Work arounds for lack of QWidget::move under Wayland - c++

I think I understand the reasoning behind Wayland preventing windows from being manually positioned but there are a couple of instances in my Qt 5.15.2 application where I really need to have either some or absolute control over the position:
In the first instance the window is a pop-up. I'm using a QMainWindow so I can have it borderless with rounded corners, a coloured background and a transparency. I need it to pop-up when I hover over a certain element on my QGraphicsScene but want to ensure that when it appears it is close to the QGraphicsScene element in question but does not obscure it. Using a call to QMainWindow::move was perfect pre-Wayland and works fine on Windows too.
In the second instance my application has a number of windows which the user may open and close over time. The first time each one opens I don't care too much where it is positioned but if the user moves it before closing it then the next time the user opens it I want it to reappear where the user previously left it. Again, using the move() method of the various things that inherit from QWidget was perfect pre-Wayland.
Does anyone know of any work-arounds that would solve either of these problems under Qt on Wayland? It seems to me that neither is a particularly uncommon requirement and if Wayland won't let me set a specific position it might have a way of achieving something similar (e.g. a way of telling the compositor to position something near something else without obscuring it) and hopefully that maps onto something in the Qt API.


SFML - Support Windows window-behaviour for borderless window

So I'm creating an application using SFML, which I want to be borderless, so no border style. I added the ability to move it around on the screen and am planning on adding the ability to scale the window, however, that made me realise there's just a bit more to this. When dragging any window (not mine) say to the top of the screen, windows kicks in and suggests the ability to scale it to full, or when you drag a window to the side of the screen windows, again, kicks in and suggests making it cover half your screen. And it does this on borderless applications like Google chrome, or Spotify as well. I could probably try and add this in myself, but it's obvious other applications dont implement it themselves as you can see windows actually doing it the way it visually shows it. So, how would I go ahead imlementing this? I'm using SFML 2.5.1 with C++.
I have tried looking through google and stackoverflow to see if anyone has had any similar issues, of which I couldn't find any, which could honestly have been me not knowing how exactly to phrase it.

When resizing, make the window transparent with a dotted-line border

I'm asking this question ahead of time, since I haven't gotten around to attempting an actual, real implementation yet. Win32 (C++) is turning out to be a colossal pain to program. But, my question is this:
I want to make my application's window become fully transparent with a dotted perimeter when resizing the window. How would I accomplish this? Think of what happens in Windows 3/3.1 (I believe it was this version) when resizing a window. Everything goes transparent, with a dotted-outline where the mouse is moving, then it repaints the entire contents. That's what I'm trying to achieve.
A while ago, I tried handling the WM_(ENTER/EXIT)SIZEMOVE messages and make use of SetWindowLong() to set the WS_EX_TRANSPARENT extended style, but my window became (indefinitely) pass-through, and when the window's focus was killed, it could never again regain focus.
Do I need to handle other messages like WM_NCLBUTTON(DOWN/UP)? I have a boolean flag to tell me when to halt drawing during resizing, and the logic for determining when I'm resizing works perfectly, but I cannot get the visuals to work. I'm not sure which parts of the Win32 API to actually use. I've done some research, and uxtheme.lib/.h seems promising, but I'm not sure how that would work with WM_NCPAINT, which I have been using with (some) luck.
I need to clarify something, in case anyone was confused or unsure of what I meant. What I meant by the Windows 3.1/3 resizing scenario is that once WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE has occurred, the window (controls, caption, frame) should be made entirely invisible, and the window's nonclient-region's perimeter should display a dotted-outline of sorts. Then, only until the resize has been finished, when WM_EXITSIZEMOVE has occurred should the entire window (controls, caption, frame) be fully redrawn, updated, and returned to its normal, functional state. Sorry for any miscommunication!
I found the answer... After so long, finally found it. Here's where I found it! - Hope it helps anyone else possibly in my shoes!
And it turns out that the solution was rather simple. In fact, the core concept of what is explained is near-completely what I was thinking, yet I just had no idea how to implement it. The solution involves overriding the default WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, WM_MOUSEMOVE, WM_LBUTTONUP (specifically when initiating a window movement) messages, and drawing a patterned rectangle which follows the position of the cursor. Then, afterwards, calling SetWindowPos or some other similar function to relocate the window.
Basically, block Windows from attempting to display anything graphics related until the resizing has been finished. Then, and only then, make Windows move the entire window in one huge, foul swoop.
Based on Remy's comment, there is a global option and corresponding registry setting for this, so perhaps try setting the registry setting when the move starts and restoring it when the move finishes.
Unfortunately this doesn't work as Windows appears only to pick up the setting on restart, broadcasting WM_SETTINGCHANGE also doesn't trigger it, which is a pity as doing something yourself that the OS already has an implementation of do is rather a poor state of affairs.

Skinning MFC scrollbar

Premise: I need to change the colors of the default CScrollBar defined in MFC (thumb + track + arrows), but after doing some research I realized that this isn't exactly an easy task.
Question: would it be better if I tried to draw OVER the existing scrollbar, or should I create a new scrollbar control from scratch?
If I limited myself to drawing on it, I would have the advantage of not having to manage all the messages that deal with the other features of the scrollbar (in addition to the drawing), but it is VERY complicated to find all the points where windows redraws the bar, since the scrollbar is not redrawn only in the OnPaint() method.
If I redo it from scratch, I would no longer have the problem of identifying all the points where the bar is redrawn ... but on the other hand I should reimplement all the scrollbar features from scratch.
I've already looked at this link:
but the proposed method does not seem to work for newer versions of Windows (from Vista onwards).
Any advice is appreciated, thanks in advance.
We had exactly the same problem and your attempt to overdraw the original scrollbar was what we tried first. We dropped that attempt again due to some issues, which I don't remember in detail (not receiving all mouse or draw messages, flickering, ...). Our solution was some effort, but works now:
We implemented first a class CCustomScrollBar, which is NOT derived from CScrollBar, because the CScrollBar is just a wrapper around the Windows implementation and overwriting OnPaint() doesn't work perfect. And yes, all things must be implemented from scratch.
Second we implemented a template class CWndCustomScrollBar keeping two CCustomScrollBars and managing all around them as a standard window would do with its embedded scrollbars. The free client area then can be achieved via a method GetClientRectWithoutScrollBar() to work similar as a standard window would do.

How to create a GUI without a frame in X11?

I'm trying to figure out how to create a graphical interface, in X11, which exists outside of a window manager's/desktop environment's standard window frame. For example, when Thunderbird finds new mail, it shows a special alert in the lower right hand corner of the screen which is shown without any frame (no close/minimize buttons, etc.).
I'm specifically interested in doing this in QT with C++, but if someone knows a solution with a different graphical library, that would be helpful too.
For QT pass Qt::FramelessWindowHint as a window flag when you construct your top level widget.
See here for more info:
You can do this with X as well although I haven't done so in a long time.
With GTK you would use gtk_window_set_decorated(), which would probably be Gtk::Widget->set_decorated() (I think, I don't use gtkmm).

Where's the Win32 resource for the mouse cursor for dragging splitters?

I am building a custom win32 control/widget and would like to change the cursor to a horizontal "splitter" symbol when hovering over a particular vertical line in the control. IE: I want to drag this vertical line (splitter bar) left and right (WEST and EAST).
Of the the system cursors (OCR_*), the only cursor that makes sense is the OCR_SIZEWE. Unfortunately, that is the big, awkward cursor the system uses when resizing a window. Instead, I am looking for the cursor that is about 20 pixels tall and around 3 or 4 pixel wide with two small arrows pointing left and right.
I can easily draw this and include it as a resource in my application but the cursor itself is so prevalent that I wanted to be sure it wasn't missing something.
For example: when you use the COM drag and drop mechanism (CLSID_DragDropHelper, IDropTarget, etc) you implicitly have access to the "drag" icon (little box under the pointer). I didn't see an explicit OCR_* constant for this guy ... so likewise, if I can't find this splitter cursor outright, I am wondering if it is part of a COM object or something else in the win32 lib.
There are all sorts of icons, cursors, and images in use throughout the Windows UI which are not publicly available to 3rd-party software. Of course, you could still load up the module in which they reside and use them, but there's really no guarantee your program will keep working after a system update / upgrade.
Include your own. The last thing you want is adding an extra dependency over a tiny little cursor.
I had this exact problem. When I looked back over some old code for a vertical splitter thinking I had an easy answer, it turned out that I had build and loaded my own resource:
SetCursor( LoadCursor( ghInstance, "IDC_SPLITVERT" ));
I vaguely remember investing some considerable time and effort into find the system way of doing it, so (my guess) is that there is not a system ICON readily available to do the job, so you are better off rolling your own.
This is one of those times when I would like to be wrong, as I would have liked there to be a system icon for this job.