Django funcion views, creating a company with user associated - django

So, i have this problem when im trying to create my "company", when i didnt have user authentication the view worked just fine. Now i've added django allauth, and this screen appears to me:
enter image description here
So i will leave here my model and my view to create the company
Im just a begginner so sry for my bad explanation
enter image description here
enter image description here
The URLS :

It looks like the problem is with the way your url is setup. Do you have a screenshot of the as well so we can see how you setup your url mapping. (OP added this screenshot:
Your companies/<pk>/ endpoint is catching your "create_company" value and storing it as a variable. Try moving your companies/create_company path above your companies/<pk>/ like so
path('companies/', listing_companies),
path('companies/create_company/', company_create),
path('companies/<pk>', retrieve_companies),
path('companies/<pk>/update/', company_update),
path('companies/<pk>/delete/', company_delete),
Alternatively rename companies/create_company/ to create_company/ like so
path('companies/', listing_companies),
path('companies/<pk>', retrieve_companies),
path('create_company/', company_create),
path('companies/<pk>/update/', company_update),
path('companies/<pk>/delete/', company_delete),
The end goal in either case is simply to make sure your paths are not capturing your "create_company" and storing it as that variable that it is passing along to your path's method.


How to use variable at start of django url to return to view?

I am trying to pass the first part of a django url to a view, so I can filter my results by the term in the url.
Looking at the documentation, it seems quite straightforward.
However, I have the following
url('<colcat>/collection/(?P<name>[\w\-]+)$', views.collection_detail, name='collection_detail'),
url('<colcat>/', views.collection_view, name='collection_view'),
In this case, I want to be able to go to /living and have living be passed to my view so that I can use it to filter by.
When trying this however, no matter what url I put it isn't being matched, and I get an error saying the address I put in could not be matched to any urls.
What am I missing?
<colcat> is not a valid regex. You need to use the same format as you have for name.
url('(?P<colcat>[\w\-]+)/collection/(?P<name>[\w\-]+)$', views.collection_detail, name='collection_detail'),
url('(?P<colcat>[\w\-]+)/$', views.collection_view, name='collection_view'),
Alternatively, use the new path form which will be much simpler:
path('<str:colcat>/collection/<str:name>', views.collection_detail, name='collection_detail'),
path('<str:colcat>/', views.collection_view, name='collection_view'),

Mapping urls in

I am using web2py and builing a REST api and have one of my URLs set up like this:
routes_in (
('/myapp/something/{?P<id>.*)/myfunction', /myapp/default/myfunction/\g<id>')
routes_out = (
('/myapp/default/myfunction/\g<id>', '/myapp/something/{?P<id>.*)/myfunction')
If my app is setup this way my function is not even entered into and I get an invalid request if I remove the id argument from the url that my url is being mapped to i.e. remove g<id> from above, I enter my function but the argument is not being captured.
I cannot change the structure of the URL as per my requirements and I am not sure how to go about this.
I would appreciate any pointers.
The above does work in web2py I found that some other area of my code was breaking.

Generating image url using carrierwave in rails

This is somewhat related my question about joins here. By default when I use in my search results view, it does a full query to find the image for every listing in my results array. It even does an extra query just to check if the listing has any images. So to avoid this, I'm adding the following to my Thinking Sphinx query:
#ts_params[:sql][:joins] = "INNER JOIN listing_images ON listing_images.listing_id = AND listing_images.position = 0"
#ts_params[:sql][:select] = "listings.*, listing_images.image as image_name, as image_id"
This works, however I'm not sure how to generate the full image_url using carrierwave. Previously, where it was doing an extra query per result, I was using listing.image.image_url(:sizename). So, I can find the image name and ID from my join as above, but how to I convert this to a full image url via carrierwave? Is there a built-in method to retrieve the url, that doesn't require an 'image' object?
I tried listing.image_id.image_url(:sizename) but it gave an undefined method error as expected.
From carrierwave's perspective, the answer is obvious:
Here, user is an instance of a model, and avatar is the field on the model with mount_uploader called on it. In your case this would be something like:
That probably doesn't work, though, because it looks like you may be loading your listing_image fields into the Listing instead of through includes (or the dreaded N+1 non-eager loads). You may need to resolve your other stackoverflow question before this one will be possible.
Per our discussion on your other issue, once you've got a has_one :main_image for just the one ListingImage you want, you're going to use something like #listing.main_image.image_name.url and, if you have a version named "thumbnail", #listing.main_image.image_name.thumbnail.url.
I had the similar issue when I was fetching image using query and wanted to build image url using db field instead of issuing full sql query for each image.
I found out that with couple of field fetched from related image table we can build image which will not run any sql for image if we have three fields id, updated_at and image_name this field should be from the table where image is being saved. It could be from the main table where image is saved as separate column or completely separate table use to specially for image here is a sample code
It can be in your helper or in decorator as per your choice
def logo_url(id, updated_at, name)
return if id.blank? || updated_at.blank? || name.blank? id, updated_at: updated_at, logo: name).logo
and in view you can call this helper method as
<%= logo_url(, company.updated_at, company.logo).url %>
This way you can have your image with url without executing sql query on each image.

Get profile picture from Facebook using social-auth

I am implementing social login in my application and I am already getting normal fields as First Name, Last Name on Facebook and LinkedIn... Now I want to get the profile picture. I did it for LinkedIn and it is working perfectly, i can see the URL on the extra fields from the database.
I am trying to do the same with Facebook, as I saw here!topic/django-social-auth/Mee8H8HhLQk
FACEBOOK_PROFILE_EXTRA_PARAMS = {'fields': 'picture'}
FACEBOOK_EXTRA_DATA = [('profile', 'profile')]
But when i did this, somethings got messed up. I am not able anymore to get the first name and last name in my user table as I was doing before these two lines of code. Does anyone know why this problem is happening?
The picture is under<user_id>/picture. The user_id is given by the FacebookBackend.

File upload after model save on Django admin

I am using a file upload in my Django model like this :
def upload_path(self, filename):
return 'upload/actualities/%s/%s' % (, filename)
photo = models.ImageField(upload_to=upload_path)
and my adminModel is :
from actualities.models import *
from django.contrib import admin
class ActualityAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
class Media:
js = ('/static/js/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js', '/static/js/textareas.js'), ActualityAdmin)
Everything works fine except when i edit mu model because it has an id. But when I create it, the file upload happens before the model saving... So i put my file in /media/actualities/None/filename.jpg, and I want /media/2/filename.jpg
How can I force to make the file upload after the model saving?
Thank you!!!
You will probably want to override the Model's save() method, and maybe come up with a custom "don't do anything" UploadHandler, then switch back to the original one and call save again.
What I would do in this situation however, is make a custom upload handler that saves the file off into some temp space. Then I'd override the save method (in a mixin or something) that moves the file from temp to wherever you wanted it.
#Tomek's answer is also another way. If you have your model generate it's own id, then you can use that.
A second to last suggestion which is what I do with my photo blog is instead of saving all the images in a directory like media/2/filename.jpg I save the image by date uploaded. 2011/10/2/image.jpg This kind of helps any directory from getting too unwieldy.
Finally, you could hash the file names and store them in directories of hash name to kind of equally spread out the images in a directory.
I've picked the date style because that's meaningful for me with that project. Perhaps there is another way you can name an image for saving that would mean something more than "model with id 2's pics" that you could use for this problem.
Good Luck!
As workaround, try generating UUID for file name (instead of using