Strange uses of movzx by Clang and GCC - c++

I know that movzx can be used for dependency breaking, but I stumbled on some movzx uses by both Clang and GCC that I really can't see what good they are for. Here's a simple example I tried on Godbolt compiler explorer:
#include <stdint.h>
int add2bytes(uint8_t* a, uint8_t* b) {
return uint8_t(*a + *b);
with GCC 12 -O3:
add2bytes(unsigned char*, unsigned char*):
movzx eax, BYTE PTR [rsi]
add al, BYTE PTR [rdi]
movzx eax, al
If I understand correctly, the first movzx here breaks dependency on previous eax value, but what is the second movzx doing? I don't think there's any dependency it can break, and it shouldn't affect the result either.
with clang 14 -O3, it's even more weird:
add2bytes(unsigned char*, unsigned char*): # #add2bytes(unsigned char*, unsigned char*)
mov al, byte ptr [rsi]
add al, byte ptr [rdi]
movzx eax, al
It uses mov where movzx seems more reasonable, and then zero extends al to eax, but wouldn't it be much better to do movzx at the start?
I have 2 more examples here:
GCC generates both sensible and strange movzx, and Clang's use of mov r8 m and movzx just makes no sense to me. I also tried adding -march=skylake to make sure this isn't a feature for really old architectures, but the generated assembly looks more or less the same.
The closest post I have found is where they showed similar movzx uses that seem useless and/or out of place.
Do the compilers really use movzx poorly here, or am I missing something?
Edit: I have opened bug reports for Clang and GCC:
Temporary workarounds using inline assembly:
#define addb(a, b) asm (\
"addb %1, %b0"\
: "+r"(a) : "mi"(b))
int add2bytes(uint8_t* a, uint8_t* b) {
int ret = *a;
addb(ret, *b);
return ret;
Now Clang -O3 produces:
add2bytes(unsigned char*, unsigned char*): # #add2bytes(unsigned char*, unsigned char*)
movzx eax, byte ptr [rdi]
add al, byte ptr [rsi]

Both compilers are doing a poor job here, but clang's code is especially bad and has no real upside anywhere. And an easily avoidable downside on everything except Intel CPUs a decade old (which rename low-8 partial registers).
The optimal asm is what you suggest, movzx load, then byte add, leaving a uint8_t result in the low byte, correctly zero-extended to int as required by the C semantics. (Thanks for reporting it upstream: - I commented there about movzx being a good idea for byte loads in general, even when LLVM doesn't need the result zero-extended.)
A movzx is necessary somewhere, but it can be in the initial load. (A movzx is generally a good idea for a byte load anyway, to avoid a false dependency on the old RAX; clang's choice to save 1 byte is probably not a good one even when it doesn't end up needing a separate movzx right after.)
There are basically three relevant behaviours here, among x86-64 CPUs.
Core 2 / Nehalem (the 64-bit capable members of the P6 family): AL renamed separately from RAX if you write AL. A later read of EAX will stall the front-end for about 3 cycles while inserting a merge uop. Less bad than earlier P6-family, but still a significant penalty to avoid. But these CPUs are pretty obsolete, and not something GCC's -mtune=generic should put much weight on for the latest GCC. (Especially given that current nightly GCC's behaviour now won't be get baked into widely used binary packages for another year or more probably, by most stable-release distros.)
Returning an int when the last instruction wrote al will likely lead to a penalty when the caller reads EAX. But mov al, [rdi] can run without any false dependency or merging cost.
Sandybridge and maybe Ivy Bridge: AL still renamed separately, but a merging uop can be inserted without any stalling, in a cycle with other uops.
mov al, [rdi] still has no false dep or merging uop. But a later read of EAX that triggers a merging uop (to merge the add al result with the high bytes of RAX from movzx eax, [rdi]) will get inserted just as cheaply as if we'd put a movzx eax, al in the machine code. (If the upper bytes of RAX are all zero, merge or extend are equivalent.)
Haswell and later (and maybe IvB), and all other x86 vendors, and low-power CPUs from Intel like Silvermont-family: no partial register renaming at all. (Except for AH/BH/CH/DH on Intel SnB-family). The last CPU not in this category is nearly a decade old, and the last CPU with major penalties (P6-family) is over a decade old.
mov al, [rdi] sucks: false dependency and costs an ALU uop in the back-end to merge. So it's extra load latency in the critical path through whatever stored the memory operand.
Reading EAX after writing AL has zero penalty; that's not a special case at all; the merging happened when you wrote AL.
GCC's code is a sensible tradeoff between Core2 / Nehalem vs. modern CPUs: load with movzx to avoid a false dep writing a partial reg. And a final movzx to avoid a partial-register stall in the caller.
But if it's going to do that, it could hurt modern Intel less by picking EDX or ECX as the temporary, since Intel can do zero-latency mov-elimination on movzx r32, r8, but not within the same register. It still costs a front-end uop so it's not free for throughput, only latency and back-end ports. This is a persistent missed-optimization; I don't think GCC or clang know to look for that; they commonly zero-extend 32->64 with mov esi,esi on a function arg, for example.
movzx edx, byte ptr [rdi]
add dl, [rsi]
movzx eax, dl # mov-elimination possible on IvB and later (except Ice Lake with updated microcode which breaks mov-elim).
If optimizing specifically for Core2 / Nehalem, you'd do this:
xor eax, eax # off the critical path, avoids partial-reg stalls for later reads of EAX after writing AL
mov al, [rdi]
add al, [rsi]
That's not bad on later CPUs, although the mov al, [rdi] would still be a micro-fuse load+ALU uop so it has extra load latency, and takes an extra slot in the scheduler and a cycle on a back-end execution port. So 3 back-end uops, up from 2 in IvB and later with eliminated movzx if you pick different registers.
GCC's choice to use movzx because of Core2/Nehalem is highly conservative at this point; probably -mtune=generic in GCC12 shouldn't care about P6-family partial-register stalls since those CPUs are well over a decade old. Especially in 64-bit code where the worst case is Core2/Nehalem, not the even longer stalls with no merging uop on earlier P6-family. (And 64-bit code is more likely to be run on newer CPUs; one of the use-cases for -m32 is to make code for old 32-bit-only CPUs.)
It might well be an intentional tuning choice that needs updating. It's definitely a missed optimization with -march / -mtune= k8 through znver3, or silvermont-family, or sandybridge or newer.
(Also note that some choices which should differ based on -mtune setting actually don't. GCC just has one way it always does some things, and adding hooks to make it differ based on a tuning flag hasn't been done. Clang is the same way. e.g. -mtune=core2 still doesn't know to avoid partial-register stalls!)
Clang normally lives dangerously writing partial registers and otherwise ignoring false dependencies when they're not visibly loop-carried within a single function (which can bite it in the ass). This can save a whole instruction when it skips xor-zeroing, but saving just 1 byte doesn't seem worth it in general. It's a false dependency and means the mov load decodes to load + ALU merge uops (to merge a new low byte into the existing 64-bit register).
Looks like clang just did its usual thing of loading 8-bit values into 8-bit registers ignoring movzx, then realized at the end it needed to zero-extend the result.
An optimization pass looking for a chance to fold zero-extension (after narrow math) into an earlier load would be useful. And/or otherwise look for ways to prove that values are already zero-extended, if it doesn't do that.
Probably in general better to start doing narrow loads with movzx so that's more normally the case.
You might want to report a missed-optimization bug, especially for clang. Their code-gen is already a huge middle finger toward P6-family most of the time with partial-register usage, so they'd probably be interested in trying to generate the 2-instruction version.
Also (use the keyword missed-optimization for GCC bugs. Feel free to link this stack overflow post, and/or quote any of my comments if you want, as well as a Godbolt link. GCC devs prefer AT&T syntax for x86 discussion / bugs.)
See also:
Why doesn't GCC use partial registers?
How exactly do partial registers on Haswell/Skylake perform? Writing AL seems to have a false dependency on RAX, and AH is inconsistent (especially his microarch guide re: partial-register details for P6-family CPUs. Last I looked, the guide incorrectly said Haswell doesn't have zero-latency movzx eax, dl, and that AH-merging was free; see my Q&A about HSW/SKL. But Agner's guide is accurate AFAIK for earlier CPUs.) (front-end vs. back-end vs. latency costs for different instructions)
What is the best way to set a register to zero in x86 assembly: xor, mov or and? - including the part about avoiding partial-register stalls on P6, how xor eax,eax sets some kind of internal EAX=AL flag.
I have 2 more examples here: GCC generates both sensible and strange movzx, and Clang's use of mov and movzx just makes no sense to me.
clang's mov ecx, edx zero-extension from 32 to 64 instead of from 8 to 64 is because it depends on an unofficial extension to the x86-64 SysV calling convention, that narrow args are extended to 32-bit. AMD Zen CPUs can do mov-elimination on mov ecx, edx but not for movzx-byte, so this is actually more efficient, as well as saving code-size.
(GCC and clang both make callers that respect this unofficial calling-convention feature, but only clang makes callees that depend on it. ICC doesn't do either so is not ABI-compatible with clang.)
Extension to intptr_t is of course necessary for all narrower args if you're going to index an array with one. (In abstract C terms, this is just part of using the value for pointer math). High garbage is allowed in at least the high 32 bits of the 64-bit register.

The clang bit actually seems reasonable. You get a partial register stall if you write to al and then read from eax. Using movzx breaks this partial register stall.
The initial mov to al has no dependencies on existing values of eax (due to register renaming), so the dependencies are just the unavoidable dependencies (wait for [rsi], wait for [rdi], wait for add to complete before zero-extending).
In other words, the top 24 bits must be zeroed and the lower 8 bits must be calculated, but the two actions can be done in either order. clang just chooses to add first, zero later.
As for GCC, it seems a particularly bad choice. If it had chosen bl as the temporary register, that last movzx would be zero-latency on Haswell/SkyLake, but move elimination does not work on al to eax.

The final MOVZX is mandated by the fact that the function returns an int, extended from a byte. It must be there in the clang version, but with gcc one is extra.


imul then mov vs mov then imul - any difference?

If I compile the following C++ program:
int baz(int x) { return x * x; }
in clang 15, I get:
mov eax, edi
imul eax, edi
while gcc 12.2 gives me:
imul edi, edi
mov eax, edi
(See this on GodBolt)
Are these two implementations entirely equivalent, and merely a matter of arbitrary choice? If they're not equivalent, how can their difference manifest, or affect my program? I mean, in terms of CPU-state side-effects, latencies of other instructions, behavior during inlining etc.
Do mov then imul because it's better with mov-elimination, and not worse anywhere for any other reason.
This is true in general for mov/and, mov/sub, etc, as long as you don't have a use for the original value. If you do, then sometimes mov to make a copy and then modify the original to hide mov latency for CPUs without move elimination. (mov/add or small shift should normally be lea).
CPU with mov-elimination
mov then imul is strictly better; overwriting a mov reg,reg result lets Intel CPUs free some resources they use to track mov elimination. (Probably something like a reference count for extra references beyond the normal RAT.) This increases the likelihood of later mov-eliminations being successful. See How do *move elimination* slots work in Intel CPU?
All else essentially equal (as in this case), prefer to mov then overwrite its result, especially when that doesn't make things worse for CPUs without mov-elimination (like Ice Lake, thanks Intel.)
It doesn't have to be in the next instruction, just sometime soon, preferably not left indefinitely e.g. for a long-running loop. But even that isn't a disaster usually.
To measure this benefit, a microbenchmark would probably need to do a lot of mov instructions that don't overwrite their result, to run the CPU out of mov-elimination slots and have some of them need an execution unit. The microbenchmark would also need to be sensitive to the latency of those mov instructions, since most modern Intel CPUs have enough execution units to keep up with the issue/rename width in terms of throughput.
CPU without mov-elimination
mov reg,reg has 1 cycle latency. If you'd been doing x*y with two separate inputs, mov then imul makes that latency part of the input->output latency for one input but not the other. The other has an extra cycle to become ready before the imul would have to wait for it, if out-of-order exec would tend to have one input ready before the other.
(A compiler would typically have no way to guess which input was the result of a long dep chain vs. a mov-immediate when compiling a non-inline function, but a 50/50 chance of winning a cycle is better than having the mov always on the critical path after the imul.)
But with x*x without mov-elimination, the only difference is that we're writing both EDI and EAX, instead of writing EAX twice. I don't think that's significant in terms of using up physical-register-file (PRF) entries or freeing them sooner. Since most code-gen is trying to be good across multiple CPUs, favour mov then imul because some CPUs do have mov-elimination. It's essentially a tie for CPUs without, when you're squaring one variable.
Things that don't matter
On a CPU that does partial register renaming, writing a register might free up two physical-register-file (PRF) entries instead of just one. (While allocating a new PRF entry either way.) But just reading the full register would already insert a merging uop.
Intel Sandybridge-family is the only x86-64 microarchitecture that does partial-register renaming and uses a PRF. Intel P6 family (Nehalem and earlier) keeps results right in the ROB, associated with the uop that produced them, until commit to a separate "retirement register file"; this is why it has register-read stalls when you read too many "cold" registers. Only Sandybridge itself (and possibly Ivy Bridge) rename low-8 registers like DIL and DL separate from full registers; on Haswell/Skylake and later only high-8 registers like DH get renamed separately.
Anyway, DIL might have been renamed separately from the full RDI. There is no DIH equivalent of DH or CH, since we're talking about EDI not EDX or ECX (the next two arg-passing registers), and gcc/clang very rarely generate code that writes high-8-bit registers. (Why doesn't GCC use partial registers?)
But either mov/imul or imul/mov will merge DIL into RDI before EDI is read, whether it's written or not (by the same imul uop). Same for DH on Haswell and later if we had an arg in EDX.

Order of assignment produces different assembly

This experiment was done using GCC 6.3. There are two functions where the only difference is in the order we assign the i32 and i16 in the struct. We assumed that both functions should produce the same assembly. However this is not the case. The "bad" function produces more instructions. Can anyone explain why this happens?
#include <inttypes.h>
union pack {
struct {
int32_t i32;
int16_t i16;
void *ptr;
static_assert(sizeof(pack)==8, "what?");
void *bad(const int32_t i32, const int16_t i16) {
pack p;
p.i32 = i32;
p.i16 = i16;
return p.ptr;
void *good(const int32_t i32, const int16_t i16) {
pack p;
p.i16 = i16;
p.i32 = i32;
return p.ptr;
bad(int, short):
movzx eax, si
sal rax, 32
mov rsi, rax
mov eax, edi
or rax, rsi
good(int, short):
movzx eax, si
mov edi, edi
sal rax, 32
or rax, rdi
The compiler flags were -O3 -fno-rtti -std=c++14
This is/was a missed optimization in GCC10.2 and earlier. It seems to already be fixed in current nightly builds of GCC, so no need to report a missed-optimization bug on GCC's bugzilla. ( It looks like it first appeared as a regression from GCC4.8 to GCC4.9. (Godbolt)
# GCC11-dev nightly build
# actually *better* than "good", avoiding a mov-elimination missed opt.
bad(int, short):
movzx esi, si # mov-elimination never works for 16->32 movzx
mov eax, edi # mov-elimination works between different regs
sal rsi, 32
or rax, rsi
Yes, you'd generally expect C++ that implements the same logic basically the same way to compile to the same asm, as long as optimization is enabled, or at least hope so1. And generally you can hope that there are no pointless missed optimizations that waste instructions for no apparent reason (rather than simply picking a different implementation strategy), but unfortunately that's not always true either.
Writing different parts of the same object and then reading the whole object is tricky for compilers in general so it's not a shock to see different asm when you write different parts of the full object in a different order.
Note that there's nothing "smart" about the bad asm, it's just doing a redundant mov instruction. Having to take input in fixed registers and produce output in another specific hard register to satisfy the calling convention is something GCC's register allocator isn't amazing at: wasted mov missed optimizations like this are more common in tiny functions than when part of a larger function.
If you're really curious, you could dig into the GIMPLE and RTL internal representations that GCC transformed through to get here. (Godbolt has a GCC tree-dump pane to help with this.)
Footnote 1: Or at least hope that, but missed-optimization bugs do happen in real life. Report them when you spot them, in case it's something that GCC or LLVM devs can easily teach the optimizer to avoid. Compilers are complex pieces of machinery with multiple passes; often a corner case for one part of the optimizer just didn't used to happen until some other optimization pass changed to doing something else, exposing a poor end result for a case the author of that code wasn't thinking about when writing / tweaking it to improve some other case.
Note that there's no Undefined Behaviour here despite the complaints in comments: The GNU dialect of C and C++ defines the behaviour of union type-punning in C89 and C++, not just in C99 and later like ISO C does. Implementations are free to define the behaviour of anything that ISO C++ leaves undefined.
Well technically there is a read-uninitialized because the upper 2 bytes of the void* object haven't been written yet in pack p. But fixing it with pack p = {.ptr=0}; doesn't help. (And doesn't change the asm; GCC happened to already zero the padding because that's convenient).
Also note, both versions in the question are less efficient than possible:
(The bad output from GCC4.8 or GCC11-trunk avoiding the wasted mov looks optimal for that choice of strategy.)
mov edi,edi defeats mov-elimination on both Intel and AMD, so that instruction has 1 cycle latency instead of 0, and costs a back-end µop. Picking a different register to zero-extend into would be cheaper. We could even pick RSI after reading SI, but any call-clobbered register would work.
movzx eax, si # 16->32 can't be eliminated, only 8->32 and 32->32 mov
shl rax, 32
mov ecx, edi # zero-extend into a different reg with 0 latency
or rax, rcx
Or if optimizing for code-size or throughput on Intel (low µop count, not low latency), shld is an option: 1 µop / 3c latency on Intel, but 6 µops on Zen (also 3c latency, though). ( and
minimal_uops_worse_latency: # also more uops on AMD.
movzx eax, si
shl rdi, 32 # int32 bits to the top of RDI
shld rax, rdi, 32 # shift the high 32 bits of RDI into RAX.
If your struct was ordered the other way, with the padding in the middle, you could do something involving mov ax, si to merge into RAX. That could be efficient on non-Intel, and on Haswell and later which don't do partial-register renaming except for high-8 regs like AH.
Given the read-uninitialized UB, you could just compile it to literally anything, including ret or ud2. Or slightly less aggressive, you could compile it to just leave garbage for the padding part of the struct, the last 2 bytes.
shl rsi, 32 # leaving high garbage = incoming high half of ESI
mov eax, edi # zero-extend into RAX
or rax, rsi
Note that an unofficial extension to the x86-64 System V ABI (which clang actually depends on) is that narrow args are sign- or zero-extended to 32 bits. So instead of zeros, the high 2 bytes of the pointer would be copies of the sign bit. (Which would actually guarantee that it's a canonical 48-bit virtual address on x86-64!)

Why are clang and GCC not using xchg to implement std::swap?

I have the following code:
char swap(char reg, char* mem) {
std::swap(reg, *mem);
return reg;
I expected this to compile down to:
swap(char, char*):
xchg dil, byte ptr [rsi]
mov al, dil
But what it actually compiles to is (at -O3 -march=haswell -std=c++20):
swap(char, char*):
mov al, byte ptr [rsi]
mov byte ptr [rsi], dil
See here for a live demo.
From the documentation of xchg, the first form should be perfectly possible:
XCHG - Exchange Register/Memory with Register
Exchanges the contents of the destination (first) and source (second) operands. The operands can be two general-purpose registers or a register and a memory location.
So is there any particular reason why it's not possible for the compiler to use xchg here? I have tried other examples too, such as swapping pointers, swapping three operands, swapping types other than char but I never get an xchg in the compile output. How come?
TL:DR: because compilers optimize for speed, not for names that sound similar. There are lots of other terrible ways they also could have implemented it, but chose not to.
xchg with mem has an implicit lock prefix (on 386 and later) so it's horribly slow. You always want to avoid it unless you need an atomic exchange, or are optimizing completely for code-size without caring at all for performance, in cases where you do want the result in the same register as the original value. Sometimes seen in naive (performance oblivious) or code-golfed hand-written Bubble Sort as part of swapping 2 memory locations.
Possibly clang -Oz could go that crazy, IDK, but hopefully wouldn't in this case because your xchg way is larger code size, needing a REX prefix on both instructions to access DIL, vs. the 2-mov way being a 2-byte and a 3-byte instruction. clang -Oz does do stuff like push 1 / pop rax instead of mov eax, 1 to save 2 bytes of code size.
GCC -Os won't use xchg for swaps that don't need to be atomic because -Os still cares some about speed.
Also, IDK why would you think xchg + dependent mov would be faster or a better choice than two independent mov instructions that can run in parallel. (The store buffer makes sure that the store is correctly ordered after the load, regardless of which uop finds its execution port free first).
See and other links in
Seriously, I just don't see any plausible reason why you'd think a compiler might want to use xchg, especially given that the calling convention doesn't pass an arg in RAX so you still need 2 instructions. Even for registers, xchg reg,reg on Intel CPUs is 3 uops, and they're microcode uops that can't benefit from mov-elimination. (Some AMD CPUs have 2-uop xchg reg,reg. Why is XCHG reg, reg a 3 micro-op instruction on modern Intel architectures?)
I also guess you're looking at clang output; GCC will avoid partial register shenanigans (like false dependencies) by using a movzx eax, byte ptr [rsi] load even though the return value is only the low byte. Zero-extending loads are cheaper than merging into the old value of RAX. So that's another downside to xchg.
So is there any particular reason why it's not possible for the compiler to use xchg here?
Because mov is faster than xchg and compilers optimize for speed.
Why is XCHG reg, reg a 3 micro-op instruction on modern Intel architectures?
Why does GCC use mov/mfence instead of xchg to implement C11's atomic_store?
Use xchg for -Os
Bug 47949 - Missed optimization for -Os using xchg instead of mov

Clang and '-O2' - disable specific optimization

For performance reasons I have to use -O2 optimization level on my code. The problem is that compiler promotes short strings (8 bytes or less) to registers, like:
__text:00000000001348DA mov rcx, 3D3D3D3D3D3D3D3Dh
__text:00000000001348E4 mov [rax+10h], rcx
__text:00000000001348E8 mov [rax+8], rcx
__text:00000000001348EC mov rcx, 3D3D3D3D3D3D3D0Ah
Which is equal to load string "\n========================".
I need to keep strings as data constants, prevent promoting them to registers. And I have to keep -O2 optimization for performance. clang is based on LLVM 10.
I'm asking or help, as I cannot find a flag that turning off such optimization pass.
Declaring those specific strings as volatile should prevent this from happening, but, the real question is why is it bad for you?

Why might a C++ compiler duplicate a function exit basic block?

Consider the following snippet of code:
int* find_ptr(int* mem, int sz, int val) {
for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
if (mem[i] == val) {
return &mem[i];
return nullptr;
GCC on -O3 compiles this to:
find_ptr(int*, int, int):
mov rax, rdi
test esi, esi
jle .L4 # why not .L8?
lea ecx, [rsi-1]
lea rcx, [rdi+4+rcx*4]
jmp .L3
add rax, 4
cmp rax, rcx
je .L8
cmp DWORD PTR [rax], edx
jne .L9
xor eax, eax
xor eax, eax
In this assembly, the blocks with labels .L4 and .L8 are identical. Would it not be better to rewrite jumps to .L4 to .L8 and drop .L4? I thought this might be a bug, but clang also duplicates the xor-ret sequence back to back. However, ICC and MSVC each take a pretty different approach.
Is this an optimization in this case and, if not, are there times when it would be? What is the rationale behind this behavior?
This is always a missed optimizations. Having both return-0 paths use the same basic block would be pure win on all microarchitectures that current compilers care about.
But unfortunately this missed-optimization is not rare with gcc. Often it's a separate bare ret that gcc conditionally branches to, instead of branching to a ret in another existing path. (x86 doesn't have a conditional ret, so simple functions that don't need any stack cleanup often just need to branch to a ret.
Often functions this small would get inlined in a complete program, so maybe it doesn't hurt a lot in real life?)
CPUs (since Pentium Pro if not earlier) have a return-address predictor stack that easily predicts the branch target for ret instructions, so there's not going to be an effect from one ret instruction more often returning to one caller and another ret more often returning to another caller. It doesn't help branch prediction to separate them and let them use different entries.
IDK about Pentium 4 and whether the traces in its trace cache follow call/ret. But fortunately that's not relevant anymore. The decoded-uop cache in SnB-family and Ryzen is not a trace cache; a line/way of uop cache holds uops for a contiguous block of x86 machine code, and unconditional jumps end a uop cache line. ( So if anything, this could be worse for SnB-family because each return path needs a separate line of the uop cache even though they're each only 2 uops total (xor-zero and ret are both single-uop instructions).
Report this MCVE to gcc's bugzilla with keyword missed-optimization:
(update: was reported by the OP. A fix was attempted, but reverted; for now it's still open. In this case it seems to be caused by -mavx, perhaps some interaction with return paths that need vzeroupper or not.)
You can kind of see how it might arrive at 2 exit blocks: compilers normally transform for loops into if(sz>0) { do{}while(); } if there's a possibility of it needing to run 0 times, like gcc did here. So there's one branch that leaves the function without entering the loop at all. But the other exit is from fall through from the loop. Perhaps before optimizing away some stuff, there was some extra cleanup. Or just those paths got split up when the first branch was created.
I don't know why gcc fails to notice and merge two identical basic blocks that end with ret.
Maybe it only looked for that in some GIMPLE or RTL pass where they weren't actually identical, and only became identical during final x86 code-gen. Maybe after optimizing away save/restore of a register to hold some temporary that it ended up no needing?
You could dig deeper if you look at GCC's GIMPLE or RTL with -fdump-tree-... options after certain optimization passes: Godbolt has UI for that, in the + dropdown -> tree / RTL output. But unless you're a gcc-internals expert and planning to work on a patch or idea to help gcc find this optimization, it's probably not worth your time.
Interesting discovery that it only happens with -mavx (enabled by -march=skylake or directly). GCC and clang don't know how to auto-vectorize loops where the trip count is not known before the first iteration. e.g. search loops like this or memchr or strlen. So IDK why AVX even makes a difference at all.
(Note that the C abstract machine never reads mem[i] beyond the search point, and those elements might not actually exist. e.g. there's no UB if you passed this function a pointer to the last int before an unmapped page, and sz=1000, as long as *mem == val. So to auto-vectorize without int mem[static sz] guaranteed object size, the compiler would have to align the pointer... Not that C11 int mem[static sz] would even help; even a static array of compile-time-constant size larger than the max possible trip count wouldn't get gcc to auto-vectorize.)