct using this regex
[0*|\d\d]*(.{10}) but by this regex I am not able to correctly remove 1st and last character of a BTN like this 015732888810 to 1573288881 as this regex returns me this 5732888810 which is wrong
code is
string s = "111112573288881,0573288881000,057328888105,005732888810,15732888815,344956345335,004171511326,01777203102,1772576210,015732888810,494956345335";
string[] arr = s.Split(',');
foreach (string ss in arr)
// Match mm = Regex.Match(ss, #"\b(?:00(\d{10})|0(\d{10})\d?|(\d{10}))\b");
// Match mm = Regex.Match(ss, "0*(.{10})");
// ([0*|\\d\\d]*(.{10}))|
Match mm = Regex.Match(ss, "[0*|\\d\\d]*(.{10})");
// Match mm = Regex.Match(ss, "(?(^\\d{12}$)(.^{12}$)|(.^{10}$))");
// Match mm = Regex.Match(ss, "(info)[0*|\\d\\d]*(.{10}) (?(1)[0*|\\d\\d]*(.{10})|[0*|\\d\\d]*(.{10}))");
string m = mm.Groups[1].Value;
Console.WriteLine("Original BTN :"+ ss + "\t\tModified::" + m);
This should work:
1st alternate will match 12-digits with 0 on left and 0 on right and give you only 10 in between.
2nd alternate will match 11 or 12 digits and give you the right 10.
The regex matches the spec, but your code doesn't read the results correctly. Try this:
Match mm = Regex.Match(ss, "(0(\\d{10})0|\\d{1,2}(\\d{10}))");
string m = mm.Groups[2].Value;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m))
m = mm.Groups[3].Value;
Groups are as follows:
index 0: returns full string
index 1: returns everything inside the outer closure
index 2: returns only what matches in the closure inside the first alternate
index 3: returns only what matches in the closure inside the second alternate
NOTE: This does not deal with anything greater than 12 digits or less than 11. Those entries will either fail or return 10 digits from somewhere. If you want results for those use this:
You'll get rightmost 10 digits for more than 12 digits, 10 digits for 10 digits, nothing for less than 10 digits.
This one should cover your additional requirements from the comments:
The (?:) makes a grouping excluded from the Groups returned.
This one might work:
which does the exact same thing as sql query + giving result in Group[1] all the time so i didn't had to change the code a bit :)

Regular Expression to find numbers with same digits in different order

I have been looking for a regular expression with Google for an hour or so now and can't seem to work this one out :(
If I have a number, say:
and I want to find any other number with the same digits but in a different order, like this:
For example, I match
3245 or 5432 (same digits but different order)
How would I write a regular expression for this?
There is an "elegant" way to do it with a single regex:
will match the digits 2, 3, 4 and 5 in any order. All four are required.
(?:2()|3()|4()|5()) matches one of the numbers 2, 3, 4, or 5. The trick is now that the capturing parentheses match an empty string after matching a number (which always succeeds).
{4} requires that this happens four times.
\1\2\3\4 then requires that all four backreferences have participated in the match - which they do if and only if each number has occurred once. Since \1\2\3\4 matches an empty string, it will always match as long as the previous condition is true.
For five digits, you'd need
This will work in nearly any regex flavor except JavaScript.
I don't think a regex is appropriate. So here is an idea that is faster than a regex for this situation:
check string lengths, if they are different, return false
make a hash from the character (digits in your case) to integers for counting
loop through the characters of your first string:
increment the counter for that character: hash[character]++
loop through the characters of the second string:
decrement the counter for that character: hash[character]--
break if any count is negative (or nonexistent)
loop through the entries, making sure each is 0:
if all are 0, return true
else return false
EDIT: Java Code (I'm using Character for this example, not exactly Unicode friendly, but it's the idea that matters now):
import java.util.*;
public class Test
public boolean isSimilar(String first, String second)
if(first.length() != second.length())
return false;
HashMap<Character, Integer> hash = new HashMap<Character, Integer>();
for(char c : first.toCharArray())
if(hash.get(c) != null)
int count = hash.get(c);
hash.put(c, count);
hash.put(c, 1);
for(char c : second.toCharArray())
if(hash.get(c) != null)
int count = hash.get(c);
if(count < 0)
return false;
hash.put(c, count);
return false;
for(Integer i : hash.values())
return false;
return true;
public static void main(String ... args)
//tested to print false
System.out.println(new Test().isSimilar("23445", "5432"));
//tested to print true
System.out.println(new Test().isSimilar("2345", "5432"));
This will also work for comparing letters or other character sequences, like "god" and "dog".
Put the digits of each number in two arrays, sort the arrays, find out if they hold the same digits at the same indices.
RegExes are not the right tool for this task.
You could do something like this to ensure the right characters and length
Ensuring they only exist once is trickier and why this is not suited to regexes
The simplest regular expression is just all 24 permutations added up via the or operator:
That said, you don't want to solve this with a regex if you can get away with it. A single pass through the two numbers as strings is probably better:
1. Check the string length of both strings - if they're different you're done.
2. Build a hash of all the digits from the number you're matching against.
3. Run through the digits in the number you're checking. If you hit a match in the hash, mark it as used. Keep going until you don't get an unused match in the hash or run out of items.
I think it's very simple to achieve if you're OK with matching a number that doesn't use all of the digits. E.g. if you have a number 1234 and you accept a match with the number of 1111 to return TRUE;
Let me use PHP for an example as you haven't specified what language you use.
$my_num = 1245;
$my_pattern = '/[' . $my_num . ']{4}/'; // this resolves to pattern: /[1245]{4}/
$my_pattern2 = '/[' . $my_num . ']+/'; // as above but numbers can by of any length
$number1 = 4521;
$match = preg_match($my_pattern, $number1); // will return TRUE
$number2 = 2222444111;
$match2 = preg_match($my_pattern2, $number2); // will return TRUE
$number3 = 888;
$match3 = preg_match($my_pattern, $number3); // will return FALSE
$match4 = preg_match($my_pattern2, $number3); // will return FALSE
Something similar will work in Perl as well.
Regular expressions are not appropriate for this purpose. Here is a Perl script:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $src = '2345';
my #test = qw( 3245 5432 5542 1234 12345 );
my $canonical = canonicalize( $src );
for my $candidate ( #test ) {
next unless $canonical eq canonicalize( $candidate );
print "$src and $candidate consist of the same digits\n";
sub canonicalize { join '', sort split //, $_[0] }
C:\Temp> ks
2345 and 3245 consist of the same digits
2345 and 5432 consist of the same digits