force-stop RDS instance - amazon-web-services

I currently have one AWS RDS Mariadb instance stuck at rebooting. In the current state, I cannot either modify or stop the instance.
I contacted AWS requesting to have the instance stopped and they responded We cannot STOP the instance on behalf of our customers. It is available to do actions from your end.
I understand that it might have hit this mariadb bug
I'd like to try update some innodb_* parameters to see if the instance can be started.
But there's nothing I can do at the moment because the instance is stuck at rebooting.
I don't think I am the only one who had this kind of issue.
AWS support is not helping at all. The only solution they suggest is delete the instance and restore from backup. Restoring from backup would be my last option. Luckily, this is not our production database. If restoring from backup is the only option if you hit a mariadb bug and the instance end up stuck at rebooting, I'd reconsider whether I should host mariadb on EC2 instances.


AWS RDS free tier database wont start

I created a free tier RDS Postgres database in AWS yesterday. It was working fine and I used it probably for 2 hrs. I stopped it after using it. Today when I try to start it, it won't start and also won't give any errors. What am I doing wrong?
You probably need to check what is RDS status. If the policy is set for terminate on shutdown, you won't be able to start it.

AWS EC2 keeps shutting down automatically

I am trying to create an API that runs on AWS EC2 t2.micro. The problem I'm having is that my instance keeps shut down automatically every ~3 hours, which could be because of the "session time" of my AWS Educate account (screenshot attached)
Is there any way to keep my instance running constantly (for days and even months)?
I am using "tmux", which does seem to keep my API and the EC2 instance running even after my ssh connection is terminated, but the EC2 instance itself still shuts down automatically.
EDIT: If it is not possible to keep an EC2 instance of an AWS Educate account running constantly. Is there a way to start a new session automatically when the old instance's session has expired?
(Maybe using a script/using some tools offered by AWS? I'm new to AWS so I don't know if this is possible)
Sadly you can't change that. It is explicitly stated in AWS educate docs:
When your session ends, your resources will be “stopped.” You will be required to re-start your resources when you start a new session.
Instead of Using AWS Educate you can Create Regular AWS account which provides some services for free for one year. It includes the EC2 instance as well so you don't have to pay anything and you can run for months and year it will never gone down until you manually stop it.

How can I begin taking snapshots of an already running ElasticSearch cluster with no prior repository setup?

I've recently started working on ELK Stack in my organisation, and there's a requirement that has got me wondering.
The cluster details are as follows:
Hosted on AWS EC2 instances
No repository has been registered for backups
A curator is up an running, but not yet being utilized
Using instance store
During my research, I learnt that the best way to backup is by using the Snapshot API method, but the problem is that it requires registering repositories(such as S3), and a node restart.
I've been told that a restart will cause all the data in that node to be lost. Is this true? If not, what would be the best way to go around to begin automated backups without any loss of data, if it's possible?
Thank you.
You need to restart the node to install the repository-s3 plugin (instructions here: However, restarting a node doesn't mean destroying the EC2 instance with all the attached volumes. In other words, your data will outlive the node restart. Here how to stop, here how to start again.

How to safely upgrade ec2 instance type in amazon web services? m4.large to m4.xlarge?

We have created an instance (m4.large) where we installed Windows Server 2012 r2. It is currently used as a terminal server for SAP business one software with license Remote Desktop Service per device (CAL). We made a mistake in choosing the instance type for it is recommended to use m4.xlarge for terminal servers. We would like to upgrade our instance type to resolve memory requirement issue.
We are new to AWS and would like to seek advise on what would be our best approach. Is it safe to directly upgrade the instance? We have no concerns of downtime for now.
We are also considering in making a snapshot first then launch it on an new and upgraded instance. We would like to ask if RDS licenses will also be migrated?
Thanks you for your kind replies.
You can change instance type anytime, but the instance must be stopped. If you are not concerned with some minutes of downtime just stop the instance, change the instance type and start the instance. Taking a snapshot as a backup before and frequently is a good precaution.
This change will have no impact on RDS, as that is a separate service.
One way would be simply to stop instance and upgrade it.
When you stop an instance, the data on any instance store volumes is
erased. Therefore, if you have any data on instance store volumes that
you want to keep, be sure to back it up to persistent storage.
Any Amazon EBS volumes remain attached to the instance, and their data
Any data stored in the RAM of the host computer or the instance store
volumes of the host computer is gone.
Another Way if you want minimal Downtime is you can create an AMI of it and Spin up new instance with Instance type and size what ever you desire and assign the domain or Elastic IP of current instance to new one and terminate old instance.
Also Regarding The RDS Licensing Please Mention what you mean by upgrading , but there will an outage when you apply for instance upgrade or License is Modified.
Also Upgrading EC2 Instance has no affect on Existing RDS as both are different services.
For Reference on Ms SQL DB , Please read these AWS Documentation:
Modifying a DB Instance Running the Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine
Microsoft SQL Server on Amazon RDS
As m4.large is EBS backed instance. so the loss of data is not a concern in the above question. Just select->right click-> stop the instance and change the instance type to m4.xlarge by right click->instance settings->instance type.
Also for your second question RDS is a separate service, so it won't get affected.

What data will be lost if aws t1.micro instance is rebooted?

I currently have a t1.micro (free) instance running in aws, with Windows 2008 R2. I was taking a trial, getting a grasp of how to work with amazon aws service with this instance.
Now, I want to migrate it to a higher config instance say m1.large.
While I was trying to create AMI of the instance, it said that the instance is going to be rebooted, What data will I loose if the instance is rebooted ? Will the applications installed (MySql, Crystal Reports and some other apps) be deleted ?
How to migrate it without loosing any data.
If you have a standard t1.micro with a 8 GB root volume, nothing should be lost. You would only loose data if you use Instance Storage, but you are probably not using it, unless you added it yourself.
If you really don't want to take any risk, you can select the "No Reboot" option when creating an AMI. Then try launching a new, larger instance from that AMI (while leaving the other instance running) and see for yourself.