Making data persist in Swift - swiftui

I'm sorry if this is a naive question, but I need help getting this form to persist in core data. The variables are declared in the data model as strings. I simply cannot get this to cooperate with me. Also, the var wisconsin: String = "" is there because I can't call this view in my NavigationView without it throwing an error.
import SwiftUI
struct WisconsinToolOld: View {
var wisconsin: String = ""
#Environment(\.managedObjectContext) private var viewContext
#State var saveInterval: Int = 5
var rateOptions = ["<12", ">12"]
#State var rate = ""
var body: some View {
List {
Section(header: Text("Spontaneous Respirations after 10 Minutes")) {
HStack {
Text("Respiratory Rate")
Picker("Rate", selection: $rate, content: {
ForEach(rateOptions, id: \.self, content: { rate in
Section(header: Text("Result")) {
HStack {
Text("Raw Points")
}.navigationTitle("Wisconsin Tool")
func saveTool() {
do {
let wisconsin = Wisconsin(context: viewContext)
wisconsin.rate = rate
} catch {
func WisconsinToolInterpretation() -> Int {
var points = 0
if rate == "<12" {
points += 3
else {
points += 1
return points


SwiftUICharts are not redrawn when given new data

I am adding the possibility to swipe in order to update a barchart. What I want to show is statistics for different station. To view different station I want the user to be able to swipe between the stations. I can see that the swiping works and each time I swipe I get the correct data from my controller. The problem is that my view is not redrawn properly.
I found this guide, but cannot make it work.
Say I swipe right from station 0 with data [100, 100, 100] to station 2, the retrieved data from my controller is [0.0, 100.0, 0.0]. The view I have still is for [100, 100, 100]`.
The station number is correctly updated, so I suspect it needs some state somehow.
Here is the code:
import SwiftUI
import SwiftUICharts
struct DetailedResultsView: View {
#ObservedObject var viewModel: ViewModel = .init()
#State private var tabIndex: Int = 0
#State private var startPos: CGPoint = .zero
#State private var isSwiping = true
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("Station \(viewModel.getStation() + 1)")
TabView(selection: $tabIndex) {
BarCharts(data: viewModel.getData(kLatestRounds: 10, station: viewModel.getStation()), disciplineName: viewModel.getName()).tabItem { Group {
Image(systemName: "")
Text("Last 10 Sessions")
.onChanged { gesture in
if self.isSwiping {
self.startPos = gesture.location
.onEnded { gesture in
if gesture.location.x - startPos.x > 10 {
if gesture.location.x - startPos.x < -10 {
struct BarCharts: View {
var data: [Double]
var title: String
init(data: [Double], disciplineName: String) { = data
title = disciplineName
var body: some View {
VStack {
BarChartView(data: ChartData(points:, title: self.title, style: Styles.barChartStyleOrangeLight, form: CGSize(width: 300, height: 400))
class ViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var station = 1
let controller = DetailedViewController()
var isPreview = false
func getData(kLatestRounds: Int, station: Int) -> [Double] {
if isPreview {
return [100.0, 100.0, 100.0]
} else {
let data = controller.getResults(kLatestRounds: kLatestRounds, station: station, fileName: userDataFile)
return data
func getName() -> String {
func getNumberOfStations() -> Int {
func getStation() -> Int {
func incrementStation() {
station = (station + 1) % getNumberOfStations()
func decrementStation() {
station -= 1
if station < 0 {
station = getNumberOfStations() - 1
The data is printed inside the constructor each time I swipe. Shouldn't that mean it should be updated?
I don’t use SwiftUICharts so I can’t test it, but the least you can try is manually set the id to the view
struct DetailedResultsView: View {
#ObservedObject var viewModel: ViewModel = .init()
#State private var tabIndex: Int = 0
#State private var startPos: CGPoint = .zero
#State private var isSwiping = true
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("Station \(viewModel.getStation() + 1)")
TabView(selection: $tabIndex) {
BarCharts(data: viewModel.getData(kLatestRounds: 10, station: viewModel.getStation()), disciplineName: viewModel.getName())
.id(viewmodel.station) // here. If it doesn’t work, you can set it to the whole TabView
.tabItem { Group {
Image(systemName: "")
Text("Last 10 Sessions")
.onChanged { gesture in
if self.isSwiping {
self.startPos = gesture.location
.onEnded { gesture in
if gesture.location.x - startPos.x > 10 {
if gesture.location.x - startPos.x < -10 {

Published/Observed var not updating in view swiftui w/ called function

Struggling to get a simple example up and running in swiftui:
Load default list view (working)
click button that launches picker/filtering options (working)
select options, then click button to dismiss and call function with selected options (call is working)
display new list of objects returned from call (not working)
I'm stuck on #4 where the returned query isn't making it to the view. I suspect I'm creating a different instance when making the call in step #3 but it's not making sense to me where/how/why that matters.
I tried to simplify the code some, but it's still a bit, sorry for that.
Appreciate any help!
Main View with HStack and button to filter with:
import SwiftUI
import FirebaseFirestore
struct TestView: View {
#ObservedObject var query = Query()
#State var showMonPicker = false
#State var monFilter = "filter"
var body: some View {
VStack {
HStack(alignment: .center) {
Button(action: {
}, label: {
ScrollView(.horizontal) {
LazyHStack(spacing: 35) {
ForEach(query.queriedList) { menuItems in
MenuItemView(menuItem: menuItems)
.sheet(isPresented: $showMonPicker, onDismiss: {
//optional function when picker dismissed
}, content: {
CuisineTypePicker(selectedCuisineType: $monFilter)
The Query() file that calls a base query with all results, and optional function to return specific results:
import Foundation
import FirebaseFirestore
class Query: ObservableObject {
#Published var queriedList: [MenuItem] = []
init() {
func baseQuery() {
let queryRef = Firestore.firestore().collection("menuItems").limit(to: 50)
.getDocuments() { (querySnapshot, err) in
if let err = err {
print("Error getting documents: \(err)")
} else {
self.queriedList = querySnapshot?.documents.compactMap { document in
try? MenuItem.self)
} ?? []
func filteredQuery(category: String?, glutenFree: Bool?) {
var filtered = Firestore.firestore().collection("menuItems").limit(to: 50)
// Sorting and Filtering Data
if let category = category, !category.isEmpty {
filtered = filtered.whereField("cuisineType", isEqualTo: category)
if let glutenFree = glutenFree, !glutenFree {
filtered = filtered.whereField("glutenFree", isEqualTo: true)
.getDocuments() { (querySnapshot, err) in
if let err = err {
print("Error getting documents: \(err)")
} else {
self.queriedList = querySnapshot?.documents.compactMap { document in
try? MenuItem.self);
} ?? []
Picker view where I'm calling the filtered query:
import SwiftUI
struct CuisineTypePicker: View {
#State private var cuisineTypes = ["filter", "American", "Chinese", "French"]
#Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode
#Binding var selectedCuisineType: String
#State var gfSelected = false
let query = Query()
var body: some View {
VStack(alignment: .center) {
//Buttons and formatting code removed to simplify..
Picker("", selection: $selectedCuisineType) {
ForEach(cuisineTypes, id: \.self) {
Button(action: {
self.query.filteredQuery(category: selectedCuisineType, glutenFree: gfSelected)
}, label: {
Text( "apply filters")
I suspect that the issue stems from the fact that you aren't sharing the same instance of Query between your TestView and your CuisineTypePicker. So, when you start a new Firebase query on the instance contained in CuisineTypePicker, the results are never reflected in the main view.
Here's an example of how to solve that (with the Firebase code replaced with some non-asynchronous sample code for now):
struct MenuItem : Identifiable {
var id = UUID()
var cuisineType : String
var title : String
var glutenFree : Bool
struct ContentView: View {
#ObservedObject var query = Query()
#State var showMonPicker = false
#State var monFilter = "filter"
var body: some View {
VStack {
HStack(alignment: .center) {
Button(action: {
}, label: {
ScrollView(.horizontal) {
LazyHStack(spacing: 35) {
ForEach(query.queriedList) { menuItem in
Text("\(menuItem.title) - \(menuItem.cuisineType)")
.sheet(isPresented: $showMonPicker, onDismiss: {
//optional function when picker dismissed
}, content: {
CuisineTypePicker(query: query, selectedCuisineType: $monFilter)
class Query: ObservableObject {
#Published var queriedList: [MenuItem] = []
private let allItems: [MenuItem] = [.init(cuisineType: "American", title: "Hamburger", glutenFree: false),.init(cuisineType: "Chinese", title: "Fried Rice", glutenFree: true)]
init() {
func baseQuery() {
self.queriedList = allItems
func filteredQuery(category: String?, glutenFree: Bool?) {
queriedList = allItems.filter({ item in
if let category = category {
return item.cuisineType == category
} else {
return true
}).filter({item in
if let glutenFree = glutenFree {
return item.glutenFree == glutenFree
} else {
return true
struct CuisineTypePicker: View {
#ObservedObject var query : Query
#Binding var selectedCuisineType: String
#State private var gfSelected = false
private let cuisineTypes = ["filter", "American", "Chinese", "French"]
#Environment(\.presentationMode) private var presentationMode
var body: some View {
VStack(alignment: .center) {
//Buttons and formatting code removed to simplify..
Picker("", selection: $selectedCuisineType) {
ForEach(cuisineTypes, id: \.self) {
Button(action: {
self.query.filteredQuery(category: selectedCuisineType, glutenFree: gfSelected)
}, label: {
Text( "apply filters")

SwiftUI Observed Object not updating

Really just starting out with SwiftUI and trying to get my head around MVVM.
The code below displays a height and 4 toggle buttons, thus far I have only connected 2.
Major up and Major Down.
When clicked I see in the console that the value is altered as expected.
What I don't see is the the main display updating to reflect the change.
I have tried refactoring my code to include the view model into each Struct but still not seeing the change.
I think I have covered the basics but am stumped, I'm using a single file for now but plan to move the Model and ViewModel into separate files when I have a working mockup.
Thanks for looking.
import SwiftUI
/// This is our "ViewModel"
class setHeightViewModel: ObservableObject {
struct ImperialAndMetric {
var feet = 16
var inches = 3
var meters = 4
var CM = 95
var isMetric = true
// The model should be Private?
// ToDo: Fix the private issue.
#Published var model = ImperialAndMetric()
// Our getters for the model
var feet: Int { return model.feet }
var inches: Int { return model.inches }
var meters: Int { return model.meters }
var cm: Int { return model.CM }
var isMetric: Bool { return model.isMetric }
/// Depending upon the selected mode, move the major unit up by one.
func majorUp() {
if isMetric == true {
model.meters += 1
print("Meters is now: \(meters)")
} else {
model.feet += 1
print("Feet is now: \(feet)")
/// Depending upon the selected mode, move the major unit down by one.
func majorDown() {
if isMetric == true {
model.meters -= 1
print("Meters is now: \(meters)")
} else {
model.feet -= 1
print("Feet is now: \(feet)")
/// Toggle the state of the display mode.
func toggleMode() {
model.isMetric = !isMetric
// This is our View
struct ViewSetHeight: View {
// UI will watch for changes for setHeihtVM now.
#ObservedObject var setHeightVM = setHeightViewModel()
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
Form {
ModeArea(viewModel: setHeightVM)
SelectionUp(viewModel: setHeightVM)
// Show the correct height format
if self.setHeightVM.isMetric == true {
ValueRowMetric(viewModel: self.setHeightVM)
} else {
ValueRowImperial(viewModel: self.setHeightVM)
SelectionDown(viewModel: setHeightVM)
}.navigationTitle("Set the height")
struct ModeArea: View {
var viewModel: setHeightViewModel
var body: some View {
Section {
if viewModel.isMetric == true {
SwitchImperial(viewModel: viewModel)
} else {
SwitchMetric(viewModel: viewModel)
struct SwitchImperial: View {
var viewModel: setHeightViewModel
var body: some View {
HStack {
Button(action: {
print("Imperial Tapped")
}, label: {
Text("Imperial").onTapGesture {
struct SwitchMetric: View {
var viewModel: setHeightViewModel
var body: some View {
HStack {
Button(action: {
print("Metric Tapped")
}, label: {
Text("Metric").onTapGesture {
Text("\(viewModel.meters).\( m").foregroundColor(.gray)
struct SelectionUp: View {
var viewModel: setHeightViewModel
var body: some View {
Section {
HStack {
Button(action: {
print("Major Up Tapped")
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "chevron.up").padding()
Button(action: {
print("Minor Up Tapped")
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "chevron.up").padding()
struct ValueRowImperial: View {
var viewModel: setHeightViewModel
var body: some View {
HStack {
Text(String(viewModel.feet)).accessibility(label: Text("Feet"))
Text("\'").foregroundColor(Color.gray).padding(.horizontal, -10.0).padding(.top, -15.0)
Text("-").foregroundColor(Color.gray).padding(.horizontal, -10.0)
Text(String(viewModel.inches)).accessibility(label: Text("Inches"))
Text("\"").foregroundColor(Color.gray).padding(.horizontal, -10.0).padding(.top, -15.0)
struct ValueRowMetric: View {
var viewModel: setHeightViewModel
var body: some View {
HStack {
Text(String(viewModel.meters)).accessibility(label: Text("Meter"))
Text(".").padding(.horizontal, -5.0).padding(.top, -15.0)
Text(String( Text("CM"))
Text("m").padding(.horizontal, -5.0).padding(.top, -15.0).font(.body)
struct SelectionDown: View {
var viewModel: setHeightViewModel
var body: some View {
Section {
HStack {
Button(action: {
print("Major Down Tapped")
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "chevron.down").padding()
Button(action: {
print("Minor Down Tapped")
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "chevron.down").padding()
At the moment you receive the setHeightViewModel in various views as a var,
you should receive it as an ObservedObject.
I suggest you try this, in ViewSetHeight
#StateObject var setHeightVM = setHeightViewModel()
and in all your other views where you pass this model, use:
#ObservedObject var viewModel: setHeightViewModel
such as in ModeArea, SwitchImperial, SwitchMetric, SelectionUp, etc...
Alternatively you could use #EnvironmentObject ... to pass the setHeightViewModel
to all views that needs it.

How to edit a list of subclass objects

I have a list of items of different classes derived from the same class.
The goal: editing any object using a different view
The model:
class Paper: Hashable, Equatable {
var name: String
var length: Int
init() {
name = ""
length = 0
init(name: String, length: Int) { = name
self.length = length
static func == (lhs: Paper, rhs: Paper) -> Bool {
return lhs.length == rhs.length
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
class ScientificPaper: Paper {
var biology: Bool
override init(name: String, length: Int) {
biology = false
super.init(name: name, length: length)
class TechnicalPaper: Paper {
var electronics: Bool
override init(name: String, length: Int) {
electronics = false
super.init(name: name, length: length)
The main view containing the list.
struct TestView: View {
#Binding var papers: [Paper]
#State private var edit = false
#State private var selectedPaper = Paper()
var body: some View {
let scientificBinding = Binding<ScientificPaper>(
get: {selectedPaper as! ScientificPaper},
set: { selectedPaper = $0 }
VStack {
List {
ForEach(papers, id: \.self) { paper in
HStack {
Button("Edit") {
selectedPaper = paper
edit = true
.sheet(isPresented: $edit) {
VStack {
if selectedPaper is ScientificPaper {
ScientificForm(paper: scientificBinding)
if selectedPaper is TechnicalPaper {
TechnicalForm(paper: technicalBinding)
The custom view for each class.
struct ScientificForm: View {
#Binding var paper: ScientificPaper
var body: some View {
Form {
TextField("Name: ", text: $
TextField("Length: ", value: $paper.length, formatter: NumberFormatter())
TextField("Biology: ", value: $paper.biology, formatter: NumberFormatter())
struct TechnicalForm: View {
#Binding var paper: TechnicalPaper
var body: some View {
Form {
TextField("Name: ", text: $
TextField("Length: ", value: $paper.length, formatter: NumberFormatter())
TextField("Electronics: ", value: $paper.electronics, formatter: NumberFormatter())
Problem is that at run time I get the following:
Could not cast value of type 'Paper' to 'ScientificPaper'.
maybe because the selectedPaper is already initialized as Paper.
What is the right strategy to edit list items belonging to different classes?
The error is due to creating binding in body, which calculates on every refresh, so binding is invalid.
The solution is to make binding as computable property, so it is requested only after validation in correct flow.
Tested with Xcode 12.1 / iOS 14.1 (demo is for scientificBinding only for simplicity)
struct TestView: View {
#Binding var papers: [Paper]
#State private var edit = false
#State private var selectedPaper = Paper()
var scientificBinding: Binding<ScientificPaper> { // << here !!
return Binding<ScientificPaper>(
get: {selectedPaper as! ScientificPaper},
set: { selectedPaper = $0 }
var body: some View {
VStack {
List {
ForEach(papers, id: \.self) { paper in
HStack {
Button("Edit") {
selectedPaper = paper
edit = true
.sheet(isPresented: $edit) {
VStack {
if selectedPaper is ScientificPaper {
ScientificForm(paper: scientificBinding)
// if selectedPaper is TechnicalPaper {
// TechnicalForm(paper: technicalBinding)
// }

How to get the picker in SwiftUI to output the chosen value?

I have a picker in swiftUI that are used to show Units of Measure and convert between them. The picker is displayed correctly, but the values are not selected when choosing one of them.
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
#State private var originalValue = ""
#State private var originalUnit = ""
#State private var convertedUnit = ""
let lenghtUnits = ["meters", "miles", "yards"]
var convertedValue : Double {
return 0 // for now..
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
Form {
Section(header: Text("From:")) {
TextField("Value:", text: $originalValue)
Picker("fromUnit" , selection: $originalUnit) {
ForEach(0 ..< lenghtUnits.count) {
Section(header: Text("Result")) {
.navigationBarTitle("Convert It")
try this. (added tags to your text and made your selection value an int)
struct ContentView: View {
#State private var originalValue = ""
#State private var originalUnit = 0
#State private var convertedUnit = ""
let lenghtUnits = ["meters", "miles", "yards"]
var convertedValue : Double {
return 0 // for now..
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
Form {
Section(header: Text("From:")) {
TextField("Value:", text: $originalValue)
Picker("fromUnit" , selection: $originalUnit) {
ForEach(0 ..< lenghtUnits.count) { index in
Section(header: Text("Result")) {
.navigationBarTitle("Convert It")