Vehicles traversing capacitated streets on a graph - linear-programming

i'm trying to rewrite a discrete optimization problem as a linear/ mixed integer program. But i have problems to convert a capacity constraint.
Suppose we have a graph based on a road-network. The arcs are the streets and the nodes are the intersections of multiple streets. Now we have vehicles traversing the graph. The weights of the arcs represent how long it takes for a vehicle to traverse the arc.
The vehicles and their routes are represented as a sequence of traversed nodes and the corresponding time they arrive at each node.
Now let the arcs be capacitated on how many vehicles can traverse an arc at the same time.
Let the following intervalls be the time when vehicles traverse an arc which takes 2 time units to traverse. The arc also has a capacity of 2:
Example 1: [2,4], [3,5], [2,4]. In this example the capacity is exceeded in the time interval [3,4] as there are 3 vehicles traversing the arc in that time interval.
Example 2: [2,4], [4,6], [3,5]. In this example at no point there are more than 2 vehicles traversing the arc, so the capacity isnt exceeded.
Is there a way to write this as a linear programming restraint?


Is there a way to convert an undirect graph to an (x,y) coordinate system?

For a project I am working on I have some txt files that have from id's, to id's, and weight. The id's are used to identify each vertex and the weight represents the distance between the vertices. The graph is undirected and completely connected and I am using c++ and openFrameworks. How can I translate this data into (x,y) coordinate points for a graph this 1920x1080, while maintaining the weight specified in the text files?
You can only do this if the dimension of the graph is 2 or less.
You therefore need to determine the dimension of the graph--this is a measure of its connectivity.
If the dimension is 2 or less, then you will always be able to plot the graph on a Euclidian plane while preserving relative edge lengths, as long as you allow the edges to intersect. If you prohibit intersecting edges, then you can only plot the graph on a Euclidian plane if the ratio of cycle size to density of cycles in the graph is sufficiently low throughout the graph (quite hard to compute). I can tell you how to plot the trickiest bit--cycles--and give you a general approach, but you actually have some freedom in how you plot this, so please, drop a comment or edit the question if you have a more specific request.
If you don't know whether you have cycles, then find out! Here are some efficient algorithms.
Plotting cycles. Give the first node in the cycle arbitrary coordinates.
Give the second node in the cycle coordinates bounded by the distance from the first node.
For example, if you plot the first node at (0,0) and the edge between the first and second nodes has length 1, then plot the second node at (1, 0).
Now it gets tricky because you need to calculate angles.
Count up the number n of nodes in the cycle.
In order for the cycle to form a polygon, the sum of the angles formed by the cycle must be (n - 2) * 180 degrees, where n is the number of sides (i.e., the number of nodes).
Now you won't have a regular polygon unless all the edge lengths are the same, so you can't just use (n - 2) / n * 180 degrees as your angle. If you make the angles too sharp, then the edges will be forced to intersect; and if you make them too large, then you will not be able to close the polygon. Compute the internal angles as explained on StackExchange Math.
Repeat this process to plot every cycle in the graph, in arbitrary positions if needed. You can always translate the cycles later if needed.
Plotting everything else. My naive, undoubtedly inefficient approach is to traverse each node in each cycle and plot the adjacent nodes (the 'branches') layer by layer. Then rotate and translate entire cycles (including connected branches) to ensure every edge can reach both of its nodes. Finally, if possible, rotate branches (relative to their connected cycles) as needed to resolve intersecting edges.
Again, please modify the question or drop a comment if you are looking for something more specific. A full algorithm (or full code, in any common language) would make a very long answer.

how to find S or less nodes in tree with minimum distance? [duplicate]

Given an unoriented tree with weightless edges with N vertices and N-1 edges and a number K find K nodes so that every node from a tree is within S distance of at least one of the K nodes. Also, S has to be the smallest possible S, so that if there were S' < S at least one node would be unreachable in S' steps.
I tried solving this problem, however, I feel that my supposed solution is not very fast.
My solution:
set x=1
find nodes which are x distance from every node
let the node which has the most nodes in its distance be one of the K nodes.
recompute for every node whilst not counting already covered nodes.
do this till I find K number of K nodes. Then if every node is covered we are done else increase x.
This problem is called p-center, and you can find several papers online about it such as this. It is indeed NP for general graphs, but polynomial on trees, both weighted and unweighted.
For me it looks like a clustering problem. Try it with the k-Means (wikipedia) algorithm where k equals to your K. Since you have a tree and all vertices are connected, you can use as distance measurement the distance/number of edges between your vertices.
When the algorithm converts you get the K nodes which should be found. Then you can determine S by iterating through all k clusters. There you calculate the maximum distance for every node in the cluster to the center node. And the overall max should be S.
Update: But actually I see that the k-means algorithm does not produce a global optimum, so this algorithm wouldn't also produce the best result ...
You say N nodes and N-1 vertices so your graph is a tree. You are actually looking for a connected K-subset of nodes minimizing the longest edge.
A polynomial algorithm may be:
Sort all your edges increasing distance.
Then loop on edges:
if none of the 2 nodes are in a group, create a new group.
else if one node is in 1 existing goup, add the other to the group
else both nodes are in 2 different groups, then fuse the groups
When a group reach K, break the loop and you have your connected K-subset.
Nevertheless, you have to note that your group can contain more than K nodes. You can imagine the problem of having 4 nodes, closed two by two. There would be no exact 3-subset solution of your problem.

MST from an array of 2D triangles, but with a little twist

Here's an illustration of the steps taken thus far:
Pseudo-random rectangle generation
"Central node" insertion, rect separation, and final node selections
Delaunay triangulation (shown with previously selected nodes)
Rendering of triangle edges
At this point (Step 5), I would like to use this data to form a Minimum Spanning Tree, but there's a slight catch...
Somewhere in the graph (likely near the center, but not always) will be a node that requires between 3-5 connections to it from other unique nodes. This complicates things, since every other node should only contain a single connection, and the data structures being used make it difficult to determine "what's connected to what" in a solid, traversable format.
So, given an array of triangles in the above format, and a random vertex to use as the "root node", how could I properly traverse the network to create an MST where there are at least 3 connections to our "central node", but no more than 5 connections to it? Is this possible?
Since it's rare to have a vertex in a Delaunay triangulation have much more than 6 edges, you can use brute force: there are only 20+15+6 ways to select 3, 4, or 5 edges out of 6 (respectively), so try all of them. For each of the 41 (up to 336 for degree 9) small trees (the root and a few edges) thus created, run either Kruskal's algorithm or Prim's algorithm starting with that tree already "found" to be part of the MST. (Ignore the root's other edges so as not to increase its degree further.) Then just pick the best one (including the cost of the seed tree).
As for the general neighbor information problem, it seems you just need to build a standard graph representation first. For example, you can make an adjacency list by scanning over all your Edge objects and storing each endpoint in a list associated with the other (in a map<Vector2<T>,vector<Vector2<T>>> or an equivalent based on whatever identifiers for your vertices).
I've taken a workaround approach...
After step 3 of my algorithm, I simply remove all edges which connect to the "central node", keeping track of which edges form the "ring" (aka "edge loop") around it, and run the MST on all remaining edges.
For the MST, I went with the boost graph library.
That made it easy to loop through the triangles I had, adding each of its three edges to an adjacency_list. Then a simple call to whichever boost-provided MST algorithm took care of the rest.
Finally, I readd the edges that were previously taken out. The shortest path is whatever it was in the previous step, plus the length of whichever readded edge that connects to another edge on the "ring" is shortest.
I can then add (or remove) an arbitrary number of previous edges to ensure there are between 3 to 5 edges connecting from the edge loop to the "central node".
Doing things in this order also allows me to know as soon as step 3 if we'll even have a valid number of edges, so we don't waste cycles running a MST.

BFS On a Bipartite graph; Shortest Path between two points

Here's an assumption that I'm making, before I get started, tell me if I am wrong:
Representing a bipartite graph (shown below): I can do this with a nxm matrix where n is one side and m is the other and there's a 1 at the index if they are connected, correct?
Anyways, I'm trying to represent an "erdos" number kind of thing, or a "kevin bacon number" kind of thing, where one side is movies and the other side is actors. So far I have 2 vectors that hold each movie and actor and my adjacency matrix is a matrix of nodes (each nodes contains a movie name, actor name, and adjacency boolean/number), which are 1 if the actor is in that movie and 0 otherwise:
I want to figure out how many degrees of separation there are between two actors (i.e. if actor A was in movie 1, actor B was in movie 1 and 2, and actor C was in movie 2, the degrees between A and C is 2; 0 if the same actor).
My questions are, am I doing it right so far? How do I continue? I know BFS uses a queue but I can't seem to get it right, or even start on the right path. What do I compare? It's like I know what to do but I can't seem to think of it at all. I have two functions which give me the index of the requested actor in the actors vector (and one for the movie), which give me the row and column indices of the adjacency matrix vector, in order to see the node at that index.

Subset of vertices

I have a homework problem and i don't know how to solve it. If you could give me an idea i would be very grateful.
This is the problem:
"You are given a connected undirected graph which has N vertices and N edges. Each vertex has a cost. You have to find a subset of vertices so that the total cost of the vertices in the subset is minimum, and each edge is incident with at least one vertex from the subset."
Thank you in advance!
P.S: I have tought about a solution for a long time, and the only ideas i came up with are backtracking or an minimum cost matching in bipartite graph but both ideas are too slow for N=100000.
This may be solved in linear time using dynamic programming.
A connected graph with N vertices and N edges contains exactly one cycle. Start with detecting this cycle (with the help of depth-first search).
Then remove any edge on this cycle. Two vertices incident to this edge are u and v. After this edge removal, we have a tree. Interpret it as a rooted tree with the root u.
Dynamic programming recurrence for this tree may be defined this way:
w0[k] = 0 (for leaf nodes)
w1[k] = vertex_cost (for leaf nodes)
w0[k] = w1[k+1] (for nodes with one descendant)
w1[k] = vertex_cost + min(w0[k+1], w1[k+1]) (for nodes with one descendant)
w0[k] = sum(w1[k+1], x1[k+1], ...) (for branch nodes)
w1[k] = vertex_cost + sum(min(w0[k+1], w1[k+1]), min(x0[k+1], x1[k+1]), ...)
Here k is the node depth (distance from root), w0 is cost of the sub-tree starting from node w when w is not in the "subset", w1 is cost of the sub-tree starting from node w when w is in the "subset".
For each node only two values should be calculated: w0 and w1. But for nodes that were on the cycle we need 4 values: wi,j, where i=0 if node v is not in the "subset", i=1 if node v is in the "subset", j=0 if current node is not in the "subset", j=1 if current node is in the "subset".
Optimal cost of the "subset" is determined as min(u0,1, u1,0, u1,1). To get the "subset" itself, store back-pointers along with each sub-tree cost, and use them to reconstruct the subset.
Due to the number of edges are strict to the same number of vertices, so it's not the common Vertex cover problem which is NP-Complete. I think there's a polynomial solution here:
An N vertices and (N-1) edges graph is a tree. Your graph has N vertices and N edges. Firstly find the awful edge causing a loop and make the graph to a tree. You could use DFS to find the loop (O(N)). Removing any one of the edges in the loop would make a possible tree. In extreme condition you would get N possible trees (the raw graph is a circle).
Apply a simple dynamic planning algorithm (O(N)) to each possible tree (O(N^2)), then find the one with the least cost.