How to disable header " X-Frame-Options: deny "? - django

I created a website in Django that I deployed on heroku. I am trying to display this website from an html page using an iframe. However, when I load my html page, I get the error: refused the connection. And when inspecting the page I get the following message:Refused to display '' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'deny'. To solve this problem, I modified my like this:
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.views.decorators.clickjacking import xframe_options_exempt
def ok_to_load_in_a_frame(request):
return HttpResponse("This page is safe to load in a frame on any site.")
and I updated my site. But despite this, I still get the same error when I reload my page. I don't know why yet I updated my site.

You can try the following for setting same origin xframe option
from django.views.decorators.clickjacking import xframe_options_sameorigin
def ok_to_load_in_a_frame(request):
return HttpResponse("This page is safe to load in a frame on any site.")
If you want to set it for your whole app, you could try adding the below line in your file


Cross-project iframe testing on localhost with different ports

I am relatively new to iFrame, and what I try to do is to load project A in an iframe that is in project B. Project A is running as a Django project on localhost:8000, and project B as a separate Django project on localhost:8001. Inside the project B, I have a Django template with the following content:
<iframe src="" height="500px" width="500px"></iframe>
The problem is that instead of seeing the content of project A home page, I see error message stating that: refused to connect
Is there anything I am terribly missing?
This is the default Clickjacking Protection [Django docs] by Django kicking into action (Great for us!), but this is preventing you from loading the iframe in your other project. There are various options to solve this issue:
If you want all your pages from your project to be put inside an iframe then you can remove 'django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware' from your MIDDLEWARE settings:
If this is for only specific views you can use the xframe_options_exempt decorator:
from django.views.decorators.clickjacking import xframe_options_exempt
def some_view(request):

angular django rewrite unmatched urls to index.html (angular app)

I have a django server and an angular app.
I am able to launch the angular app and navigate to the various parts of the site using links i have added to the app.
But if I want to go to a part of the site directly I get a 404 error.
example if I have a link in my app that directs me to
it works
but if I put in my browsers url
it fails with 404
I understand this is because the default behavior is to look for the link to the page in the servers urls.
I also understand that the fix is to have server side 404s redirect to the angular index.html page with the route params included.
My question is how?
I have already started on an implementation but I am not sure how to fix it. Any guidance the rest of the way through would be helpful.
here is what I have so far.
handler404 = views.error_404
from django.shortcuts import render
def error_404(request):
data = {}
return render(request, 'index.html', data)
similar to this question, but I am not using Nginx
How to redirect 404 requests to homepage in Django single page app using Nginx?
Here is the implementation:
url(r'^.*$', views.PassToAngular.as_view())
make sure this url is the last url in your urls array.
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.views.generic import TemplateView
class PassToAngular(TemplateView):
def get(self, request, **kwargs):
return render(request, 'index.html', context= None)
thanks to MihirKavatkar for your help!

Dajaxice network error 404: method not found

I'm trying to create a basic submit form (like the dajaxice's example) but i keep receiving a 404 error from firebug console:
404 NOT FOUND 386ms
"NetworkError: 404 NOT FOUND - http://<my_website>/dajaxice/maynard.maynard_core.subscribe/"
My project folder structure is
This folder contains the main files of the project (, etc etc... main django project folder)
Inside the file, there's the subscribe method:
from dajax.core import Dajax
from dajaxice.core import dajaxice_functions
from dajaxice.decorators import dajaxice_register
from views import subscribe_search
from forms import SubscriptionForm, SendMailForm
from django.core.mail import send_mail
def subscribe(request, form):
if request.POST:
dajax = Dajax()
form = SubscriptionForm(form)
if form.is_valid():
url = form.cleaned_data['url_sub']
what = form.cleaned_data['what_sub']
where = form.cleaned_data['where_sub']
mail = form.cleaned_data['email']
dajax.assign('#sub_mess_top','innerHTML','Thank you for subscribing to the search')
dajax.add_css_class('#sub_mess_top','text error-message')
dajax.assign('#sub_mess_top','innerHTML','Couldn\'t complete the request, try again!')
return dajax.json()
dajax.add_css_class('#sub_mess_top','text warning-message')
dajax.assign('#sub_mess_top','innerHTML','You already saved this search')
return dajax.json()
Which is then called via this js method
function send_form_top(){
data = $('#subscribe').serializeObject(true);
The form is a basic form with action "#" and onclick="send_form_top();"
I followed the installation and configuration guide (settings configured, urls configured etc etc etc), and it's a very 101 implementation.
from dajaxice.core import dajaxice_autodiscover
django.conf.urls.defaults.url(r'^%s/' % settings.DAJAXICE_MEDIA_PREFIX, django.conf.urls.defaults.include('dajaxice.urls')),
I added 'dajaxice' to my installed apps in, and DAJAXICE_MEDIA_PREFIX is 'dajaxice' (as in the docs).
Templates are fine too (since i have the dajaxice dynamically compiled js included)
But still i can't seem to be able to make it work. I checked throu the response headers, and this is what i get for the dajax.js file:
maynard_core: {
subscribe: function(callback_function, argv, custom_settings){'maynard.maynard_core.subscribe', callback_function, argv, custom_settings);
This tells me that the submit method, which is in the file inside maynard/maynard_core/ is actually included and the callback is correct too. I really don't know how to debug this any more, django logs shows nothing about it. Thanks all in advance, i'm really loosing my hair on this.
If you got a 404 error, definitely the problem is in your configuration.
There is any wildcard url above the dajaxice one? Try to put the dajaxice url conf on the beginning and see what happens.
Anyway... are your,, etc... inside any app? or all of them are in the root project folder. That could be the problem too.

Custom Django 404 page and Django debug page

I am deploying a Django webpage and I love the Django Debug 404 page and and the Django page when there is a python error. However these aren't appropriate for a webpage that is going online. So I have made a custom 404 page. However, for me, and my IP address, I want to still have the Django Debug pages come up. Is there anyway to do this if I set Debug to false?
You can define your own handler-view for 404s, by setting handler404 in your urlconf. The default handler404 is django.views.defaults.page_not_found, which basically just renders the 404.html template.
If you put this in your urlconf, it will show the "technical" 404 response (the nice yellow page) for a certain IP, and use Django's default 404-production view for other IPs:
import sys
from django.views.debug import technical_404_response
from django.views.defaults import page_not_found
def handler404(request):
exc_type, exc_value, tb = sys.exc_info()
return technical_404_response(request, exc_value)
return page_not_found(request)
I would advise you to set up proper logging for you 404 errors. Django can e-mail or log 404s and exceptions for you that happens in your production environment for rules that you can specify.
See the documentation on error reporting and logging (The logging framework was added in 1.3)

Django hostname middleware gets cached

I created a Django project to manage two separate sites that share some backend code. Both of the sites are inside separate apps. Each app has its own,, templates etc...
To be able to react differently to different hostnames, I created an URLconf middleware:
class HostnameBasedUrlconfMiddleware(object):
"""This middleware parses the hostname from the request, and selects the
urlconf accordingly.
To set a custom urlconf according to the current hostname, add an URLCONF
dictionary to your file.
'': 'urls_example',
'': 'urls_dev',
'': 'apps.admin.urls'
If the hostname is not found in the URLCONF dictionary, the default
ROOT_URLCONF setting will be used.
def process_request(self, request):
# Decide which urlconf to use. Fallback is to use the ROOT_URLCONF
# as defined in the file.
hostname = request.META['HTTP_HOST']
request.urlconf = settings.URLCONF[hostname]
except (KeyError, AttributeError):
return None
This seemed to work at first, but then I became aware that some kind of caching must be happening.
When starting the server and requesting site A, it would show up. If I then request site B, site A shows up. Sometimes (but not always), after several reloads, site B would finally show up. After restarting the server and requesting site B, it would show up, but now site A would show site B content.
This happened with the builtin devserver as well as with gunicorn.
I tried to request the site with curl to avoid browser caching, no difference.
I also suspected it could be some kind of template name collision, but all templates are inside a uniquely named subfolder inside their respective template folders.
I don't have memcached installed and I'm not using any caching middleware.
What could be the problem? Is there some internal automatic caching going on?
Here is the code in question that substitutes in the urlconf (for 1.3 at least):
class BaseHandler(object):
def get_response(self, request):
"Returns an HttpResponse object for the given HttpRequest"
from django.core import exceptions, urlresolvers
from django.conf import settings
# Setup default url resolver for this thread, this code is outside
# the try/except so we don't get a spurious "unbound local
# variable" exception in the event an exception is raised before
# resolver is set
urlconf = settings.ROOT_URLCONF
resolver = urlresolvers.RegexURLResolver(r'^/', urlconf)
response = None
# Apply request middleware
for middleware_method in self._request_middleware:
response = middleware_method(request)
if response:
if response is None:
if hasattr(request, "urlconf"):
# Reset url resolver with a custom urlconf.
urlconf = request.urlconf
resolver = urlresolvers.RegexURLResolver(r'^/', urlconf)
So, it looks like it's just using the value directly from request.urlconf. And your middleware is setting the request value directly.
I'd install django-debug-toolbar to confirm whether or not the value for request.urlconf is a) being set or b) being changed along the way.
To make absolutely sure, why not change the code temporarily to something like:
request.urlconf = settings.URLCONF[hostname]
request.urlconf_set =
Then you can look at the values in the debug toolbar (or just output them in a template) to see what might be going on.
However, I would suggest instead of using middleware, that you simply set up different files for each domain. Then, in whatever web server you're using, set each one up to use its own .wsgi file, which points to its own settings file, like so:
from settings import *
from settings import *