"queueproxy" : error reverse proxying request; sockstat: sockets TCP: inuse 27 orphan 2 tw 20 alloc 593 mem 52 - istio

I've issue with respect to above subject, using
knative v1.2.5
istio 1.12.7
Every 20mins we see below error in the queue proxy,
error: "context canceled"
knative.dev/key: "test-common-service/test-app-0-0-0"
knative.dev/pod: "test-app-0-0-0-deployment-xxxxxxx-xxxxx"
logger: "queueproxy"
message: "error reverse proxying request; sockstat: sockets: used 44
TCP: inuse 27 orphan 2 tw 20 alloc 593 mem 52
UDP: inuse 0 mem 3
UDPLITE: inuse 0
RAW: inuse 0
FRAG: inuse 0 memory 0
Can someone please let me know how can I fix this.
Thank you!

It looks like you may have requests which are hitting request timeouts in the queue proxy. What is your typical request latency, and what is the Revision timeoutSeconds set to?
It's also possible that istio is cancelling (resetting) some of the TCP connections to the queue-proxy, but that seems unlikely.


Condor master node and workers only see the master node

I am trying to set a HTCondor batch system, but when I do condor_status it only shows the master in both the master and worker nodes. They both show this:
Name OpSys Arch State Activity LoadAv Mem
[master ip] LINUX X86_64 Unclaimed Idle 0.000 973
Total Owner Claimed Unclaimed Matched Preempting Backfill Drain
X86_64/LINUX 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Total 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Condor_restart on the master node works fine, but on the worker nodes yields this error:
SECMAN:2010:Received "DENIED" from server for user unauthenticated#unmapped using no authentication method, which may imply host-based security. Our address was '[ip address of master]', and server's address was '[ip address of worker]'. Check your ALLOW settings and IP protocols.
Here are the config files:
of the master node:
CONDOR_HOST = [private ip of master]
# to avoid user authentication
of the worker node:
CONDOR_HOST = [private ip of master]
# to avoid user authentication
I am allowing on the same security group:
All TCP TCP 0 - 65535
All ICMP-IPv4 All
SSH on port 22
This is how it looks like (security group ending in '6')
Apparently the issue was running condor_reconfig -full. I just reinstalled it without doing that and using systemctl restart condor instead and it worked. If someone wants to bring some insight on why it was so please do so :)

Why maxRequestPerConnection of istio does effect to http/1.1 requests?

I'm just learning service mesh using istio and I found a strange behavior.
To understand maxRequestsPerConnection of Istio DestinationRule CRD, I write the below manifest and apply it.
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
kind: DestinationRule
name: httpbin
host: httpbin
maxConnections: 1
http1MaxPendingRequests: 1
maxRequestsPerConnection: 1
And then, I sent requests using fortio. The result is below:
yunoMacBook-Air:labo8 yu$ kubectl exec "$FORTIO_POD" -c fortio -- /usr/bin/fortio load -c 5 -qps 0 -n 1000 -loglevel Error http://httpbin:8000/get
07:12:01 I logger.go:127> Log level is now 4 Error (was 2 Info)
Fortio 1.11.3 running at 0 queries per second, 2->2 procs, for 1000 calls: http://httpbin:8000/get
Aggregated Function Time : count 1000 avg 0.0036879818 +/- 0.004588 min 0.000379697 max 0.034176044 sum 3.68798183
# target 50% 0.00234783
# target 75% 0.0032551
# target 90% 0.008
# target 99% 0.025
# target 99.9% 0.032784
Sockets used: 876 (for perfect keepalive, would be 5)
Jitter: false
Code 200 : 126 (12.6 %)
Code 503 : 874 (87.4 %)
All done 1000 calls (plus 0 warmup) 3.688 ms avg, 1170.1 qps
yunoMacBook-Air:labo8 yu$
After that, I changed maxRequestsPerConnection value to 10:
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
kind: DestinationRule
name: httpbin
maxRequestsPerConnection: 10
and I sent requests again with the same settings.
yunoMacBook-Air:labo8 yu$ kubectl exec "$FORTIO_POD" -c fortio -- /usr/bin/fortio load -c 5 -qps 0 -n 1000 -loglevel Error http://httpbin:8000/get
07:11:07 I logger.go:127> Log level is now 4 Error (was 2 Info)
Fortio 1.11.3 running at 0 queries per second, 2->2 procs, for 1000 calls: http://httpbin:8000/get
Aggregated Function Time : count 1000 avg 0.0039736575 +/- 0.004068 min 0.000404827 max 0.030141552 sum 3.97365754
# target 50% 0.00231923
# target 75% 0.00475
# target 90% 0.0104667
# target 99% 0.0192
# target 99.9% 0.025
Sockets used: 723 (for perfect keepalive, would be 5)
Jitter: false
Code 200 : 281 (28.1 %)
Code 503 : 719 (71.9 %)
All done 1000 calls (plus 0 warmup) 3.974 ms avg, 1098.3 qps
yunoMacBook-Air:labo8 yu$
200 rate increased and I cannot understand why it happened.
In my understanding, fortio uses http/1.1 and only one HTTP request is in one TCP connection when I use http/1.1. So I expected that I get the same results.
Could you tell me why this happened?
First things first: HTTP/1.1 does allow multiple request per connection with Keep-Alive header. This is the default behavior (RFC 2616, Section 8.1).
The documentation is a bit unclear.
maxRequestsPerConnection description states:
Maximum number of requests per connection to a backend. Setting this parameter to 1 disables keep alive. Default 0, meaning “unlimited”, up to 2^29.
Setting maxRequestsPerConnection to 1 disables Keep-Alive. Setting it to any other value (value > 1) switches Keep-Alive back on.
Setting this field to proper value (not too high, not too low) is the hard part of configuring Istio, and is dependent on your application needs and traffic.

Why does Chilkat Http experience handshake error at "https" but not at "http"?

The "http" addresses worked fine.
The "https" version gives me a handshake error:
This is the error that I get when I call the following:
Dim lSuccess&
lSuccess = nHttp.Download("https://autoconfig.thunderbird.net/v1.1/gmx.de", "d:\weg.xml")
lSuccess returns 0 which mean an error occured.
DllDate: Aug 1 2014
UnlockPrefix: *******
Username: *******
Architecture: Little Endian; 32-bit
Language: ActiveX
VerboseLogging: 0
url: https://autoconfig.thunderbird.net/v1.1/gmx.de
toLocalPath: d:\weg.xml
currentWorkingDir: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\VB98
localFilePath: d:\weg.xml
localFileAlreadyExists: 0
httpVerb: GET
url: https://autoconfig.thunderbird.net/v1.1/gmx.de
Opening connection directly to HTTP server.
httpHostname: autoconfig.thunderbird.net
httpPort: 443
ssl: 1
level: fatal
descrip: handshake failure
Failed to read incoming handshake messages. (1)
Client handshake failed. (3)
ConnectFailReason: 0
ConnectFailReason: 0
connectElapsedMs: 32
outputLocalFileSize: 0
numOutputBytesWritten: 0
httpDownloadFile failed.
a_httpDownload failed.
totalElapsedMs: 47
You're using a VERY OLD version of Chilkat. Update Chilkat to the latest version.. TLS and TLS server requirements evolve over the years. One cannot expect any implementation to work forever when the external world is always changing..

Method PeerConnection::SetLocalDescription in NativeAPI crashes

I'm trying to set up a data channel between a server written in C++ and a Python client. The server crashes with SIGSEGV error when it tries to set a local session description created in method "CreateAnswer"
The server and client exchange SDP information via WebSocket and should open the data channel without video and audio streams. Both programs are working under docker-compose in different services. So no audio or video devices are provided. I use WebRTC Native API from m76 branch.
Crashing handler:
static void OnAnswerCreated(WebRTCManagerImpl* impl_, webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface* desc) {
LOG4CPLUS_INFO_FMT(impl_->logger_, "Answer created session_id %s", desc->session_id().c_str());
std::string offer_string;
LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG_FMT(impl_->logger_, "Offer string: %s", offer_string.c_str());
impl_->peer_connection_->SetLocalDescription(&impl_->set_session_description_observer_, desc);
I create my connection with this factory:
webrtc::PeerConnectionFactoryDependencies CreatePeerConnectionFactoryDependencies() {
webrtc::PeerConnectionFactoryDependencies dependencies;
dependencies.network_thread = nullptr;
dependencies.worker_thread = nullptr;
dependencies.signaling_thread = nullptr;
dependencies.call_factory = webrtc::CreateCallFactory();
dependencies.task_queue_factory = webrtc::CreateDefaultTaskQueueFactory();
dependencies.event_log_factory = absl::make_unique<webrtc::RtcEventLogFactory>(dependencies.task_queue_factory.get());
cricket::MediaEngineDependencies mediaDependencies;
mediaDependencies.task_queue_factory = dependencies.task_queue_factory.get();
mediaDependencies.adm = rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::FakeAudioDeviceModule>(new webrtc::FakeAudioDeviceModule);
mediaDependencies.audio_encoder_factory = webrtc::CreateBuiltinAudioEncoderFactory();
mediaDependencies.audio_decoder_factory = webrtc::CreateBuiltinAudioDecoderFactory();
mediaDependencies.audio_processing = webrtc::AudioProcessingBuilder().Create();
mediaDependencies.video_encoder_factory = webrtc::CreateBuiltinVideoEncoderFactory();
mediaDependencies.video_decoder_factory = webrtc::CreateBuiltinVideoDecoderFactory();
dependencies.media_engine = cricket::CreateMediaEngine(std::move(mediaDependencies));
return dependencies;
webrtc::PeerConnectionFactoryDependencies deps = CreatePeerConnectionFactoryDependencies();
deps.signaling_thread = signaling_thread_.get();
// deps.network_thread = network_thread.get();
// deps.worker_thread = worker_thread.get();
peer_connection_factory_ = webrtc::CreateModularPeerConnectionFactory(std::move(deps));
The call stack:
<unknown> 0x0000000001e798f7
webrtc::PeerConnection::ValidateSessionDescription(webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface const*, cricket::ContentSource) 0x00000000005e74dc
webrtc::PeerConnection::SetLocalDescription(webrtc::SetSessionDescriptionObserver*, webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface*) 0x00000000005bb677
void webrtc::ReturnType<void>::Invoke<webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface, void (webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::*)(webrtc::SetSessionDescriptionObserver*, webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface*), webrtc::SetSessionDescriptionObserver*, webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface*>(webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface*, void (webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::*)(webrtc::SetSessionDescriptionObserver*, webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface*), webrtc::SetSessionDescriptionObserver*, webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface*) 0x000000000059b814
webrtc::MethodCall2<webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface, void, webrtc::SetSessionDescriptionObserver*, webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface*>::OnMessage(rtc::Message*) 0x0000000000598f5f
webrtc::internal::SynchronousMethodCall::Invoke(rtc::Location const&, rtc::Thread*) 0x00000000007198fc
webrtc::MethodCall2<webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface, void, webrtc::SetSessionDescriptionObserver*, webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface*>::Marshal(rtc::Location const&, rtc::Thread*) 0x0000000000593706
webrtc::PeerConnectionProxyWithInternal<webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface>::SetLocalDescription(webrtc::SetSessionDescriptionObserver*, webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface*) 0x000000000058c982
preprocessor::p2p::WebRTCManager::WebRTCManagerImpl::OnAnswerCreated webrtc_manager.cpp:226
std::__invoke_impl<void, void (*&)(preprocessor::p2p::WebRTCManager::WebRTCManagerImpl*, webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface*), preprocessor::p2p::WebRTCManager::WebRTCManagerImpl*&, webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface*> invoke.h:60
std::__invoke<void (*&)(preprocessor::p2p::WebRTCManager::WebRTCManagerImpl*, webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface*), preprocessor::p2p::WebRTCManager::WebRTCManagerImpl*&, webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface*> invoke.h:95
std::_Bind<void (*(preprocessor::p2p::WebRTCManager::WebRTCManagerImpl*, std::_Placeholder<1>))(preprocessor::p2p::WebRTCManager::WebRTCManagerImpl*, webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface*)>::__call<void, webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface*&&, 0ul, 1ul>(std::tuple<webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface*&&>&&, std::_Index_tuple<0ul, 1ul>) functional:467
std::_Bind<void (*(preprocessor::p2p::WebRTCManager::WebRTCManagerImpl*, std::_Placeholder<1>))(preprocessor::p2p::WebRTCManager::WebRTCManagerImpl*, webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface*)>::operator()<webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface*, void>(webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface*&&) functional:549
std::_Function_handler<void (webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface*), std::_Bind<void (*(preprocessor::p2p::WebRTCManager::WebRTCManagerImpl*, std::_Placeholder<1>))(preprocessor::p2p::WebRTCManager::WebRTCManagerImpl*, webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface*)> >::_M_invoke(std::_Any_data const&, webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface*&&) std_function.h:316
std::function<void (webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface*)>::operator()(webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface*) const std_function.h:706
preprocessor::p2p::CreateSessionDescriptionObserver::OnSuccess webrtc_manager.cpp:79
webrtc::WebRtcSessionDescriptionFactory::OnMessage(rtc::Message*) 0x0000000000b90785
rtc::MessageQueue::Dispatch(rtc::Message*) 0x00000000005712f8
rtc::Thread::ProcessMessages(int) 0x0000000000553398
rtc::Thread::Run() 0x0000000000552993
rtc::Thread::PreRun(void*) 0x0000000000552950
start_thread 0x00007ffff76536db
clone 0x00007ffff608a88f
WebRTC logs:
(audio_processing_impl.cc:435): Capture analyzer activated: 0
Capture post processor activated: 0
Render pre processor activated: 0
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:196): WebRtcVoiceEngine::WebRtcVoiceEngine
(webrtc_video_engine.cc:479): WebRtcVideoEngine::WebRtcVideoEngine()
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:219): WebRtcVoiceEngine::Init
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:227): Supported send codecs in order of preference:
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:230): opus/48000/2 { minptime=10 useinbandfec=1 } (111)
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:230): ISAC/16000/1 (103)
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:230): ISAC/32000/1 (104)
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:230): G722/8000/1 (9)
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:230): ILBC/8000/1 (102)
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:230): PCMU/8000/1 (0)
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:230): PCMA/8000/1 (8)
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:230): CN/32000/1 (106)
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:230): CN/16000/1 (105)
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:230): CN/8000/1 (13)
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:230): telephone-event/48000/1 (110)
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:230): telephone-event/32000/1 (112)
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:230): telephone-event/16000/1 (113)
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:230): telephone-event/8000/1 (126)
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:233): Supported recv codecs in order of preference:
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:236): opus/48000/2 { minptime=10 useinbandfec=1 } (111)
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:236): ISAC/16000/1 (103)
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:236): ISAC/32000/1 (104)
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:236): G722/8000/1 (9)
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:236): ILBC/8000/1 (102)
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:236): PCMU/8000/1 (0)
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:236): PCMA/8000/1 (8)
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:236): CN/32000/1 (106)
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:236): CN/16000/1 (105)
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:236): CN/8000/1 (13)
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:236): telephone-event/48000/1 (110)
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:236): telephone-event/32000/1 (112)
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:236): telephone-event/16000/1 (113)
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:236): telephone-event/8000/1 (126)
(apm_helpers.cc:32): Setting AGC mode to 0
(audio_processing_impl.cc:699): Highpass filter activated: 0
(audio_processing_impl.cc:717): Gain Controller 2 activated: 0
(audio_processing_impl.cc:719): Pre-amplifier activated: 0
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:309): WebRtcVoiceEngine::ApplyOptions: AudioOptions {aec: 1, agc: 1, ns: 1, hf: 1, swap: 0, audio_jitter_buffer_max_packets: 200, audio_jitter_buffer_fast_accelerate: 0, audio_jitter_buffer_min_delay_ms: 0, audio_jitter_buffer_enable_rtx_handling: 0, typing: 1, experimental_agc: 0, extended_filter_aec: 0, delay_agnostic_aec: 0, experimental_ns: 0, residual_echo_detector: 1, }
(render_delay_buffer.cc:341): Applying total delay of 5 blocks.
(matched_filter.cc:450): Filter 0: start: 0 ms, end: 128 ms.
(matched_filter.cc:450): Filter 1: start: 96 ms, end: 224 ms.
(matched_filter.cc:450): Filter 2: start: 192 ms, end: 320 ms.
(matched_filter.cc:450): Filter 3: start: 288 ms, end: 416 ms.
(matched_filter.cc:450): Filter 4: start: 384 ms, end: 512 ms.
(audio_processing_impl.cc:699): Highpass filter activated: 0
(audio_processing_impl.cc:717): Gain Controller 2 activated: 0
(audio_processing_impl.cc:719): Pre-amplifier activated: 0
(apm_helpers.cc:48): Echo control set to 1 with mode 0
(audio_processing_impl.cc:699): Highpass filter activated: 0
(audio_processing_impl.cc:717): Gain Controller 2 activated: 0
(audio_processing_impl.cc:719): Pre-amplifier activated: 0
(audio_processing_impl.cc:699): Highpass filter activated: 0
(audio_processing_impl.cc:717): Gain Controller 2 activated: 0
(audio_processing_impl.cc:719): Pre-amplifier activated: 0
(apm_helpers.cc:62): NS set to 1
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:447): Stereo swapping enabled? 0
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:452): NetEq capacity is 200
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:458): NetEq fast mode? 0
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:464): NetEq minimum delay is 0
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:470): NetEq handle reordered packets? 0
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:481): Delay agnostic aec is enabled? 0
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:491): Extended filter aec is enabled? 0
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:501): Experimental ns is enabled? 0
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:511): Setting AGC to 1
(webrtc_voice_engine.cc:533): Typing detection is enabled? 1
(audio_processing_impl.cc:699): Highpass filter activated: 1
(audio_processing_impl.cc:717): Gain Controller 2 activated: 0
(audio_processing_impl.cc:719): Pre-amplifier activated: 0
(webrtc_sdp.cc:3255): Ignored line: a=sctpmap:5000 webrtc-datachannel 65535
(rtc_event_log_impl.cc:63): Creating legacy encoder for RTC event log.
(peer_connection_factory.cc:361): Using default network controller factory
(bitrate_prober.cc:69): Bandwidth probing enabled, set to inactive
(paced_sender.cc:421): ProcessThreadAttached 0xec072e20
(cpu_info.cc:53): Available number of cores: 8
(aimd_rate_control.cc:105): Using aimd rate control with back off factor 0.85
(remote_bitrate_estimator_single_stream.cc:71): RemoteBitrateEstimatorSingleStream: Instantiating.
(remote_estimator_proxy.cc:44): Maximum interval between transport feedback RTCP messages (ms): 250
(openssl_identity.cc:44): Making key pair
(peer_connection.cc:5531): Local and Remote descriptions must be applied to get the SSL Role of the SCTP transport.
(openssl_identity.cc:92): Returning key pair
(openssl_certificate.cc:58): Making certificate for WebRTC
(openssl_certificate.cc:108): Returning certificate
(p2p_transport_channel.cc:519): Set backup connection ping interval to 25000 milliseconds.
(p2p_transport_channel.cc:528): Set ICE receiving timeout to 2500 milliseconds
(p2p_transport_channel.cc:535): Set ping most likely connection to 0
(p2p_transport_channel.cc:542): Set stable_writable_connection_ping_interval to 2500
(p2p_transport_channel.cc:555): Set presume writable when fully relayed to 0
(p2p_transport_channel.cc:564): Set regather_on_failed_networks_interval to 300000
(p2p_transport_channel.cc:583): Set receiving_switching_delay to 1000
(jsep_transport_controller.cc:1214): Creating DtlsSrtpTransport.
(dtls_srtp_transport.cc:61): Setting RTCP Transport on 0 transport 0
(dtls_srtp_transport.cc:66): Setting RTP Transport on 0 transport dc004830
(p2p_transport_channel.cc:465): Received remote ICE parameters: ufrag=YAvY, renomination disabled
(peer_connection.cc:4185): Session: 7301418690559709073 Old state: kStable New state: kHaveRemoteOffer
(peer_connection.cc:5531): Local and Remote descriptions must be applied to get the SSL Role of the SCTP transport.
(peer_connection.cc:5559): Local and Remote descriptions must be applied to get the SSL Role of the session.
(paced_sender.cc:293): Elapsed time (12680 ms) longer than expected, limiting to 2000 ms
Signal: SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault)
I guess the problem is not in callback but in the connection initialization. But what am I doing wrong?
I've found the error in my code:
peer_connection_->SetRemoteDescription(&set_session_description_observer_, desc.get());
I passed the raw pointer then release the smart one with the memory.

Making New Directory with libcurl

I have been tinkering with libcurl and so far its nice. I have some few things that are reeally confusing me. I need to create a directory to remote server and here are problems
What do I pass in CURLOPT_URL? Is it a root URL or full ith directory?
I want ripple effect in creating directory that is, if I have diectory /abc/def/ghi then they should be created if they do not exists. I have tried CURLOPT_FTP_CREATE_MISSING_DIRS but does not work.
Tried MKD it fails and I cannot say for sure why. Below are the relevant code and log from app
CURL* handle = curl_easy_init();
SetHandleOptions(handle); //set options
CURLcode res;
wxString uploadUrl =....;//full URL with path like ftp.xyz.com/public_html/dir1/
wxString command1 = "MKD "+uploadUrl;
wxString command2 = "CWD "+uploadUrl;
struct curl_slist *headers = NULL;
headers = curl_slist_append(headers, command1.c_str());
headers = curl_slist_append(headers, command2.c_str());
curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_QUOTE, headers);
const char* uploadUrlStr = uploadUrl.c_str();
//do file upload here
/* upload to this place */
curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_URL, uploadUrlStr);
/* enable verbose for easier tracing */
curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1L);
curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_FTP_CREATE_MISSING_DIRS, 1L);
curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_QUOTE, headers);
res = curl_easy_perform(handle);
SendMessage(_("Successfully Created Directory: ")+uploadUrl, HERROR_TYPE_WARNING);
//send error message
wxString str(curl_easy_strerror(res));
/* always cleanup */
SendMessage(_("Could Not Connect to Server: Invalid Handle"), HERROR_TYPE_CRITICAL);
----------Wed Dec 18 01:33:15 2013----------
Changing Directory to / [01:33:20]
Successfully logged In [01:33:21]
No error [01:33:24]
Starting Files List Fetching... [01:33:24]
No error [01:33:26]
IDN support not present, can't parse Unicode domains
About to connect() to ftp.hosanna.site40.net port 21 (#2)
Adding handle: conn: 0x7fffd0013110
Adding handle: send: 0
Adding handle: recv: 0
Curl_addHandleToPipeline: length: 1
- Conn 2 (0x7fffd0013110) send_pipe: 1, recv_pipe: 0
Closing connection 3
Couldn't resolve host name [01:33:33]
Connected to ftp.hosanna.site40.net ( port 21 (#2)
220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] ----------
220-You are user number 9 of 500 allowed.
220-Local time is now 17:33. Server port: 21.
220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
220 You will be disconnected after 3 minutes of inactivity.
220-You are user number 9 of 500 allowed.
220-Local time is now 17:33. Server port: 21.
220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
220 You will be disconnected after 3 minutes of inactivity.
220-Local time is now 17:33. Server port: 21.
220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
220 You will be disconnected after 3 minutes of inactivity.
220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
220 You will be disconnected after 3 minutes of inactivity.
220 You will be disconnected after 3 minutes of inactivity.
USER xxxxxx
331 User xxxxxx OK. Password required
tes of inactivity.
-You are user number 9 of 500 allowed.
220-Local time is now 17:33. Server port: 21.
220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
220 You will be disconnected after 3 minutes of inactivity.
PASS xxxxxx
230-OK. Current restricted directory is /
230-124 files used (1%) - authorized: 10000 files
230 3051 Kbytes used (0%) - authorized: 1536000 Kb
220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
220 You will be disconnected after 3 minutes of inactivity.
230-124 files used (1%) - authorized: 10000 files
230 3051 Kbytes used (0%) - authorized: 1536000 Kb
220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
220 You will be disconnected after 3 minutes of inactivity.
230 3051 Kbytes used (0%) - authorized: 1536000 Kb
220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
220 You will be disconnected after 3 minutes of inactivity.
257 "/" is your current location
ized: 1536000 Kb
files used (1%) - authorized: 10000 files
230 3051 Kbytes used (0%) - authorized: 1536000 Kb
Entry path is '/'
MKD ftp://ftp.hosanna.site40.net/public_html/Zulu names and meanings
ftp_perform ends with SECONDARY: 0
550-Can't create directory: No such file or directory
550-124 files used (1%) - authorized: 10000 files
550 3051 Kbytes used (0%) - authorized: 1536000 Kb
a private system - No anonymous login
220 You will be disconnected after 3 minutes of inactivity.
550-124 files used (1%) - authorized: 10000 files
550 3051 Kbytes used (0%) - authorized: 1536000 Kb
a private system - No anonymous login
220 You will be disconnected after 3 minutes of inactivity.
550 3051 Kbytes used (0%) - authorized: 1536000 Kb
a private system - No anonymous login
220 You will be disconnected after 3 minutes of inactivity.
QUOT command failed with 550
Closing connection 2
Quote command returned error [01:33:37]
Make sure the Paths are in form of /public_html/somedir not ftp://ftp.somesite.com/public_html/somedir
That is what was going wrong with my code. So I resolved by removing URL. I believe there should be a section on libcurl explaining expected URLs format. I will contribute that once I fully grasp it!