Change the base url / context path for a karaf/osgi blueprint web app - jetty

I have a Web app with several servlets configured in my OSGI-INF/blueprint/web-blueprint.xml using pax web. The web app consists of two pages /LoginPage.html and /Dashboard.html, but the latter supports several views, each associated with an own angular controller and related backend servlet.
I can reach the two pages by the URLs https://<ip>:<port>/LoginPage.html and https://<ip>:<port>/Dashboard.html. Accessing https://<ip>:<port>/ redirects to https://<ip>:<port>/LoginPage.html.
If we call https://<ip>:<port>/ the base URL, I would like now to change this base URL to something like https://<ip>:<port>/test/ so that
the login and dashboard pages are available under https://<ip>:<port>/test/LoginPage.html and https://<ip>:<port>/test/Dashboard.html respectively, and
https://<ip>:<port>/test simply redirects to https://<ip>:<port>/test/LoginPage.html.
Because the file etc/org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg specifies etc/jetty.xml as its config file, I was assuming that I can configure this in jetty.xml. The current jetty.xml is the standard one. jetty documentation says that one can set the context path by adding the following:
<Configure class="org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext">
<Set name="contextPath">/test</Set>
But, adding simply the above to the end of the standard jetty conf file causes that my web pages are not reachable at all. I cannot find any further documentation or example how I could get this work...
I would appreciate any help very much!

Please specify which Pax Web version you're using. In Pax Web 8, whiteboard context configuration and selection is fully implemented.
There's a blueprint example that declares servlets, filters, error pages and welcome files but it doesn't do what you want (you want to register a ServletContextHelper whiteboard service).
There's also a whiteboard non-blueprint sample that registers a context using non-standard org.ops4j.pax.web.service.whiteboard.HttpContextMapping.
So I can't point you to proper sample, but in short words, you need three things:
an implementation of org.osgi.service.http.context.ServletContextHelper
You have to extend this class, because it's abstract. You could also reuse org.ops4j.pax.web.service.spi.context.DefaultServletContextHelper
a whiteboard context based on the above:
<service interface="org.osgi.service.http.context.ServletContextHelper">
<entry key="" value="my-name" />
<entry key="osgi.http.whiteboard.context.path" value="/test" />
<bean class="org.ops4j.pax.web.service.spi.context.DefaultServletContextHelper" />
a servlet referring to the above context:
<service id="my-servlet" interface="javax.servlet.Servlet">
<entry key="" value="my-servlet" />
<entry key="" value="(" />
<bean class="com.example.MyServlet" />
Pax Web 8 correctly handles context selection using standard Whiteboard service registration properties.


Why my httpsessionstate is loosing value?

I'm dealing with the Sitecore app that stores some 'items' into the cart for users that are not authenticated (I guess they should not be) using code like this:
Then once user arrive on cart page and wants to proceed than if he waits too long more than a minute than value in the session is lost !
Here is my web.config relevant settings:
I'm at the end of my ropes here and don't know what is cleaning my session?
<sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="false" timeout="20" sessionIDManagerType="Sitecore.FXM.SessionManagement.ConditionalSessionIdManager">
<add name="mongo" type="Sitecore.SessionProvider.MongoDB.MongoSessionStateProvider, Sitecore.SessionProvider.MongoDB" sessionType="Standard" connectionStringName="session" pollingInterval="2" compression="true" />
<add name="mssql" type="Sitecore.SessionProvider.Sql.SqlSessionStateProvider, Sitecore.SessionProvider.Sql" sessionType="Standard" connectionStringName="session" pollingInterval="2" compression="true" />
<authentication mode="None">
<forms name=".ASPXAUTH" cookieless="UseCookies" timeout="90" />
I guess you don't need to be authenticated to use the session?
And yes I did check the code ensuring that nothing nullifying my session.
Issue with 1 minute session timeout often happens when you don't have VisitorIdentification in your layout. Sitecore considers every new visitor as a potential crawling robot and tries not to use 20 minutes session if not necessary.
Make sure you have VisitorIdentification in your layouts. You can add it for Web Forms like that:
<%# Import Namespace="Sitecore.Analytics" %>
<sc:VisitorIdentification runat="server" />
and for MVC like that:
#using Sitecore.Mvc.Analytics.Extensions
If your Visual Studio still complains that it cannot find VisitorIdentification type in Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls namespace, check whether Sitecore.Analytics is referenced from your web project and if Sitecore.Analytics is registered in <system.web><pages><controls> in web.config:
<add tagPrefix="sc" namespace="Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls" assembly="Sitecore.Analytics" />
Think about having thousands of sessions for robots and each of them can be pretty heavy in terms of RAM usage. If they are all kept for 20 minutes, they can kill the server easily. That's why Sitecore changes session timeout for every new user and sets it to 1 minute.
If Sitecore layout is configured properly and there is VisitorIdentification included, your browser will automatically execute another request to your server and your session timeout will be extended to default setting from web.config (e.g. 20 minutes)

Sitecore logs out when I select a message in ECM

Whenever I select a message in ECM it redirects me to the login page of Sitecore with the following URL at the top{79D6412B-824A-4349-8B94-9136D17C6E84}&lang=en&contact=Emailcampaign\exampleuser_at_example_dot_com
The following are the things I know about this issue:
Though this happens most of the times, Sometimes it will work for the same message and for the same preview user (For the contact mentioned in the URL above).
The sitecore user trying to access the message in ECM has all access rights for the message he is trying to access.
I have a test environment running on a different server where this works fine. But in the production environment it is not working.
I am running my site on Sitecore.NET 6.6.0 (rev. 121015) version.
When the sitecore redirects me to the login page with the above URL at the top. I cannot login using that page. I have to go to
in order to log back in.
The Item ID in the URL is correct and it points to the message that I am trying to view.
We resolved this issue by adding a custom preview handler in web.config like this
<previewManager defaultProvider="customPreview" enabled="true">
<clear />
<add name="default" type="Sitecore.Publishing.PreviewProvider, Sitecore.Kernel" />
<add name="customPreview" type="PackageName.CustomPreview, PackageName" />
Here is the code behind for that custompreview:
public class CustomPreview : Sitecore.Publishing.PreviewProvider
public override void SetUserContext()
string shellUser = this.GetShellUser();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(shellUser))
We resolved this issue. Strangely, this was related to badly configured load balancer. We still need to find what is going wrong in the load balancer but we don't face this issue when we remove one of the servers from the load balancer i.e., When the traffic goes only to one particular server, this issue doesn't occur. Since our test environment is deployed in only one server we never faced this issue there.
This sounds like there is something missing in the core database.
I would check to make sure the roles that ECM requires are present in the core database and also check that you have the correct setup to facilitate users with the domain emailcampaign\username.
If this doesn't resolve the issue there is a diagnostic tool you can run here to help you debug further:
Failing that contact Sitecore support - they have more tools to help with debugging issues with ECM

Sitecore SSO via SAML2- AuthenticateRequest not firing

This is my first question here, so please let me know if I have missed something or need to provide more information!
Key details:
C# 4.5
IIS 7.5 (Win 2008 R2)
Sitecore 6.6 rev 130529
I'm attempting to link Sitecore to the VS2012 LocalSTS instance provided by the Visual Studio Identity and Access Tool, following a blog post by Kevin Buckley (link) which was written before WIF was integrated into C# 4.5. I am attempting to perform passive RP behaviour.
I have updated the Microsoft.IdentityModel namespaces to System.IdentityModel and System.IdentityModel.Services namespaces as appropriate.
My <system.IdentityModel> section is as below:
<add value="http://localhost/" />
<certificateValidation certificateValidationMode="None" />
<issuerNameRegistry type="System.IdentityModel.Tokens.ValidatingIssuerNameRegistry, System.IdentityModel.Tokens.ValidatingIssuerNameRegistry">
<authority name="LocalSTS">
<add thumbprint="9B74CB2F320F7AAFC156E1252270B1DC01EF40D0" />
<add name="LocalSTS" />
My <> is as below:
<cookieHandler requireSsl="false" />
<wsFederation passiveRedirectEnabled="true"
reply="http://localhost/sitecore modules/fedauthenticator/sso"
requireHttps="false" />
I have added the relevant modules (WSFederationAuthenticationModule, SessionAuthenticationModule) under <system.webServer><modules> :
<add type="Sitecore.Web.RewriteModule, Sitecore.Kernel"
name="SitecoreRewriteModule" />
<add type="Sitecore.Nexus.Web.HttpModule,Sitecore.Nexus"
name="SitecoreHttpModule" />
<add name="WSFederationAuthenticationModule"
System.IdentityModel.Services, Version=, Culture=neutral,
preCondition="managedHandler" />
<add name="SessionAuthenticationModule"
preCondition="managedHandler" />
The behaviour I am seeing is as follows:
User navigates to a page that is protected by Sitecore
WIF FAM module fires and at EndRequest, determines that a 401 status is returned
WIF FAM redirects to LocalSTS IdP as per settings (with appropriate querystring)
Javascript auto-submits form - I have disabled JS in browser for testing this but it works
LocalSTS page POSTs to URL specified in reply attribute with token information in the wresult field of the form
This is where the issue occurs. My understanding is that the FAM hooks the AuthenticateRequest event and then proceeds to detect the security token (via the presence and values of the wa and wresult form fields) and decodes the SSO token.
My issue is that this never occurs - I have enabled tracing and overridden the WSFederationAuthenticationModule to check, and although it correctly detects the event the first time and calls the CreateSignInRequest and RedirectToIdentityProvider steps, the subsequent POST to the site (containing the token) does not fire AuthenticateRequest and hence the FAM does not detect, create a cookie, or assign the correct IPrincipal to the request.
This leads to an endless loop where the request receives 401, is 302 redirected to the LocalSTS SSO page, which submits, POSTs to the Sitecore SSO page, which delivers a 401, etc etc.
Can anyone provide some insight into something I am missing, or anything else that might be hindering the FAM from detecting the POST request with token information in it?
Embarrassingly, to answer my own question - the reason this was occurring was that the response parameter was directing the SSO form POST to a URL that Sitecore responded to with a redirection to the NotFound page (ie the POST target was resolved by Sitecore to not exist).
As the NotFound page did not have any security, AuthenticateRequest was not firing.
I have yet to work out why the NotFound page was causing a redirect back to the SSO page - but at least now, once I corrected the incorrect value in the response configuration field, the token is being detected by the FAM and correctly processed for later modules (SAM, etc).
Edit - found the cause of the redirect loop
The redirect loop was caused by an erroneous setting in the web.config, which looked like below:
<deny users="?"/>
This meant that the token was posted to the NotFound page, which Sitecore apparently intercepts the request for and hence wasn't firing the FAM, therefore the user was not authenticated. This resulted in a 401 response code (due to the deny statement) that kicks off the SSO redirect - creating a loop.

coldfusion generate rewritemap for web.config

I have a rewritemap in my web.config that rewrites urls.
<rewriteMap name="Products">
<add key="Ipad_3" value="4399" />
<add key="Ipad_Mini" value="4399" />
Instead of manually inserting new <add> tags, I would like coldfusion script to generate <add> tags with data taken from database and insert it into web.config. Please advice
That isn't going to work the way that you probably want it to.
Changes to web.config aren't recognized until your IIS application pool is recycled. Recycling your application pool every time you add or delete a product seems like a bad idea. Not to mention the fact that if anything goes wrong, your entire website will go down because of a bad web.config file.
You should look into using a dynamic rewrite tool like ISAPI Rewrite instead.

Edit ASMX web service landing page wording/information?

Is there a way to edit/add some information to the asmx web service page? I would like to add some links to some external files that is helpful for the service. Currently, it's displaying something like this:
My Web Services
The following operations are
supported. For a formal definition,
please review the Service Description.
I would like to add a link after the "TetsMethod". Thanks.
I was facing the same problem and found the wsdlHelpGenerator element in web.config could help me out.
I took the source code of the generated help page, hand edited what I needed into it, and saved it as a static html file that I then hooked up to the wsdlHelpGenerator element:
<wsdlHelpGenerator href="help.html"/>
I also needed to add the following to my system.web section:
<add extension=".html" type="System.Web.Compilation.PageBuildProvider" />