AzerothCore Unable to connect to server, probably WorldSocket Malformed request sent by client - c++

I am using AzerothCore locally and when I try to log in - I am stuck at "Authenticating".
Previously on login attempt - a error occured, WorldSocket Malformed request sent by client, But after opening the ports for both inbound and outbound connections - it dissapeared.
Therefore, no error message, just stuck at "Authenticating".
Client version: 3.3.5 (13240) (Release)
Jan 24 2010
The realmList is changed to But I am not sure if it is correct, since once I had issues accessing localhost on another application and had to use the router's IP (

WorldSocket Malformed request sent by client
WorldSocket::ReadHeaderHandler(): client sent malformed packet (size: 1234, cmd: 3333333)
means some machine anywhere on the planet sent a random portscan to your IP.
Not related to your actual problem.
You should try and set the realmlist to the LAN IP of the machine running the server and do the same in the realmlist table.
Also make sure all ports are properly forwarded to your server. (8085 und 3724 by default).
If both, client and server are running on the same machine, you can use Not otherwise.

On the client, use set realmlist
Without the port


Firebird remote connection failure

I have a C++ application that used to read the data from the Firebird SQL server.
when I changed port from 3050 to 3053 it shows error like
DB Error : 0 : Unable to complete network request to host "".
Failed to establish a connection.
unknown Win32 error 10060
Invalid connection string attribute
conf file is changed like
# Type: string, integer
RemoteServiceName = gds_db
RemoteServicePort = 3053
Fb connection string is
Driver=Firebird/InterBase(r) driver;DBNAME=;PORT=3053;UID=SYSDBA;PWD=********
Is there any modification is required to solve this? Application can read the data if the port is 3050.
The problem is with your connection string:
You need to
Remove PORT=3053 from the connection string (this causes the "Invalid connection string attribute" message)
Modify DBNAME= to DBNAME= (to specify the right port)
You might also want to comment out (or remove) the line RemoteServiceName = gds_db, because you are now instructing Firebird to listen on gds_db (== port 3050), and not on port 3053. I believe it usually listens on the last one configured in the config file, but I'm not sure that is always the case.
Is your firewall configuration correct for port 3053? Another service may runs on this special port.
You could do the following steps.
Try to run the application on the database server, please change the IP to or localhost.
If step (1) works: check out the firewall
If step (1) doesn't work: maybe try another port, check whether Firebird is running

visualsvn cannot connect to WMI namespace the RPC server is unavailable

I did a lot of research for following matter and I got a lot of helpful information but the matter still remains, so I'm going to write it with full details
I'm trying to run "Remote Server Administration" with VisualSVN Server (Enterprise Edition), the server is Windows Server 2008 connected to the internet via router with port forwarding to this server. The client is not at local network so I use a static IP for the server.
Also I did every things written at this URL:
but I still get the following error message Connot connect to WMI namespace "..." : the RPC server is unavalible (0x800706ba) when I'm trying to "connecting to another computer".
On the other-hand, I can browsing the "Repositories" content by any web-browser successfully.
How can I manage the Repositories at remote servers?
"...the RPC server is unavalible (0x800706ba)" error indicates a connectivity issue to the remote machine.
Accessing WMI remotely requires port 135 TCP/UDP and all TCP ports above 1024 (1024-65535) to be opened (and forwarded), by default. You can setup fixed port for WMI to simplify the port-forwarding / proxy setup task. In order to setup the fixed port, follow steps described in the article "Setting Up a Fixed Port for WMI". After you follow these steps you are required to setup port forwarding and proxy rewrites (if any) for 135 TCP/UDP and port 24158 TCP.
"...Access is denied (0x80070005)" error indicates insufficient permissions to access WMI remotely. Add your user account to the local group on the remote machine: "Distributed COM Users".

RakNet tutorial dropping clients

sorry for the noobish question but I can't find any resources online clearly stating whether this should work or not, and all tutorials / sample code always use localhost ^^ Soooo...
I'm trying to setup a simple server / client using RakNet. I'm literally just following the first tutorial (, just trying to get the client to connect to the server and keep the connection alive for a bit.
It all works great as long as I use or 192.168.0.XXX, I can start the server, then the client, the server detects the connection request and sends the reply to the client, the client receives the reply and prints out "connection accepted" and such, and I can exchange messages between the client and the server.
However if I try using my actual IP, the server does not seem to detect the connection request (if you look at the tutorial code, it doesn't print "incoming connection"), but the client still receives a reply from somewhere ("Our connection request has been accepted").
After this initial semi-successful connection, no more packets will be received by either server or client, and the client will inevitably get disconnected after a few seconds (I assume time out?).
Port is open on the router, and the app runs fine as long as I keep it on localhost.
So my question is: is it even possible to run a server and client on the same machine / IP which is sitting behind a router?
The RakNet documentation part about NAT punchthrough and UDP forwarding does mention no more than one client and server being able to run on the same machine, but I was under the impression that one server / one client would not be an issue?
Thanks in advance to anybody who can shed some light on this!!
Forgot to mention my firewall is disabled !

Check remote host state in a nework using Indy comps

I have client server application that works with Firebird server. Everytime when clients connect to the server they(client apps) don't check if there is a network connection to the server so at this time my application sometimes freezes when the server computer is switched off or service has stopped, so first of all I need to check connection if remote host is switched on or at some port anything listening....
Before establishing the connection I need to check it and make sure server and service is running using Indy components.
Any ideas? also I can use IcmpClient to ping remote host and then establish connection but which is the most optimal way ?
If you just want to check if the server computer can be reached, you could do a "ping" to check that. However, if you want to check if a specific TCP port is open, then the only way to find that out is to actually do a proper connect, which leads to the "freezing" program while the connection times out if there is no-one listening on that port.

How to detect whether a remote computer is running RDP?

How do I detect if a remote client is running Remote Desktop Protocol? and it is also accepting remote desktop connections ??
Like Open an port to detect HTTP and send request, receive request headers and see in request headers information about HTTP so I will know the person is running HTTP weather if he changed the port e.g: running HTTP 6551.
Attempt and make a connection with something that is RDP-connection aware (RDP is not HTTP). Of course, failing to establish an initial handshake is not proof that a connection can not be established. It could be blocked by a firewall, listening on another port, etc.
The MS-RDPBCGR specification, page 16 talks about connecting which in turn defers to X.224, go figure.
It'd likely just be easiest to use Wireshark and observe in-the-wild behavior to develop a minimal detection case. I suspect only the very initial portion of the handshake needs to be generated/replayed in order to "decide" that it's a listening RDP server.
(Or, perhaps use an existing RDP client which has this "test connect" functionality or the ability to be scripted.)
A fast way is to pen a shell and type
telnet IPADDRESS 3389
If you get a connection, chances are good that an RDP server is on the other side. RDP can run on any port, but TCP Port 3389 is set per default.
Windows 7 requires some extra steps to enable the telnet Client.
You could do netstat -a in the command line and see if the default port for remote desktop connection is listening, ie. TCP:3389 but thats only if the client hasn't changed the ports for MSTSC