Is there a way to print the value measured by the measure line tool to python console? - action

I am basically new to the qgis and pyqgis, I have been given a task to write a python script where I should print the value of measured by the measureline tool into python console. So far I am able to get function iface.actionMeasure().trigger() this can be used to trigger the measure line tool after measuring the distance I want to print the value into the python console.


How can I aggregate intel amplifier batch results?

I'm solving a number of instances with my code and I'd need to find the worst hotspots, where "worst" is defined as a hotspot over a wide range of instances. So for every instance I have collected hotspot analysis data in batch mode using amplxe-cl. Now I'd like to aggregate this data, I'd like to analyze them together. Is there any way to do this with vtune?
This is not an mpi application. There are a number of different datasets (problems, instances, pick your term :-) that need to be processed by my application. Depending on the data in a single instance the application can take very different turns while processing it, thus running the application on different instances can result in different hotspots. The purpose of the aggregation would be, as #ArunJose_Intel guessed, is to find hotspots that are common in all runs, that are present in the processing of all kind of instances.
I can collect hotspot analysis for every instance easily using batch mode and I can inspect them individually, but I'd like to see an aggregate analysis.
Of course, I could just process them in one run one after the other, but that would take several weeks, while I can process them as individual problems in a few hours on a cluster of identical machines.
In vtune it is not possible to combine multiple GUI reports. You have an option to compare across two different reports to see what has changed but clearly this is not what you are looking for.
A workaround you could possibly try is to create command line reports from the vtune results you have already collected. These command line reports would be in easily parsable data formats like CSV . Once you have reports in these formats you could have could write your custom scripts/code to aggregate multiple of these csv reports, with whatever logic you wish to have them aggregated.
Please find below some samples to create command line reports
1)Generate a Hotspots report from the r001hs result on Linux*, and save it to /home/test/MyReport.txt in text format.
vtune -report hotspots -result-dir r001hs -report-output /home/test/MyReport.txt
2)Generate a hotspots report in the CSV format from the most recent result and save it in the current Linux working directory. Use the format option with the csv argument and the csv-delimiter option to specify a delimiter, such as comma.
vtune -R hotspots -report-output MyReport.csv -format csv -csv-delimiter comma
For more information

Approach to get the weight values from the pre-trained weights from Darknet?

I'm currently trying to implement YOLOv3 object detection model in C(only detection, not training).
I have tested my convolution method with arbitrary values and it seems to be working as I expected.
Before stacking up multiple method calls to do forward propagation, I thought it would be safe to test with the actual pretrained weight file data.
When I look up Darknet's pre-trained weight file, it was a huge chunk of binary files. I tried to convert it to hex and decimals, but it still doesn't look simple to pinpoint what part of values to use.
So, my question is, what should I do to extract the decimal numbers of the weights or the filter values so that I can use them in the same order of the forward propagation happening in YOLOv3?
*I'm currently trying to build my c version of YOLOv3 using the structure image shown in
*My c code will be run on an FPGA board called MicroZed, along with other HDL code.
*I tried to plug some printf functions into some places of Darknet code to see what kinds of data are moving around when YOLOv3 runs, however, when I ran it on in Linux terminal, it didn't show anything new and kept outputting the same results.
Any help or advice will be really appreciated. Thank you!
I am not too sure if there is a direct way to read darknet weights, but you can convert it into .h5 format and obtain the weight values from it
You can convert the darknet yolov3 weights into .h5 format (used by keras) by using the appropriate command from this repository.
You can choose the command based on your Yolo version from the list shown in the ReadMe of the linked repo. For the standard yolov3, the command for converting is
python tools/model_converter/ cfg/yolov3.cfg weights/yolov3.weights weights/yolov3.h5
Once you have the .h5weights, you can use the below code snippet for obtaining the
values from the weights. credit/source
import h5py
path = "<path to weights>.h5"
weights = {}
keys = []
with h5py.File(path, 'r') as f: # open file
f.visit(keys.append) # append all keys to list
for key in keys:
if ':' in key: # contains data if ':' in key
param_name = f[key].name
weights[f[key].name] = f[key].value

how to display full output in jupyter not only last result - for aws emr pyspark

I would like to have same option as mentioned in this question: How to display full output in Jupyter, not only last result? but for AWS EMR's jupyterhub's pyspark kernel (Spark 2.4.4). It works with python3 (python3.6) kernel.
It works if I use print statements, but in that case, it doesn't work if last step is failed, then it will only show result for the failed step as shown in the image below.
Also, to note, not sure if it is related, but, below code doesn't run in sync i.e. print wait print wait...., but, it just prints everything at once at the end.
import time
for i in range(0,10):
Just adding the question from the referred post, if in case the referred question/post gets deleted or changes.
I want Jupyter to print all the interactive output without resorting to print, not only the last result. How to do it?
Example :
I would like to display
The print statement output goes to the stdout or stderr on the computer that is running a spark executor.
Considering you have a big cluster having n workers(each storing partition of an RDD or DataFrame). Is is hard to expect the ordered output in a job (for instance map). This may be considered a design choice as well for spark itself. Where will that data be printed out? since nodes are running code in parallel, which of them will be printed first?
So, we dont have interactive print statements inside jobs. These whole thing can also remind you about why we had accumulators and broadcast variables.
So, I will advice you to use logs generated by steps instead and work with logs. To view logs in Amazon S3, cluster logging must be enabled (which is the default for new clusters). View Log Files Archived to Amazon S3.
For your second question about sleep() and print, python is line buffered, which forces it to wait for a newline before printing to stdout. If the output is not a console, then even newline won't trigger a flush.
You can force the behaviour as
import time
for i in range(0,10):

Monitor training/validation process in Caffe

I'm training Caffe Reference Model for classifying images.
My work requires me to monitor the training process by drawing graph of accuracy of the model after every 1000 iterations on entire training set and validation set which has 100K and 50K images respectively.
Right now, Im taking the naive approach, make snapshots after every 1000 iterations, run the C++ classififcation code which reads raw JPEG image and forward to the net and output the predicted labels. However, this takes too much time on my machine (with a Geforce GTX 560 Ti)
Is there any faster way that I can do to have the graph of accuracy of the snapshot models on both training and validation sets?
I was thinking about using LMDB format instead of raw images. However, I cannot find documentation/code about doing classification in C++ using LMDB format.
1) You can use the NVIDIA-DIGITS app to monitor your networks. They provide a GUI including dataset preparation, model selection, and learning curve visualization. More, they use a caffe distribution allowing multi-GPU training.
2) Or, you can simply use the log-parser inside caffe.
/pathtocaffe/build/tools/caffe train --solver=solver.prototxt 2>&1 | tee lenet_train.log
This allows you to save train log into "lenet_train.log". Then by using:
python /pathtocaffe/tools/extra/ lenet_train.log .
you parse your train log into two csv files, containing train and test loss. You can then plot them using the following python script
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import *
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
train_log = pd.read_csv("./lenet_train.log.train")
test_log = pd.read_csv("./lenet_train.log.test")
_, ax1 = subplots(figsize=(15, 10))
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax1.plot(train_log["NumIters"], train_log["loss"], alpha=0.4)
ax1.plot(test_log["NumIters"], test_log["loss"], 'g')
ax2.plot(test_log["NumIters"], test_log["acc"], 'r')
ax1.set_ylabel('train loss')
ax2.set_ylabel('test accuracy')
savefig("./train_test_image.png") #save image as png
Caffe creates logs each time you try to train something, and its located in the tmp folder (both linux and windows).
I also wrote a plotting script in python which you can easily use to visualize your loss/accuracy.
Just place your training logs with .log extension next to the script and double click on it.
You can use command prompts as well, but for ease of use, when executed it loads all logs (*.log) it can find in the current directory.
it also shows the top 4 accuracies and at-which accuracy they were achieved.
you can find it here :
python /pathtocaffe/tools/extra/ lenet_train.log
command produces the following error:
usage: [-h] [--verbose] [--delimiter DELIMITER]
logfile_path output_dir error: too few arguments
For successful execution of "" command, we should pass the two arguments:
log file
path of output directory
So the correct command is as follows:
python /pathtocaffe/tools/extra/ lenet_train.log output_dir

rrdtool xport - limit on DEFs

I have a script that generates command line invocations of rrdtool xport based on input provided in a domain specific language. This works well, until the number of DEFs in the command line exceed a certain number - it seems to be around 50. At that point the command simply returns without any output or error information.
Is there a limit on the number of DEFs in rrdtool export? If so, then can it be raised or circumvented?
The issue turned out to be the character limit on the command line sent to the shell via Python's os.system method call. The issue can be worked around by creating a temporary executable script, writing the command line to the script and executing it.