WSO2 EI: Registry issue - wso2

Frequently, WSO2 EI server getting crashed in our local environment with registry issue and every time this issue occurred I used to change the server bundle to sort this out is there any permanent solution to fix this issue?
If possible can someone explain why this issue occurred it would help me to understand why it's occurring.

This issue can be observed if the <registryPath> is not configured in Salesforce init configs. The connector might add a corrupted entry to the registry when invoking the service due to this missing config. In the latest versions of the Salesforce Connectors, this value has been set by default, hence you do not need to provide them separately.


Authentication Error when Trying to Log into WSO2 IoT Server - Device Management Console in wso2-iot-3.3.0

I followed the instructions in the link ( in Windows to start WSO2 IoT server. So, broker, iot-server and analytics are started. But, when I'm trying to log in to the device management console using admin login or the login credentials I created, it gives me an authentication error.
I tried the solutions in this answer (Not able to access WSO2 IoTS Device Management Console in wso2-iot-3.3.0 when logged in 'admin') also (Reducing Java version to 1.8.0_144 and making the compression parameter to off in all the catalina-server.xml files). But any of it didn't work for me.
I have attached the screen shots of the error. Please help me to go through this! Thank you.
Error in browser
Error description in iot-server console-Part 1
Error description in iot-server console-Part 2
This is related to the issue mentioned in the github issue mentioned below and it seems, it is already fixed in latest master.
As a quick workaround you could try to modify the startup script files (bat files in this case) and add the changes mentioned in the above git issue.
For example, you can change the file modules/distribution/src/core/bin/iot-server.bat at line number 73 as below.
FOR %%D in ("%CARBON_HOME%\wso2\lib\commons-lang*.jar") DO set CARBON_CLASSPATH=!CARBON_CLASSPATH!;".\wso2\lib\%%~nD%%~xD"
Similarly do the same change as above for files mentioned below as well.
This should resolve the issues you are facing.
Related github issue -

Error Configuring WSO2 data analytics server

I'm currently experimenting/working on WSO2. What i'm trying to do is to have Data Analytics server configured. I started by following the below specified URL (Quick Steps)
After performing all the steps, i get the following issue on APIM cmd prompt
YES Its pretty evident from the error that no such table exists BUT that is exactly the issue i'm facing. What could really be the cause here?
Consider the following points:
I've not followed ALL the steps mentioned on (BUT are they
In the installation prerequisites for DAS, JDBC-compliant Connector for Java is required which I've not yet installed (BUT its not mandatory at the same time)
Most of the QUICK STEPS for the configuration of DAS in the specified URL i.e. where already in place and i only had to
Set Up JDK, ANT, Maven
enable the analytics section in the API-M_HOME/repository/conf/api-manager.xml
add log4j.rootLogger=, DAS_AGENT to API-M_HOME/repository/conf/
add snappy-java_1.1.1.7.jar to DAS_HOME\repository\components\lib
Yet the issue persists, Do let me know of what you think. Thank you
Since you are following quick start guide please extract the WSO2 API Manager and the WSO2 API-M Analytics distributions (zip files), to the same directory (preferably an empty directory).
Also, you need to generate some traffic to the published APIs in order to analytics server to create this table for the first time.

Configuring WSO2 Identity Server as Key Manager with API Manager

I'm looking for some guidance about two specific WSO2 products, API Manager and Identity Server and for the best solution to solve the problem I'm going to explain below.
In my company, we are using ADFS 3.0 for Single Sign On support in our applications. However we are now building applications that will require OpenID Connect Specification (SPA's+Rest API's) and ADFS does not support this out of the box so we've decided to use WSO2 products for that purpose.
I already managed to install WSO2 Identity Server 5.0.0 SP1 and configured ADFS as a federated Identity Provider (the new applications will still have to authenticate users using ADFS). I also installed WSO2 API Manager 1.9.1 and configured it to use WSO2 Identity Server as the Key Manager (Configuration tutorial).
Now the problem:
Using WSO2 Identity Server 5.0.0 SP1 I couldn't get the Logout feature to work due to the issue reported here. It seems that this issue has been solved in version 5.1.0M4 so I tried to install version 5.1.0-alpha and managed to make the logout to work with ADFS (I tested it by enabling SSO for the carbon administration). However, now I'm not able to install the Key Manager feature through the carbon repositories due to incompatibilities.
As a result, with the first combination (wso2is 5.0.0 SP1/wso2am 1.9.1) I had the logout issue with ADFS and with the second combination (wso2is 5.1.0-alpha/wso2am 1.9.1), I'm not able to install the Key Manager feature in Identity Server.
Is there any way to apply a patch to solve the logout issue in the first combination? Is there a way to install the key manager feature on WSO2IS 5.1.0-alpha? Or can someone point me to another solution to solve this issue?
The issue you pointed above, marked as it type as "Patch". Usually that means WSO2 have fixed this issue for a earlier version and provided a patch to its customer. Easiest thing would be, if you are already a customer of WSO2 ask for the patch directly from their support.
If you are not a paid customer of WSO2 you are in bit of a trouble. As per this question, the source of the Service Pack also not available in public.
But luckily in your case, the component which need to have this fix not a core component. So you wouldn't be in trouble if you change the authenticator code bit. But the warning is, it would lose any fixes done for org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authenticator.samlsso_4.2.1.jar in the service pack.
Anyway, these are the steps you should follow.
Checkout the source. Lazy path would be checkout the whole source from here. That is the most easy way which you will face less troubles when you try to build the source but the downside of that is, it would take bit of time to checkout. If you know how to build specific component from WSO2 source, you can directly checkout component it needed to changed.
Try to build the component without doing any change just to make sure there are not any issues upto this point.
Goto the class DefaultSAML2SSOManager and do the same change done in the PR.
Build the component again.
Create folder named like "patch9000" inside the <IS_HOME>/repository/components/patches/ folder.
Copy build jar (org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authenticator.samlsso-4.2.1.jar ) in step 4 from the target folder to the <IS_HOME>/repository/components/patches/patch9000 folder.
Restart the server. If you have done everything to the point, in the server startup it would print a log like, org.wso2.carbon.server.extensions.PatchInstaller - Patch changes detected
Now retry the your flow and it would work as expected.
If you too lazy to do all above, you can wait until Identity Server Service Pack 2, which will have your fix.

Wso2 ESB don't deploy car

I am trying to remove the car of an Aplication.
I removed the .car by management console and removing the file in wso2esb-4.0.3/repository/deployment/server/carbonapps but wso2 dont put nothing in the log and dont remove the artifacts, I cant shutdown the server.
When I remove de .car and upload the file again the server dont re-deploy anything
The initial problem was that some artifacts had disapeared from management console, but the .car was deployed, a other instance of the .car are in the temp directory.
This was a known issue [1] and fixed from WSO2 ESB 4.5.0. I think its recommended to use the latest version of the product since in that case many bugs fixed and many new features are added to the product. You can find the latest distribution of WSO2 ESB 4.7.0 latest release here [2]
Hope this will help you.
We had this problem too. It can also happen when you have deactivated a proxy within the web console.
Be sure all components from the specific .car file are running.
Uninstall the application (within the web-console)
Wait until all components are gone
If this is not working - you need to stop the server and remove all components (from that .car) from the file system manually. We did that a couple of times and it worked. (search for all affected components and remove them).
We finally solved the issue by upgrading to a new version of WSO2 ESB.

WS02 GREG ERROR when deploying carbon archive

I am trying to upload a carbon archive in the registry. Everything seems to be OK when I add a new application, but the log show the following error:
An error occurred while determining the latest version of the resource at the given path:
/_system/governance/trunk/wsdls/.... (path to the wsld deployed)
org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.exceptions.RegistryException: Failed to obtain the user realm for tenant: -1
I log with the admin user and everything that should be upload is in the registry.
Any help?
I tried to reproduce this with WSO2 G-Reg 4.1.1 but unable to reproduce it.
Please indicate the G-Reg version you have tried out this scenario.
When you upload the CAR file from Management Console, make sure to remove the previous version of the same CAR file before you upload the newer version.
This error seems to be related versioning.
Since you remove the previous version of the CAR file, the aforementioned suggestion will solve your problem.
Thanks and Regards,
WSDLs are stored in the /_system/governance/../trunk/wsdl/.. location if you upload them via management console or upload the resource from Developer Studio Registry Browser.
But when you deploy a WSDL via a C-App, when creating the registry resource from Developer Studio, you specify a location to deploy. Hence the WSDLs deployed via C-Apps are deployed to this specified location but not the other location.
Therefore from your proxy service, you should refer the location you have mentioned to deploy your WSDL but not the default location.
Once you fix this, your Proxy service will work fine.
Thanks and Regards,