High amount of requests for AWS S3 for a small mobile app - amazon-web-services

I am doing a mobile app with React Native using AWS Services, which is basically a CRUD app for images, and I am relatively new to it.
My fees seems very high for AWS S3 (look at the picture below). I know the amount is still very small but I am concerned on how did my app requested more than 91k times on barely 2 months. I tried to debug my app, but it's impossible that I requested the AWS server that many times. I looked for any loops in my project and there is nothing, I even looked at the network and didn't found anything suspicious.
I tried to analyze what could it be with cloud watch as well but I don't see any metrics that would represent these S3 requests.
To display images on my React Native app, I am using the react-native-fast-image module.
Is there a way to debug/find what is causing these calls? Has anyone experienced a similar thing with AWS S3? Are DynamoDB query calls based on S3 as well?


Zip images on web server and return the url

I am currently looking for a way to improve the traffic flow of an app.
Currently the user uploads his data via the app, using Google Cloud Platform as storage provider. Other users can then download this data again.
This works well so far, but since the download traffic at GCP is relatively expensive I had the idea to outsource this to a cheap web server.
The idea is that the user requests the file(s) at GCP. There it is checked if the file(s) are already on the web server. If not, the file(s) will be uploaded to the server.
At the server the files are zipped and the link is sent back to GCP, where it is emailed to the user.
TL:DR My question is, how can i zip a specific selection of files on a web server without nodejs etc. and send the link of the generated file back to GCP
I'm open for other ideas aswell
This is a particular case, covered by Google Cloud CDN (Content Delivery Network) service.
As you can read here, there already is a way to connect the CDN to a Storage bucket, and it will do exactly what you've thought to do with your own web server. The only difference is that it's already production ready. It handles cache misses, cache hits and so on.
You can compare the prices: here you can find CDN prices, and here you can find Storage prices. The important difference is that Storage costs per TB of Egress, meanwhile CDN costs per 10TB of Egress, and the price is still lower.
Of course, you can still stick to your idea. I would implement it by developing a REST API. The API, with just one endpoint will serve the file, if it is present on the web server. If it is not present, it will:
perform a redirect to the direct link for the file hosted in Storage;
start to fetch the file form Storage and put it in the cache.
You would still need to handle the cache: what happens when somebody changes a file? That's something related to the way you're working with those files, so it strictly depends on your app functional domain, and in any case, Cloud CDN would solve it without any further development.

Migrating Django application from heroku (celery/redis) to aws fargate/lambda

Apologies in advance for my little knowledge of AWS
I'm trying to draw parallels between my current setup on Heroku to a move to AWS. I've run into some memory issues on Heroku because of some machine learning models I'm running and Heroku seems too expensive for my needs.
I was recommenced to move to aws using fargate which would be a better fit for my app. Below is my whole architecture, I'm hoping for some guidance on my direction of what I have and where I plan to go.
A django application running on heroku.
The base of functionality is the user uploads a video from their mobile device and uploads it to s3. A message from SNS is sent to my Heroku server that the upload is completed. The server kicks off a celery task that downloads the video from s3 and uses a machine learning model to do some natural language processing, then saves the results to my postresql database. Obviously this is very compute intensive, so I've run into some memory issues and can for-see scaling issues to come.
After lots of tweaking and attempts to no avail, I've decided to move over to AWS and leverage some of the cost benefits that I've seen in comparison to heroku of running more memory intensive tasks.
I should also mention there is a web interface involved with this django project and it isn't just a REST Api.
As far as AWS goes, I'm looking for a bit of direction. Possibly just a rough outline of the architecture I should look deeper into.
My first plan is to dockerize my application and go from there...but I'm a bit stuck on how my application fits (website, rest api, worker threads) into the AWS ecosystem.
AWS is a great fit for the application you describe. AWS Fargate / RDS will host your Django application. You have the option of using AWS Batch to handle your processing. One huge advantage is the ability to scale according to the needs of your application.
This image is one possible way to structure your application. It's a lot of work to get to this point, but AWS offers a lot of power and flexibility for reasonable costs IMO.

Can i open a website through an Amazon Web Service?

Is it possible to open a website,like facebook.com for example, on an amazon web service?
My objective is to automate a certain task in a game and to do so without having to be online on my computer. The point is to spend less time on that game, but to not be left behind on the progress. (I'm building a bot to automate the daily tasks there, just need to know if i can now leave everything running on amazon)
Another project i want to do is to automate access to my email account and perform certain tasks depending on the emails i receive.
You get the point, i tried searching on google but i only find results about creating or hosting your own website in there and not about accessing existing websites and using automation in them.
It sounds like what you want is a virtual private server - basically a computer in the cloud that you control and is always on.
AWS have a service called LightSail for this kind of purpose. Under the hood lightsail just uses EC2, but lightsail takes away a lot of the options and configuration to provide a simpler 'click and go' kind of service.
Once you have a server you can schedule regular tasks. Depending on the complexity of your needs, you could look at using Cron as a scheduler and curl for you http requests.
For the specifics of any project you have I would suggest opening a new question with details of what you are trying to do, the reading you have done, and examples of any code you have tried.

How to collect the mobile app data using AWS service(s) or other solutions?

I would like to build an app and collect some events from the app, and then show some event statistics like frequency, duration etc.
I`ve just investigated the aws Cognito web service, but it stores only a set of key-value pairs of a limited total size.
I can build, of course, my own REST web service on the top of the database and store all my events there. But I wonder if there are some aws web service(s) that I can leverage to build such a solution. (In case if someone familiar with Azure, it would be nice to see the possible solution there too!)
Any ideas, suggestions?
Haven't used any packaged web service for this; however, I do use REST methods for statistics in my apps and find it works well....low overhead and easy to add, change and collect.
I would suggest you to have a look at AWS Mobile Analytics service (http://aws.amazon.com/mobileanalytics/)
Have a look at the Getting Started page http://aws.amazon.com/mobileanalytics/getting-started/

Amazon Mechanical Turk task retrieval API

I'm writing an app wherein the premise is that people who can't directly fund a charity out of their pocket could automatically work on Amazon AWS HITs in order to bring clean water to the 3rd world - I'd known there was an Amazon AWS API but is very unclear on how to retrieve a HIT to be worked on, rather than just consume some data about some tasks I'm trying to complete.
Is there any way to retrieve a HIT to be worked on through the AWS API or otherwise?
Thanks ahead of time.
As far as I know, the only way to work on a HIT is through the mTurk website. i.e. - not via API.
There is a site that is trying to do something very similar to what you have described. http://www.sparked.com/